02x13 - The Air Mail Man

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x13 - The Air Mail Man

Post by bunniefuu »

(John-boy) t he peace and beauty

Of the land and sky
around walton's mountain

Was a source of constant
comfort to all of us

During those difficult
depression years.

Some of the changes

That were going on in the world

Did eventually
reflect themselves

On our mountain

Like the increase in
the number of airplanes

That spotted the sky.

In particular, I
remember an airmail plane

That used our
mountain as a landmark.

My mother especially
liked to wait

For the plane to go over

And sometimes watching,

She'd get the look on
her face people have

When they watch wild geese

Winging their way south
to warm sunny days.

Wish you two would hurry up,

You've got a bunch
of starving men here.

And starving ladies!

You're not a lady.

What am i?

You're just a little girl.

Well, stay that way
as long as you can

'Cause when you
get to be my age,

It's nothing but work and worry.

I would prefer a
little less philosophy

And more food this p.m.

Here you are. Thanks.

You could help, you know.

(Erin) well, it's not my turn.

So what? Well, I'll
help you anyway, then.

Gee, thanks. You're welcome.

Oh, have you kids got your money
saved up for mama's birthday present?

It's not much. 8 Cents.

How about you, jim-bob?

It's upstairs. I'll
count it later.

(John-boy) oh, all
right. Your supper, sir.

Thank you, ma'am.
You're welcome.

It must be awful to
be somebody's wife

And have to do this
everyday of your life.

Well, if you don't learn
to be more pleasant,

You won't have that
problem to worry about.

Once you find your true love,

You'll be plenty
willin' to do for him

Just like when your
grandma found me.

Well, I'm going to
have a whole other life.

Full of glamour.

Bet you can't even
spell it. I heard that.

Well, I hope we don't
all starve to death

Before we get to see
that glamour of yours.

I think I understand men a lot
better than mary ellen does.

You're a born sl*ve, erin.

Will you two stop pickin'
on each other and let's eat?


I sure wish your
mama would come in.

She's out lookin'
at the airplane.

Good lord, you'd think she never
saw an airplane before in her life.

Whenever there's
anything up in the sky,

It's always interestin'.

Last week and a half,
you'd think that plane

Was the only thing
that mattered to her.

John-boy, do we have enough?

(John-boy) enough what, honey?

Enough money for
mama's birthday present.

Well, with jim-bob's
savings included,

If that turns out to be
as much as I suspect it is,

We'll probably
be able to buy her

Some nice chocolate
and make her a good cake.

And some candles.

(John-boy) you got
that much, do you?

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

How many do we need?

Well, I'm not sure
how much your mama's

Looking forward
to this birthday.

Why don't we put on about 12?

Yeah. Well, this food will taste like it's
12 years old is she don't come in here.

John-boy, will
you tell your mama

The food's gettin' cold?


I sl*ve away all day

And there's nobody
here to appreciate it.


(Jim-bob) did you
get mama a present?

I sure did.

What is it?

A surprise.

It's somethin' I
made for her myself.

[Airplane approaching]

It's late tonight.

Never been late before.

Always like clockwork.

Gotten to be a regular
part of your day here.

Doesn't it seem
marvelous to you,

To be waved at from an airplane?

Yeah. Brings the sky down
close to you, doesn't it?

[Airplane droning]

There he is.

There he goes.

You think I'm bein'
silly, john-boy?

No, I don't.

Think she'll like it, jason?

If she can figure
out what it is.

Shut up, ben. What
about the color?

Don't worry. She'll love it.

Hey, quiet.

[Crockery cluttering]

Sorry I'm late.

Maybe someday when I grow up,

I'll be another amelia earhart.

Maybe that's who
I'll be when I grow up.

Well, I've been too busy
to think about such things.

Guess I have, too, grandma.

[Airplane droning]

Didn't he just go by?

[Airplane engine sputtering]

John, listen. Something's
wrong. Where is he?

I don't know, but he's
in trouble, isn't he?

Sounds like he's circlin' back.

There he is. Right there.

(John-boy) see?

[Airplane engine sputtering]

(John) he's too low!

He's going to land
in the pasture road.

He's tryin' to land
in the pasture.

He's going to crash.

Get the truck! Turn it around, put
the lights on the end of the pasture.

Get those lamps, all of you!

[All shouting]

(John) get those lamps!

(John) come on!

[John-boy whooping]

[Airplane engine faltering]

(John) hold it!
Hold it right here.

All right. Here, here, quick!

Here. Do it.

(Jason) ok, go.

(Mary ellen) he's
takin' it apart.

(John) here you go.
Got that one? Go!

(John-boy) ok, come on.

(John) you two go
down to the end.

(Grandpa) he's way
down there now.

[Engine sputtering]

[Engine stopping]

Wait a minute.

(John) easy, easy.

[All chattering]

(Olivia) elizabeth.

[Exhales loudly]

[Crickets chirping]

You won't believe it.

That's the trickiest
landing I've ever made.

We-well, you're lucky to
be alive at all, young man.

Here, easy.

Easy now. Easy. Easy, lad.

[Pilot grunting]

[Metal clanging]

(Pilot) a broken oil line.

Spattered oil all
over the magneto.


And I got a gasoline leak.

Maybe things will look
better in the morning.

Why don't you come
up to the house with us?

Well, that makes sense.


I so appreciate your help.

My name's cooper, todd cooper.

John walton.

(Todd) mr. Walton, I'll need to
use your phone to call atlanta,

Tell them the mail's
safe and I'm alive.

Well, we don't have a phone,
but we can get you to one.



Oh, uh,

Someone here and I
are already friends.

It's mama. She waits
for you every night.

I never expected you
to fall out of the sky.

I never expected
anyone quite so beautiful.

Would you, uh, kids
like to give me a hand?

Can't leave the mail unguarded.

(Erin) sure.

(Todd) here you go. That's one.

(Erin) ben, I wish
you'd give me one!

(Ben) they're too heavy for you.

They are not!

(John) all right, you
two. That's enough.

This here is a stearman,
just like my model, isn't it?



Hey, champ. Take it easy.

That's u.s. Mail.

And when that
engine started missing

I knew I had to come down

And I remembered your pasture.

Just like lindbergh.

That was a mighty impressive
display of flying ability, young man.

Yeah. Well, if I can't
take off in the morning,

I'm gonna have to truck those
pouches down to the train.

Where is the nearest train stop?

(John) rockfish. About
6 miles from here.

Well, that was my last flight.

Would have liked to have
gotten it through on time.

Changin' jobs?

Yep. Going on to a more
exciting kind of flyin'.

More exciting than
flying the mail?

Oh, barnstorming,
air shows, racing,

Real kind of flying. Haulin' the
mail, well, that kind of gets to be

Kind of like driving
a truck after a while.

You're givin' up a steady job

For a flying circus
in these times?

Probably pays more
than choppin' wood, ma.

Course, there's
days we can't fly.

They don't pay us for waitin'
for the weather to clear.

Flying up there in
the sky like a bird.

I just can't imagine
what that must be like.

Yeah. It gets to be
pretty exciting at first,

Then after a while,
flying back and forth

Between washington and
atlanta, gets kind of dull.

Dull? Sure.

Mr. Cooper, where
do you call home?

Well, it used to
be washington, d.c.

But from now on, it's going to
be the back seat of an airplane.

I'm joining an air show
in florida next week.

Must be kind of
hard on your family

With you streakin'
through the sky all the time.

Well, I'm a loner, mrs. Walton.

No family to speak of.

If I could trouble you

For a ride down to that
telephone, mr. Walton?

I have a little
work to finish up.

John-boy, take mr. Cooper
down to ike's, will you.

Oh, yeah, sure.

Could I go? We could
talk about flying.

Oh, I've had enough
flying for today, kid.

Tomorrow, huh? Promise?

I promise.

After I fix the
plane, if there's time.

Doesn't sound like
much of a promise to me.

Yes, indeed. It does
seem that young man

Has something else on his mind.

Well, that's no excuse

For hurtin' a child's feelings.


Here's mine for mama's
birthday present.

Don't tell anyone.

Not a word.

Don't lose it.

(John-boy) I promise.

(Todd) let's go!

(John-boy) you must get to
see a lot of the country.

I do.

But flying's changing.

5 Years ago, we had
hardly any instruments.

Now there's even talk about
putting radios in the mail planes.

(John-boy) must be getting
a lot safer though.

Safer, yeah.

But the fun's going out
of flying fast. Rules...

You mean it's getting

Just like any other job,
huh? Same thing everyday.


That and other things.

Aviation's settlin'
down. Growing up.

Getting established,
you might say.

I guess that's why

You want to go
barnstorming, huh?

How far to that telephone now?

Almost there.

[Door knocking]

(John-boy) here you go.

(Ike) no, it's on me.

Uh, it's a gift to your mom.

Oh, no, this'll be
the children's gift

To their mother. Thank you, ike.

Yeah. I guess I can
understand that.

There ought to be
something here though

That I can give to olivia.

(Todd) and, operator, if
anyone tries to reach me,

Tell them I'll be
flying out early.

No, I don't have a number
where I can be reached.

Thank you.

Oh, thanks.

Oh, I bet olivia
would like this. Huh?

Oh, that's beautiful.

Real tortoise shell.

I gave one of those to
my... To a girlfriend once.

That's really too much,
ike. Thank you, anyway.

Like I always say, the only thing
that exceeds my income from this store

Is my generosity.

Now you take it

And wish olivia a
happy birthday for me.

Well, thank you very much.
She'll really appreciate it.

Thank you, ike. Good night.

Thanks for the use of
your telephone, mr. Godsey.

Good night. (Todd) good night.

[Saw buzzing]

[Saw stops]

[Crickets chirping]

Time to call it a day, grandpa.

My bones have just been
tellin' me the same thing.

Your bones should have told
you that an hour ago. Come on.

You're right,
ma, I'm dead tired.

(Grandpa) me, too.

(John) did you reach
atlanta? Yeah.

Thank you.

John-boy, you want
to get him some quilts

And bed him down in
the barn? Yeah, sure.

Oh, uh, if you people wouldn't mind
setting your alarm kind of early,

I'd like to get that plane in
the air as soon as it's light.

We get up real
early around here.

We'll get you started.

Thank you. Good night.

(All) night.

Somethin' wrong, ma?

I'm uneasy.

Any reason?

Got a feeling about
that young man.

I think he's hiding something.

Happy birthday, liv.

Come on. Perk up.

It's a day for celebrating.

I don't feel right, john.

I don't feel like
I'm supposed to.

You sound a little
bit like jim-bob.

Just feel so un-unsettled.


I feel like I've lost myself.

Liv, honey, you're too young

To let a birthday
like this upset you.

It's not my birthday,
john, it's my life.

What would I be
if I didn't have you,

The children and this house

To tell me who I am?

Without all of you, I
wouldn't be anything.

Don't pay any attention to me,

I don't even know
what I'm talking about.

You are upset,
aren't you, honey?


I just feel so dull,
shabby, and tired.

I feel like...


Age has taken away my spirit.

Liv, liv, liv.

I think I understand
what you mean.

But we got a lot of kids

Who did a lot of
plannin' for this day.

And they're waitin' outside.


Give me a minute to
pull myself together.

(Mary ellen) happy birthday!

[Door knocking]

(All) happy birthday!

Happy birthday, mama.

Here you go, ma.

See you can be
a lady of leisure.

Hey, you're supposed
to stay in bed.

And you're not going
to do any chores.

And don't worry about
no work or anything.

We're going to take care
of it for you all day, ok?

Sit back and enjoy yourselves.

(Mary ellen) happy
birthday, mama.

[All giggling]

Come on, we gotta
get to work. Come on.

(All) happy birthday!

The real surprises
are for later.

And more.

Well, I think I'll get
me some breakfast.

Oh, stay and have some of this.

Lord knows there's
enough here to feed an army.

Wouldn't be fair, liv.
They made it for you.

Besides I have to get
your present ready.

[Birds chirping]

Good mornin'. Mornin'.

Think we'll get her to fly?

Doesn't much look like it.


How's it goin'?

I think I'm grounded.

I'd be much obliged if
you can give me a hand

Truckin' those mail
bags down to the train.

Oh, there's no
train till tonight.

You fly out of
here this afternoon,

You could beat
that train to atlanta.


But I still need ignition wire

And copper tubing
for that broken line.

(Todd) all that takes time.

Well, we could order your
stuff from charlottesville,

Have it delivered to ike godsey,

And you can pick
it up right there.

How long would that take?
(John) about 3 or 4 hours.

(John-boy) mr. Cooper, if you'd
like, we'll help you fix your plane.

It'd be fun.

A lot of free labor
here. Willing to work.

All right, let's give it a try.

Now, let's hurry. I want that cake in
the oven before your mama gets down.

Grandma, how much baking powder?

Just follow the recipe.

I already put in
the baking powder.

(Elizabeth) I get to
put in the chocolate.

The chocolate's
for the frosting.

Now you girls be careful. You
get the ingredients all mixed up

And... And you'll just waste 'em,
and we won't have any cake at all.

Oh, did I put in the baking
powder or a pinch of salt?

Oh, good lord!

Stop it. Let me taste.


Where's the baking soda?

All right, son, now put it
directly under the axle.

Right in the center.

Got it? Watch your fingers.

(Ben) lower. Easy. That's it.

(John) give me the lug
wrench there, jim-bob.

(Jim-bob) here you are, daddy.

You people sure know
how to work together.

Yeah. Up here you have to.

Here. Put this
back in, will you?

Can't take a chance
on losing one of 'em.

How's it going down there?

(John) we're gettin' there, son.

Erin, we can't
both put them on...

(Erin) ok.

Now you girls keep
from slamming doors

And stompin' your feet.

We'll have a cake that'll make
your mama want that birthday.

Who wouldn't want a birthday?

You gotta live a good many
before you'll understand that.

Now, let's clean up this mess.

Mary ellen, you wash.
Grandma, I wash everyday!

Mary ellen, you wash.
Erin, you dry and elizabeth,

You take the
things over to the...

Uh, happy birthday, liv.

Thank you.

That was just
delicious. Thank you.

Well, I guess I'll just
go for a little walk.

Have a nice walk, mama.

[All exhaling]

Sorry to be keeping you away
from your work, mr. Walton.

So am i,

But with this crew helping,
we'll catch you up quick.

What exactly is it you do here?

I supply lumber to
a few customers.

Cut railroad ties, pulp
to the paper factory,

And cut fire wood.

Make any kind of a livin'?

We get by.

Anybody been around
askin' about the plane?

Nobody I know of.

Expectin' someone?

Not exactly.

Guess while that wheel's off,

I might as well smear
some grease on the axle.

That's it. There it is, right
there. Hold you finger.

(Ben) jim-bob, get the
patch kit. Come on.

Good morning. Mornin'.

Just think, few hours
you'll be up there

Flying along as free as a bird.

[Todd chuckling]

I hope so, mrs. Walton.

What's it like?

It's a feelin' of
belonging up there.

Of belongin' to the sky.

There's wind currents up there.

Best when you can
take advantage of them.

Sometimes you can feel
the air rising so strong,

It pushes you skyward.

You get to shut the engine down,

And it just carries you up.

(Todd) it's like...

It's like when you
see a hawk soaring

On a hot summer day.

How did you get to be a flier?

Uh, pop was an
aviator in the w*r.

Stories he told me
got me all fired up.

Later on, he took me up
for the first time in my life.

I loved it then and
I haven't stopped.

I guess flying seems glamorous.

But everybody's
flying these days.

I once taught a girl how to fly.

She was doing real well.

(John-boy) yup.

One wheel comin' up.

(Todd) hey, john-boy, i, uh, I
left a roll of safety wire

In my flight pack.
It's in the barn.

I'd appreciate it if you
get it for me. Sure thing.

Here we go. Thanks.

[Birds chirping]

Daddy, look at this.

Where'd you find that?

It fell out of his flight bag

While I was gettin'
him some safety wire.

Looks like mrs. Cooper.

Yeah, he said he
wasn't married, though.

Maybe he's a widower.

A man wouldn't hesitate
to admit that, would he?

What a man wants to
admit is his business.

The flying coopers.
Isn't that somethin'?

Put it away, son.

Doesn't look like it's
any of our business.

And look what I
made your mother.

Oh, that's beautiful.

She's gonna love that.

You made that?

I hope so.

You got something for her, son?

I'll tell you, daddy,
I thought I did, but...

This is a difficult year.

I don't quite know what
to get her this year.

I know what you mean.

Help me with this,
will you? Here we go.

Want to get it inside? Easy now.

Thunderheads are buildin'
up over the mountain

But it should be
clear over atlanta.

What's it like flying
through clouds?

Sometimes when
you're on top of a cloud,

You look down,
they look so solid

Like you could step right
out and take a walk on 'em.


(Todd) and sometimes,
sometimes you...

You see shapes that
look like animals.

I'd like to see that just once.

Yeah, you'd love it.

I'm gonna miss waitin' for
you to fly over every night.

Oh, I'll come by again.

I'll buzz the house
and do a loop-the-loop

So you'll know it's me.

[Olivia laughing]

That'll give me something
to look forward to.

(Todd) yeah.

[Airplane engine whirring]

(John-boy) how's the
weather up there?

Glorious. I could
stay up here forever.

Yeah? What are we poor
motherless children

Going to do in the meanwhile?

Help me down from here.

I'm sorry.

You know, I recall there was
a man down in charlottesville.

One time he had
one of these things.

He was charging $5
for a 5-minute ride.

It'd be worth it.

Oh, well, maybe that's what we should've
got you for your birthday this year.

I wish I'd thought of it sooner.

Keep it in mind for next year.

All right.

(Jim-bob) what do you
think, mr. Cooper?

It's a good job.

Do this all by yourself?

My brothers helped me.

You and your brothers really
get along pretty well, don't you?

Most of the time.

Do you have any
brothers and sisters?


Is that why you
don't like children?

Who says I don't like children?

You sure don't act like it.

I guess I've forgotten
what it's like to be a kid.

You must have been one sometime.

I've forgotten.

It's a mess.

Everything you touch turns over.

Everybody hollers at you.

You don't even get a
chance to holler back.

Everybody blames
you for everything,

Even when you didn't do it.

I think it's beginning
to come back to me now.

It's awful, isn't it?

Just terrible.

Come on.

(Todd) what are you
sharpenin' it on? A stone?

Not yet. Rust isn't
taken off. Uh-huh.

How's it goin'?

Oh, uh, you think those parts
have had time to get here yet?

Oh, I'll go find out at
the store right now.

And I need some gas.

Ok, anyone want to come with me?

I'll come with you.
Here, you can do it.

John, you think you could do
without me for a little while?



[Door chimes tinkling]


(Ike) they're right
here, mr. Walton.


Oh, hey, uh how did,
uh, olivia like her comb?

Well, she hasn't
opened her presents yet.

Somebody called here
asking about that airmail pilot.

Th-they wanted to know
if he was around here

And, uh, they didn't
leave any message.

[Car honking]

City folk.

They're always in a hurry.

All right.

[Door chimes tinkling]


That's her! Who?

(John-boy) that's
todd cooper's wife.

That's mrs. Cooper.

What are we going
to tell her? Yeah.

Oh, no. That's still up at
the walton place, ma'am.

How do I get there?

Well, it just so happens
mr. Walton's in the store right now.

I bet if you ask him, he'd,
uh, show you the way.

Mr. Walton?

(Elizabeth) company's coming!

(Grandpa) welcome.

Livie, this is mrs. Cooper.

This is my daughter-in-law,
olivia walton.

Hello. Sue cooper.

This is my favorite
wife, esther walton.

(Sue) how do you do?

Fine, thank you.

Well, I guess I better go
tell mr. Cooper you're here.

Is he all right? (Olivia) fine.

The dispatcher said he'd
had an emergency landing.

(Olivia) oh, he's fine.
Uh, won't you come in?

Thank you.

(Todd) I should be out
of here in 10 minutes.

[Todd laughing]


(John-boy) hey, todd, yeah.

Your wife is up at the house.

(John-boy) so, I'll see you.

I don't want to
see her, john-boy.

(John-boy) she says
she tracked you down

All the way from
washington, d.c.

You got any idea what it
feels like to be tracked down?

No. But I reckon it
must feel pretty awful.


I thought we'd argued
this whole thing out.

I thought of some
more arguments.

Why did you follow me?

Well, you were so
angry when you left.

I thought if we could just talk

And not be angry
with each other...

I said everything I had to say.

We won't tie you down, todd.

The baby and i.

Look, we'll make some
kind of home base.

And when we can
be together, we will.

That wouldn't be fair to you.

Todd, we've always
been independent people.

The baby doesn't
have to change that.

[Sue sobbing]


A clean break is the only way.

I don't know what kind
of a person I'd become

If I was grounded.

But I don't think that you'd
like that kind of person.

And I know I wouldn't.

Who said anything
about grounding you?


Look, all I'm asking is
to keep our marriage

And to give this child
a mother and a father.

He needs both of us, todd.

Can't you get it
through your head?

I want to be free.


Don't you care whether
it's a boy or a girl?

Don't you want to know
what color hair it has?

Or whether it's got
your nose or my eyes

Or the right number of toes?

I'm carrying life in me,

Todd cooper.

But that life
belongs to you, too.

(John) all set to go?


Thanks to you folks.


Let me ask you a
question, mr. Walton.


How long have you been married?

Pretty soon it'll be 20 years.

You ever get the
feeling you were...


I know a lot of fellows
feel that way about marriage.

But I never have.

Well, maybe there's
somethin' wrong with me.

How's that?

I don't feel the
way I'm supposed to

About that baby.

How do you think
you're supposed to feel?

Whatever it is you share
with those kids of yours.

I've never been
around families much.

But being here has proved to me

I don't feel what
a father feels.

With sue it's different.

She loves that baby.

I don't feel
anything but trapped.

Now there's nothing
wrong with feeling trapped.

I must have felt that
way a few times, way back.

You hold one of your
babies in your arms

And diaper it for a while,

You begin to feel different.


I sure don't picture
myself doing that.

You get used to it.

What am I going
to do, mr. Walton?

It's been my experience
that most people

End up doing pretty
much what they want to do.

What do you mean?

That airplane out there

Is all ready to go,
just waiting for you.

Here you are, talking about her.


Well, I really do love her.

Do you?


She still at your house?

Was when I left.


[Birds chirping]

[Door creaking]


Well, thank goodness

Someone's come
to keep me company.

I have somethin' for
your birthday for you.


I've been trying to figure
out what to give you.

It's been difficult this year.

I thought I knew what
I was gonna give you

But that didn't seem right.

But I was readin' this mornin'

And I found a poem in here

By a man named
gerard manley hopkins.

And I'd like to read it to
you for your birthday.

Here it is. It's called
the windhover.

That's a bird.

"I caught this morning
morning's minion

"Kingdom of daylight's dauphin

falcon, in his riding

"Of the rolling level

"Underneath him steady air,

"And striding high there,

"How he rung upon the
rein of a wimpling wing

"In his ecstasy!

"Then off, off forth on swing

"As a skate's heel sweeps smooth

"On a bow-bend:

"The hurl and gliding
rebuffed the big wind.

"My heart in hiding
stirred for a bird

"The achieve of, the
mastery of the thing!

"Brute beauty and valor and act

"Oh, air, pride,
plume, here buckle!

"And the fire that
breaks from thee then,

"A billion times told lovelier,

"More dangerous o my chevalier!

"No wonder of it,

"Sheer plod makes
plow down sillion shine,

"And blue-bleak
embers, ah my dear,

Fall, gall themselves
and gash gold-vermillion"

John-boy, those words

Were just like
listenin' to music.

I don't really understand
what the poem meant

But I think those are just about

The most beautiful
words I ever heard.

Well, I think the
poem has a meaning.

Uh, to me,

It means that some things

Which may seem too
simple or unimportant

Or even just downright plain,

Those things are really
every bit as important

And every bit as beautiful

As the most magnificent
things in the whole world.

Thank you, john-boy.

Happy birthday.

There was a... There
was a line in there.

Something about my heart...

Oh, yeah.

"My heart in hiding stirred"

(Jim-bob) mama, your
birthday's ready if you want it.


Come on!

Oh, that jim-bob.

[Olivia laughing]

[All exclaiming]

Oh, livie.

Oh, elizabeth.

That's just gorgeous.

Ok. Here it is, mama.

♪ Dear mama, it's
your birthday ♪

♪ It's a special day for you ♪

♪ We hope your day is happy ♪

♪ And your wishes
all come true ♪

♪ We think that
you're the greatest ♪

♪ In every little way ♪

♪ That's why I sing
this birthday song ♪

♪ On this, your special day ♪♪

Happy birthday!

Thank you. Did you
write that yourself?

Sure did, mama.

Oh, it's lovely. Thank you.

(Olivia) thank you.

Well, welcome back.

It's good to be back, grandma.

(Children) make a
wish. Make a wish!

All right. Um...

[All chattering]

What was the wish?

Oh, I'm not gonna tell, 'cause
then it might not come true.


(John) oh, here you go.

Oh, john!

That's just beautiful.

It is just beautiful.

From all of us, liv.

Thank you.

In this mirror,

I don't look too
bad for an old lady.

You look just fine.
Happy birthday, honey.

Uh, mrs. Walton, we don't
have a present for you

But I think I've got
something that you would like.

And it's down in the pasture.

(Todd) how would you like to
ride in that plane before we go?

Todd, how wonderful.

(Children) all right!

(John-boy) oh, that's real nice.

Children, your
mama's going flyin'.

[All cheering]

Come on, let's go.

(Children) bye, mama.

[Plane engine revving]

(Mary ellen) don't
forget to wave.

(Ben) bon voyage.

(Elizabeth) bon voyage.


[All discussing]

[All chattering]

(Children) hey, mama!

(John-boy) "my heart in hiding

"Stirred for a bird

"The achieve of; the
mastery of the thing!

"Brute beauty and valor and act

Oh, air, pride,
plume, here buckle!"

Hello, up there.

Today great passenger planes

Plow through those skies
above the virginia mountains.

Last year one of them
brought my mother

To see us in california
where I now live.

We are expecting her again soon

And no doubt our
thoughts and our memories

Will return to those early times

When that era we
called the depressed

Was so very, very good.

[Crickets chirping]

(Elizabeth) mama, did
you get your wish?

(Olivia) I sure did.

(Ben) what did it feel
like up there, mama?

(Olivia) oh, the air was cold

And the wind
whipped me in the face.

Down below everything
looked like tiny little specks.

(Jim-bob) did you see me, mama?

(Olivia) mm-hmm.

(Jim-bob) did I look
like a speck, too?

(Olivia) you made a very
special speck, jim-bob.

(John) all right, you
high-flyers, time to settle down.

(Olivia) not me. I'm
still up there flyin'.

(John) happy birthday, honey.

(Olivia) good night, john.
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