02x06 - The Chicken Thief

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x06 - The Chicken Thief

Post by bunniefuu »

(John-boy) when I look
back on walton's mountain,

I remember that our parents,
by word and by example,

Took some pains to teach us the
practical lessons of life and its virtues.

But though I had
been well taught,

There came a time when I
doubted my own honesty

And questioned its true value.

Give me your bag
there, mrs. Spears,

And I'll put this
packet in it for you.

Ok, and, uh, I've got
it on your charge.

You have a nice day.

Hey, john-boy!

What's the matter?

You realize that I don't
know anything about you?

Well, uh, what do
you wanna know?

Oh, I mean, I come in
here every day and I say,

"Hey, ike," and you
say "hey, john-boy."

And I say, "ike, is
there any mail?"

And you say "yes"
or you say "no",

But I don't really know
anything about you.

I don't know what you think,

I don't know what
you feel about deeply.

Why don't you step
right into my office here,

And I'll give you
the story of my life.

Oh, I wish I could, but
the truth of the matter is

That, uh, I got to do
some chores for my daddy.

I just came in to see if mama's
sears-roebuck package arrived.

Well, the package isn't
here, but I tell you what,

We got a letter here
for your brother ben.

A letter for ben?


Hey, grandpa.

How are you, grandpa?

John-boy, is school out already?

Yeah, it's almost 4:00.

I didn't realize I'd
been here that long.


How've you been, yance?

Fine, john-boy.

Your daddy been huntin' lately?

No, it's been pretty
busy around the mill.

Yeah, it's my busy season, too.

I'll stop by, though,
one of these saturdays,

And drag him away from
that mill long enough

For us to go sh**t
a mess of quail.

[Yancy exclaiming]

You can do better
than that, yancy.

I never should have
missed that shot.

I think he's got you.

(Grandpa) that's the last
chance you're gonna get.

John-boy, here's this
letter I told you about.

It's from, uh, liberty magazine.

Oh, thank you.


You sendin' your
stories to them, john-boy?

That's big potatoes.

No, this is for my brother,
ben. He sells liberty.

Well, maybe one day
he'll be peddlin' an issue

With one of your stories in it.

That'd really be
somethin', wouldn't it?

Yes, sirree.

Just watch my smoke.

25 Cents, yancy.

Mr. Walton, you're
just too good for me.

Well, I would play
you another game

Except I think it's time for us

To get home to the womenfolk.

Yeah, I got to get goin', too.

I got some customers to go see.

Come on home, john-boy.

Does a soul no good to loiter
around a pool hall too long.

See you later, ike.

(Grandpa) so long, ike.

(Yancy) bye, ike. Bye now.

Well, we'll be lookin' for
you some saturday, yance.

Oh, I'll be there.

We'll get them birds and
maybe your mama will cook 'em up

With some of that
fine gravy of hers.


And some of those
fresh, thin, flaky biscuits.

Stop it! You're makin'
me hungry, yancy.

You wanna... You wanna drive?

No, I think I'll take the
rumble seat this time.

Come on, put it right here.

[All grunting]

You on?

Thank you.



Yancy, we'll be seein' you.

We'll see.

Giddyup. Giddyup.

Come on, let's go.

We'll be lookin' for you, yancy.


Hey, grandpa.

When yancy's talkin'
about his customers,

What do you suppose he means?

Yancy's work is
highly secretive.

I've always
respected his privacy,

And I advise you to do likewise.

Hey, daddy!

Glad to see you
decided to come home.

(John-boy) be right there.

(Grandpa) as soon
as we park the car.

Oh, daddy's mad.

[Grandpa grunting]

The women will be, too.

I think I'll deal with
them one at a time.

You will?

(Grandpa) mary ellen.

Hi, grandpa.

(Grandpa) good afternoon, all.


It's gone. Just like
you've been all day. Oh.

I ran across some old friends
down there and we got started talkin'.

Then how come you've got
blue chalk on your hands?

Well, sometimes
when you're talkin',

It helps to play pool.

It's sort of relaxing.

Oh, stop it! Now wash up.

Hey, mama, your sears
package didn't come in yet.

I'm sorry.

Thanks, john-boy.

Go see if your father
can use some help.

I will in just a second.

I got to give this to ben
first. You know where he is?

He's upstairs in
his room, I think.


Ben, I've got somethin' for you.

I guess I'll go
give john a hand.

You should've thought
about that at noon.


(John-boy) ben, come on.

What do you want, john-boy?

I've got a letter for you.

No kiddin'?

No kiddin'.

Well, are you gonna open it up

Or are you gonna
save it till easter?


It's just a letter.

About your subscriptions, huh?

Well, I got to go
back up and study.


[Birds chirping]

(John) you sure took your
time getting back from ike's.

You know how it is
down at the store.

You get to talkin'.

I promised charlie
potter these fence posts

Before the day was out.

The day's almost
gone. Let's get goin'.

All right, we're goin'.

[Crickets chirping]

I'll go see where charlie
wants these stacked.

(Charlie) I was ready
to give up on you.

(John) I told you I'd
bring 'em, charlie.

Come on in while I get my coat.

[Chickens clucking]

[Chickens clucking]

Ok, john, come on through.

That you scarin' my
chickens, john-boy?

Guess so.

Did you see anybody?

Last week somebody stole a
whole bunch of my chickens.

If they come back
and try it again,

I'll fix their wagon
once and for all.

Are you sure you
didn't see anybody?

No. Well, i... No, I
didn't, it's dark. I didn't...


If it happens again,
I'll take care of 'em.

Ok, let's stack these
timbers in the barn.




If you see somebody
break the law

And it's not a... Not a big
crime, just a small one,

You're supposed to
report that, aren't you?

That's what they say.

Otherwise you're guilty, too.


Somehow it doesn't
seem quite fair.

Did somethin' happen back there

At that chicken coop, son?

Somethin' you
want to talk about?

Not right now. I haven't
really figured it out yet.

(Erin) I bet you I
can beat you home!



Guess what g.w. Told me today?

Who cares? Well,
just try and guess.

Mary ellen, I couldn't
care less about anything

That g.w. Haines could tell you.

It was something real romantic.

What would you
care, you old grump?

You're as bad as ben.

What's the matter with him?

Well, he's not speaking
to anybody, either.

(Jason) I'll see you at home.

No, you won't!

(John-boy) hey, jason,

Put these in my room, will you?

So I told this old gal, I said:

"Honey, you've had
4 husbands already

"And they've all passed on.

"Well, I don't like the odds.

So I'm gonna pass on right now."

Hey. Hi, son.

Hey, john-boy, how's
the world treatin' you?


You gonna stay
for supper, yancy?

Uh, no, no,
mr. Walton, not today.

I just dropped by
to jaw for a while.

Maybe tomorrow, though.

[Exhales] daddy, is there
any work you want done?

There's some hay in the
barn that needs stackin', son.

(Yancy) well, I'd better
shuffle off to buffalo.

(Grandpa) sorry you
can't stay, yancy.

Come when you can.

Oh, I will, mr. Walton.
Oh, wait a minute,

I just remembered,

I got a story I want
to tell john-boy.

Somethin' he might write about.

I'll see you two later.

Let's go wash up, pa.

See you later, yancy.


I figured we got some
talkin' to do, john-boy.

I'm real sorry about last night.

Sorry for what you did,
or sorry you got caught?

Well, I came here because
I wanted to explain to you.

Yancy, you don't have
anything to explain to me.

I just saw you steal something.

John-boy, "steal" is kind
of a harsh word, isn't it?

I'd like you to know why I
borrowed them chickens.

Well, sir, there's a lot
of people in this county

Who just can't seem
to make ends meet.

And there's others,

Like old charlie potter,

Who got more than they need.

So, every once in a while,

I borrow from them who has

And give to them who haven't.

Robin hood, huh?

Well, now,

I admit I have heard
about that old boy.

But the gospel
truth is, john-boy,

I never took nothin' for myself.

Only for them I
knew to be needful.

Yancy, when... When you do somethin'
on your own, that's your business.

(John-boy) but when I see you
do it, that makes me a part of it.

Why do you figure that?

I talked to somebody
about it last night,

Without mentioning you.

And he says that
when a person sees

Somebody else
committin' a crime,

If he doesn't say
anything about it,

Then technically,
he's guilty too.

The law's a peculiar thing.

I've been worryin' about it.

I worried about it last night

And this mornin'.

I worried about it
on my way to school,

And on my way home from school.

John-boy, i... I
respect your feelings.

I'll tell you what.

You forget about last night,

And I'll see to it you got
nothing to feel guilty about.

How're you gonna
manage to do that?

Well, if old yancy can sneak
in there and take 2 chickens,

He can sneak in
there and put 2 back.


Well, that would be a fair deal.

Hey, mornin', all.

Morning, grandpa.

I must have overslept.

I tried to wake you,

But you were snorin' so
loud you didn't hear me.

Esther, I have never
snored in my life.

What I don't understand is

How you can sleep
through all that noise.

Morning, grandpa.

Mornin', elizabeth.

Morning, grandpa.

Good morning, jim-bob.

Good morning, grandpa.

Good morning, erin.

Would you please say
all your good mornings

To your grandpa all
at once so he can eat?

(All) good morning, grandpa!

Good morning, waltons all.

(John) all right, everyone,

Let's get to the chores.

Mary ellen, I want you to help
grandma and me with the washin'.

But, mommy, it's saturday!

Erin, you help with the ironin'.

(Erin) do I have to, mama?

You do.

When you've cleaned
up your rooms,

Get out behind the barn.

The weeds are gettin'
over 6 feet tall out there.

Do you need me
right away, daddy?

Got somethin' better to do?

I got to go over to ike's

And pick up mama's package.

You go ahead.

There'll be plenty of
work when you get back.

Who knows, ben, there might be another
mysterious letter from liberty for you.

I got to clean my room.

(John-boy) hey, ike!


Oh, have I got
something for you.

Come on over here.

I just got it all together.

I know you were
waiting to see this.



What's that?

You said you wanted
to know about me

So I got all these things
together so you could study.

Oh, you didn't have to
go to all that trouble.

Here, here.

(John-boy) is that you?

(Ike) that's me, 1 year old.

My mother took that. She
was way ahead of her time.

She wore a sl*ve bracelet on
her arm and had her hair bobbed.

She was from over
near scottsville, virginia.

She was a brewster.

Oh, really? I declare.

And... And, uh, look over here.

Here's my... My
high-school annual.


And, uh, and here...
Here's my manual

From my motorcycle that I got,

And then, uh, wait a
second... Where is this? Oh, uh,

Oh, now, there's my
honorable discharge

From the army of
the united states.

I have a w-w-whole bunch of
stuff in here that you can use.

You can take it home and
you can study it and, uh, um...

W-w-what do you think
you're gonna write about?

Oh, I hadn't planned
to write anything.

I mean I had, of course,

Intended to write
something eventually.

I mean that, i... I someday,

I certainly, of course...

No, don't be silly. I
intend to write about you.

I just wanted to wait for a time

When I can try to... To do
justice to you in words.

You're a very
fascinating person, ike.

I do intend to write about you.

Well, uh... Oh, I see. Here,

You take it, it's all there.

[Bell tinkling]

Thank you.

Ike. John-boy.

Good mornin', sheriff.

How are you, ep?

I'm tired.

Been up all night,
trackin' down some leads.

Oh, yeah? What happened?

Old charlie potter.
He got himself shot.

(Sheriff) some chicken thief.

(Ike) well, was he hurt bad?

No, no, he just,
uh, creased a leg.

You have any idea who shot him?

Yeah, from what potter told
me, I got a pretty good idea.

(Sheriff) we'll see.

There you go, lindbergh.

I'm not lindbergh,
I'm wiley post.

You look more like
lindbergh to me.

(Jim-bob) no, I'm not.

Hey, jason, where's daddy?

I think he's around
the side, fixin' the fence.

I gotta see him. Will
you take care of blue?

"Take care of blue." Is
that all you ever say?

Just do it, jason.

Hey, jim-bob, get
down from there!

(John-boy) I want you to
take this package in to mom.


Because I said so.
Get down from there.

All right, you don't
have to holler.

I want you to take this
up to my room, too, please.


I was only kidding.

Jason, let me down!

Jason! Jason!

Mama! Let me down!

(Jason) all right,
all right, be quiet.

Come on, jason.

Daddy? What is it, son?

Charlie potter got shot in the
leg last night by a chicken thief.


Yeah. The truth is, I
think I know who did it.

Here, mama.

Thank you, jim-bob.


Oh, that's pretty.

Aren't they beautiful colors?

I can make a dress
for each of the girls.

So yancy promised me

He'd return those 2
chickens to charlie.

And you think charlie
potter surprised yancy

And he shot him?

I don't know.

I don't know what to think.

I think maybe I should've
told the sheriff about it

Back at the store.

The first thing for us to do

Is to ask yancy himself.

Do you think he's gonna tell us

If he shot charlie potter?

He might tiptoe around
the law once in a while,

But he's not about
to go sh**t' people.

You pull the truck around.

I'll tell your mama
we'll be back in a bit.





What do you want to do now?

I think he's visited
all over the place.

We'll just keep askin', I guess.

[Sewing machine whirring]



I got to talk to you.

Go ahead.


It's... It's about this letter.

I want you to read it.

Liberty magazine.

What? Ben, this is wonderful!

It says here you've won
their poetry contest.

It was just for
the carrier boys.

Well, it's still a great honor.

5 Others won, too.

Ah, it says here your poem will
be published in their next issue.

Oh, ben, I'm so proud of you!

Aren't you pleased?

Ben, what's wrong?

I did something just awful.

Want to tell me about it?

When I first read
about this contest

I didn't know what
to write about,

So I went through some
of john-boy's old poems.

Some he'd written when
he was about my age.


I sort of used one
of john-boy's poems.

(Ben) he's going to be mad,
mama. He's going to hate me.

He's not going to hate you,
no matter what you've done.

But I do think you ought
to talk to him about it.

I haven't gotten up the nerve.

You're not going to
feel right until you do.

But what will I say to him?

Why don't you just
tell him the truth?

Ok, mama.

(John) floyd, how you doin'?

Slow, john, awful slow.
If it wasn't for my garden

And a little huntin'
and fishin', now and then,

My family would
be mighty hungry.

I know what you mean.

You seen yancy today, floyd?

No. No, it's been...

2 Or 3 days ago, he stopped by.

Left 4 fat hens.

(Floyd) I took 'em over to
lennie blankfort's family.

He's up in d.c. Looking for work

And his family's mighty hard up.

You don't happen to know
where he is today, do you?

Hard to say, john.

Yancy keeps on the move a lot.

That's for sure.

All right, floyd, thank you.

Mrs. Gormley.

Well, good morning,
mr. Walton, john-boy.

Have you seen
yancy tucker, ma'am?

Yancy tucker?

Of course I've seen him.

I see him all the time.

I mean today.

No, not today.

But yesterday he
left me off some eggs.

I didn't have a cent to pay him.

He said there
wasn't any call for it.

Thank you, ma'am.


Bye now.

(John) half a t*nk
of gas and half a day

Is about all I can spare.

We covered a lot of territory,

I just can't figure
where yancy could be.

Maybe he lit out over
to buckingham county.

Could be.

We'll have us some lunch
and get back to work.

[Grandpa laughing]

(Yancy) so, I said to
this old teacher, I said:

"Ma'am, just 'cause I got
all the answers wrong

"Doesn't mean I
don't like school.

It just means
school don't like me!"

[All laughing]

John, I'm glad you're back.

Look who's here.

Hey, john, john-boy.


Yancy's been tellin'
us some tall tales.

Maybe a little too tall.

(Olivia) sit down and eat.

(John) not right now, liv.

There's somethin' I want to
ask yancy, out on the porch.

But he's in the
middle of his meal.

It's important.

[Clears throat]

Sure, john.

Now don't you kids finish
that pie before I get back.

All right.

[Birds chirping]

What's up, men?

Yancy, we've been
lookin' for you all mornin'.

You have?

I got up at the crack
of dawn and went huntin'.

Didn't see nothin' but one lonesome
old squirrel and I missed him.

So I quit and dropped by here

For some of
livie's good cookin'.

Why were you lookin' for me?

It's about last night.

What about last night?

We was wonderin', yancy, if...

[Car approaching]

(Yancy) well, hey there, ep.

What you doin' out
so early in the day?

I thought you fellas slept
all day and worked all night.

Well, depends what
you're workin' on, yancy.

How about yourself? You've
been workin', have you? Nights?


Why, ep, I'm all tuckered
out and tucked in

Every night come sundown.

Well, now that's a funny thing.

I got me a witness that
swears he saw your car

Parked up on the road by
charlie potter's place last night.

Well, now, parkin' your car
isn't exactly a crime, is it, sheriff?


But sh**t' a man is.

Oh, yes, sir, that's the law.

I'm goin' to have to
arrest you, yancy.

Oh, come on, ep.

It's no joke, yancy.
Come on along now.

I'll send somebody for your car.

Well, I guess you
can tell the kids

They can go ahead and
finish that pie after all.

[Knocking on door]

Come in.


I was just talking
to your grandpa.

You know, if yancy was just
returning those chickens,

It doesn't even figure he'd
have a g*n with him at all.

You're right.

You don't think he
shot charlie, do you?

I don't think so.

I'm wonder if yancy's
told the sheriff

Why he had that car
parked there last night.

You think I ought
to tell the sheriff?

You might talk it
over with yancy first.

Oh, you'll come with me?

First thing in the mornin',
right after church.

Oh, great. Thank you.

Good night, son.

Good night.

[Door closing]

Thanks, grandpa.

Don't forget to
change your clothes

Before you play, children.

(Jim-bob) ok.

Look at you come to life.

When are you goin' to stop
sleeping at the service?

Whenever the preacher
gets himself a new sermon.

[Birds chirping]


What do you want, ben?

I want to talk to you.

Let's go.

When you get back, ok?


Good mornin', ep.

Well, if it isn't
the walton g*ng.

We've come to see yancy.

I don't why you
should be any different

From anybody else in the county.

What does that mean?

Take a look. Right
through that door.

(Yancy) mrs. Blankfort,

That is the most delicious
piece of fried chicken

I've sunk a tooth into
in a right long time.

I remembered you liked
it crisp. Fixed it special.

(Floyd) she showed up with it.

She said, "floyd, you take
me to see yancy tucker."

And I certainly appreciate it.

Well, look who's in jail!

Hey, yancy.

How are you doing?

[All chattering]

How are you?

Nice to meet you.

John, john-boy, how
about some cake?

(John) not right now.

Thank you very much.

Well, pie! John-boy,
you love pie.

Well, I do, but not now.

I've even got some...
Big, big breakfast.

Well, how about some of
mrs. Blankfort's fried chicken?

Come on and have some.

[All chattering]

Don't mind if I do.

Thank y'all, that's fine.

You're not gonna go hungry
for a spell, are you, yancy?

I could get life
and not go hungry,

Thanks to good friends.

We got to be
movin' along, yancy.

Whatcha you leavin' for, floyd?

The party's just
gettin' in high gear.

Mrs. Blankfort has
to get home to her kids,

And I got my work waitin'.

Well, in that case,
I'll let you go.

Let us know if you
need anything, yancy.

Thank you.

Keep up the faith, yancy.

Oh, yeah.

It sure is delicious.

Bye, now.

Have a happy sunday.

(Yancy) y'all come back!

All right.

Good day, sheriff.

Bye, sheriff.

Have a happy sunday.

Bye, y'all.

Well, I suppose I ought
to get along, too.

Got the lunch shift
back at the place.

Miss jane works at the nip
and tuck cafe over at route 29.


She's the one who
brought me the soup.

The soup du jour of tomorrow
is going to be black-eyed pea.

If you'd like, I'll
bring you a jar.

You just bring
your own sweet self.

Oh, yancy.

Bye. Bye, everybody.

Bye, now.

Good bye. We'll be seein' you.

Life would be a lonesome
road without good friends.


Well, yancy, the
reason we came by is

'Cause I thought I might
be able to help you out.

What do you mean, help?

Well, I told my
daddy everything.

And if it's all right with
you, we'd like to back you up.

Back me up?

You did take those chickens
over to potter's, didn't you?

Yeah, but I didn't
tell the sheriff that.

I don't want to get
john-boy involved.

Well, yancy, I'm
already involved.

(Yancy) not anymore, you're not.

I promised you I'd take
those chickens back,

That's exactly what I did.

You're off the hook.

What about charlie
potter gettin' shot?

Oh, what about
him? I didn't do it.

Then there's no point in my not
tellin' the sheriff the rest of it.

Wrong, john-boy.
There's every point.

Don't you understand?

There's no evidence
I shot charlie.

And it'll be proved
sooner or later.

Oh, we could get you
out of here right now.

No use you hanging
around here, yancy.

Oh, I've been in lots of
worse places than this.

I got a nice warm bunk.

I've got good food,

Plenty of friends droppin' by.

Not a bad place to
spend the depression,

Come to think of it.

Yancy, you're crazy.

No, not so. Not so, john.

Much as I like it here, I
like my own place better.

Look, the sheriff can't keep
me more than a couple of days.

But if you tell them
the whole story,

He's got the goods on
me for chicken thievin'.

He could lock me up then and
throw away the key for that.

Well, what would
you like us to do?

Let nature take her course.

(Yancy) everything will
work out for the best.

It always does.

(Man #1) I didn't see
the man you described,

Not until this morning,

And it was wolf
corby, all right.

(Man #2) you tell sheriff?

No, there's something
strange there.

What's that?

I know the sheriff
's reputation.

Everywhere he's said to be
one of the most honest sheriffs

Texas ever had, right?

But today he not only refused...

Come on, listen,
john-boy. It's scary.

I'll be down in a minute.

I got to get these
good clothes off first.

(Man #1) while I was in
town, I learnt some things.

One is that the sheriff has
been trying to raise money

To care for his wife,
who was seriously ill.

(Man #2) mmm. That look bad.

But this morning, after the
sheriff had tried to arrest me...

(John-boy) who is it?


Come in.

Can I talk to you now, john-boy?

Yeah, sure.

You know that letter I
got from liberty magazine?


It said I won a poetry contest.

(Ben) it said they'll publish
it in their next issue.

What do you mean you
won a poetry contest?

It was a poetry
contest and I won it.

They're going to
publish my poem.


Really, congratulations.

You don't look
very happy about it.

I mean, if I'd just won
a poetry contest,

I-i'd be going
out-of-my-mind crazy.

That's really somethin'.

How about that?

I've been writing
practically all my life,

And my younger brother
gets published first.

It's about time somebody in the
family got published, I'll tell you.

I stole your poem.

Man, here I am burnin'
the midnight oil,

Scribbling poems and stories,

And keeping a journal

Like writers are supposed to do,

And my brother knocks
off a poem and it's published.

I didn't knock it off.

I said I stole it.

What do you mean, you stole it?

I didn't know what
to write about,

And then I found one
of your old poems.

They took this?

I wrote this years ago.

You mean, they're going
to publish this thing?

Well, not exactly.

Oh, well.

See for yourself.

Here's the one that I wrote.

Ben, this is really good.

But don't you see?

I took it from you.

I don't know what you mean.

This is about winter and
mine's about springtime,

And... And... And the words
are completely different

And none of the
rhymes are the same.

It's the idea.

I never would have thought
of the idea without yours.

You mean, you think
because you took my idea

That means you stole my poem?

Well, isn't it?

Of course not. Look, ben,

Hundreds of writers c-c-can
take ideas from other writers,

Or from something
they heard or read.

Isn't that stealing?

Look, ben, any... Any
number of writers

Can use the same basic idea

For a story or poem, it's...
It's how they develop it.

It's what they give
to it of themselves

That makes it
original and unique.

I mean, all my poem did

Was inspire you to
write a better one.

You really think it's good?

Yeah, I do.

And you're not mad?

I don't know, mad?

I'm... I'm kind of proud of you.

Ben, all this time, the last few
days you've been mopin' around,

I thought you were
sick or somethin'.

I was sick.

Sick to my stomach.

I thought for sure you'd be mad.

Hey, ben.

You just should have
come and talked to me.

I guess I should have.

You know, john-boy,

It's just like what mama said:

When you're honest

You can just about
clear up anything.

She's right.

Maybe she is right about that.

John-boy walton,
nice to see you.

Mrs. Potter, is mr. Potter in?

I like to speak to
him for a few minutes.

Of course, come on in.

Thank you very much, ma'am.

Charlie, you look who's here.

It's that boy of john walton's.

Hello, john-boy.

Mr. Potter.

You see what's been done to me?

Try not to ever get
yourself shot, son.

Well, I'll try not to.

Would you all excuse me,

I'd better get back
to my apple butter.

Come on, sit down, john.

Thank you.

Well, john-boy,
what's on your mind?

Mr. Potter, there's
something that I know.

And maybe there's
something that you know.

And, perhaps, if we could
put the 2 things together,

We could get some truth
out of this whole mess.

I don't know what you're
getting at, john-boy,

But carry on.

The night that my daddy
and I brought you that wood,

I saw yancy tucker
steal 2 of your chickens.

You saw that chicken
thief in the act?

Yes, sir, I did.

How come you didn't
tell me, john-boy?

I don't know. I should have.

Why are you tellin' me this now?

Because I know why yancy
was here the other night

When you got shot.

So do i.

He came back after
2 more chickens.

No, sir.

He came back to
return the 2 chickens

That I saw him take from you.

Is yancy tucker robbin' me

Or is he just using
me to practice on?

No, sir.

Yancy and I talked about it.

He promised to bring
those chickens back

To get me off the hook,

'Cause he didn't want
me involved in this.

That's right very decent of him.

Well, I thought it was.

What I don't understand is why
would yancy bring a g*n along

If all he wanted to do was
return 2 chickens to you?

In case he got caught red-handed

In my chicken coop, like he did!

That's just not in
character for yancy.

Oh, just because yancy told you

Some cock-and-bull story.

Ain't none of his
stories can account

For my chickens getting stolen,

And my leg gettin' shot.

Yancy's not the kind of
guy that would sh**t you,

If you'd consider that...

There's only thing
I'm considerin':

My chickens got stole
and my leg got shot

And there's no way to
prove yancy didn't do it.

Are you saying that there's a
possibility that it wasn't yancy?

I'm not sayin'...

I've got my own grief.

I can't do my chores.

My work is pilin' up.

My wife's too frail
to take over for me.

Is anybody worryin'
about me? No, sir!

Just worryin' about
poor old yancy.

The chicken thief!

Mr. Potter, I've got
the afternoon free.

I'd be happy to do
your chores for you.

Well, now.

Well, that's very
generous of you, john-boy.

Now, I'm sorry I've
been loud at you.

I know you're just
being... Being neighborly.

But, uh, i-if you could
help me out today,

Well, I'll pay you for it.

Oh, no. There's
no need for that.

I'd be happy to help you.

You just, uh,

Finish reading the paper here,

And I'll ask mrs. Potter
what needs to be done.

(John-boy) come on, fellas.

Come on!


Come on.

Hey, mr. Kilgore!

H-how are you doin', john-boy?

I found these up the road.

I figured they belonged here.

[Horse neighs]

Good girl, betty.


Got some fresh milk there.

[Rooster crowing]

And the horses?

Yes, sir, I fed 'em.

You're a fast worker, john-boy.

I fed the chickens, too.


Nice flock you got there.

I counted about 38 of 'em.

All right, all right.

I've seen them
comin' all afternoon.

I ain't had but 30
chickens all my life.

Why did they fetch 'em?

Maybe they figured yancy
took some of your property

And you'd be more forgivin'
if they gave some back.

[Knocking on door]

Get that.

And if it's someone
with a chicken,

Tell 'em we're full up!

(John-boy) daddy!

(John) john-boy, what
are you doin' here?

How's it goin', charlie?

How does it look
like it's goin'?

Yeah. I'm sorry to hear
about your trouble.

It could have been worse.

He could have got me
through the old ticker.

That's a fact, charlie.

You're lucky, though.

It was a .22 that got
you instead of a shotgun.

A shotgun could've
blown off your whole leg.

How do you know it was a .22?

I ran into dr. Vance.
He told me.

(Charlie) oh.

You and me, charlie,

We've done a lot of huntin'
in our time, haven't we?

We've done a lot of
trackin'. That's a fact.

Most folks, I recall,

Favor a shotgun
when they go huntin'.

You always liked the
.22, didn't you, charlie?

As a matter of fact, charlie,

This here is your
favorite r*fle. Isn't this .22?

That's right.

It's a funny thing.

Now, yancy, all
he owns is a 30-30.

Charlie, I know you
to be a proud man.

I also think I know
what might've happened.

All them people comin' today

In yancy's behalf.

Makes me kind of feel
like I was a criminal.

Fact is, he was here
that night, john.

And I thought he was
stealin' my chickens.

I know he was here, charlie.

I think john-boy told
you why he was here.

He did.

Why don't you tell us what
really happened, charlie?

I heard him.

I heard a commotion
in my chicken coop.

I grabbed my g*n and run out.

I saw someone headin' into the
woods, so I took off after him.

(Charlie) and I heard
a car starting up,

Moving off,

I was still runnin'
full speed and,

Then I tripped.

You tripped?


My wife called the
doctor and the sheriff.

I was too embarrassed
to say I'd shot myself.

So I just... I just
let 'em think

Whatever they wanted to think.

I figured yancy
would wiggle out of it,

The way he always does.

(John) are you going
to tell the sheriff

The truth, charlie?

Yeah. But that don't excuse
yancy's other goings-on.

Oh, yancy's not an evil man.

He just occasionally...
Steals chickens!

You waltons have a way of
overlookin' them little things.

He did bring back the
chickens, like he said he would.

I don't want to hear no more

About what a fine,
upstandin' man yancy tucker is.

Listenin' to you,

I'll... I'll end up thinkin'
he's s-some kind of a saint.

Oh, he's not a saint, charlie.

No, he's just a
good old... Likeable

Chicken thief! Chicken thief!

Hey, ben! The liberty
came in, everybody.

It's here. Hey, ben!

Come on, elizabeth.

(John-boy) the liberty
came in. It's here.



Let me see it.

It's right here.
The liberty is here.

It's on page 16.

(Ben) where is it?

Here it is, here
it is. Here it is.

"A winter mountain,
by benjamin walton."


It looks swell, ben.

Doesn't it? Here, here, look.

Let me see.

Well, isn't that somethin'?

It certainly is.

We'd be pleased if
you'd read this to us.


Come on, ben.

Come on, ben. He's bashful.

I don't mind if you
read it, john-boy.


Come on.

"A winter mountain,
by benjamin walton.

"Our mountain in winter
is something to see

"At times it is just
like a person to me

"A giant in white, all
covered with snow

"It changes each day
as the heavy winds blow

"And when I'm alone,
and I go for a walk

"It's almost as if that
old mountain can talk

"It seems to say,
'welcome, my wintry friend

"I was here in the beginning
I'll be here at the end'"

(John) congratulations!

[All cheering]

(John-boy) outside our mountain,

The world was in
deep depression,

But we were sheltered
by a common bond.

The accomplishment of one
was the accomplishment of all.

We shared our
glories, our defeats,

Our hopes, our aspirations,

But mostly, our love.

[Crickets chirping]

(Elizabeth) ben?

(Ben) yes, elizabeth?

Could you write a poem about me?

(Jim-bob) me, too.

(Erin) me, 3!

(Mary ellen) me, 4!

Anybody else want
to be in my poem?

(John-boy) why don't you
just put everybody in, ben?

(Elizabeth) will they print
it in liberty magazine?

They'd better not.
It's my turn now!

(All) good night!
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