03x07 - The Wedding

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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03x07 - The Wedding

Post by bunniefuu »


The plane! The plane!


Good morning, boss.

Good morning, Tattoo.

Oh, isn't it a glorious day?

If you say so.


Tattoo, why on earth is
Chester dressed like a convict?

Because he's a thief,

and by dressing
him in a thief's outfit,

I'm trying to teach
him how not to steal.

But, Tattoo, Chester
is only a chimpanzee.

I know that, boss.

But you remember last year

when I teach him
how to play checkers

and he beat everybody
on the island, right?

Right, and I am fully ready to admit
that you are a wonderful teacher

and Chester is a
very clever animal.

But the point is, he is an
animal, and checkers is a game.

The sense of right and
wrong is an abstract, Tattoo...

A thought process far
beyond his capabilities.

Consequently, he could
never grasp that concept.

Which means that he could never
really be a thief. Don't you see?

But, boss, even if he
steals my car every night?

Ah, he's merely having fun.

Um, maybe you're right.

Maybe I shouldn't
be so upset that

he stole your beautiful
ivory chess set last night.

He did what?

I find a couple of
pieces in his room.

And I think he ate
a couple of them.

Why that dirty little thief!

Boss, look! He's stealing
that chain and the ball!

Should I go after him?


later, Tattoo, later.

We don't want to
be late for the plane.

Not today.

Smiles, everyone! Smiles!

Boss, I'm sure anxious to
know who's coming today.

Oh? Why do you say that?

Well, all week long you
have been so excited.

It must be somebody
very special in that plane.

Boss, that's Mrs. Marsh
and her son Jamie.

Indeed it is.

Is something wrong?

No, it's just that under this
well-practiced facade of calm and poise,

I feel like a teenage
boy on his first date.


Because of something
my friend Tattoo suspects.



That I could be the man

you came back to
Fantasy Island for.

Boss, when she was
here the last time,

you were supposed
to get married.

Then she had to go back
to Calcutta to her hospital.

She did.

Always remember that
I love you more than

anything in this world.
Anything in this world.

But I also knew then that
fantasies are very fragile things.

But it's not a fantasy.

I love you.

And you said you loved me.

And that part will
always be true.

Oh, boss, don't tell me.

This time her fantasy
is to really marry you?

Indeed it is, my friend.

Are you gonna marry
her, boss? Are you?

That's her fantasy, Tattoo.

Hello, Jamie! Hi, Mr. Roarke!

My dear guest...

I am Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.

Oh, I never knew there'd
be so many people here.

It looks like the
whole island is here.

They want to show you
you are most welcome here.

Would you believe
it? I'm a little scared.


Hello, Mr. Roarke.

Hello, children. Hello.

Is this her? The lady you're
gonna marry, Mr. Roarke?

She certainly is.

Children, I want you to meet Mrs. Helena
Marsh, all the way from Calcutta, India.

Do you like kids?

Well, I hope so because besides
my handsome son Jamie here,

back in India, I have almost
three hundred children.

Three hundred?

All of whom are almost as
handsome and as pretty as all of you.

Rosie, don't you have
something to give to Mrs. Marsh?

Why so glum, Rosie?

I knew it couldn't be true.

What couldn't be true?

That you're a doctor.

Some of the kids said you were.

But ladies can't be doctors.

Well, I hate to disappoint you,

and although sometimes I
pretended I wasn't, I am a doctor.

And back in India, I work
at it almost every day.

Someday, Jamie
will be a doctor, too.


Well, he's already been
accepted at the same school

that his father and
his grandfather studied.

MAN: All right,
children, come on now.

Oh, you better
hurry. Better hurry.

Shall we join our guests?


MAN: Nice meeting you.

Thank you.

Oh, Helena, I have
a surprise for you.

Mama! Papa!

Hello, darling. Oh, hello.

I didn't expect to
see you till later.

With the wedding scheduled for
tomorrow, we couldn't have been much later.

Tomorrow, of
course it's tomorrow.

Everything's happening so fast.

Mr. Roarke, Helena has
told us all about your island,

but she didn't do it justice.

Thank you. You're very kind.

It's stunningly beautiful.

And we want to thank you for all the
happiness you brought our daughter.

On the contrary, Mr. Cummings,

I am the one who is
grateful for the happiness

she is bringing to me.

Will you excuse me a moment?

Darling, you remember what
we were writing you in our letters?

Uh, we want to take Jamie
back with us after the wedding.

He's been accepted at Trinity.

To be a doctor?

That's what he wants.
Well, at least for now.

When is enough
going to be enough?

Maybe never.

"Set your goals
high and far away

"and when you reach them,
set them higher and higher."

Isn't that what you taught me?

I am what I am because of
you two, and I love you for it.

Please don't ask
me to change now.

TATTOO: Ladies and
gentlemen. Attention.

I would like you
to join me in a toast

to the happiness of my best
friend and his lovely lady.

To love, happiness and health

to the bride and the groom.


Thank you, my friend.


Tattoo, look!

Chester! You thief!

Boss, hold this.

They're a hundred-dollar
bottles and I didn't pay for it yet.


TATTOO: Stop, thief! Give
me back my champagne!

You stupid monkey! Come
back with my champagne!

It's not far now.

It's magnificent!


What is it called,
besides paradise?

Bella Glen.

Except for me, you are the
first person to ever visit it.

It is, I think, the most special
place on Fantasy Island.

Peaceful. Lovely.

It was my private world where
I could be alone if I chose.


Now it can be our private world.

I thought, perhaps, we would
build our home here, if you like.

Oh, I have something
else to show you.

Oh, it's exquisite.

It was first given to Cleopatra

in the golden hall of the
gods by Caesar himself

on a day very much like this.

One filled with
great celebration.

Two thousand noblemen
attended the royal party.

You make it sound
as if you were there.

Do I?

Well, in any case,

it will be your
engagement ring, if you like.

Of course.

I love it.

Are you sure that you want to
marry me? I mean, is it wise?

Wise? Well, now with...

Now more than ever.

I am a man who lives to
grant fantasies for people.

Well, it's time we
lived ours, my love.



JAMIE: Congratulations!

Thank you.

Hello, darling. Hi, Mr. Roarke.

Hello, Jamie. You
look just gorgeous.

Thank you. Papa.
You look so beautiful.

Hi, Mom. How are you, baby?

CUMMINGS: What a lovely party.
Thank you, Mr. Cummings. Thank you.

Do we sit down?

Ah, as a matter of fact, they
are playing the love song for us.

And, uh, tradition says
we should dance to it.

Oh, really? How lovely.

Yes, well, more precisely,

you are supposed
to dance for me.

I'm not sure that
I can pull that off.

Well, in the old days, if I were
pleased with your dancing,

I would send your father a few
goats, a chicken or two, maybe.

Perhaps a round of
cheese to seal the bargain.

Bottle of gin?

A bottle of gin, of
course, if necessary.

And you would then
be mine, you see.

Come along, darling.

Jamie, I think the old
folks'll sit over here.


My love, we dance together
or we don't dance at all.

Precisely what I had in mind.

MAN: ♪ Before the night is old

♪ My arms will hold

♪ Kalua

♪ My beating heart is true ♪

Oh, darling.

She's so beautiful.

She's too young.

We should be grateful,

grateful that she'll be so
happy for the time that's left.

But why?

Why should she have to die?


Tattoo, are you still up?

Yes, boss.

What, uh, was that telegram?

Oh, nothing... Nothing, boss.

Well, it must be something. People
don't just send telegrams to say nothing.

Well, it says that the present
I wanted for you and Helena

will be here on time.

Tattoo, you are bringing Don Ho all the
way from Hawaii to sing at our wedding?

Well, I wanted to
do something nice.

Nice? Why this is wonderful.

Tattoo, what's wrong?

Uh, boss, I've
gotta talk to you.

Of course.

Will you sit down, please?

You are very happy, aren't you?


I've never been
happier in my whole life.

I don't know how
to tell you this, boss.

I don't know what to say.

You're gonna marry
Helena and she's...

She's going to...

I can't tell you.
I can't tell you.

She's going to die.

You know?

I knew before she came
to the island, Tattoo.

(SIGHS) Boss...

Oh, my friend, I will need your
comfort when the time comes.

But for now, please, please, I
must ask you to be very careful.

You see, Jamie
hasn't been told yet.

He does not know?

No. Helena was waiting for
the proper moment, you see.

I'll be careful,
boss. I'll be careful.

I know you will.


is this why you're gonna marry
her, because she's gonna die?

I am marrying her only
because I love her, Tattoo,

more deeply than
anything else in this world.

That's terrible. It's
just... Just terrible.

You can give
everybody their fantasy.

Why can't you do something?


I would give everything
I own, everything I am,

if just this once the gift of
life were among my powers.

She has a brain tumor, Tattoo.


They say...


They say she will not suffer.

In a few days or weeks...

she will just
gently go to sleep.

Oh, Tattoo,

Helena and I
have so little time.

Please help us spend it in the
most joyful way possible, will you?

I try. I try.

I know you will.
I know you will.

Tomorrow will be
a wonderful day.

My wedding day.

You stupid monkey! Come back!

I'll get you for
breaking into my room!

Come back!


Hi, Tattoo. Hi!

Boy, you look sensational!

You like it?

Match the boss'
suit, doesn't it?

Oh, hi, Mr. Roarke.
Hello, Jamie.

Well, Tattoo, all
set? All set, boss.

Have the ring and everything?

Everything. Good. Good.

Here it is.

Uh, is something wrong, Tattoo?


Oh, no. What could
be wrong, boss?

Nothing, of course.

Isn't it amusing how
it is almost tradition

for the best man to
mislay the wedding ring?

(LAUGHS NERVOUSLY) Very amusing.

(CHUCKLING) Yes, yes.

It can delay the ceremony.

Uh, frankly, I don't know
what our guests would do

if it should happen today.

It might be difficult
controlling them.

In fact, a howling lynch
mob springs to mind.

Boss, you wouldn't let them
do that to me, would you?

Let them? My friend,
I'd be leading them.


The ring.

Oh, boss. I thought
Chester stole it.


♪ This is the moment

♪ I've waited for

♪ I can hear my heart singing

♪ Soon bells will be ringing

♪ This is the moment

♪ Of sweet aloha

♪ Promise me that
you will leave me never

♪ I will love you
longer than forever

♪ Here and now, dear

♪ All my love I vow, dear


♪ Now that we are one

♪ Clouds won't hide the sun

By the power vested in me,

I now pronounce
you, man and wife.

♪ On this, our wedding day

♪ I do

FEMALE: ♪ I do

♪ Love you

FEMALE: ♪ Love you

BOTH: ♪ With all my heart


BOTH: ♪ With all my

♪ Heart ♪

Goodbye! MAN: Goodbye!

MAN: Aloha! Bye! WOMEN: Bye!

MAN: Bye! Aloha!
WOMAN: Goodbye! Bye!

♪ With all my

♪ Heart ♪

Who are you?

I am Mr. Roarke, your host.

I know that.

But who are you?

Oh, I am an innkeeper.

I know that, too.

Who are you?

I am the man who
loves you most deeply.

I am what was, and is.

I am Fantasy Island.

I am your husband.


You're spoiling me
rotten, you know.

you are loving it.

Yes, I am. Yes, I am.


Oh, darling, I love you so much.

These have been the
happiest days of my life.

Are you all right?


But we must get back
because there are


conversations to be had.

Jamie to be told.

You understand.


JAMIE: You sure
this is gonna work?

TATTOO: Don't worry.
We have to be patient.

It's two things Chester cannot
resist and one of them is bananas.

You know, I'm not just
Mr. Roarke's assistant.

I'm an expert at many things.

I took a mail-order course
on how to be a detective,

and I can tell you one thing...

This trap is almost foolproof.


Tattoo. Yes?

You said there was two
things Chester couldn't resist,

and one of them was bananas.


Could it be the
other one is your car?

How did you guess that?



Chester! You stupid monkey!


Mr. Roarke only uses the
helicopter for emergency.


Mom! Jamie. Jamie.

What's going on?
What's happening?

What's wrong with Mom?

Jamie, look at me.

You should have been told this
a long time ago. Your mother...

This is not easy to say.

Your mother is dying.



Don't you understand,
Jamie? That's...

That's why Grandma and I
want to take you back with us.

That place in India, I hate it!

Work, work, everlasting work.

It k*lled your father and...

Now your mother.

Your mother's all
right now, Jamie.

She's resting.

The doctor said just a scare.

Jamie, I am so sorry you
had to find out the way you did.

Your mother wanted
to be the one to tell you.

It's not fair, Mr. Roarke.

My father spent his
whole life helping people.

They say he worked himself
to death in hospital school.

Now, Mom, she spent
her life helping people, too.

And she's happy
again married to you.

It's not fair!

Life is seldom fair, Jamie.

If it were, there would be no
need for a place like Fantasy Island.

Oh, Jamie, I know this will
mean very little to you now,

but you must know that

part of the love I feel for your
mother now goes to you, too.

I know I can never take
the place of your father,

nor should I.

I know you had a very
special love for him.

A love that shouldn't be shared.

But whatever you
would have asked of him

you may now ask of me, too.

I will cherish you
as my own son.

And you will always have
a home on Fantasy Island.

After all...

we share something very
special, you and I, Jamie.

The most wonderful
woman I have ever known.


This is all the three
of us ever need to say.

Now look, you two, you are
supposed to be cheering me up.

Let's have some fun.

Hurry up. Hurry up.

Hurry up. Come on.
Give me that trumpet.

Okay, go get the rest.

Tattoo, don't tell me you've
actually reformed Chester.

I told you I will do it, boss.

How did you ever
manage to convince him?

That's simple.

That's called
fighting fire with fire.

Well, I show him

how he was hurting other
people by stealing their belongings.

But how did you do that?

Oh, I took his TV set,

and last night, he couldn't
watch The Gong Show.

Drove him crazy.

Almost. Almost.

That's better.

Jamie, why don't
you run along and tell

Grandma we'll be there
in a minute, darling?

Sure, Mom.

I didn't want Jamie to...

Oh, my darling. My darling.

I have to get you
to the hospital.

No, no.

No, I don't want this to
happen in the hospital.


Just take me
somewhere beautiful.

Hold me.

Take care of Jamie.

I will. I will.

It's so peaceful.

My darling,

I love you.


Jamie, I told you that whatever
you would have asked of your father

you may now ask of me,

that I will always cherish
you as my own son,

that you will always have
a home on Fantasy Island.

I wanted to say that again here,

at this time.

I hope you'll come back again.

Oh, we will. We have
a grandson to visit.

I am not sure he'll be here.

Jamie, where are you going?

I've been thinking about that.

I know what Mom would want.

I'm pretty sure it's
what I want, too.

Trinity School,
where you can study.

And when you get a little older,

perhaps become a
doctor like your father.

I think that's what you've
decided, haven't you?

Yes, sir.

Jamie, if it seemed that

we didn't understand
or appreciate

all the good work your mother
and father lived and died for,

you're wrong.

It's just that we loved
them both so much,

it's sometimes...
It's so hard to let go.

I know.

Goodbye, Grandma.

Goodbye, Jamie.

Ah, Jamie. Goodbye, Grandpa.


Thanks again.
Goodbye, Mr. Cummings.

You'll have to be leaving
the island soon too, won't you?


In a way, I wish I could stay
here with you and Tattoo forever.

But I can't.

There's too many
things to be done.

Too many jobs my mom
and dad left unfinished.

TATTOO: With many
more kids like him,

the whole world would
not have to worry.

Everywhere could
be a Fantasy Island.
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