02x12 - The Bequest

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x12 - The Bequest

Post by bunniefuu »

(John-boy) as much as
every member of my family

Loved our day-to-day life,

We all had moments

When we were prone to consider

What life would be like if
we had a million dollars.

Most of the time,

Those moments of
avarice were short-lived

And quickly replaced
by the real values

That made up our lives.

But one day,

A letter came which pushed
every member of the family

Toward a new appraisal

Of what was really
important in life.

(Elizabeth) it's mine.

(John-boy) I get it
first, I'm the oldest.

(Elizabeth) I'm the youngest.

(Ike) I hope that's
enough for all of you.

(Jason) I hope so.

That's hard and cold.

Martha rose coverdale,
when did you do that?

What are you
referring to, mary ellen?

I think she's
referring to your hair.


It's the new jean harlow
look. Do you like it?

It's an eyeful.

Does your mother know
you've turned blonde?

Know? Why, it was her idea.

We made a special
trip to a beauty parlor

Down in richmond,

And then to a photographer
to have some pictures made.

And they're already on their way

To a talent scout in hollywood,

Who is looking for new faces.

If that talent scout
shows up around here,

You be sure to tell him
you know of a guitar player

Who'd like to get in the movies.

Oh, wouldn't that be somethin'?

The 2 of us going to hollywood.

It sure would.

Martha rose?

Yes, elizabeth?

Can I touch your hair?

Oh, I'm sorry, elizabeth.

It cost too much to mess up.

(Mary ellen) how much?

Well, mama won't let
me say, but it was a lot.

Grandma says

It's sinful for someone
to dye their hair.

If that's true, then there's
a lot of sinners in this burg.

[All laughing]

How do you know
that, mr. Godsey?

Well, you can tell
if a lady comes in,

And she buys certain items,

All at the same time. It's
a... It's a dead giveaway.

Like what, for instance?

You know, like, uh, ammonia,
soap flakes and peroxide.

Those are the things
you use to make

Your hair blonde. Isn't
that right, martha rose?

(Ben) what did they use on
you, martha rose? Pneumonia?

[Children laughing]

Certainly not.

[Children continue laughing]

(Ike) all right, boys, I
got a letter for you.

A letter?

It's not for you. It's
for your grandma.

Well, she hasn't had
a letter in 5 years.

And I know she's
never gotten one

From simon, brentnor and colby

Of st. Louis, missouri, before.

Names like that,
sounds like lawyers.

Lawyers? No. They wouldn't
be writing to grandma.

I'll give it to her.
She'll be tickled.

Thanks, ike.

[Children chattering]

Ok, where's my ice cream now?

I want it.

Well, uh, it was melting.

So we finished it for you.

Oh, well, thanks for the favor.

Any time, brother.

[All laughing]

Goodbye, martha rose.
Have fun in hollywood.

She's crazy.

(Erin) hey, mary ellen.

[Door closing]

Who do you think
would write to grandma?

I'll bet it's an old sweetheart.

Probably oglethorpe hansen.

No, I don't think it was him

Because he only danced with her.

I know. It's someone who
was madly in love with her.

And she jilted him and
he never got over it.

And so he's writing
to her after 50 years

To say that he's
still in love with her.

Isn't that the saddest, most
beautiful thing? I could cry.

You did. Last week
in the picture show.


[All shouting]

More coffee, reverend?

No, thank you, mrs. Walton.

How about another
piece of grandma's pie?

Well, that's a temptation,

But I believe in
moderation in all things.

I don't. I'd like to have
another piece, livie.

A little moderation
wouldn't hurt

That waistline
of yours, old man.

You've got a good
woman there, mr. Walton.

And she has no equal

In turning out a blueberry pie.

You think so, do you?

Yes, indeed.

I was just thinkin'
of tradin' her in

For another model,
like an old tin lizzie.

You're the one
likely to be traded in,

Old man, what with
that foolish tongue.

Oh, stop it.

Reverend, I wish
there was some way

We could help you, but...

Well, there's little
any of us can do.

The plain fact is

The congregation
just cannot meet

The cost of the
church roof repairs.

I received an estimate today

Is altogether beyond our means.

It's over $50.


Does that mean that
we can't use the church?

Well, the roof is unsafe,
and I fear the vibration

From the organ
and the hymn singin'

Will bring it right
down on our heads.

Well, it's handsome weather.

Why not have church
services outdoors?

Well, that would
be most enjoyable,

Except, of course,
for inclement weather.

But eventually, the
repairs have to be made.

Well, then sooner the
congregation knows,

The sooner each one can take
the matter up with the lord.

You're right.

Perhaps concentrated
prayer will bring

A satisfactory
answer to our problem.

Well, I have to be going.
Thank you so much.

Thank you for
stopping by, reverend.

Bless you, reverend.

And you, mrs. Walton.

I'll see you to the
great outdoors.


The church will never be able

To raise that kind of money.

We could take out a loan.

They'd never take a chance on

A little church way
out here in the country.

The cash around this
house is the money we need

For john-boy's things
when he goes to college.

Now, livie, you put that thought

Right out of your mind.

We've needed that
money time and time again,

But we've never touched it.

I'd hate to, but...

John-boy's not gonna need
the money till college begins.

And by that time,

Maybe the congregation
can pay it back.

Oh, lord. Here
come the children.

I gotta mend
elizabeth's rompers.

(All) grandma!

(John-boy) grandma,
you got a letter.

It's from st. Louis.


Grandma, grandma are
you gonna go to jail?

Child, what are
you talkin' about?

The letter is from lawyers.

Simon, brentnor and colby.

Do you know them?

I don't know
anyone by that name.

It's addressed to you:

"Mrs. Esther walton,
walton's mountain, virginia."

Right there.

Then there must
another one by that name.

Does anyone around here
know another esther walton?

(All) no.

Of course not.

Because she's
standing right here,

Plain as day. Grandma,
this is your letter.

John-boy, is your daddy outside?

I didn't see him.
I think he's still

Delivering railroad
tires at rockfish.

Then you get your
grandpa in here.

I... I want him here.


Grandma, aren't
you gonna open this?

(John-boy) grandpa, grandma
wants you to come in the house.

Whatever for? I'm busy.

She says she wants
you to come in the house.


At her beck and call.

[Hens clucking]

I don't know who
those people are.

I never knew anybody
in missouri in my life.

You just gonna let that letter
sit there forever, grandma?

What would it be
wanting with me?

Maybe you're elected best
grandmother of the year,

And they want
you go to st. Louis.

And we can all see you crowned.


I crowned your grandma
the day we got married.

What on earth are you
dragging me in from work for,

Old woman? I'm busy.

Open that fool thing.




[All giggling]

It is from lawyers, all right.


"Dear mrs. Walton,

"This is to advise you that
mrs. Cleveland potter died

2 Weeks ago in st. Louis."

Fern. Fern's dead.


Oh, yes, she was
a long-legged girl

Come off of walton's mountain.

Your grandma's best friend.

She got married and went west.

(John-boy) sorry, grandma.

Seems only yesterday that

Fern and I were
running down the road,

Chasin' off to school.

I knew that letter held no good.

Well, it isn't as if you
were so close anymore.

I don't think you've
heard from fern

For 25 years.


But early ties don't
lessen with time,

Even if the parties
do fail to keep up.

But now I wish I
had written her.

There's more in this letter.

Do you want me to finish it?

Go ahead and finish it.

The worst has already been told.

"Dear mrs. Walton, this is
to advise you..." So and so.

"At her husband's demise,

"Mrs. Potter filed a
copy of her own will

"With us for safekeeping.

"It is our duty to inform you
that you have been bequeathed

The sum of $250."

(Grandpa) well.

(John-boy) "the money
will be forthcoming

"As soon as the estate has
been completely settled.

"You may expect to hear
from us again shortly.

Very truly yours."

Fern left me money?

(John-boy) $250.

You're rich, grandma.


If we weren't married
already, I'd propose to you again

Just for the money.

How can you take
fern's death so lightly?

Oh, yes, i... I know. Fern
was your best girlfriend.

Why would she
name me in her will?

I guess she just
wanted you to know

She remembered.

To thank you for
your friendship.


The color green
was here favorite.

And she loved flowers.

She used to press them

Between the pages
of the family bible.

Violets, mostly.

She had such a pretty voice,

And she loved jokes and riddles.

What kind of riddles?

Well, I remember her favorite.

What do you sleep on, sit
on, and brush your teeth with?

I give up.

A bed, a chair,
and a toothbrush.

[All laughing]

What are you going to
do with all this money?

I don't know.

But I'll tell you all something.

Much as we can use it,

I'm not used to having money,

And I don't much like the idea.

[Water gushing]


Grandpa, are you all right?

(All) grandpa!

[All shouting]

You've got to be a polar
bear to bathe in that ice water.

I'm sorry, pa, I
forgot to tell you

The heater's on the blink.

I froze both of my feet.

Zeb, you hush up
with that foolishness

And come to bed.

[Children laughing]

Good night, grandpa.
Good night, grandma.

Good night, grandpa.

[Door shutting]

I wonder what grandma's gonna do

With all her money.

I wish she'd give it to me
so I could go to richmond

And get my hair done like
martha rose coverdale's.

Mary ellen,

How would I look
in a boyish bob?

Like a boy, probably. Why?

Well, someday I'll
get me a boyfriend,

And he's going to
want me to look pretty.

(Mary ellen) you are
pretty, elizabeth.

It's me that's the problem.

I really wonder what
I'd look like as a blonde.

You'll never know.

I wouldn't bet on that.

Sleep all right?

It took a while for
my mind to quiet down.

I shouldn't wonder.

But once I read some scriptures,

The quietness
began to take hold.

Morning, family.

Good morning, son.

Sit down, john-boy,
the pancakes are done.

Daddy get off all right?

Left at the crack of dawn.

How about you, grandma?

Did you sleep sound
after yesterday?

I did.


Grandma, how'd you sleep

After finding out
you're rich now?

(Grandma) fine, thank
you. Go and sit down.

The pancakes are hot.

(Jim-bob) morning, everybody.
Good morning, mama.

Good morning, grandma.
Were you able to sleep

After getting that
letter yesterday?

I slept fine, jason.
Go sit down and eat.


Good morning. Esther...

How is my million-dollar
baby in the 5-and-10-cent store?

Seems like

Nobody's got their mind
on food this morning.

(Jason) maybe nobody
else does, but I'm starving.

See here, jason, your grandma

Shouldn't be
waiting on us at all.

Anyone that's come into $250

Should be sittin' down
in the lap of luxury.

The lap of luxury is nothin'
but a mess of quicksand.

Now you build your
life on dollar bills,

And there'll just be plain
nothin' to hold you up.

That's typical talk of the rich.

Once they come into
money, they do their best

To tell poor folks
they don't need any.

[All laughing]

You hush up.

You'll be puttin' false
notions into young heads.

Pass the cakes and
the syrup, jim-bob.

Are they quizzing us on,
um, chapter 7 this morning?

You keep eatin',
but you be quiet

Because I have
somethin' to say to you

About the bequest.

I want to give $50 for
the new church roof.

Grandma, that's wonderful.

It's your money, grandma.

Let me finish.

I want to give each
of you children $3

And you can do anything
with it you have a mind to.


[All chattering]

Now I can go to ike's
for that magic set.

Don't waste your
money like that.

It's not wastin'.

$3. I've never had
$3. How much is it?

It's 3 times more than $1.

She never had a dollar, either.

Come on, everybody, eat up now.

I've also decided

To get the works of
zeb's old watch replaced.

I don't know what that'll cost,

But the jeweler can tell me.

Esther, you complained
about it tickin' all these years.

I complained more
when it stopped.

I miss that fool noise.

Now, stop interruptin'.
I got more to say.

That leaves well over $100

And I want that to go
to john-boy's education.

Oh, no. No, no, absolutely not.

John-boy, that's
what I want to do.

Grandma, we already have
$27 saved for john-boy's fund.

That's just the
point. "We've got."

But I want to do this on my own.

I want to be the one
to start john-boy off

With new clothes and books.

Outside of some old stories,

I've never had
anything to give him.

Grandma, you've
been giving to me

Since the day I was born.

But I wanted to give
you somethin' real,

And now I can.

We'll talk about this
later. Come on, children.

Time for school. Hurry up.

(Jason) bye, mama.

(Olivia) bye.

(Ben) bye, mama.

Tell miss hunter
that I'll be there.

I'll be a bit late,
but I'll get there.

Great. All right.

Bye, mama.


Elizabeth, wait. Hold it.



I appreciate what
you want to do,

But we really do have
enough money in the fund.

And I want you to save
that money for a rainy day.

I don't want a rainy day.

Esther is right.
I agree with her.

Let her do what
she wants to with it.

Thank you, zeb.

I don't know what to say,

Except I love you.

That's somethin'
money can't buy.

One more thing.

I thought we could
take the money

We've been savin'
right now, today,

And order a new
hot water heater.

That is a great idea.

That old heater's
been complaining

For some time now, and
it ought to be retired.

Good, then that's what we'll do.

I could go down to ike's
and order it right now.

John-boy, you go off to school,

Or we won't need that
college fund at all.

Ok. Grandpa, you finish
these cakes for me.


I want you to stop
by the rev. Fordwick

And tell him what I told you.

I want to ease
his mind somewhat.

That'll be nice.

Grandma, thank you.

That's nice of you.

Thank you, livie.

Now, esther, you are a treasure.

I'm going to give you
an upside-down kiss.

Thank you, livie.

Grandma, you really
are quite a lady.

Well, looks like we're
gonna have pancakes

For lunch.

Sure looks like it.

Sittin' here isn't going
to get this mess done.

[Children chattering]

[Birds chirping]

Mary ellen, do you
have to be so strange?

What do you mean, strange?

Well, all you do is stare at me.

Must be your hair, martha rose.

I've decided I like it.

Why, thank you very much.

You know, martha rose,

We've never really
been very good friends,

But maybe we could be.


Well, I want to grow up.

Would you like to have a
conversation, martha rose?

Well, all right.

Have you heard from

The hollywood talent scout yet?

Not yet.

Could I ask you something else?

I suppose so.

When they put that
goop on your hair

To turn it blonde,

What did the goop look like?

Well, it was sort
of like a paste.

And how long did
they leave it on?

About a half hour.

Then they washed
it and combed it

And then, voila!

What's "voila"?

It's french.

Adolphe menjou said it

In this movie I saw in richmond.

And after they washed it,

Did they put the
goop on a 2nd time?

No, just once.

Well, it was a nice
conversation, martha rose.

We'll have to do
it again sometime.

All right, mary ellen.

♪ I've been working
on the rail road ♪

♪ All my live long day ♪

[Door opening]

♪ I've been working
on the railroad ♪♪

Hey, ike!

Hey, john walton, jr.

on your windfall.

Thank you. Who told you?

Your daddy and grandpa told me.

Wait till you see the a*t*matic,

Insulated, new gas water heater

That you're gonna
have in your kitchen.

It's self-regulating,

And it's got a
20-gallon capacity.

And it's all paid for,
cash on the barrelhead.

Grandma's going to be pleased.

Do you mind if I look at
these, uh, clothes over here?

Yeah, sure, go ahead.

And your daddy told
me about your grandma

Being so generous about
your college money, too.

Yeah, well, there's a lot
of people around here

I've got to be
grateful for, ike.

[Door opening]

What you doing, john-boy?

Looking for college
clothes already?

Yeah, I thought I'd just
check around and see

What the well-dressed
college man

Will be wearing this fall.

Mr. Godsey, you still have
that magic set for just 87 cents?

Huh-huh. Right over there.

Thank you.

Mind if take a look at
your guitar strings?

Huh-huh, sure, ok.


I think I like this.

Everybody, look
at me. I'll get this

For halloween. It
only costs a nickel.

Wait a second, anything
you buy has to have

A deposit on it,
otherwise I can't hold it.

Well, nickel and
dime deposits only,

Until grandma's
money comes through.


Penny deposits?

Elizabeth, that
depends on what you buy.

We'll decide what we want,

And then be back later
with our deposits. All right?

(John-boy) come on,
everybody, let's go.

Look at this here.

See you, ike.

See you later.

(All) bye-bye.


[Door opening]

My books.

[Door creaking]

Use some company?

Come sit.


I've just been thinkin'
of fern potter

And the joys she's made possible

For this family.

Grandma, you're the one

Who's making everything
possible for us.


I just wish there was something

I could do for you.


Just being able to help
you with your schooling is

More than I ever expected
to get out of this life.

I got it. I got an idea.

I've got a surprise for you.

I'm gonna take you someplace.

You're gonna love it.
No, you're gonna love it.

It's a surprise.

Let's see, we can't do it,
we can't do it on sunday

Because we've got
church on sunday.

I've got half-day
school on monday.

We'll do it on monday
if we can get the truck,

I'll take you there on monday.

You'll love it. You've
got my curiosity.

It's a great idea. What is it?

I'm not telling you, it's a
surprise. It's a surprise.

You're gonna love it.

We're gonna go someplace.

I'm very excited about it.

I wish it was monday already.

All those children
can talk about

Is the money they'll be getting.

To them, $3 is a fortune.

I know.


Let them enjoy it, liv.

They're so greedy about it.

"I want this, I want that."

I thought we taught
them better than that.

What we didn't teach them

Is what to do if they got rich.

Why should I give you a dollar?

Because I need to
buy a lot of supplies

For my guitar.

If you loan me the money,
I'll teach you how to play.

I don't want to know
how to play the guitar.

Besides, I have my eye
on a magic set and a sled.

Let jim-bob give you the money.

He asked you.

I'm not giving him the money.

No, you're going to
spend it all on baby stuff,

Like a crummy toy magic set.

Look at the baby, jim-bob.

I'll show you who's a baby.

Come on, jason, knock him out!

Knock his block off!

Jim-bob, grab his other arm.

(John) what's going on in there?

All right now, stop that.

Dad, he was picking on me.

Come on. Stop.

[John grunts]

What's happening in here?

It's all ben's
fault. He started it.

It's not.

Come here. Now, stop it!

Jason wanted me
to give him money.

Just part of it. Just a loan.

Ben told jason to take mine.

You're gonna get...

Ben, stop it. That's enough.

Go back to your bed.

Go to bed and stop it.

Go ahead.

We've won, ben.

I don't want any
more fighting tonight.

(Rev. Fordwick) "the seed
also of his servants

"Shall inherit it

And they that love his
name shall dwell therein."

Let us silently pray together.

[Birds chirping]

This concludes our
service. But before we leave,

I have news of the
utmost importance.

As we all know,

$51 Has been standing between us

And our safety under
the church roof.

Now as many of
you possibly know,

One among us has
been favored this week

By the fortuitous
hand of fortune.

In her gratitude, and
out of her devotion,

Mrs. Esther walton has
turned to her church

And pledged the
entire sum we need

To provide us with a new roof.

Mrs. Walton, we
humbly thank you.

(Grandpa) here it is.
Congratulations, you found it.

(John-boy) grandpa,
will you drive?

Yes, I've got my license.

Thank you.


Come on, let me
play with your ear.


That's pretty, honey.

Daddy, what can we do?

We'll think of something later.

Let's double check and find
out something to use my $3 on.

All right, let's
look in the wish book

And see what we can find, ok?

Where's that sears
roebuck catalog?

In the drawing desk.

Come on.


$3 You got, huh? All right.


Let's see. There it is.

[All chattering]

(John) now calm down, everyone.

Let's look. You got $3, you say.

Yeah. Let's see.

[Children chattering]

(Jason) that's beautiful. $21.

If we got one of those,
then we could buy

Gene autry and
nick lucas records

And hear them play
their guitars and sing.

[All chattering]

(John) who's that, there?

Let's see some
more of the records.

There they are, right there.

Oh, look at that. Here's some.

The boswell sisters singing
shine on harvest moon.

Grandma, there's lead, kindly
light by the collegiate choir here.

$21 For a victrola.
That's nonsense.

Look at that horn there.

(Jim-bob) see if there are
any magic sets in here.

[Children chattering]

(Elizabeth) hold on!

(John) now, wait a minute.

[All chattering]

[Knocking on door]

I'll be out in a minute.

(Olivia) mary ellen,
are you all right?

Uh, sure, I'm fine.
I'll be right out.

You ought to be asleep by now.

You sure you're all right?


Do I smell ammonia?

I smell it, too.

Grandma must have used
some in the wash water

When she was cleaning.

Mama, how do you think
I'd look as a blonde?

Not like you. Now, go to bed.

It's real easy to
dye your own hair.

Maybe easy but
it's not always safe.

Juanita simmons tried it once

And turned her
hair green as grass.

Now go to bed.

Good night, mama.

Easy now.

That's it. She's a
beauty, I'll tell you.

(John-boy) ok?

All right, john-boy.

The ladies are gonna love this.

Their day is made.

Watch your hand there.

(John-boy) got it?

Here we are.


This is gorgeous.
I love it. I love it.

Isn't that beautiful!

Look out, john,
don't get squished.

I gotta get out.

Be careful.

Imagine, 20 gallons
of hot water at a time.

Well, maybe we'll see

A few clean necks and
wrists around here.

If you're referring
to me, esther walton,

I'll thank you to stop
casting aspersions.

(Grandma) I'm naming no
names, but if the shoe fits...

I think I could be
persuaded to take a bath

If we got home tonight.

Are you ready?

I've been ready.

I'm sorry, I'm gonna
go change now.

Mom, we're gonna take the truck.

We'll be back by dinner, ok?

I'll be right back.

John-boy's taking me someplace,

But I don't know where.

I'll go in and get that
for you, if you want.

No, I can take care of it.

I want to make
sure it's done right.

(John-boy) ok.

I'll only be a minute.

(John-boy) I'll be out here.

♪♪[Band playing]

(Grandma) john-boy.

The nice man took
the watch, looked at it.

Said he could put
in all new parts

And it would run as good as new.

Grandpa's gonna love that.

Well, he better.

It's gonna cost close to $10.


[John-boy whistles]


Ok, now, what's it all about?

You'll find out
in about 5 minutes.


They sure do look collegy.

Hey, it's me.

I'll tell you,

I don't see too many of them
wearing knickers, though.

You look collegy.

Thank you.

It's going to open up

A whole new world
for you, john-boy.

I know it is.

It's so strange to think
of myself in the future.

Being here in another year.

Grandma, when I'm not here,

When I'm at home, I have doubts.

I wonder if this
can ever come up

To my expectations.

But when I come here,

When I'm standing
on this campus,

I just know everything
is gonna come out

The way I pictured.

I know it, too, john-boy.

Come, let's go inside.

I think you're gonna
have to come back again.

My grandson and I would
like to see your college.

Uh, student here?

He will be.

My name is john walton.

This is my grandmother,
mrs. Walton.

I believe I met you last
easter when I came up here.

Oh, oh!

You came in to
pick up a catalog.

That's right.

How are you? (John-boy)
fine, thank you.

You'll be joinin' us?

I got a scholarship.



Um, there are some
classes being held.

And if you don't
go into the rooms

Where class is in session,

It should be
perfectly all right.

(John-boy) good, then.
Thank you very much.

This is a science laboratory.

You gotta take science here.


Now, there's a good class.

"The bible as literature."

I never thought of that before.

I could help you
with your homework

On that one.

I'll count on it.

That's a good idea for a course.

I'll take that one.

Is it all right for
us to look around?

Yes, of course.

My grandson will
be coming here... Shh.


And he wants to
show me everything.

Of course you may look around,

But please try and
be as quiet as possible.

We will. Thank you.

They must have all the
books in the world here.

I'm gonna read
every one of them.

I tell you,

I feel smarter just bein' here.

Don't you be
timid. You speak up.

I will.

Have confidence.

I will.

[Door opening]

Hey, ike!

Ike. Ike.

Mama told me she
wants 2 pounds...

What are you grinning
like a cheshire cat for?

"Simon, brentnor and colby."


Thanks, ike.

[Door closes]

I want to look at that.

No, I want to see that.

We want to see the doll's bed.


Everybody, it's here!
We got the letter.

[All shouting]

It's here! What's here?

The letter.

Here it is, right
here. Yes, sir.

Open it, mama.

Didn't they put all the
money in the envelope?

No, they probably
put a check in there.

Open it, mama. Open it!

Calm down, everybody.

This letter is
addressed to grandma

And she'll open it
when she gets back.

Couldn't we peek?

Everybody, go back
to what you were doing.

Maybe we can steam
it open or something.

You'll hear the letter and
see the check soon enough.

Now scoot.

Go on.


Yes, mama?

Where's the flour?

I'm sorry, I forgot
all about it. I'll go back

And get it. It'll
just take a minute.

That old woman's sure
gonna be surprised

The money got here so quick.


[Both laughing]

Here we are.

Hi, honey.

It's here, grandma, it's here!

Come on, grandma.

The money's here.

The check!

Grandma, come on!

The money's here.
You gotta open it.

I think I'll send my
order to sears tonight.

You better do it.

Come on, grandma.

Hurry up.

Here it is, right here. Open it.

Open it. Come on.

Grandma, hurry up.

Come on.

"Dear mrs. Walton,
"fern potter spent

The last 3 years of
her life in a hospital."

When are they going
to send the money?

"In settling her
accumulated medical bills,

"We discovered that
the estate's debts

"Exceed assets.

"We therefore
regret to inform you

"That mrs. Potter's
bequests cannot be honored.

Very truly yours."

Does that mean we
don't get the money?

[Door shutting]

You did it. You can do it, john.

Livie, this man of yours has

All the natural-born
ability of an engineer.

He could have built
brooklyn bridge.

So that's where you've been.

I'm sorry we're late.

(Grandpa) yes, sirree!

That boy of mine has
the natural ability

To construct the
new church roof.

It just takes a little
figuring out the structure, pa.

We went down to
see rev. Fordwick.

He's offered to bring
a couple of deacons.

Ike is going to bring
some tarpaper for us.

And we'll have the sheriff
and one of his deputies.

And with your know-how,

We're going to have
the finest church roof

In this here part of virginia.

(Mary ellen) are you
going to church, daddy?

How are they going to do without
their number one craftsman?

Grandma will be relieved.
She feels so bad about all this.

There's one more thing I
haven't the heart to tell her.

What's that?

Ike godsey got a
call from the jeweler.

The watch is ready.

Don't tell esther.

They'll sell it if it
isn't picked up, grandpa.

Don't you say a word
to that old woman.

From now on in, just
let me handle this.

I'm worried about her. She's
been in her room all day.

I'm going to talk to her.

She especially doesn't
want to see you, john-boy.

Her way of looking at
it, she ruined everything.

Excuse me. (John-boy) grandma?

I'm ashamed to even look at you.

Well, that's silly.

Grandma, I came
in here to tell you

That you're not to feel bad.

I understand that,

Because of all promises
you made and everything.


It just didn't work out.

What's the difference?

You're just trying to
make me feel better.

Of course I am.

Someday I'll tell you
about a foolish old woman

Who let the promise
of money go to her head.

Acting like a rich person,

Givin' away dollars
right and left.

Insisting that they use
your... Your fund money

To buy that heater.

And now you've got nothin'.

I guess you just
have to look at it

As one of those little jokes
that gets played on people.

You have to look at it that way.

I can't.

I wish you'd practice
what you preach.

I've always felt that
this family was rich.

We've never had any money.

Nothing's really
changed, has it?

You know what I'll remember
most about this whole thing?

Can't imagine.

You and I spent a very
special day together.

I had a wonderful time.

And I think, maybe now,

I understand a little bit more

About how much my
growin' up means to you.

Come on, let me hear you smile.

(John-boy) come on.



Hi, mary ellen.

How would you like to take part

In a scientific experiment?

You mean, with test tubes
and things that bubble?

Well, something like that.

When do I start?

Right now.

How much does it pay?

Well, you remember
that bullfrog I sold you

About a month ago

For a quarter and
you never paid up?


Ok, get in here.

Sit down.

Hold this.

Put your foot out.

Ok. I'm just putting some
of this goop on your hair.

Why don't you put
it on your own hair?

I told you it was a
scientific experiment.

What's it gonna turn out like?

That's what we're
going to find out.

Hold still.

You know what you're doin'?

Where's jim-bob and mary ellen?

They're upstairs, I guess.

Jim-bob! Mary ellen!

(Jim-bob) I'm not very
hungry right now.

Come on down to
the table, please.

(Mary ellen) we'll get a
sandwich later, daddy.

I want you to come
to the table now.

Jim-bob, what happened to you?

It was sort of a
scientific experiment.

Mary ellen said so.

(Olivia) mary ellen, are
you at the bottom of this?

Yes, ma'am.

John, what am I going
to do with that child?

Maybe you ought to give jim-bob

A chance to do the
same thing to mary ellen.

It was supposed to turn blonde.

(Jason) looks more
like a pumpkin.

[Jason laughs]

Should I go out
in public like this?

I don't think so,

But I think you ought
to come to the table now.

This is all your fault.


Eat your dinner, miss harlow.

You're almost as
pretty as martha rose.

(John) all right,
jim-bob, settle down.

Lord, thank you for this food...

[Birds chirping]



Got it?

Father, we know
that all we desire

Is already ours

If we but experience
thee within ourselves.

Forgive us our doubts and
our moments of weakness

In our earthly lives

When we do forget thee.

We give thanks to
thee for our new roof.


And to one other.

It was in her name

That the men of our
church donated their labors.

We give thanks to mrs.
Esther walton, father.

Who was thy instrument.


Please turn to page
120 for our final hymn.

(All) ♪ shall we gather ♪

♪ At the river ♪

♪ Where bright angels
he has brought ♪♪


Come on in.


Let's have a little
old family conference.

Ain't you getting a drink
for a worn-out old man?

You've been gone all day.

to the jewelers.

You remember that
old watch of mine

You were tired
of hearing tickin'?

It got fixed.

Well, I have made an arrangement

With the jeweler.

He has got that watch

And I've got $11 to be
contributed in your name

To the start of john-boy's
new college fund.

There'll be no contributing
in one person's name,

Especially mine.

This is from all the
waltons, young and old.

You're really quite
a pair, you know that?

(John-boy) to their
surprise and to our grief,

Time crept up on those
2 vigorous old people.

I remember that my
grandmother, at 94,

Was still beautiful

And wore violets in her hair.

And as long as he lived,

My grandfather insisted

That he'd been kissed
by every pretty girl

Who happened to
come by our house.

How innocent were those days.

How rich we are
to have known them.

(Ben) grandpa?

(Grandpa) yes, ben?

(Ben) why did you marry grandma?

(Grandma) I think it
was her idea, ben.

(Mary ellen) was it
really, grandma?

(Grandma) I helped it
along a bit, as I recall.

He was shy in those days.

(Grandpa) I was not.

(Erin) was daddy shy, mama?

(Olivia) never.

Old woman, where do you
get off telling such tales?

I've not got a shy
bone in my body.

(Grandma) you did in those days.

I did not.

You did, too.

(Elizabeth) is he shy
now, grandma?

(Grandma) oh, sometimes I
wish he was. Good night, now.

(All) good night.

Good night, mama.
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