02x19 - The Cradle

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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02x19 - The Cradle

Post by bunniefuu »

Birds chirping

(John-boy) I like to think
back on my boyhood

Because though the
times we lived in were hard,

The life we lived was good.

We were never hungry
for food was plentiful.

We took it from the land.

But still there was a
lack of material things.

And I remember with wonderment

The way my parents
wove a magic around us

That kept us from
ever feeling poor.

Mama, john-boy's
here and he's got it!


Come on, open the
door for me. It's heavy!

Erin giggling

Look, here we are.
Here it is, here it is!

(Erin) come on,
john-boy, open it!

Oh, it's heavy.
I'm gonna open it.

Give me a chance, will you?

I've got butterflies
in my tummy.

All laugh well, here we go.

I gotta be careful
when opening it.

Get that side.

I got it, I got it, honey.


What's that? What's that?

I don't know, but don't
put it on the floor.

Here we go. It's heavy.

Oh, mama, it's beautiful!

It sure is.

I've never seen
anything like it.

Well, don't just
admire it. Open it up.

I wanna see what
you're gonna be selling.

(Erin) "pinkney's
bubble beautifier."

Oh, mama, the bottle
alone is worth 25 cents.

Here's 10 more of them, too.

You're gonna be rich!

Well, I sure hope my customers
share your enthusiasm.

(Erin) look at mary ellen.

If a high wind came along, it
would blow her away like a kite.

What are you doing?

I am expressing the
essence of the room.

You're doing what?

Well, to be a dancer,
isadora duncan says

That you have to feel
everything around you.

I thought you were
gonna be an actor.

Are you going to
be a dancer now?

I haven't decided yet which
I have the most talent for.

Well, I'll give you a thought.

How about dishwashing
in the kitchen?

All laughing

So the samples finally got here.

"Pinkney's bubble beautifier."

What does it beautify?

Well, basically, it's a
bubbling soap product.

But it's pure enough
for skin and hair.

And according to this,

It also takes care of
linens and fine silver.

Reckless barking

Get out of this living room,
you filthy ridge runner!

Come on, you get out of there!

Get out of there!

(John-boy) reckless!

(All) come on! Come on!

(John-boy) reckless!

All shouting

There he is. We got him.

You dirty, filthy dog!

How about fine animals, mama?

We got one here that
could use some beautifying.

Reckless barking well,
it's a pretty box.

How much are they gonna
give you for your efforts, liv?

I'll make 9 cents commission
on every bottle I sell.

9 Cents?

That's almost 2 whole
dollars right here.

For work done in my spare time.

What spare time?

The spare time I'll
have to find, grandma.

Anyway, it isn't just the money.

It's an adventure.

Birds chirping


(Olivia) can you spare john-boy

And the truck for
a couple of hours?

Go ahead, son.

(John-boy) coming.

And if you'll give me a bowl,

I'd be happy to demonstrate
this fine product.

That won't be
necessary, olivia, dear.

We'll take 4.


Well, thank you, ladies.

But you sure you don't
want to see what it does?

Oh, it doesn't
matter in the least.

Whatever it does, I
doubt if we need it.

Well, then what do you
want the bottles for?

Because we need
the bottles, dear.

(Emily) how much did
you say that would be?

Uh, that'll be $1.


Your arriving at this time was
absolutely fortuitous, olivia.

Mr. Godsey won't have his new
shipment of jars for another week.

And there is papa's recipe,
just waiting to be poured

And us 4 jars short.

Well, thank you, ladies.

Good day.

She never wants to
hear about the recipe.

Have you noticed that, sister?

Strange, isn't it?

Well, aren't we lucky, sister?

Pints instead of quarts.

I know.

(Mrs. Brimmer) well, I just
can't thank you enough, olivia.

It'll make a nice present for
rosemary hunter's birthday.

You know, she primps
herself all the time

Since she and rev. Fordwick
have been keeping company.

I'm sure she'll like it.

I just think I'll treat
myself to some, too.

You know, all work and no treats
can make a woman feel real cranky.

Thank you.


Well, I've got a good
number of people to see

Before it's time to get
home and get supper started.

Nice seeing you, olivia.

Thank you, mrs. Brimmer.

Say hello to the family.

I will. Bye-bye.


Pour it in, and watch it go.

I don't see why they
call it bubble beautifier.

It don't bubble worth a poot.

Well, maybe it just
needs a little stirring.


Is it soap or soup?

Well, let's try another bottle.

Oh, no, olivia.

That's all right.
I'll take 2 bottles.

Thanks, mrs. Gormley.

But are you sure you don't
you want me to demonstrate?

I'd be happy to if you've got
something you want cleaned.

Oh, you already did!

Look, that stain is
out of that old basin.

Well, that old
basin's been tarnished

Since I made lye
soap in it last may 15.

I'll take 3 bottles.

I'll tell you, if today's
anything to go by,

You're going to be the best
salesman that company's got.

It's beginner's luck, I think.

Oh, don't underestimate
yourself, mama.

John-boy, uh, could
you let me out here?

I'd like to walk the
rest of the way home.

We're practically there.

I know. But i... I've been putting
on a little extra weight lately,

And I think the
exercise'll do me good.

Is everything all right?

John-boy, could you just
let me out right here, please?

Ok. All right. Sure.

(Grandpa) you did it.

(John) I knew we
could... Wipe your feet.

Oh, ma, now, you've
been saying that to me

At least once a day
since I learned to walk.

(Grandpa) I've known her
before you were born,

And she's still saying it to me.

You'd think it would
have sunk in by now.

How's my old turkey hen?

Turn around. Give me a gobble.

What have you two been up to?

Good news, lady, good news.

We got ourselves a
railroad order for 150 ties.

Keep us in good shape for
the next couple of months.

Oh, praise the lord.

Praise the lord, and
pass the chicken fricassee.

Now, zeb, you put me
down, you old fool!

That's my favorite dish.

You must've done it
especially to please me.

Something smells good.

I wanted to use
up my old dill weed

Before the new crop was
ready to store. Leave that!

See that? She never
will admit to anything.

Hey, son. Where's your ma?

She's acting funny. She made me
stop the truck down the road a way.

She said she wanted to walk
the rest of the way herself.

I don't blame her. It's
a pretty day outside.

No, it wasn't that.

She said she wanted to take off
some weight she's put on lately.

I haven't noticed livie put
on any particular weight.

You haven't noticed you've
been doing the same thing either.

For a man of my age, I am
considered to have a real trim figure.

I sold every bottle.

Every single person I
stopped to see said yes.

Who would be able to refuse
such a pretty saleslady, huh?

Oh, john, I can't begin
to think how I feel.

I made almost a whole
dollar all by myself.

What's that awful smell?

Awful smell?

That's supper cooking.


I'm sorry.

I, uh, I guess I just didn't
work up much of an appetite.

It's not like your mama to get
sick over the smell of food.

It's happened twice before.

When was that?

When she was carrying jim-bob

And when she was
carrying elizabeth.

Oh, my god.

You all right, liv?

I'm fine.

I guess that sun was
hotter than I thought.

Livie, are you sure
that's what it is?

What else could it possibly be?

Well, could it be that...

Liv, is it possible?

Are you pregnant?

Lyes, john. Li
guess I probably am.

Well, here's your
calcium pills, livie.

3 A day, as usual.

I never took pills before.

Oh, that's right.

It's been, uh, what, 7 years
for you, hasn't it, livie?

7 Years and 3 months.

Imagine that.

Well, we're learning
how to take better care

Of our mothers these days

And 3 of these are
equivalent to 3 glasses of milk.

Imagine that.


Olivia's in good shape, john.

About 3 months along.

But I suppose you
know that already.

She's 3 months pregnant?

Is everything all right?

Well, it seems to be.

But there is one thing
I'd like to say to you both.

Livie is strong and healthy

But this baby may give us a little
more trouble than the others.

Why is that?

Well, because of livie's
illness a year ago, for one thing.

But mostly because,

Well, she's not a
spring chicken anymore.

Now, I want you to
take good care of her.

See that she gets
some rest every day.

I will, doc.

(Dr. Vance) all right.

Oh, and, uh, one thing more.

What's that?


Thank you, doc.

Come on, mama.

You reckon grandma
was right about mama?

Your grandma usually calls it
straight when it comes to a pregnancy.

Birds chirping

Sure isn't the best time for me

To be going off
to college, is it?

Oh, after all the trouble
you went to get as far as you...

Listen, you don't want to even

Let your mama hear
you talking like that.

I know. But it is funny.

You know, they teach
you in sunday school that...

They teach you in sunday school
that every new life is a gift from god,

But sometimes you really
have to wonder about that.

Wonder at what?

You know, times
the way they are.

People going hungry. In
the cities, they're starving,

Begging for food, and
sleeping on park benches.

You wonder if
another mouth to feed

Is... Is really a
blessing after all.

I don't believe I'll live long
enough to answer that question.

Want to know something else?

I'll bet you I'm not the
only one who's asking it.

"She's not a spring
chicken anymore."

No, sir, mr. Walton.

Your wife may be a
good old brood mare,

But she ain't what
she used to be.

Livie, why'd you wait so
long to say something?

I didn't want everyone
getting upset until I was sure.

Since when does a new baby
in our house upset everyone?

Since the depression.

Since john-boy is
starting off for college.

Since we gave away
all our baby things,

Sure that our
family was complete.

Since 7 years have gone by,
and I'm not young anymore.

Now, listen here.

Sure, there's a wrinkle or 2,

And a couple of gray hairs.

And, yes, 7 years have passed.

But the woman I hold
in my arms at night

Feels better now
than she did then.

I'm sorry, john. It's just that

It couldn't have
come at a worse time.

Come on, let's go home and
tell the children the news.

I don't get it.

John-boy said mama had
to go to the doctor's

Because she was
in the family's way.

She's not in our way.

You don't understand.

John-boy was trying to
tell us that mama's pregnant.

What's that?

It means she's gonna
have another baby.

Instead of me?

What do you mean,
instead of you?

I'm the baby around
here. Mama always said so.

It's not definite yet, erin.

Mama's just going to
the doctor to find out.

If mama has another
baby, what will I be?

You'll be just another
kid in this family, like me.

Mama probably won't
even notice you anymore.


Why'd you have to do that?

Do what? I didn't do nothing.

Car approaching

(Erin) come on, you guys.
Mama and daddy are home.

What is this? A
welcoming committee.

How are you feeling, mama?

I'm fine, erin.

Did the doctor say anything?

Word gets around
fast in this family.

Well, children, your mama
is going to have a new baby.

Children cheering

Lanother brother!

Well, look at that.

Oh, yes!

Jason, put that back.

(John) grace. Grace. Grace.

(Grandpa) o my dear lord, we
thank thee for the many blessings...

Sorry, I'm late but the most
fantastic thing happened!

Hush, child. Shh.

Where was i?


O lord, we thank thee for the
many blessings bestowed upon us.

Furthermore, for the new life
that's about to become among us. Amen.

(All) amen.

You hear about that new substitute
teacher, at school, mrs. Mcmillan?

She's ugly.

She's from new york city.

Pass the potatoes, mary ellen.

She's not even a real teacher.

What she really is...

Aren't you going
to eat anything?

Oh, yeah, sure.

Well, she's really a dancer.

Oh, lord help us.

She saw me reading about
isadora duncan, and guess what?

She thinks you look like her.

No. She studied with
isadora's brother, raymond.

Oh, I know about him. He lives in
paris and weaves his own clothes.

Well, she's willing
to give me lessons.

For free?

Well, not exactly.

See, she's only taking a
few students after school,

And, well, she has to charge
something. But it's only 25 cents.

Sorry, honey, we can't take
on any more expenses right now.

Well, if you'd been here on
time, you'd have heard the news.

There's gonna be a new
mouth to feed in this family.

Another mouth to feed?
Is someone coming to visit?

Your mama's gonna have a baby.

Oh, just what we need.

(Grandma) mary ellen.

It's just that I
never get any...

Op, I'm sorry, mama. Really.

I understand, honey.

I'm sorry you can't have
your dancing lessons.

It's ok. I probably wouldn't
have been very good anyway.

It'll be fun having
a new baby around.

I hope it's a girl. Girls
are the prettiest.

I don't know about that. I
hear I was a real beauty.

Besides we've got too many girls
around here already wrapped in.

How do you figure that?
There's 4 of you and only 3 of us.

That's 3 too many. If you were
boys, we'd have a baseball team.

If mama has more baby
boys, maybe we still can.

Babies! Babies!

That's all anybody talks
about. That dumb old baby!

What's she fussing about?

Jim-bob, you did the same thing
exactly when mama was carrying her.

Did not. Did too.

Did not. You did, too.

(Jim-bob) I did not!

(Ben) you did, too!

I did not!

Did too.

I did not! Did too!

I did not! You
did, too, jim-bob.

Did not. You did, too!

Did not.

Did not. (Jim-bob) did too.

Lall laughing crying


Jim-bob said I won't
be your baby anymore.

You won't pay any
attention to me.

Well, now, that'll be the day.

You'll always be my baby.

And so will jim-bob, and ben,

And jason, and erin, and
mary ellen, and john-boy.

Even john-boy?
He's all grown up.


See, all mothers seem to
have one thing in common.

They always remember
their children as babies.

So even when you're all grown
up and have children of your own,

You will always be my beautiful
little red-haired baby girl.

Even when I'm
very old, like you?

Even then.

See, elizabeth,

In any family a new baby
belongs to everybody.

In a family as big as ours,

This baby's gonna be more
yours than the other children's

'Cause you're closest in age.

You mean, it's gonna
be kind of like my baby?


And I'm gonna need a
lot of help from you.

I'll wash it, and I'll feed it,

And everything. Just
like I do with my dolls.

I'm counting on you, elizabeth.


Jason said you
wanted us in here.

(Both) shh!

Is it more about the baby?

Yes, it is.

And it's about not
teasing elizabeth

And it's about everybody pitching
in to help mama without being asked.

Sometimes you can be
a real pain in the neck.

Here you're sitting
like a school teacher,

Preaching about
us all helping mama,

And you're going
to be off to college

By the time the baby gets here.

I can just hear it now:

"Don't bother
your brother, girls.

He's gotta study for his exams."

And who's going to be
washing all the diapers here?

Not me. That's for sure.

See, that's just
what I'm talking about.

Being smart-alecky
and resentful.

And what about
being a know-it-all?

Look, I think this time is gonna
be harder for mama than the rest.

I just wanted us all to
get together to figure out

What we can do for her to
make her feel better, that's all.

I've got an idea.

When mrs. Watkins had her baby,

All her friends got together and
had a little surprise party for her.

They each brought
a gift for the baby.

I think they called
it a baby shower.

Hey, that's a good
idea, john-boy.

Let's have a baby
shower for mama.

It sure is the right place, 'cause
it sure rains babies around here.

That'll be real fun.

I have some white flannel left
over from the christmas pageant.

I'll make some shirts.

I'll knit her a blanket.

I'll give her my rag doll.

I could carve a rattle.

I don't know what to get her.

Me, either. Let's do
something together, ben. Yeah.

How about you, john-boy?

I'll tell you, the other day
I was thinking about that,

And I remembered that when
elizabeth started to grow up,

Mama gave away
all the baby things.

So the baby's got
no place to sleep.

I thought maybe I'd
make a cradle for it.

Oh, that's great, john-boy.

I picked out the wood
already. It's gonna be real nice.

I'll make it real sturdy
so it'll last a long time.

Maybe even generations.
That's beautiful, john-boy.

Well, it's going to
be from all of us.

Daddy? I'm glad that's you.

What are you
doing up there, son?

Come up here. I'll show you.

How long you been
working on this?

Over a week.

Mama thinks I'm in here writing
the great american novel.

That's a fine piece of work.

Thank you.

(Olivia) john-boy.

Yes, ma'am!


I have to sell the rest of my
samples today. Can you drive me?


I'd... I'd like to, but I think
daddy's counting on me

Helping him with
the railroad ties.

I'll get jason.


You really think you
ought to go selling today?

Yes, I do.

You have to sell
all your samples

Before you can order
more. I'll need some next week.

I'm setting up a demonstration

At the ladies aid
meeting wednesday.

Should sell 20
bottles right there.

Honey, you look all tired out.

$2 Will buy a lot of
books for john-boy.

We'll manage.

I want to, john.

Birds chirping

Don't be long.

(John-boy) daddy, she's not
supposed to be running around

In her condition, is she?

Your mother's a woman with
a lot of strength, john-boy.

I don't intend to
interfere with it.


Good afternoon.
I'm olivia walton

And I'm representing the product
called pinkney's bubble beautifier.

It's a very fine soap...

Oh, I don't think
we're interested.

I'd like to show it
to you, if I could.

Not today.

Uh, what... What'd you
say your name was?

Olivia walton.

I know you. You
have a girl, don't you?

I've got several of them.

Well, one of yours goes
to school with one of mine.

I'm jonelle breckenridge.

Nancy breckenridge's mother.

Erin walton's.

How do you do?

What'd you say you had in there?

It's called pinkney's
bubble beautifier.

And, uh, it's a
very fine shampoo

Face soap, and... And
it even washes linens.

I'll just take the top
off this sample here.

(Jonelle) it certainly
is a pretty bottle.

Oh, yes. You'll find many
uses just for the bottle alone.

I'm so sorry. Jason!


Oh, I'm so sorry.

I haven't been feeling
very well lately.

Jason, could you...
No, don't you bother.

Won't you come in and sit down?

No, thank you. I think
I'd better get home.

Thank you, jason.

Come on, mama.

I'll be fine. I'm...

Take care.

Now, those there are real nice.

Very nice.

Thanks, grandma.

What do you mean, these here?

Well, those, well, or those.

It's... It's a lovely blanket.

Now, don't make me
explain every word.

I'm just trying to tell you
girls that I'm proud of you.

Won't mama be excited when
she opens up all of her presents?

Yeah, I imagine she will be.

Mary ellen.

Where are you off to?

Mmm, I'm pondering my
destiny of being born a woman.

Oh, good heavens.
That's no destiny.

That's just a simple
fact of nature.

No, I think it's more.

I mean, just think of all the
things we have to do all our lives,

Just because we're women.

I imagine, if the men
were sitting here,

They'd say the same
thing about themselves.

No, that's not strictly true.

I mean, the laws are made
by the men, for the men.

That's what isadora duncan says.

You mean that dancing girl?


From what I read about
her in that magazine,

She doesn't stay long
enough in one place

To know anything about the laws.

Well, that's because
she's a free spirit.

I mean, she kept her 2 babies because
she wanted to, not because she had to.

Who was talking
about keeping babies?

No one.

It's just what I was thinking.

I mean, suppose you had a
baby and you didn't want it?

Is there a law that
says you have to keep it?

Of course there is, mary ellen.

There is man's law, and god's.

Now, it would behoove
you to remember

That you're a young
lady, mary ellen.

You better start thinking
about duty and responsibility.

Oh, grandma.

Birds chirping

(John) got back kind
of early, didn't you?

Mama got sick.

See, the first 3
months are the hardest.

I'll go see if there's
anything she needs.

Hey, ben, I got us an idea.

♪♪Playing harmonica

How is she, grandma?

Well, your mama's
feeling a mite down.

Come on, let's
start supper, girls.

(Grandma) girls.

Grandma, if mama's feeling down,

Why don't we give
her her presents now?

Maybe it'll cheer her up.

Well, now, that's
a right good idea.

You girls get
everything together.

Jason, you tell john-boy
to bring in that cradle.


I'll get my rag doll.

You sure do that better
than getting supper ready.

It's hopeless, john.

I'm too sick now to
do anymore selling.

After the baby,
I'll be too busy.

Knocking on door

(Olivia) come in!

Surprise! Surprise!

It's for the new baby
from all of us. I made it.

John-boy, that's so beautiful!

And I made her a blanket.

I made her some shirts.

And I made him a rattle.

Jason, that's wonderful!

I'm giving my baby my rag doll.

All laughing we didn't
make anything, mama,

But jim-bob and I
have a present also.

Only our present is
for you, not the baby.

(Ben) we figure since spring
vacation's starting monday,

We'll have plenty of time,

So we're gonna sell the
rest of the soap for you.

I just don't know what to say.

(Mary ellen) are you cheered up?

Well, I couldn't be cheerier.

Now, downstairs to
get ready for supper.

Ok, bye-bye.


That's a great job, son.

(John-boy) thank you.

You could've fooled me.


Being cheery is not exactly
how I'd describe you now, honey.

I love you, john.

You're not only my husband,
you're my best friend.

You know me better
than anybody in the world.

I do?

So why don't you tell
me what's bothering you?

I can't explain it.

Maybe it's just moodiness. I...

Laughs sometimes I'm so
happy, I could explode

And other times I'm so
sad, i... I... All I can do is cry.

Then I get to worrying
about needing money,

And john-boy's schooling,
and all those things.

Sobbing shh.

It's all right.

(Olivia) ♪ I gave my
love a chicken ♪

♪ That had no bone ♪

♪ I gave my love a story ♪

♪ That had no end ♪

♪ I gave my love a baby with ♪♪

7 Years is a long time.

I'd almost forgotten.

She did, too!

Did not!

Mama, didn't you say

I was the most importantest
person to this baby?

Well, yes, I did, because
she's the closest in age.

So I get to name her, right?

What happens if this
her turns out to be him?

My baby's not gonna be a him.

It's gonna be a her.

And her name's gonna be joyce.


Oh, jim-bob!

There's this real
pretty girl at school,

And she's real pretty,
and she smiles all the time.

And the kids call her joy.

Joy. That's a pretty name.

If it's a boy, I get to
name him seymour.

(Both) pee-u.

Come on, blue.

(Jonelle) so you're erin's
brothers, are you?

Yes, ma'am.

Mama's gonna have a baby, so
we're selling her soap for her.

Well, now, isn't that a fine
thing for you boys to do.

Yes, ma'am. How
many would you like?

Wait a second. We gotta
demonstrate it first.

Would you please bring a bowl of water
and a handkerchief or napkin, please?

Oh, yes, i... I surely will.

Why don't you boys
wait right inside here?

I'll, uh, I'll be right back.

Birds chirping

I gotta teach you a lot
about selling, jim-bob.

You gotta set your
customer up just right.

She was set up just right when
she heard we were selling for mama.

She was ready to buy.

You don't know that. You
gotta prove your product.

Have confidence
in what you sell.

There. Here we are.

Thank you.

Here we go.

Now we're gonna watch the
bubble beautifier go to work.

When does it bubble?

Needs a little more.

It needs a little stirring.

Of course, that was
just the first step.

In order to make the
bubble beautifier work,

It has to have
something to bubble for.

Here we go.


Yes, ma'am.

That white handkerchief's
starting to turn green.

I can see that, yes, ma'am.

Afternoon, boys.


Told you we should
have sold before.

(John) you sure chose a
pretty day for a picnic, liv.

(Olivia) it's been a long
time since we did this.

I know.

Right in the middle
of a work day.

Makes me feel kind of wicked.

I just wanted to get
away from everything.

Get out here in the sunshine.

Just you and me together.

How are you feeling, sweetheart?

I feel very happy now, and
that's what I wanted to tell you.

You had me worried.

I know.

Being older, i... I let the
fears crowd into my mind

And push away the good feelings.

But that's all
straightened out now

And I feel very proud, and
very safe, and very happy.

Well, I'm glad to hear that.

Birds chirping

You know, liv,

I miss hearing the sound of
babies' voices in the house.

Colic 2 days in a row.

Holding the warm
bundle in my arms.

Changing diapers
at 2:00 in the morning.

Laying there in bed,
watching you get up to feed it.

Lying there in bed and
watching you get up and feed it.

Wait a minute, we
never did that before.

We did with elizabeth.

No, we didn't. Elizabeth, she
was sleeping through the night

When she was 3 months old.

It must have been jim-bob.

That's right, it was jim-bob.

But he was toilet-trained first.

Who was it that had
the colic so long?

Mary ellen.

You gotta admit it, liv.

Erin, she was the prettiest
of them all, wasn't she?

She sure was a beauty.

Everybody at the hospital
called her their little rosebud.

I don't like to
tell the boys this,

But I hope it's a little girl.


Well, I kind of like
the name joyce walton.

A joy for our middle years.

I must admit, it sounds better
than a zeb for our middle years.

Who decided on zeb?



Zeb's not a bad name,

Unless you prefer eunice.

Both laughing

♪♪Music playing

What do you think joy
will be when she grows up?

He will probably inherit grandpa's
voice and become a famous singer.

Or she'll be a dancer.

There's only room for one
dancer in this family, and that's me.

Boys guffawing

I think she'll be a rope walker

Like that one that
was here, remember?

Don't you think it's a
little early for that?

You all don't know
what you want to be.

John-boy does.

Maybe the new
baby will be a writer.

If it's a girl, maybe she could
write about the female point of view.

Why? Is it so different
from yours, john-boy?

Well, maybe it's a
little less robust.

John-boy, exactly what are you
writing in that journal of yours?

Oh, grandma, you don't
have to worry about me.

I never tell tales
out of school.

There are no such tales
to be told about this family.

(Grandpa) ah, ah, I remember
a thing or 2 that happened

That would bring a blush of
shame to your cheek, esther.

(Grandma) old man,
if you lived your life

As wild as you let your
imagination run, you'd...

Well, you'd never have
survived as long as you have.

While there's
life, there's hope.

Old man, now will
you just hush up?




It maybe nothing more
than just a twinge in her side.

Is mama ok?

Grandma is taking care of her.

Can she still have the baby?

Li don't know yet.

Clock ticking

Well, is she... Is she
gonna be all right?

Yeah, she just needs rest.

I sure was looking forward
to another grandchild.

I know, ma.

Some things just
weren't meant to be.

I know that, too.

I better go talk
to the children.

Mama's fine.

She's resting.

You can see her in the morning.

Is the baby all right?

Your mama lost the baby.

There was nothing
anyone could do about it.

Now, you listen here.

As hard as it is,

It is a kind of a blessing.

When a woman loses
a baby this early on,

It's kind of nature's way of saying
that things aren't going right.

We're just gonna have to believe

That, uh, this birth
wasn't meant to be.


Elizabeth whimpering

Crickets chirping

Elizabeth, honey,
are you all right?

Why not?

Joy is never gonna get born.


I feel sad about that, too.

Listen, elizabeth,
we have each other.

That makes it a little
better, doesn't it?

Come here, honey.

John-boy, read me a story.

A story?

How about if I tell
you a poem, ok?

"Amarantha sweet and fair

"Ah, braid no more
that shining hair!

"As my curious hand or
eye hovering round thee

"Let it fly!

"Every tress must be confest
but neatly tangled at the best

"Like some clew of golden
thread most excellently ravelled

"Do not then bind up that light

"In ribbands and
o'ercloud in night

"Like the sun in 's early ray

But shake thy head
and scatter day!"

Go to sleep.

John-boy, when I have a
baby, I'm gonna name it joy.

And she's gonna be
beautiful just like you.

Good night, honey.

Good night.

Door closes

(Jason) when are we
gonna give you a bath?

All shouting who did that?

All laughing

All chattering

Hey, what's all
the squealing for?


Hey, livie, they're
baptizing old blue.

(John-boy) ok, bring him over
here. Bring him over here.

Livie, is there
anything I can get you?

No, thank you, grandpa.

Dear, dear, livie.


God does work in
mysterious ways.

I know that, grandpa.

Your faith should be of
considerable help to you now.

I know that, too,

But it doesn't make it
any the less my fault.

Huh? What's that you're saying?

Maybe I could have
been more careful.

Maybe I should have...

Livie, I never realized you had
such an exalted opinion of yourself.

You're endowing
yourself with powers

That even us common folks
wouldn't dream of taking on.


Child, there are
mysteries in this life

That none of us can
understand as yet.

And you can't take the liberty
of coming up with answers

Just for the purpose of
making yourself feel better.

Livie, blaming yourself
is the easy way out.

It's a much harder
way to think that

What happened
happened for the best.

It's a more truthful way.

It just teaches us that
when we do get knocked down

By a bolt of lightning
out of the blue,

It gives us dignity
to get up and walk on.

I do believe I'll get
you a refill for this.

Cold tea is cold comfort.

If you weren't
such a good baptist,

I'd be tempted to spike
it with you-know-what.

Children continue chattering

Over here, bring him over
here. Bring him over here.

(Mary ellen) you'll
get yourself wet.

(John-boy) that can't be done.

Ok, right over here. Come on.

Children squealing

(Jim-bob) maybe we should try
pinkney's bubble beautifier on him.

(John-boy) maybe we
ought to try it on you!

All shouting

(Jim-bob) no!

(John-boy) hey, hold on to him.

(Jason) I got him.

(Jim-bob) no!

Children squealing

(John-boy) as the years went on

And we all went
our separate ways,

We were to provide my mother and
father with so many grandchildren

That their lives were never
without the sound of a baby

Or a growing child's voice.

And all those grandchildren
were beneficiaries

Of the extraordinary love

That was given to
us during those years

We spent on walton's mountain.

Crickets chirping

(Olivia) mary ellen, do you still
want to take dancing lessons?

(Erin) if she does,
I want to, too.

(Elizabeth) me, too.

Now, children, mary
ellen asked first.

(John) dancing lessons?

There's a perfectly
good piano downstairs.

Why doesn't somebody
learn to play that?

(Erin) yuck!

(Elizabeth) me, too, yuck.

(Olivia) what would you
rather do, mary ellen?

(Mary ellen) neither, mom.

I just started reading
about florence nightingale.

I think I'd like to be her.

That sounds sensible.

(Mary ellen) and heroic, too.

Good night, mama.
Good night, erin.

(Erin) florence
nightingale? Yuck!

Good night, mary ellen.
Good night, elizabeth.

(Elizabeth) yuck! Good
night, everybody.
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