02x07 - The Prize

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x07 - The Prize

Post by bunniefuu »

[Birds chirping]

(John-boy) sunday afternoon
on walton's mountain

Was a time of quiet

We took it easy,

Or else worked at a slower pace,

And enjoyed a brief respite

From the cares that
beset us during the week.

After we came home from
church and had dinner,

We permitted ourselves

The luxury of play
and relaxation.

I remember one such
sunday in august.

(Mary ellen) mama,
would you pour

The vinegar-rinse over my hair?



Close your eyes.

Too much washin' takes
out all the natural oils.

At her age, mary ellen's
got more natural oils

Than she knows what to do with.

Now where in the land of goshen

Did this swatch come from?

That's the dress

John gave me
after erin was born.

(Grandma) that's right.

It got too snug

When jim-bob was
on the way and split.

(Grandma) my, wasn't he
one big healthy baby?

All my babies were healthy.

Mama, what makes some
babies bigger than others?

Well, inheritance.

The size of the
mother and father.

What the mother eats
when she's pregnant.

That's got nothin'
to do with it.

It's what the good lord intends.

How's this look?

Hey, pretty snazzy.

But isn't it gonna go stale
before the county fair?

Oh, this is just a sample.

I'm trying aunt
polly's old recipe.

I'm gonna bake another
one for the fair.

I didn't have any almond
flavoring, though.

Remind me next time
we go to the store.

Mama, how would I
look with bobbed hair?


Oh, mama.

(John-boy) reckless,
you old rabbit chaser!

[Reckless barks]
stop right there!

Rover, get back! Get back!

Stop right there.

Rover, stop!

[Reckless continues barking]

Get him out of here.

Come on, come on, reckless.

(John) come on. Get
rover in the pen.

I taught him to heel.

He heels better
than reckless does.

That's not sayin' much. Come on.

Come on, rover.

(John) come on.

(Ben) ok. Come on,
rover. Come on.

Get goin'. Come on.

(Ben) I have a chance
to make a dollar off him.

(John) how's that, son?

Well, mr. Godsey says

Nobody'll donate a pig
for the greased pig contest

But they still want
to have it anyway.

Just not give the pig away.

That's an easy way
to make a dollar.

It won't hurt rover
being the greased pig,

Will it, daddy?


I doubt anybody will catch
him, much less throw him.

Not unless ben yells, "rover."

He sure grew.

I still can't believe that
yancy would just give him to me.

[Rover grunting]

Yeah, well,

What was it exactly
that yancy said, son?

Well, he said he was
walkin' through the woods

And he saw this little pig
standin' there like it was lost,

And it sort of
followed him home.

Yeah, and he doesn't
have any need for a pig,

And we were the first
place he passed so...

Ben, what're you plannin'
to do with the dollar

That you get for
the use of rover?

Well, I was wonderin'.

Daddy, do you reckon I can
get a girl pig for a dollar?

Might be able to get a
runt for about a dollar.

Never thought I'd have
a son in the hog business.

(Ben) and about how
many come in a litter?

(John) well, 6 to
12. Sometimes more.

If they grow up as
fast as rover did,

By next year they'd have...

I guess the depression
would be over

For ben walton, wouldn't it?


Look at that.

(All) the baldwin sisters.


♪♪[Music playing]

You have such
courtly manners, oscar.

So like your dear father.

[Birds chirping]

It's not good manners to snoop

When guests are coming.

Jason, turn off the radio.

Who's the man out there, mama?

I don't know. I
haven't seen him yet.

Miss mamie and miss emily!

What a pleasant
surprise! Come on in.

[Sisters chuckling]

We have a surprise
for you, olivia.

He made us promise not to tell.

It's been a long time, olivia.

Oscar cockrell!

My goodness!

Olivia, you're more beautiful
now than you were as a girl.

[Olivia chuckles]

(Olivia) I didn't know
you knew mr. Cockrell.

(Mamie) oh, his
father was a lawyer.

A bosom friend of
our father, the judge.

Let me introduce
you to my family.

This is john, our oldest,
named after his father.

Hello, john. Oscar cockrell.

You know john's mother?

Yes. Hello, mrs. Walton.

Hello, oscar.

And this is our next, jason.

Glad to meet you, sir.


Erin. Hi.

Imagine that. You
with 3 children.

3? I've got 7.

[Stammers] I don't believe it.

You'd believe it if you were
ever here at suppertime.

Mary ellen?

(Mary ellen) mama, my hair.

Nobody came to look
at your hair. Come on.

Mary ellen, this
is mr. Cockrell.


Such a beauty. She
favors you, olivia.


Who do I favor?

Oh, here, let me see.

This is elizabeth, our youngest.

Oh, you don't favor anybody.
You're... You're just plain beautiful.

When her face is clean.

(John) miss emily. Miss mamie.

(Olivia) john, look who's
here. Oscar cockrell.

(Oscar) good to see you
after all these years, john.

Oscar, what brings
you to blue ridge?

(Mamie) he's runnin'
for the legislature

From jefferson county.

And he's permittin' us the
pleasure of his company.

While he campaigns
in our district.

Isn't that excitin',

Having a member
of the legislature

Practically in the family?

Oh, don't count
on that, miss mamie.

Uh, my speeches haven't
been going over all that well.


You deliver such
lovely speeches,

Makes me wish I
could vote twice.

(Mamie) well, if papa were
runnin' things, you could have.

Could have what, mamie?

Oh, now, sister,

If you're going to
engage in conversation,

You must pay attention.

Oscar, have you met
these 2 boys of mine?

You've probably
met the rest of them.

This is jim-bob and this is ben.

Mr. Cockrell used to be
a boyhood friend of mine.

Mr. Cockrell was a suitor
of your dear mother's.

(Emily) before she
married your father.

Oh, now, that goes
without saying.

Well, they were rivals
for your mother's hand.

(Oscar) oh, no. Nothing
like that really. I...

I never had a chance,
I'm sorry to say.

Daddy, can we go out now?

Yeah, son. Go ahead. Scoot!

(Oscar) nice meeting you.

(John) come on in,
ladies. Come on in.

Oscar, have a seat.

(John) grandma,
put on the coffee.

[Birds chirping]

Heel's too big.

I'm workin' on her.

Grandpa, aren't
you gonna go inside?

No. I'd sooner sit
here and whittle

Than listen to a
politician sound off.

Olivia, you're a splendid cook.

She ought to be. She
sure gets enough practice.

(Grandma) livie's enterin' a
cake like that in the state fair.

Grandma's entering
her patchwork quilt.

I'm to be one of the
judges, so they tell me.

My sister and I are
enterin' our jelly.

It's made from a secret recipe.

Now, ladies, don't you think

You're using a little
undue influence.

Why, john, I don't
know what you mean.

I purely love john
walton. Always teasing.

[Emily giggling]

Are you married, oscar?

Oh, yes, indeed.

You remember dodie bowen?

The bowens, over
by carter bridge.

Yeah. She was, uh...

Is, uh, quite a bit younger
than the rest of us.

(John) how many children
do you have, oscar?

We haven't been blessed.

Mrs. Cockrell is in
europe at present.

She's visitin' the
mediterranean countries.

You know, john keats
particularly loved italy.

He died there.

Oscar, john-boy's
gonna be a writer.

One of these days

We're all gonna be quotin' him.

Thank you, miss mamie.

A writer?

Well, young man,

Perhaps we better have
a talk about your future.

Well, I think all this fame
is a little early right now.

I'd better concentrate
on gettin' to college first.

Oh, that'll be quite
an undertaking.

(Oscar) uh, depression times.

With such a large
family. Perhaps I could...

Well, I just reckon

That one step at a time
is... Is the best way for me.

Well, that's good thinking.

That's my theory.
One step at a time.

Mine, too.

And my next step ought
to be out to the barn.

I got some chores to finish up.

Nice to meet you.

Thank you. Nice to meet you.

As much as I hate to leave, i... I
think we'd all better be going.

A famous politician
has so many demands.

On his time, don't you know?

Now, ladies, i-i'm not famous,

And i... I don't even
know if I'm a politician.

I'm just trying my
wings out here.

(John) you're sure to take,
uh, jefferson county, oscar.

(Emily) why, thank you, john.

Miss emily, so nice
of you to come by.

It was a nice time.

Thank you.

Thank you. Come back anytime.

It's been a... Been
a real pleasure.

You're always welcome
here, oscar. You know that.

Come back anytime.
Thank you, john.


Come on, ladies.
Help you in the car.

[All chattering]

(Olivia) bye, oscar.

[Birds chirping]

[Engine starts]

(John) bye.

That oscar's turned out
to be a good-lookin' man.

You'd have been
married to a politician

If you'd played
your cards right.

I played my cards right.

I thought you baptists
weren't allowed to play cards.


Come on in the house.


Please go to sleep,
mary ellen. I'm sleepy.

Did g.w. Say he liked
it better short?

Who cares what g.w. Thinks.

Someone I know
whose initials are m.e.w.

Miss emily said

They were rivals
for mama's hand.

What's a rival?

(Mary ellen) who?

Daddy and mr. Cockrell.

Mr. Cockrell said they weren't.

I wonder if he ever kissed her.

I said, what's a rival?

Mama wouldn't do
a thing like that.

But she wasn't mama then.
She was just a girl like us.

Well, I wouldn't let
any old boy kiss me.

Me, either.

Oh, wouldn't you?

What if you were
on a deserted island

And he played his
ukulele for you?

And then he decided to put
his arm around you? And then...

Well, just let him try.
He'll wish he hadn't.

Nobody ever listens.

[Door closing]

What're you doin'?

What am I usually doin'?

You know,

If you're not careful,
you might get good at that.

Listen to this.
This is fantastic.

"Talent alone
cannot make a writer.

"There must be a
man behind the book.

"It makes a great difference
to the force of any sentence

Whether there be a
man behind it or no."

Ain't that somethin'?

That's wonderful.

G-goethe wrote that.

That mr. Cockrell
is rich, isn't he?

Well, you've got to have
money to get to the legislature.

Grandpa says he inherited his.

Abe lincoln was poor.

I reckon it must've have
been different in those days.

I guess so.

You reckon daddy liked

Having mr. Cockrell
come by to see mama?

He came by to see
'em both, jason.

Yeah. But mostly mama.

Time for bed, jason.

Good night, jason.

Good night, john-boy.
Good night, mama.

Good night.

You writin' another story?

Just making some notes.

What are you looking
at me like that for?

You sure are beautiful.


What a nice thing
for you to say.

You know, when
mr. Cockrell was here today,

I was lookin' at you,

It was like I suddenly saw you.

You see me every day.

That's what I mean. It was
funny to be lookin' at you

At the same time as someone who
knew you before I was even born.

You make me sound
like I'm 100 years old.

It just made me wonder

What you must have
been like as a girl.

I was an ugly duckling.


Well, I felt like one anyway.

Skinny and shy,

And people were always
teasin' me about my red hair.

I love your red hair.

So do i. Now.

Mama, are you happy
with your life here?

Of course I'm happy.

I've got everything in the
world to make me happy.

Don't you ever wonder

What it would have been like
if you'd married someone else?

Oh, john-boy,

Everybody has a secret
part of themselves.

A place where all
their dreams live.

Of course

I... I sometimes wonder
what big cities are like.

Or what it would be like to
wear store-bought clothes

Instead of makin' 'em.

But if I had all that, I
wouldn't have all of you.

I guess what I'm really
askin' is if we're enough.

I reckon I have more
than most people dream of.

Well, I'll tell you one thing.

I'd sure hate never
to have known you.

Don't stay up too late.

Good night, mama.

(John-boy) I've never
really thought about

My mother and father

As being anything but
married to each other.

And then, today,
I met a man who,

Under different circumstances,
might have been my father.

[Rover grunting]

Why are you doin' that?

Gotta have him lookin'
good for the fair tomorrow.

Rover's going to be the star.

That pig doesn't look
like any star I ever saw.

Don't call him a pig.
He thinks he's a dog.

When is rover going
to have puppies?


Pigs don't have puppies.

They have little pigs.


Because. That's why.


Get his nose.

I'm getting it.


Needs about another 5 minutes.

What's first prize for cakes?

$5, They tell me.

What are you going
to do with it if you win?

Oh, I thought I'd take
me a trip to europe.

Well, that's it. Only
took me 3 years.

That's about the prettiest
quilt you ever made, grandma.

It's a prize-winner
if I ever saw one.

I thought I'd decorate the cake

With fresh raspberries.

Slow down, child.
There's a cake in the oven.

Mama, ben needs some lard.

All right.

What does he want lard for?

He's gonna grease rover. See if we
can catch him. Says he needs practice.

You tell ben I don't want you children
rollin' in the dirt with any greased pig.

And furthermore, lard is
too expensive these days.

Oh, mama.

Don't you "oh,
mama" me, jim-bob.

Besides, who'd have
to wash your clothes?

You would. That's right.

So don't get filthy,

And don't tear your clothes.

Mama, ike didn't
have any almonds.

Says he doesn't get

Too much call for
fancy stuff like that.

Oh, no.

Aunt polly's recipe
distinctly calls for almond.

Why don't you use vanilla
or somethin' like that?

That'd be just an everyday
cake. I want this cake to be zippy.

Oh, lord!

Few more minutes,

And we wouldn't have had
to worry about flavoring.

Is there anything I can
do for you around here?

No. You can go outside
and check on the children.

[Door closing]

Livie, now don't
you tell a soul.

But almond wasn't what

Cousin polly used in her icin'.

No? What did she use?


Rye whiskey.

I don't like to say it,
but, uh, it was delicious.

Grandma, I'm surprised at you.

Well, it's not against the law

Since prohibition's
been repealed.

Well, even so.

Anyway, where could we
possibly get hold of whiskey

Except from the baldwin sisters?

And I'd never do
that in a million years.

Zeb's got some.

I... I pretend I don't
know that he has it.

He likes to think he's
got me fooled, but, uh,

There's a pint bottle

Under his woolen socks
in the old secretary.

You think he'd let me
have a tablespoon or two?

I'm sure he would.

But, uh, then I'd
have to let him know

That i... I know where
he's got it hidden.

But I think a man should have
a secret or two from his wife.

That isn't much
help to me, is it?


I'll get you a smidgen.

He'll never know the difference.

[Birds twittering]

(Mary ellen) mama, do you think
maybe yancy tucker could've stolen

That little pig he gave to ben?

(Olivia) why, mary ellen,
what a thing to say.

Well, I just wondered.

Well, don't yancy is
your father's best friend.

Then why does
daddy always call him

"You old horse
thief" all the time?

Your father's idea
of a joke, I imagine.

(Olivia) hello, oscar.

If renoir could
have seen you three,

He would've painted
another masterpiece.

Who's renoir?

A french painter. He
loved life and beauty.

You girls be careful now,
and don't crush the big ones

Or they'll bleed on the icing.

That's quite a car
you have there, oscar.

Dodie doesn't like
an open car. She...

She prefers the lasalle
when she's at home.

Well, I guess in an
open car like that,

The wind would muss your hair.

Not dodie's.

She wears her hair
short, the latest style.

Do you have a picture of her?

I've got one of the two of us.

The newspapers
sometimes want one.

(Olivia) why, I'd scarcely
would've recognized her.

She looks so woman-of-the-world.

You could look chic with
your hair like that, olivia.

John likes it the way it is.


Tell me about
yourself. Are you...

Are you all right?

Of course. Don't
I look all right?

You look better than
you have any right to look.

But it can't have
been easy for you,

Havin' to work so hard.

Well, I guess the
depression's hit

Just about everybody.

But so many children?

Yeah. Aren't I lucky?

Wouldn't you like to travel?

Oh, someday maybe.

When times are better

And the children
don't need us anymore.

But right now, this is my world.

Dodie, uh,

Doesn't seem to mind
traipsing off all by herself.

Sometimes i...

I think she prefers it that way.

Are you happy?

Well, I thought I would be
once I took to politicking

But I'm no good at it. I... I...

I never caught the knack
of... Of... Of reaching people.

You're not supposed
to eat the big ones.

I need them to decorate my cake

For the county fair.

Oh, oscar,

Now you know what
it's going to look like.


(John-boy) and she
had been melancholy

When she came into the orchard.

But now she stood

In a shower of white petals
from the crab apple tree

Remembering another
time, a lost love.

And in that moment, she realized

That everyone has a
secret part of himself.

A place where all
one's dreams still live.

And strengthened,

She walked away from the orchard

Toward the place
where she lived.

Penny for your thoughts.

Don't be so extravagant.

A penny's worth more
than that these days.

It hasn't been easy
for you, has it, liv?


There are so many things
I've want to give you.

You've given me everything
I want out of this life.

Oscar could've given
you another kind of life.

Can you imagine me
married to a politician?

You did go out
with him a few times.

Just to make you jealous.

Did you ever kiss him?

Why, john walton, are
you out of your mind?


Zebulon, what in the
world are you doin'?

I was just trying to
smell your breath, esther.

You're crazy.


Now is there anything
wrong with my breath?

No, it's about
the same as usual.

There's someone
around this house tonight

Whose breath
smells like whiskey.

You're accusing me, old man?

Lips that touch liquor
shall never touch mine.

[Door closes]

Hurry up, livie.

Want to get to the fair early

And find a good spot
for my quilt here.

A-and your cake.

I'm almost finished.

Grandpa, will you hand
me that kettle over there?


Now, don't forget

That plate was a weddin'
gift from cousin julia.

I'll remember.

It... It goes to mary ellen
when she gets married.

Now, c-come on.

Livie, what sort of flavorin'

You girls been
using on that icing?


Nothing like the odor
of fresh raspberries.

Smells better than
raspberries to me.

I'll take it.

(John-boy) mother!

(John) come on, you folks,

Fair will be over
before we get there!

In you go, come on.

(Mary ellen) give me that.

(Jason) hop in, grandma.

(John) ok, come on in.

Good morning, folks.

You all on the way to the fair?

(John) nice day for it, oscar.

You look a little
crowded up there. Can i, uh,

Can I give anybody a lift?

John-boy, why don't
you go with oscar

And take the cake, it
won't jiggle so much.

All right, I'll take the cake.

Thank you, oscar.

(Grandma) livie, come on.

I'm comin'.

(Ben) come on,
grandpa. Find a seat.

(John) ready there, everybody?

(Elizabeth) ready.

Thank you.

See you all there.

See you there.

(All) bye!

(Ben) get back!

Stay. Sit there.

Hold it there, boy.

Get back.


Get back there!

[Birds chirping]

This is really a terrific car.

Thank you.

I can't get too
excited about it myself,

But, uh, I suppose
you're right. It's...

It looks good anyway.

You really want to
get to the legislature?

Young man, you hit
upon a sore point.

I... I think I do.

I'm trying to find something
to give meaning to my life,

So to speak.

So, you're gonna be a writer?

It's easy to call
yourself a writer.

Must be nice to know
exactly what you want.

I tell you,

At first I thought that
writers had to have names like

Percy bysshe shelley and
george gordon lord byron

And then I decided,

Why shouldn't just a
plain old john walton, j.r.

Stand just as good a chance?

You know what you
want to write about?

Well, family, mostly.

You know, the way
it is around here.

And what we do from day to day,

Strugglin' against the times.

But underneath, you know,
the way we feel about it.

Sort of, what we
want out of life,

That kind of thing.

Look, I met an editor

A couple of years
ago in new york.

Uh, scribners, he's with.

If you ever write a book,

I might be able to
get him to read it.

That's a very generous
offer, thank you.


I'd do anything in the
world for a boy of olivia's.

You should have seen your
mother when we were young.

Prettiest thing you ever saw.

She still is, I reckon.

Tell me,

Is there anything
your mama doesn't have

That... That she'd like?

Mmm-mmm. I... I don't think so.

Oh, fairgrounds are up
here, take the shortcut,

It's the next turn on the right.

♪♪[Carousel music playing]

[All chattering]

(Grandpa) park right here.

[Children laughing]

[Children chattering]

Here's your cake.

Ok, thanks, john-boy.

(Ben) you help me get this pig.

(John) since we're here, we
might as well lift it down.

(Oscar) here, I'll
give you a hand.

[All chattering]

Surprised he'd
dirty up his hands.

Oh, he's politicking.

(John) oh, here we go.

[Rover grunting]

That's a nice fat
hog you got there.

Well, rover's going
to be the greased pig.

Yeah? I hope he's feeling good.

No pig who ever ate
slops could outrun me.

We'll see about that,
george. Thanks for the help.

Didn't you promise
us all a dime?

Here, let me.

So I did.

(John) so I did. So I did.

(Elizabeth) oh, I want my dime.

(John) oh, I dropped them!


(John) all right, honey,
all right, take it easy.

Come on, let's set up
here. Here you go, honey.

Who else?

(Erin) me!

[Rover grunting]

(John) come on, let's go.

♪♪[Carousel music
continues playing]

Oh, you guys, there's a mirror!

Look at that.

[All chattering]

Hi, connie.


Nice piece of horse flesh there.


Over here. Get over here.


[All laughing and chattering]

(John) look at you.

[All laughing]

Daddy, I want to go
on the merry-go-round.

All right, who wants to
go on the merry-go-round?

(Erin) me!

(John) here you
go, get in. Let's go.

(John) come on.

I'm not goin' on that.

I dare you. It's a kiddy ride!

(John) hang on to your hats.

So you have a patchwork for us.

How nice.

Took me 3 years.

My, think of that.

Now, where are
we going to hang it?

(Grandma) right there,
where grace patterson's is.

That's an old one.

Oh, I don't think so. We're
only showing new work.

Look, I'd recognize

That double wedding-ring
pattern anywhere.

She won with it back in '29.

That was the last fair we
had before the depression.

Oh, I don't think

Mrs. Patterson would
submit a blanket twice.

Look, I have known her

Since before garfield was shot.

Don't talk to me
about that woman.

Don't you think it'll
look nice over here?

Looks fine right
here. Give me a hand.

Bring it right over here.

Oh, look, somebody
else had the same idea.

[Laughs] what a coincidence.

Oh, and both so pretty.

Oh, your name, please?

Mrs. John walton.

Taste is a factor,
too, mrs. Walton.

Well, now, now which one is, uh,

Which one is olivia's?
I-i'm confused already.

The one on the left.

Don't you dare, oscar,
I'd never forgive you.

We're trying to group
our jellies by flavor.

Is yours plum?

No, I wouldn't think so.

Well, it's darker
than strawberry.

So it is. It tastes better, too.

A combination, perhaps.

Of secret ingredients.

Our own recipe.

Now, sister, we must
give dear papa credit.

It's only fair.

Of course, dear.

Don't tell me your
father was a jelly maker?

Oh, heavens, no.
Papa was a judge.

But he had a recipe for jelly?

Not precisely. But
he was inventive.


Like thomas alva edison.

The comparison would
have pleased him, sister.

Uh, well, uh,

Suppose we put
your jelly over here

In the family recipe section.

(Mamie) a decision worthy
of solomon, my dear.

I'll take that.

Thank you.

Thank you.



Sister, I feel like having
our fortunes told.

Oh, I've never had
much faith in gypsies

Since that one in budapest

Saw that sea captain in my palm.

But if you want
to... Oh, sister, let's!

♪♪[Carousel music playing]


[Grandpa chuckling]

Were all them teeth really
his, or were they store-bought?

Oh, they're his own all right.

But sometimes seemed like

He had more than his fair share.

You got close enough
so you could tell?

Teddy roosevelt always
talked to all of us rough riders.

Nothing highfalutin' about him,

No siree, horsetail bob nag, no.

Is that a fact?

He's as common as an old shoe.

I remember one night, just
before san juan hill, it was.

We 're sittin'
around the campfire,

And tellin'
stories, and singin'.

(Grandpa) we looked
up all of a sudden,

And there he stood,

Singin' right along with us.


Oh, he was a nice man.

(Mary ellen) hi, g.w.

Oh, hi.

Oh, hello, martha rose.

How's every little
thing, mary ellen?

Every little thing is just fine.

Martha rose
entered her brownies.

They're the best I ever tasted.

I used cashews
instead of walnuts.

I'm not partial to
cashews myself.

I know some who are.

It takes all kinds.

Well, what got into mary ellen?

Gosh, who knows?

You in that famous
charge, mr. Walton?

Now, uh, what charge was that?

Up san juan hill.

Sure, sure, I was there.
Right up behind him,

Leadin' the charge and
giving the rebel yell.


(Man #1) now you're fooling.

(Grandpa) no, it's a fact.

(Man #2) a-and
you didn't get hit?

Well, no,

Not till we got right up
to the top of the ridge.

Then some spaniard
plugged me right in the...

No, no... No, I think
it was the right knee.

It happened so long
ago, I almost forgot.

Reckon we've got 2
celebrities with us here today.

Yeah? And who's the other one?

Oscar cockrell.

Oh, him?


I hope you're not calling
me a liar, esther walton.

I wouldn't think of it.

All I'm saying is,

That's the same quilt
you showed back in '29.

And I tell you,

It's one like it
and I made it since.

It's beginnin' to fray. See?

That swatch was
frayed when I sewed it in.

Ladies, please!


Yours is much prettier.

That's beside the point.
Where's my husband?

He's over there
talking to some men.

Grandma, I never knew
he met teddy roosevelt

During the spanish-american w*r.

Well, as far as I
know, he didn't.

But he's over there sayin'
that he rode up right behind him

On the charge up san juan hill.

Oh, zeb was always
a good storyteller.

If a thing didn't happen,

He made it happen
when he told it.

Maybe that's where
you get your talent.

It's not like grace
patterson and her stories.

Don't worry about
it, she hasn't won yet.

Come on, let's go
get some coffee.

[Rover grunts]

Still watching the pig, huh?


Why don't you go to the fair?

I'm keepin' him company.

Listen, ben, you... I'll sit
with him awhile, all right?

I spent my dime already anyway.

Ok, you wanna?

Sure, go on.

Thanks a lot.

Have a good time.

Oh, I will.

Hey, rover.

♪♪[Playing mouth organ]

[Rover grunting]

[All clamoring]

[All groan]

I'll get it. I'll get it. What's
that number up there?

(All) 500.

(George) thing is fast.

[Clapping and laughing]

Come on, oscar, you can do it.

Oh, no, I was never
much good at that stuff.

Ok, here.

Hold my coat, john-boy.

You're ready?

(Man) ok, we're ready.

[Crowd groans]

(John) didn't move
it a knot, oscar.

(Oscar) my foot slipped.
Try it again. You can do it.

It didn't slip
that time, did it?

I guess

I inherited my muscles
from my mother.

Come on, walton, you're next.

It's not fair. Come on, daddy.

I got too much practice
swinging that axe. You try it.

No, I don't want to.
Come on, john-boy.

[All cheering]

[All cheering]

Come on, daddy.

Come on, daddy.

All right, I'll give it a try.

(Elizabeth) come on,
knock it off. Right off.

Well, well, well.

All right.

[All cheering]


Why, miss emily and miss mamie,

Is this what i, uh, think it is?

Our secret recipe.

Positively intoxicating.

[John-boy exclaiming]

[All whooping]

All right, here we go.

What're you gonna
have as a prize?

Oh, I want the
elephant as a prize.

I want the rabbit.

An elephant and a rabbit.

Here we go.

There'll be another
time for you, esther.

If you mean like there
was another time for you,

I wouldn't stoop... I told you,

This is a new one

Made from the same pattern.

All right, if it's so new,

Where did that piece come from?

Well, let me see,

That must have been, um...

You see, you've forgotten.

Now, I can remember
every square inch in mine.

There's livie's dress,
there's my old comforter,

There's zebulon's wedding shirt,

There are my bloomers.

(Judge #1) now, they look alike.
And the texture's the same

But there's somethin'
about this one.

The flavor of the icing.

(Judge #2) I can't place it.

(Judge #1) I can't either,

But it's habit-forming.

(Judge ♪ 2) what do you think?

Well, there's no doubt in
my mind at all. This one, here.

Mmm, I couldn't
agree with you more.

Harriet, what about you?

That makes it unanimous.

Mrs. Walton.

(Judge ♪ 2) congratulations,
mrs. Walton.

Thank you.

I hope you'll give
me your recipe.

I will if you tell me where
you have your hair done.

Burgess' beauty
salon, it's called.

Tell them mrs. Miller sent you.

(Olivia) thank you.

Olivia, promise me one thing.

You send me a snapshot

As soon as you
get your hair cut.

I may be silly and vain,

But I want to try
it at least once.

[Woman laughing]

(Bridges) we've been
havin' hard times

Here in jefferson county
like every place else.

But I think it's time

We get somebody
down there in richmond

Who can speak up for us.

I'm not much of a
talker, as you all know,

I'm gonna let mr. Cockrell
speak for himself.

Here he is, mr. Oscar cockrell.

[Man cheering]

My good friends,
my good neighbors,

We have a friend in the
white house these days.

He was sent to us

When we were sorely
tried and afraid.

He has brought us
the n.r.a., The c.c.c.,

The w.p.a. Yes,
he's a good friend.

But one man alone cannot reach
into every town, every hamlet,

Every mountain community.

Oh, come on, oscar,

Why don't you tell us something

We don't already know?

He needs help.

Help from men in every
branch of government.

(George) and you
wanna be that help?

(Man) he does, oscar.

(John) give him a
chance, george,

We do need help down
here. Go on, oscar.

Well, let him say
what he means, then.

Mister, you out there,

I do want to be that help.

I grew up in these parts I
know these dogwood hills,

The... The red-clay earth

And the... The air
so clean and fresh,

You can hear a whippoorwill
all the way to lovingston.

We... We are not strangers!

Some of you out there
have known me all my life.

Right out there now

Is... Is miss emily baldwin
and... And miss mamie baldwin.

And then... Then
there are the waltons.

(Oscar) john and olivia.

And their beautiful family.

(Oscar) i... I feel that
I know all of you.

And i... I know some of the
problems you have up here.

[Balloon bursting]

Yes, I wanna break
some balloons, too.

I wanna break some
balloons in richmond.

[All cheering]

[Man whistling]

And if you've got problems,

I want to make them
my problems, too.

I want to get down in
the state legislature

And tell them your
wants, your needs,

And see to it that you get them.

(Man) hey, hey, oscar!


[Crowd exclaiming]

Come on!

They missed again!

[Rover squeals]

I'm gonna get that pig!

(Man) come on, mr. Porter.

Come here, pig.

[George exclaims]

(George) now I've got you.

[All chattering]

(Boy) get him!


[Crowd exclaiming]

(George) wait a minute!

♪♪[Carousel music playing]

(Man) come here!

[Man yelling]

[All clamoring]

[Rover grunts]

[Woman exclaims]

[Rover squealing]

[All chattering]

Hey, where did you
get that pig, boy?

It was a present.

That's some present.

That's my pig. Look here.

That's my mark. That's
my mark. That's my pig.

Just a minute, now, george,

You don't wanna call
ben here a thief, do you?

I'm saying, this
here is my property.

Yeah, he's right, walton.

(Burt) them's
porter's marks, ok.

Well, all right, george. Say
what, I'll buy him from you.

How much do you want?


(John) $10, george?

(Burt) that pig's not worth
more than $5, george.

Besides, you didn't
fatten him up any.

I'll give you $5, george.

Ben here wants to
go in the hog business.

That's stealin'.

But I'll take it.

All right. I'll pay you
next week. Come on.

Next week? You pay me now.

You want this pig,
you pay me now.

(John) gotta get some firewood.

(George) now, if
you want the pig.

Real neighborly of
you to offer to wait,

Mr. Porter, but there's no need.

(Olivia) here's the
money we owe you.

[Rover grunts]

All right, there's your pig.

[Rover grunting]

Thank you.

(John-boy) put the
rope around his neck.

I wanted you to have
that money for yourself.

What could I buy that
I haven't already got?

(John) 1, 2, 3, up.

Mama, will you teach me
how to make brownies?

Yes, dear, but not right now.

Olivia, john,

It's been a great day and i... I sure
hope to see all of you real soon.

Good luck, oscar. Thank you.

(John) all right, here we go.

[All chattering]

(Grandpa) we're all
your constituents.

[All chattering]

(Grandpa) is this yours?

[Engine starts]

Come on back.

(John-boy) turn it right.
Turn it right. Come on back.


Good luck on the elections.

Thanks, I think I'm
going to enjoy the fight.

Enjoy it? You might even win it.

I'm willing!

(John-boy) let's hope so.

[Sheep bleating]

(All) bye, oscar!

(John-boy) many people
were to touch our lives.

Hard times, sickness,

And survival in a harsh
decade were still ahead of us,

But we weathered them,
and we endured them

Because the love of my
parents for each other

And for my brothers and sisters

Made our family invulnerable.

I did not know it then,

But they were the
best days of our lives.

[Crickets chirping]

(Mary ellen) daddy, did you like
brownies when you were a boy?

(John) every little
boy likes brownies.

(Olivia) I wish you'd
told me that.

You might have popped
the question sooner.

(John) time to learn one of
the facts of life, mary ellen.

A boy seldom marries a girl
on account of her brownies.
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