03x13 - The Inventor/On the Other Side

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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03x13 - The Inventor/On the Other Side

Post by bunniefuu »


The plane! The plane!

Smiles, everyone. Smiles.

TATTOO: Who are they, boss?

ROARKE: Professor Dwayne Clebe

and his laboratory
assistant, Miss Martha Meeks,

all the way from Sioux
Falls, South Dakota, Tattoo.

Which one of them
has the fantasy?

Professor Clebe.

His fantasy is to perfect a
formula for his own secret invention.

One which has caused a great
deal of international attention.

A substance which
the professor calls


Why does he have to come
all the way to Fantasy Island

to perfect his formula?

For two reasons, Tattoo. One,
because he needs a chemical element

which can only be
found on Fantasy Island.

Two, because no one else
would permit the professor

to use their
laboratory facilities.

It seems he has already blown up a
number of them during his six-year quest.

TATTOO: Boss, who
is that lady talking to?

Well, as a matter of fact, I
believe she is talking to her plant.

Her plant? Yes.

The lady is Mrs. Irma Gideon,

a widow from Pacific
Grove, California.

The young man with
her is her grandson, Keith.

She is the widow of the late
and world renowned psychic,

Mr. Howard Gideon.

When Mr. Gideon
died 25 years ago,

he made a promise
that he would contact her

and tell her what it is like

on the other side.

Well, she has tried
repeatedly over the years

to make that contact,
always without success.

Now she has come
to Fantasy Island

to make one last attempt.

Boss, what does
she have in mind?

Something she has
never tried before, Tattoo.

Since her husband's spirit has
not been able to return to her,

she wishes to join him.

But, boss,

the only way she can do
that is by dying herself, right?

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.

Ladies and gentlemen,

may I have your
attention please?

Thank you.

Mrs. Gideon has a few words.

Mrs. Gideon.

I'm a little overwhelmed.

But I do want to thank

all of you who have
continued to have faith

in the eventual fulfillment
of Howard's promise.

And every year we
haven't heard from him

has made that
faith more difficult.

Even my own doubts have grown.


Well, it's true.

You see, surely,

Howard would have
communicated with us if he could.

And sometimes I think that

what he believed in,

what he taught,

was wrong.

No, Irma, no.

Oh, and so I have
decided that if he can't

get through to us,

there's only one thing left

for me to do.

And that is to go to him.

Go there

and see Howard.

And see for myself.

If you'll all assemble in
the lounge in two hours,

we will begin.

Mrs. Gideon. Yes.

We're behind you, Irma.

Tell me, could your
grandfather do all that stuff?

I mean, read minds and
communicate with spirits.

Oh, I don't know, Tattoo.

And to tell you the truth, the
whole thing kind of turns me off.

You mean you don't
believe in ESP and all that?

Well, I just don't believe
that my grandfather's work

actually proves
anything scientifically,

what all his followers
believe it proves.

I mean, about a spirit
world on the other side.

But there must
be something to it

if a nice lady like your
grandmother believes in it.

Well, I don't know.

I mean she kind of
worships my grandfather.

All of them do.

She gets pushed into some
pretty weird mumbo jumbo sessions.

The whole thing makes
me uncomfortable.

I'm just afraid she's gonna
wind up looking foolish again.

ROARKE: Professor Clebe
and Miss Meeks. Do come in.

Please be seated, won't you?

Oh, well, thank you.

Enjoying yourselves, I hope.

Oh, yes, indeed.

We are rather anxious
to get on with our fantasy.

And so you shall.

I perused your
scientific data, Professor.

Impressive. Very
impressive, indeed.

The world is sorely
in need of visionaries,

the caliber of Edison, Marconi,

the Wright Brothers

and you, Professor.

DWAYNE: I have great
hopes for formula Z-X-76408.



The nine stands for
the number of labs

I've blown up in
this series of tests.

What does your invention do?

Well, it's a simplistic
water-like solution

that will provide
lifetime protection

to anything from houses,

to airplanes, to
battleships, to missiles.

That's why the
military is interested.

Just put Z-X-76409
on and nothing,

rust and weather
included, can penetrate it.

An invention like that
could revolutionize...

Everything. You
could make zillions.

Professor, have you
ever paused to consider

just how far reaching the
effects of this invention might be?

Oh, I have indeed, Mr. Roarke.

It'll be the greatest boon to
mankind ever invented. Imagine it.

There'll be no more weather-beaten
old houses, no more beaten up old cars.

Everything would
be indestructible and

freshly painted as new as...

A magnificent vision, Professor.

I feel proud to play
even a small part

in the Z-X-76408 experiment.


Oh, yes. Thank you.

DWAYNE: Your support
means a lot, Mr. Roarke.

It's very discouraging to
work with short-sighted people

who can't see beyond a
harmless expl*si*n or two.

Even if the last one
did level a gymnasium.

Come, I'll show you to your
laboratory facilities. Tattoo.

Here we are. This way, please.

Thank you.

ROARKE: Miss Meeks. Professor.

Oh. Wow.


This is the best
lab we've ever had.

Oh, it's so clean.

How can I thank you, Mr. Roarke?

By not blowing it to pieces.


DWAYNE: Oh, that's
all right, Mr. Roarke.

Tattoo has a good point. But
this time I shall be doubly careful.

Look at that distillator.

Where? There.


Professor, what happened?

I, uh,

just changed the
name of the invention

to Z-X-76410.


ROARKE: Ladies and gentlemen,
the seance is about to begin.

Is it too late to turn back?

I'm afraid so, Keith.

I'm worried for her, Mr. Roarke.

I mean, I just can't understand

why she wants
to go there herself.

Your grandmother
has her reasons, Keith.

Please don't worry.

It's time to begin.

Ladies and gentlemen,

if you are comfortably settled,

I believe all is in readiness.

With your permission,
Mr. Roarke,

may we have the lights dimmed?


My friends,

I feel an immense new power
coming to me from this place,

from this island,

from this remarkable
man, Mr. Roarke.

But what we are
attempting is difficult.

There are many who
think it impossible.

Please, my friends,

open your minds.

Clear your energy centers

and concentrate the full power

of our psychic forces on Irma.

On lifting the very
core of her being.

Lifting it up and out.

Irma, the image of Howard Gideon

is in your mind.

Let him call to you.


Let him join in lifting.

Your mind is clear.

I can feel the window

opening to the other side.

You are connecting
with this energy.

I can feel a presence.

A guide is waiting.

She can do it.


it's possible.

Go, Irma, go.

Go to Howard.


Join Howard.


Connect. Go to him.


come back to me.

MEDIUM: Connect with
Howard. It's possible. Go.

Come back.

Come to me, please.

Go, Irma. Go to Howard.

Irma, come back.

Join Howard. Connect. Go to him.


Come back to me.

Go, Irma. Go to Howard.

Irma, come back.

cannot go, Mrs. Gideon.

Go. Join Howard.

ROARKE: No, Mrs.
Gideon. I forbid it.

HOWARD: Irma, come back.

Come back.


Please. Can't.

Come back.

Irma, come back to me.


Please, Irma.


Irma, come back to me.




It's over.

Something went wrong.

Boss, what about her fantasy?

Perhaps Mrs. Gideon doesn't
deserve to have her fantasy fulfilled.

ROARKE: Please
be calm, Mrs. Gideon.

It was so embarrassing,

so humiliating in front
of all of those people.

Mr. Roarke, what
happened to my fantasy?

I stopped it.

You did?

Why, boss?

Sit down, Mrs. Gideon.



I stopped it, Tattoo, because

you, Mrs. Gideon, lied to me.

But I... Now please
allow me to continue

and then you may correct
me if I am mistaken, all right?

The fantasy we agreed on was

for you to travel
beyond and back.

I don't wish to
be harsh with you,

but I don't think you have the
slightest intention of coming back.

Grandma, is that true?

I mean, I...

I thought

if I liked it, I might...

And was it your idea to
go out in a dramatic way

in front of an audience?

To depart and then
just not come back?

Well, it was Zoltan's
idea, but I went along with it

because I was angry.

I was tired of
giving my whole life

to Howard's promise

and never finding the answer.

Oh, Grandma. Zoltan just
wanted publicity for himself.

Can't we just go home and
forget about the whole thing?

Well, no.

I would still like
to take that journey

if it's possible, Mr. Roarke.

Is it possible?

Yes, it is.

I wish you wouldn't do this.

It'll be just for me
this time, Keith.

To satisfy an old lady's wish.

But the fantasy is to go
beyond and come back.

Isn't it, Mr. Roarke?

What about it, Mrs. Gideon?


first it was Howard's promise.

This time, it's Irma's promise.

Does that make
you feel better, Keith?

Lots better, Grandma.

How about it, Mr. Roarke?

Do I get my fantasy?

I'll make all the necessary arrangements
and contact you, Mrs. Gideon.

Excuse me.

Well, here we are again.

Miss Meeks.


It still has
everything you need,

give or take a few items.

Oh, it's just fine, Mr. Roarke.

It's clean.

I'm terribly sorry about
that little accident.

Oh, please, Professor,
don't apologize.

Don't. Accidents do happen.

Now, will you excuse us? Tattoo.

It is now known as Z-X-764


Boss, he's going to
blow up the whole island.

Just like new.


Shall we go inside?

Well, they always say
the third time is the charm.

I only hope that this will
suffice, Professor. Does it?

Oh, it's more than
adequate, Mr. Roarke.

Oh, I'm so glad.

It's clean.

Yes. Yes.

Well, good luck. Come, Tattoo.


do you mind if I ask you
a rather forward question?

Certainly not, Martha.

How much did you pay
Mr. Roarke for our fantasy?

I hoped you wouldn't ask that.

I paid, uh,

every cent we had left over from
the Rockwood Industries grant.

Which means
we're out of business

if Z-X-76411 doesn't work.

I'm afraid so, Martha.



do you realize that
today is our anniversary?

We've been working
together for six whole years.

We could celebrate
all our successes.


we don't have any.

Oh, please, I beg
you, don't give up hope.

Martha... Dwayne?

This time we have
to be successful.

I know.

And now to add the new and
final ingredient, Nerium 19.

Sure was nice of Mr. Roarke
to supply the Nerium.

You better take cover, Martha.

Oh, yeah.

Ready when you are, Professor.

Well, this'll either be
the final breakthrough

or the biggest
expl*si*n we've had yet.

The consistency, it's changed.

It's perfectly clear
the way it should be.

It is clear.

Professor, you don't...

I do.

This is it.

Z-X-76411 is finally perfected!

Boss, what do you think?

Well, I think it was
exceedingly thoughtful of you

to volunteer your car for
the professor's field test.

Well, we all have to do our
best to promote progress.

Is that why you only
charged Professor Clebe

$50 for the use
of your car? Hmm?

MARTHA: How're
you doing, Professor?

Just this little spot
right here on the fender

and right there.

It is done.

And what's next?

Well, we allow the
Z-X-76411 to dry overnight.

Then we test it for
durability in the morning.

But I am certain this is
the final breakthrough.

Well, in that event, I suggest
that a celebration is in order.

I drink to that.

You comfortable, Mrs. Gideon?


Raring to go.

Boss? Yes.

Why all these machines?

Oh, they're standard sensor
consoles for recording pulse,

EEG, skin temperature
and stuff like that.

That's right. I'm monitoring
Mrs. Gideon's vital signs

so we can keep track
of how she's doing.

Tattoo, you keep
your eye on them.

When they all turn
into straight lines,

that's when you start worrying.

Now, Grandma,
don't joke about that.

Keith, if it's too upsetting...

No. No, it's all right.

I mean, it's just
gonna be dreams

or hypnosis or something.

Mr. Roarke,

can we get this
show on the road?

All right, Mrs. Gideon.


lie back.

Close your eyes

and relax.


Now imagine yourself in the most


and secure place possible.

Your trip

will begin from there.

First you will feel

as if you were floating away.





Boss, the machine.
The lines have gone flat.

Bon voyage.

IRMA: It's just as I saw
it so often in my mind.

Mr. Roarke,

what's going on?


is she dead?

No, Tattoo. She's just...

How shall I put it?



I am your guide.

IRMA: It's so peaceful.

I love it here.

I feel so safe.

If you wish to stay,

you must cross the bridge.

If I cross,

I can never come back, can I?


ROARKE: How is
everything going, Keith?

I'm a little worried
about her. Oh?

You know, I'm...

I'm really having
a very hard time

believing that all this
is really happening.

But what if...

What if she doesn't
want to come back?

And now I shall show
you something that will be





Chisel. Chisel.


DWAYNE: Gloves. Gloves.



The strongest, most
deadly available.



WOMAN: That is amazing.

So you can readily see

Z-X-76411 is totally
impervious to hammer,

chisel and acid.

Now just when do you expect your
formula to hit the open market, Professor?

Well, it's a bit
premature, but...

I'm afraid that the professor doesn't
get to comment on anything further.

Hey, we've got a lot of
unanswered questions.

ROARKE: All of which will
be answered in due time.

Mr. Roarke, I was just
beginning to enjoy myself.

I am sorry to burst
in like this, Professor,

but publicizing your
formula at this time

could have some very
far-reaching effects.

The press conference is over.

REPORTER: We want some answers.


Professor, whatever possessed
you to call a press conference?

All my life I've been a nobody

and this was a chance
for me to be somebody.

Professor, a discovery
of this magnitude...

Well, let me see if I
can put it in perspective.

Mere men have
k*lled for far less.

IRMA: What am I supposed to do?

GUIDE: Have you decided to stay?


please come back.


Grandma, if you won't
come back, I'll come after you.

ROARKE: Imagine
yourself in the most peaceful,

secure place possible.

And your mind is
clear now of everything

except that scene
of tranquility.

Of total relaxation.

Your trip will begin from there.

First you will feel as if
you are floating away.





You feel the sensation

of floating.

KEITH: Grandma, I'm coming.

I'm coming, Grandma.

Boss, boss.

Yes. What is it, Tattoo?

We are in big trouble.

Private jets are
landing on the island.

Boats are entering
from all over.

Really? What's the occasion?

Professor Clebe. They
are looking for him.

Everybody's looking for him.

To buy his formula.

No. To lynch him.


Mr. Roarke,

I can't emphasize enough
what a disaster this could be.

As President of the International
Manufacturers Association,

I must insist that this product
never reach the marketplace.

Do you realize what this would
do to our profits, Mr. Roarke?

Country clubs
closing, coast to coast.

Yachts repossessed.

The nation's economy ruined.

Mr. Hobart, gentlemen,

I will personally convey your
feelings to Professor Clebe.

On that you have my word.

I'm afraid, Mr. Roarke, we
can't afford to take any chances.

The only viable approach

is to deal directly
with this enemy

of the free enterprise system

and stop him!

Come on, gentlemen.

As spokesman for the
Worldwide Workers Union,

I tell you this Z-X-76411

cannot be permitted to
reach the marketplace.

Thousands of plants
will be forced to shutter.

Millions of good union workers
will be thrown out of jobs

and the United States will
experience a depression

even worse than in the '30s.

Now, please, Mr. Mason...

No time for talk
now, Mr. Roarke.

We've got to find this enemy
of unionism and stop him.

What a jerk I am. All I
wanted to do was help people,

make life easier for them.

Instead, I might've hurt the
very people I wanted to help.

You only did what you
thought best, Professor.

Yes, with the net
result I wound up being

a publicity hound
at the age of 37.

You will please, how do
you say... Stick 'em up!

Who are you and
what do you want?

I am Andre. He is Valerie.

Our government
wants your formula.

Well, I carry it in my head.

Then we will take
your head with us.

Tie the girl up. We
will leave her here.

Where are you
taking me? To Russia.

It's been arranged that a submarine
will pick us up in 20 minutes.

Into the car.

Mr. Roarke!

Mr. Roarke!

(EXCLAIMS) They've
got the professor.

Two men. Russians, I think.

MAN: Stop! We're the CIA.

MARTHA: Mr. Roarke,
the CIA is following us.

Not a sign of that
crazy professor.

That's got to be
that crazy professor.

Hold on to your hats, boys.

Well, we can't stop now. Not
until we find that professor.

Hang on!

Relax, Miss Meeks.

The chase will soon be over.

This road dead ends up ahead.

ANDRE: It's a dead end.

You will kindly
stand where you are.

What's going on?

These two Russian gentlemen
are kidnapping Professor Clebe

in order to obtain
his formula, you see.

I'm not so sure I object.


If the Russians have the formula

we don't have to worry about
it ruining Western civilization.

Let the Russians
have him, Mr. Roarke.

Freeze. We're CIA.
Drop your g*ns.


Boss, boss, I've
got to talk to you.

Yes, what is it, Tattoo?

The formula. It's no good.

What do you mean it's no good?

My car, it's like disappeared.

Your car disappeared. Tattoo,
you're exaggerating again.

Look, boss. Show him.

Professor Clebe,

what do you have to say
about your Z-X-76410 formula?

Well, no plan is perfect.

TATTOO: Boss, boss.

Has he gone with her, too?

I'm afraid so, Tattoo.

Can we do something?

There is very little
we can do, my friend.

But even if there were,

I think it's best if
we don't interfere.

Something tells me Keith
knows what he's doing.



What are you doing here?

Well, I came to bring you back.

Oh, you dear boy.

I love you so.

But I love it here.

It's so peaceful. I
just want to stay.

Down there I'm just
a silly old woman,

the old widow of poor
old Howard Gideon.

Keith, you're grown now.

You're well provided for.


I stayed around a
lot longer down there

than anybody really wanted me.

Oh, Grandma, that's not true.

I want you around
for a long time more.

Well, sure I can
take care of myself

but I still need you.

You really mean that,

don't you?

Yes, I do.

I'm sorry that I never
really understood.

But I still need you. Please.

GUIDE: Irma, it's
time to go now.

Keith, you must return home.

Grandma, come
back with me. Please.




Has she moved, Mr. Roarke?

Grandma, don't leave me.

I told her I needed
her, Mr. Roarke.

I mean, she just thinks
she's dumb and old.

But she's the
only person I love.


Grandma, please come back to me.

Come back to me. Please.

KEITH: I need you.

IRMA: It's so
beautiful and peaceful,

but I can't cross over.

Not yet.

Boss, look.


A welcoming committee.

Oh, Grandma.

Ah, Professor Clebe
and Miss Meeks.

I almost feel like a refund
on your fantasy is in order.

Oh, no, Mr. Roarke. My
fantasy was to perfect Z-X-76411

and I did.

Just that the results
were temporary.

Oh, so all you have to do
now is make it permanent.

Yes, but I've sort of lost
interest in the project.

Oh? Yes.

Somewhere along the
way I discovered Martha.

And the two of us are going
to haul off and get married.

Well, Tattoo and I certainly
wish you all the luck in the world.

Well, uh, this time, please
don't experiment on my car.

How kind.

It's a lovely plant.

Oh, Mr. Roarke,

we thank you so
much for everything.

But, Grandma, it was just
some kind of mind trip or dream

or something.

Would it be any less real,
Keith, if it were a dream?

Well, I...

I will admit there are a few
things that I can't explain.


And I learned something else.

Just because you
can't explain something

doesn't mean that it isn't true.

Goodbye. Goodbye, Mrs. Gideon.

Goodbye. Goodbye, Keith.

Boss, can I ask you a question?

Well, of course,
Tattoo. What is it?

Was it a dream or what?

That's a question each of
us must answer for himself.

Perhaps you've heard of it,

but there is a
gravestone in Germany

which bears the final statement

of the man who lies beneath.

And it says,

"Now I know more than
the wisest among you."

I think that's the way it
should remain, don't you?

But you know,

don't you?

Tell me, Tattoo, how are you
getting along without a car?

Not very well.

Then why not take
a look over there?

Oh, boss!

Boss, you had it
put back together.

No, not exactly, my friend. I
bought you a brand new one.

For my birthday?

No. For cash.

Here, drive it in good health.

Thank you, boss. Some
day I will repay you.

You just did, my friend.

That smile on your
face is worth everything.
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