03x18 - Aphrodite/Dr. Jeckyll and Miss Hyde

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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03x18 - Aphrodite/Dr. Jeckyll and Miss Hyde

Post by bunniefuu »


The plane! The plane!


Good morning, boss.

Good morning, Tattoo.

Let's go.

Smiles, everyone. Smiles.


ROARKE: The lady in the tweed
suit is Dr. Melanie Elisabeth Griffin.

The young lady with
her is her sister, Jennifer.

one has the fantasy?

ROARKE: Dr. Griffin.

She wishes to explore the
most fascinating mystery of man,

and sometimes
the most dangerous.

What's that?

The human mind.

More specifically, the
criminal, the violent.

The deadly instincts that
some say lurk in all of us.

That rather serious-looking
young man is Professor Alan Blair,

a recognized expert in
the study of ancient Greece.

Sounds like one of the most
boring jobs I ever heard of.

For some people, perhaps.

But Professor Blair
has devoted his life

to seeking fulfillment of
the ancient Greek ideals

of perfection and
beauty in all things.

Particularly in love.

And that is why his
fantasy is so challenging.

He wishes to find and love the
ideal woman of perfect beauty.

But that's impossible.
Nobody's perfect.

That's right, my friend.

Perfection is not
a human quality.

Which is why the
Professor's fantasy

may thr*aten both
his sanity and his life.

My dear friends, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.

Hello, beautiful little girl.

Ross Hayden! What
are you doing here?

Well, I was hoping you
could share a fantasy with me.

This is the place for
it, isn't it, Dr. Griffin?

It was.


Hey. Did you know I
was gonna be here?

Of course.

Jennifer, come on. Let's go.

Meet me back here as
soon as you can, okay?

You were very rude to him.

Men like that don't
relate to politeness.

For that matter, they don't
relate to anything decent.

I trust you'll find your
accommodations comfortable, Doctor.

You have the adjoining
suite, Miss Griffin.

I thought that Fantasy Island
would exercise more discretion

about the kind of
people they invited here.

Has some guest annoyed you?

Contaminate is more apropos.

His name is Ross Hayden
and he's trying to get to me

by using my sister
as a stepping stone.

Ignore what I just
said, Mr. Roarke.

Very well, Doctor.

Will you tell me something?

May I? Please.

Thank you.

I am very curious about
the fantasy you requested.

Why do you wish to embark
on such a painful experience,

as venturing into the mysterious
world of a tortured mind?

Clinical reasons.

Call it professional
curiosity, if you will.

But you're already one of
the most respected people

in your profession.

Chief therapist at
a halfway house

for women just
released from prison.

Chairperson for the Governor's Appellate
Committee for Parole Recommendations.

Why is this story
so pressing now?

Because over 60% of the
young women that I treat

go back to the same men who
corrupted them to begin with,

and they repeat
the same mistakes.

Then you think that by actually
experiencing what they do,

you will find the answer?

Oh, I know it sounds bizarre.

And then perhaps, as a
residual result, of course,

help you understand
your own sister.

I resent that
implication, Mr. Roarke.

My apologies, Doctor.

But you're right.

I think Jennifer is on the
verge of ruining her life

and I cannot reach her.

Can you do this
for me, Mr. Roarke?

When Robert Louis Stevenson
wrote this novel nearly 100 years ago,

it was considered
melodramatic fiction.

But some legends say it is true.

And based on the
secret confession

of a close friend of
Stevenson's, a Dr. Henry Lanyon.

This is the potion described
in the real Dr. Lanyon's notes.

This is the one that

supposedly transformed
the real Dr. Lanyon

into a Mr. Hyde.

Why, that's preposterous.

No more so than
many other potions

that now afflict modern society.


And other chemical compounds
that alter personality behavior.

I must warn you. Should
you decide to take the potion,

you must drink two drops
at a time and two drops only.

A stronger dosage will only intensify
the aberration you will be experiencing

and release certain
primeval powers of the psyche

that could result in
v*olence. Even m*rder.

ROARKE: Ah, here we are.

Stone marker.

Not unlike the sign posts of today, and the
inscription seems to be in ancient Greek.

But it says, "Go ye
onward, seeker after beauty,

"to worship at the
temple of Aphrodite

"is to know the perfection
of immortal love."

It's a fascinating, archeological
puzzle, Mr. Roarke.

But my primary interest is
in finding the ideal woman

I have been seeking all my life.

Who better fits that description
than Aphrodite herself?

The goddess of love and
beauty to the ancient Greeks.

Mr. Roarke.

Are you implying that somehow
the goddess Aphrodite herself

will be the woman who
will satisfy my fantasy?

If you have the
curiosity of a scholar,

and I believe you
have, why not find out?

All right, Mr. Roarke.
We'll do it on your terms.

Everything is ready,
boss. All set to go.

Good work, Tattoo. Good work.

Ah, Mr. Andreas and Tasso.
This is Professor Alan Blair.

They will accompany
you on the journey.


It's time to go. We must
reach camp before dark.

Thank you.




I don't under...

What is she doing here?

Miss Hale is an archeologist.

I know that.

She's now accredited by the
Fantasy Island Historical Society.

The stone marker is of
special interest to her,

and I felt there would be no
objection if she accompanied you.

I understand you
are old friends?

Is there any objection?

I guess not.

If you're ready, we
better get on our way.


Hi. Hi.

Ready? Yes.

Sure you won't join us?

Perhaps another time.



Please move faster,
missy, you must keep up.

Another marker.

Yes. It reads the
same as the first one.

Except there's... There's more.

"Ahead lies the
temple of Aphrodite.

"Enter seeker of
beauty and rejoice."

There's no temple here.

I think we should continue on.

And I say we go back.

If the temple did
exist around here,

the jungle would have
swallowed it up by now.



Didn't you hear that?
Somebody just called my name.

I heard nothing but the wind,
and the wind speaks to no man.

Sounds echo strangely
in the jungle, Alan.


I definitely heard it that time.

It came from over there.


Alan. Come to me.

I'm here. I'm here!

Alan. Alan, come to me.

Alan, here.



MAN 1: This guy's really great.

Ross, you're terrible.

I'd hate to think that
Melanie was right about you.

Your sister has no idea
what love and life are all about.

You want to end up like her?


Well, I'm glad.

A little angel like you deserves
excitement and pleasure.

MAN 1: Great.


MAN 2: He's great. Fantastic.

MAN 3: Yeah.

MAN 3: What... What's going on?

MAN 1: Who's she?

MAN 2: She's wow.

MAN 1: Good-looking lady.


MAN 2: Is she
supposed to be here?

MAN 3: I never
saw her around here.



MAN 2: Wow. Look at that.

MAN 3: What agility.

MAN 2: Yeah, hey. Yeah.


MAN 1: Oh, baby.
Me. Can I be next?

MAN 2: Over here, baby.

I wonder what makes men
attracted to savage women like that.

MAN 1: That's a damn shame.

Look at the way she
moves, like a jungle cat.

Dangerous. Vicious.

MAN 1: Yeah.

Well, she certainly doesn't
appeal to you, does she, Ross?



Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Quite an extraordinary

I'll say. I'm sorry, boss, but
I think I need a cold shower.

Go away, little girl.

Who do you think you are?

Do what she says, Jen.


I'll catch up with
you later. I promise.


Do you always just come
and take what you want?


What's your name?


Lila what?

Just Lila. Isn't that enough?




"Know ye that I am Aphrodite.

"Look upon me and know
perfect beauty and love everlasting.

"By your desire, I am yours."

MINNIE: Alan? Alan?

Alan, are you all right?

Wait there until morning.
We'll come for you then.

Yes. Until tomorrow.

I'm worried. He could
be hurt. Lower me down.

Maybe I can help him.

No. No. No. It's too
dangerous in the dark.

We'll come back tomorrow with the
proper equipment. Come on. Come on.


"By your desire, I am yours."

I desire you, Aphrodite.

I desire you now as I have
wanted nothing before on Earth.

I am Aphrodite,
the perfect love.

You have searched
for me. You desire me.

I'm yours. Yours.

Oh, yes.

There's just one word
for you, sweetheart.



Hey. Is your passion
like your wine?

Exhausted before
the evening begins?

Oh, there's plenty more.

I'd do anything for you. I'd even
k*ll someone for you, sweetheart.

Be back as soon as I can.


Andreas, you
think this will work?

Courage, missy. Your
friend will be all right.

We'll have him
back in no time at all.

Good morning.

Alan, you're not hurt. No.

How did you get out?
There's no other way.

Well, fortunately,
I had some help.

You see there was someone in the
temple, I mean the underground cave.

Was using it as shelter, and
she showed me another way out.

Oddly enough, her name
happens to be Aphrodite.

She was washing her clothes
in an underground stream

and they got lost, so
I loaned her my shirt.

Aphrodite, these are my friends.

Where did you say you found her?

What difference does that make?

We're going back to
the Fantasy Island Hotel.

My search is over. Aphrodite
and I are getting married.


Yes. As soon as humanly
or inhumanly possible.

But, Alan... I know. I know.

It sounds crazy
and sudden but...

Well, you've heard
of love at first sight.

Anyway, my mind is made up.

Come, Aphrodite.

That one's evil.

We came here to have a
good time, and I'm staying.

We're leaving. Both of us.

You said we were gonna
spend the weekend here.

Maybe it's time you looked
at yourself in the mirror.

Where's your self-respect?

Ross deserts you
for some chippie,

and not only do you
want to go back for more,

but you make yourself
up to look like her.

Hey, that was just
something that happened.

I thought about it all night
and I understand it now.

There was something
about that woman.

Something exciting
and forbidden.

So that's what attracts
you about him, is it?

You're fascinated by the dark
and deep experience he offers,

and intrigued by the forbidden
possibilities that he represents.

Well, what do you know?

That's the first time you've
ever even come close

to knowing what goes
on inside my head, Doctor.

Jennifer, will you
please listen to me?

Men like Ross are bad men.

He will hurt you like he hurt
the other women that I know.

Not only by getting them hooked
on dr*gs and using them for himself,

he's forced them
into prostitution.

He's beaten them up when they don't
make enough money to satisfy him.

Jennifer, stop!

Butt out of my life.

Okay, we'll rest
here for a minute.

Minnie, I think Aphrodite
would like to change

her clothes to something
more appropriate.

Would you... Would you mind?

Alan, you don't really intend
to marry this girl, do you?

Minnie, we could've made it
under different circumstances.

I could've loved
you. It's just...

Try to understand.

One night in a cave, and she
satisfied your impossible dream.


Minnie, Aphrodite knows my
very thoughts before I think them.

She's... She's
perfection itself.

You wish to taste the wine?

You come and get it.

You belong to the professor.

I belong to whoever claims me.


He att*cked me!

No. He's lying.

He wanted me. Oh,
Alan, he frightened me so.

He grabbed me and touched me.

Stop it! Stop it!

Let him go!

He's hurt. We gotta
get him to a hospital.

How could you? He's just a boy.

He hit his head.

You defended me. You're worthy
of my love for all time to come.

Hello, sweetheart.

What are you doing here?

I found this in
your bedroom, Lila.

That's not my dress.
Get out of here.

Talk about cover ups, huh?

How long you been hiding that
gorgeous body of yours, huh?

Get out!


I don't know how you did it.

You've got to be the
make-up expert of all time.

It's true. You're Lila.

I said leave us alone.

Oh, yeah?

I just hit the biggest
parlay of my life.

A two-to-one split.

One is the most fascinating
female I've ever met,

and the other has a pipeline to the
Governor to bail my lady friends out.

All wrapped up into
one beautiful body.

Oh, I would...

I would die before
I'd let you touch

one of those women
again. Oh, yeah?

You better consider what
sweet little Jennifer might find out.

If she finds out that naughty
little Lila is her own sister.

Listen. I want you to see a little
tape recording I did last night.

A little video tape. I think you'll
like it. Come here. Come here.

ROARKE: The doctor
said Tasso will be fine.

How long have you been in love
with Professor Blair, Miss Hale?

A long time.

We were engaged for 5 years.

You know, a lot of
guys can't compete

when a girl is waiting for
prince charming to come along.

Well, a girl can't compete
with a fantasy either.

And after she's given all she's
got, she tries to stop loving.

But that doesn't
always work either.

I see.

It wasn't Alan's fault, Mr. Roarke.
That girl changed him somehow.

Girl? Is that what
he called her?


He said her name is
Aphrodite. Can you believe that?

And Alan said he's
gonna marry her.

She did in one night

what I couldn't do in 5 years.

It really hurts a girl's pride.

There is more at stake
now than your pride.

The professor's
quest for perfection

may have finally driven
him completely from reality.

I don't understand. Are you
saying that Alan has gone mad?

When dreams are preferred
to reality, madness ensues.

And such madness
leads irrevocably to death.

If his so-called marriage
is accomplished,

he will be beyond
your help or your love.

Mr. Roarke, have you seen Alan?

Not this morning, no.

That means he's
gone to Aphrodite.

I know it.


Listen. Alan.

Alan. I'm here, Alan.

Come to me.

I know where she's leading
him. We must stop her.

No, this way.
It's shorter. Hurry!


You must come to me now, Alan.

Come, my love.

Alan, wait!

Alan, please don't go to her.

Minnie. Minnie, I have to.

She's all that is perfect.

She is not, Professor.

Do you want me to tell you
what she's really like? No.

No, I'm not gonna
listen to your lies.

Alan, look at me. I exist. I'm
real. And I want to love you.

Now I may not be
perfect. No woman is.

But I'm real.

She speaks the truth,
Professor. Not Aphrodite.

don't listen to them.

Alan, I'm in here.

Oh, Alan. Come to me.

Alan. Alan.

I offer you eternal love.

For I am perfect love.

Alan. Hurry. Hurry.

You must come to me now.

Hello, Alan. Come, my love.

Come to me.

Together we will go
to Mount Olympus.

I will give you eternal love.

Alan, no.

There is no Mount
Olympus, Professor Blair.

Her gift is not
love. Only death.

She cannot claim
you unless first you die.


He has no power
to come between us.

Come to me. Come, my love.

ROARKE: Professor Blair,

her only true power is
that which you yourself

have given to this fantasy
of a goddess come to life.

I am not a fantasy.
I am Aphrodite.

Know my power.

You see, Professor, your
fantasy has no power to hurt me.

Only yourself.

Alan. I will give you
everlasting love and perfection.

Obey me, Alan. Come to me

and paradise is yours forever.

Alan, no. Al...


Oh. Oh, please.

Let her fall. She's nothing.

Let her fall, my love.

Go ahead.

Let her go? No. No!

I love you.

Alan! Come back, Alan!

You have lost, Aphrodite.



Reality, especially love, will
always triumph against you.

And now you must go back.

No. You have no
power over me, Roarke.

Yes. It is time to go back
where you really belong.

Only there are you perfect.

No. No, Roarke. No.

I am Aphrodite.

The goddess of
per... Perfection.

I am Aphro...

I am perfection.

I am Aphrodite.

MELANIE: Look, I'll pay
you anything you want.

Just give me the tape
and leave us alone.

No. You don't
seem to understand.

I like you.

I don't mean this you.
I mean Lila. I want Lila.

I won't do it.

Oh, yeah?

Put this on and get
up in your make-up.

Do what you have to do
to get into your Lila routine.

Now, sweetheart.

You don't understand.

Honey, you don't
seem to understand.

Now you do what
I tell you to do,

or I'll run that little TV special for
your sister. Do you understand?

Now you got about one minute to come
out of there looking and acting like Lila.

Hey, now.

Yeah, now.

That's that beautiful
body that I remember.

Oh! What a scam!

Even I couldn't see
through your phony act.

Well, whatever it is you're
into, it's really something.

What's this?

I said, I want Lila.

What do you got here?

This will help.

A little something to get
you in the mood, right?

Well, if a little helps,
a lot ought to be great.


ROARKE: You must
drink two drops at a time.

What's the matter with
you? What's going on?

What's happening?

What's going on with you, huh?

What happened?

I'm here, Ross.

Your Lila is here.

No, I don't like this
trip you're on, Lila.





Hey, you want your Lila?




Melanie, stop it! Stop!

The specter of evil dwells
in the minds of all of us.

Born in the hell of
our own torment.

You've learned that
now, haven't you?

It's over, Melanie.

Your fantasy is over.

Think, Melanie.
You've saved Jennifer.

Now save yourself.

You've looked into the depths
of your own tortured mind.

Where did it all begin?

This hatred that can explode so
violently against a man like Ross,

who would exploit
and harm women?

Where did it all begin?

Answer me, Melanie.

What is this hidden hate that
men arouse so fiercely in you?

Tell me, Melanie.

Tell me.

Tell me.

My husband.

I loved him like
Jennifer loved Ross,

and he wasn't much
better in many ways.

He deserted me.

He just left me before I
gave birth to a stillborn child.

I swore that I'd never let
a man do that to me again.

Or to Jennifer.

So I buried myself in my career.

I neglected my baby sister.

And the only hurt that I
could feel was my own.

Now I understand why Jennifer
turned to a man like Ross.

The most powerful
of human desires.

To be wanted and loved.

You know, those girls
at the halfway house,

they need more than
therapy. They need love.


Did you enjoy your stay with us?

Oh, it was a very
enlightening experience.

For all three of us.


Jennifer, me and Lila.

Lila? Who's Lila?

Maybe I'll explain
it to you someday.

As soon as I understand Lila
myself. Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

You're very
welcome, Dr. Griffin.

Miss Griffin.

Let's go. Bye.


I can never thank you
enough, Mr. Roarke.

Not only for making me see that reality
and fantasy are one in the same thing,

but also for finding
Minnie again.

I have a confession to make.

This wasn't just a coincidence.

My fantasy was
getting you back again.

Thank you, Mr. Roarke.
You're very welcome indeed.

Goodbye. Bye-bye, Tattoo.

Goodbye. Goodbye.
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