03x19 - The Shivaree

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "The Waltons". Aired: September 14, 1972 – June 4, 1981.*
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A popular, long-running drama about a close-knit family in rural, Depression-era Virginia, sharing their trials and triumphs.
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03x19 - The Shivaree

Post by bunniefuu »

[Birds chirping]

(John-boy) people coming
to walton's mountain

For the first time

May have been surprised to
find that we had such a good life.

More often than not, outsiders'
impressions of hill people

Are formed by comic-strip
characters or jokes about hillbillies.

We were neither.

Yet we did have our
rituals and our customs

Which must have seemed
odd to outlanders.

I remember a time when one of
our blue ridge customs caused

A great deal of
discomfort to a visitor

And almost broke up a marriage

That had just barely
gotten underway.

No more.

You have to practice.

This is silly.

No, it's not. Suppose you drop the ring
when you're supposed to be holding it.

Then somebody'll just
have to pick it up. This is dumb.

No, it's not. It's a wedding.

Weddings are for girls.

Daddy, why doesn't olivia
get married in the front room?

What if it rains?

Then you don't have
to water the lawn.

Jason, keep those slats coming.

Coming right up, daddy.

Elizabeth, you're
gonna wreck them,

And you're doing it all wrong.

Well, then show me
how to do it right.

I don't have time right now.

Why don't you go
visit with olivia?

You're just trying
to get rid of me.

That's right.

When it's my wedding I'm not
going to let anybody help.

Not even your husband?

That depends. On what?

On whether I like him or not.

Well, there's another one.

Livie, there's more pink than
there are red. Now come on.

I know it'd be better if they
were real flowers, but...

You know my fingers just
don't work the way they used to.

I wasn't even thinking
about the flowers, grandma.

I was just wishing that
marnie could be here.

Well, you're here.

You're the closest she can
get to having a real mama

And you're certainly doing everything
to make her wedding day special.

I hope so.

Well, at least she's gonna be
surrounded by people that love her,

People that care enough
to go to all this trouble.

You know, she was telling me

That her fiance wanted to get
married in the city hall in richmond.

She just couldn't
bear that idea.

Yeah, you can't
guess what I've got.

No time for guessing games.

Why aren't you helping john?

'Cause I wanted to help you.

Oh, fresh violets. Zeb.

(Olivia) grandpa,
they're just beautiful.

Where ever did you find them?

You ought to
remember where it was.

Same place we get 'em every
year after the spring thaw.

Well, where is that?

Alongside that
big, old scarlet oak,

You know, where the roots stick up
out of the ground on the south slope.

You ought to remember the first
time we picked violets there, esther.

Oh, shush.

[Chuckles] well, wherever you
found them, they're just lovely.

I'm so glad olivia is gonna
have fresh flowers to carry.

Well, they won't be fresh long
if we don't get 'em into water.


Well, livie, this time tomorrow
your namesake and her intended

Will be locked in the
arms of matrimony.

I can't wait to meet her fiance.

The way olivia talks about him,

You'd think he was a movie
star from hollywood, california.

(Mary ellen) olivia.

Did your mother really
get married in that dress?

In 1914.

Mother would be so happy if
she knew I was going to wear it.

The only thing that makes me sad

Is that she'll never meet bob.

Do you remember her?

I remember being
on a train with her,

Coming here to
walton's mountain.

I must have been about 4

And your mother met
us at the rockby station.

Oh, I'm so glad I could
be here with her,

With all of you for my wedding.

Well, I sure hope bob likes us.

Well, of course he will

And you're gonna be
just crazy about him.

Did I show you his picture?

About a million times.

Oh, I'm sorry to be so boring about
him, but he's just so wonderful.

I can't talk about
anyone or anything else.

(John-boy) bob hill?

Well, I feel like I
already know you.

I've seen your
picture so many times.

Well, I'm john walton jr.

Oh, hello. You might as
well call me john-boy.

[Chuckling] everybody else does.

Well, let's go.

Olivia's dying to see you and,
uh, of course the whole family's...

Uh, uh, that's mine.
Please be careful with it.

It's cowhide.

[Clears throat] here,
I'll take that.

Oh, thank you.

(John-boy) these roads
aren't in very good shape.

The winters ruin 'em.

Must be lonely
out here at night,

Miles and miles of
nothing but trees.

There ain't no
streetlights out here.


Lots of trees.


I've... I've never been to
the country much myself.

Born and raised in
richmond mmm-hmm.

And olivia and I would've
been married there, too.

I almost wish

That we would've kept it quiet
and simple, just the 2 of us.

I don't know about that.

Olivia had her heart set on
coming back to the mountain

And my mama and her mama
being best friends and all.

Would've been easier if
you all came up to richmond.

Wouldn't have been so
much trouble for you.

Oh, it's no trouble. We're
looking forward to it.

We're going to have a
real country wedding.

[Clearing throat] you
got any change?

Hmm? Change. You got a couple
of dollars worth of change?

You're going to
need it. What for?

Well, I'll tell you later. We
won't have time to get it tomorrow.

(Bob) what am I gonna
need change for?

(John-boy) you'll find out.


Ike godsey's general merchandise
store is closed. No exceptions.

Hey, yancy.

Hey, john-boy.

Well. Hey, ike. John-boy's here.

Well, I guess we could make
an exception in your case.

(Ike) be right with
you, john-boy.

You know, we're really
looking forward to that weddin',

Not to mention
the you-know-what.

Ike, yancy, I'd like you
to meet a gentleman here.

This is the groom, bob hill.

This is yancy tucker
and ike godsey.

Hi, yancy. How do you do?

Glad to meet you, bob. Ike.

I was just sayin', uh, that we've
been looking forward to your weddin'.

Oh, yeah, we're goin' huntin',
but we're coming back special.

You're gonna have the best
shivaree this county's seen in years.

That's for sure.

[All laughing]

Best what?

A real down-home,
first-class, humdinger shivaree.

That's why we stopped
by to get the change.

What's a shivaree? I'll tell
you in a... In a little while.

We need a couple of
dollars worth of change, ike,

So that bob here can have
some money to give the children.


(John-boy) let him have
a couple dollars.

Hmm? Couple dollar bills. Let
him have a couple dollar bills.

Here you go. That's
$2.00. Thank you, ike.

And if that concludes
your business,

Uh, ike and me's got some hunting
to do tonight and tomorrow.

But don't you worry, we'll
see you tomorrow night.

See you tomorrow night.
Happy hunting, fellers.

(Ike) see you tomorrow
night. See you tomorrow night.

[Both laughing]


Could you tell me
what that was all about

And why those 2 men are
coming to my wedding?

Oh, don't worry, they're
not gonna be at the ceremony.

They're just gonna
do the shivaree.

I've heard that word about
6 times in the last 6 minutes.

What is that, uh, shivaree deal?

Well, you see, it's
when a couple...

I'll explain it to you.
There's plenty of time.

Here we are.

Have all the guests arrived?

Oh, these aren't the
guests. This is just the family.

My grandfather and grandmother,
and my daddy, my mommy,

Brothers and sisters.
This is bob hill, everybody.

Hi. Hi.

Hello, bob. I'm olivia,
your bride's namesake.

(Bob) hello, bob. How do you do?

And this is my
mother-in-law, mrs. Walton.

Hello. Hello, mrs. Walton.

And my daughters,
elizabeth and erin.

Elizabeth, erin.

I'm ben. Ben.

(Jason) jason. Welcome, bob.

Jason. Hello.

[Door creaking]


Bob, darling.

(Bob) hello.

That's my sister, mary ellen.

Oh bob, oh, I'm so glad
to see you. Hi, honey.


Oh, this is mary ellen.

How do you do? (Mary
ellen) how do you do?

Probably wanna
put your things away.

John-boy, why don't you
show bob to your room?

I hope you don't mind
sharing john-boy's room.

(Olivia) we're fixing
up a room in the back

For you and olivia
after you get married.

Come on, bob. Let's
put your things away.

There's so much I
wanna show you.

Why don't you 2
take a look around?

I'll put this stuff
up in my room.

Oh, thank you very much.


Well, you know, our pond is
almighty pretty this time of day.

Why don't you 2 go for a walk?

Thank you, grandpa. We will.

Where is that?

I know where it is.
(Grandpa) over there.

See you later. Bye. Bye-bye.

(Jason) have a nice walk.

Olivia's right. He's wonderful.

I don't know. He's kind of a
stuffed shirt if you ask me.

Well, you wouldn't recognize a real
sophisticated person if you fell over one.

But we'd all recognize a stuffed
shirt, except you, of course.

Ben, you've got the
instincts of a homing pigeon

When it comes to
getting your sister mad.

Ah, she's boring. So
is olivia's boyfriend.

Well, he is a little
grand, isn't he?

How can anybody
know what he's like?

He's only been here for 5
minutes. Give him a chance.

[Chicken clucking]

I'm goin' to work.

Oh, look, bob. Aren't
they beautiful?

Don't you just love it here?

I think this is just about the
most beautiful place in the world.

Come, sit down.

I feel as if I haven't
seen you in years.

If you kiss me now,
nobody'd ever know.

Olivia, could we go back and
have the wedding in richmond?

Just us?

Well, what's wrong with having the
wedding here, the way we planned?


Well, ever since I got
here, I feel like, uh,

My shoes are on the wrong feet.

I... I don't know what to say.
I say all the wrong things.

I... I'm out of place here.

I'm sorry.

I should've understood.

They're all strangers to you

And... And I haven't given you
a chance to get acquainted.

But the waltons are the
only real family I've ever had

And I wanted to get married
in an atmosphere of love.

I just couldn't bear going
to some cold, official office.

That's what you want?

Yes, bob.


Then that's what we'll do.

I love you and you'll see.

We'll be very glad we
did it this way. We will.

It's been a... It's been a long trip,
and all this is still strange to you

But everything is
going to be wonderful.

You'll see.

Uh, got kind of
muddy this afternoon.

[Laughing] well, you'll get used
to it, especially this time of year.

You ought to try
going barefoot. It's fun.

[Laughing] is that a requirement
of a country wedding?


Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to be rude.

I'm just nervous, I guess.

Everything, uh, here...
Here seems to me, uh,

Foreign, you know?

I can understand that.

Uh, well, i... I, uh...

I guess I ought to explain to
you about this... This, uh, shivaree.

Oh, there's that
word again. Shivaree.

Shivaree, that's right.

Uh, well, it's a...

It's a sort of a country
tradition we have around here.

Uh, it's been around for, oh...

Well, it... It came over
with the first settlers.

I looked the word up
once. It's a french word.

Well, you see, what
happens is the, uh,

The men and the boys of the
community, uh, on the wedding night

Congregate outside the window
of... Of the bride and the groom.

Well, they sort of
scream and holler

And whoop it up and
kick up quite a ruckus.

You're kidding?

[Laughing] no, I'm serious
and anything can happen.

[Clears throat]

Sometimes they even
kidnap the groom.

They kidnap?


Well, a couple of the fellas will
sort of drag him off into the woods

And leave him there.


[Chuckles] what?

Well, it's fun. I know it
sounds silly, but it's... It's, uh...

You, uh, just sort of...
You pay them, you see.

You pay them, and they
go and leave you alone.

You pay them? It's like a token.

That's why we went and
got the money at the store.

Oh, uh.

[Stammering] I don't understand.

They kidnap you,
and... And you pay them?

I know it... It sounds silly, but
it's... It's, uh, traditional, you know.

It's a country tradition,
and... And it's all in fun.

Y-you won't mind
it. You'll enjoy it.

John, um,

I won't stand for that.

He won't?

No, he won't. He did
not like the idea at all.

(Grandpa) well, it may sound
peculiar in the telling of it

But once a
shivaree gets goin'...

(John-boy) I don't
think so, grandpa.

Good. Then we can call it off.


It won't seem like a real
wedding without a shivaree.

Well, it didn't
help our wedding.

Made me nervous.

That wasn't what
made you nervous.

Oh, hush.

It does seem kind of a shame.

Kids were really looking
forward to it, especially ben.

He had the mumps last time
there was a shivaree around here.

John, if he really feels that
way, maybe we better call it off.

I'd feel just terrible if anything
spoiled olivia's wedding day.

If he's gonna get all
upset, I guess we better.

I'll tell the kids. You
tell ike and yancy.

Well, daddy, I can't tell
'em. They've gone huntin'.

They won't be back
till the wedding.

Liv, uh... You
could leave a note.

Leave a note. They'll get it.


Thank you, john.

I want this to be a
perfect day for her.

You do understand, don't you?


Hey, what are you
guys doin' up here?


Every time we went in
the house grandma'd say

"Don't mess up the cushions," or
"don't dirty the floor," or somethin'.

I don't want to go to any
dumb old wedding, anyway.

But you wanted to
go to the shivaree.

Well, that was going to be
the fun part. Now who cares?

(Jason) where'd you get
that chicken, anyway?

It's not chicken.
It's bear meat.

I got up early this morning and
k*lled me a bear, and this is his gizzard.

Unless you go on and get
us some of that chicken,

You're going out. Period.

What're you gonna do
to keep me out of here?

Ok, ok. I can manage
to find 2 more pieces

But if I get caught,
I'm blaming you.

Why don't you let me hold
that for you while you go down?

I don't trust you.

Come on, you can trust
me. I'm your brother.

Well, ok.


Is there anything I can do?

No, thank you.

You must be a nervous wreck.


Well, it's your wedding day.

Oh, well, uh, I have a very
definite plan of my life

And part of that
is getting married.

Oh, well, that's
part of my plan, too.

Doesn't mean I'm not gonna be
scared to death on my wedding day.


Well, i... I don't really believe
in men showing fear, you know.


You got any relatives
coming to the wedding?

Well, my mother and
father died when I was a boy

And I was raised by my father's
mother, and she died last year.

It's too bad you don't
have any people coming.

Well, can't be helped.

No use brooding about it.

Well, I'll go see olivia.

Wait a minute. Which olivia?

Oh, um, my olivia.

But... But wait a minute.
You can't do that.

You're not supposed to see
the bride before the wedding.

[Chuckles] superstition.

No, wait a minute. That's
bad luck. You can't do that.



Go away, silly. It's bad luck.

That was bob.

[Laughs nervously] I think I
scared him away when I yelled.

Aunt olivia, do you like him?

He seems like a nice, quiet boy

And most of all, he
seems to care about you.

How do you know if
you've made a mistake?

I guess your heart tells you.

Well, my heart
tells me i... I didn't

And that everything's
gonna be just wonderful.

Here, let me do that.

Your mother would
be so happy today.

I remember when we were little.

We used to visit back and forth.

At night we'd huddle in our beds

And whisper about what our lives

Were gonna be like
when we grew up.

What kind of man we
were gonna marry,

How many children
we were gonna have.

How many did mama want?


Oh, she must have
been disappointed.

Oh, no.

She loved you very much.

What a beautiful
little baby you were,

[Giggling] all smiles and
giggles and ruffles.

Marnie used to dress you
as if every day was sunday.

She made all of
your clothes herself

And she embroidered tiny little
pink rosebuds on every single dress.

I still have one
of them. You do?

She kept it for me.

Thank you for letting
me take her place.

Look, elizabeth found
all the things I needed.

She gave me this.

She said it would take
care of 3 things at once

Since it was borrowed from her,

And it's blue, and it's
brand new, as well.

You're very special.

Elizabeth was planning
on wearing that herself.

She told me, and I
promised her I'd wear it.

I... I don't have to worry
about something old,

Since I'm wearing mama's dress.

So I guess I'm all set.

I'm scared.

♪♪[Wedding march playing]

[Door opening]

"Dearly beloved,

"We are gathered here
in the presence of god

"And in the face of this company

To join together this man
and woman in holy matrimony."


"Wilt thou have this woman
to be thy wedded wife?"

I will.

"And wilt thou love her,
comfort her, honor, and keep her?"

(Bob) I will.

"Forsaking all others,
keep thee only unto her

So long as ye both shall live."

(Grandpa) simmer down,
everybody. Quiet down.

[People chattering]

Quiet, everybody!

It's time to cut the cake.


This is the happiest
day of my life.

Mine, too.

[Sighing] if I wasn't so tired,
I'd get up and go to bed.

I don't think I could
get myself to bed.

(John) well, I'll tell you what.

I'll carry you across the threshold
just like you were the bride.

I accept your offer.

Esther, come to my arms.

I can make it on my
own 2 feet, thank you.

Once I do these dishes.

Uh-uh, tomorrow.

(Olivia) no, we'd
better do them...

(Olivia) john.

(John) no. Not tonight. First
thing in the morning. Come on.

(Grandma) first time in my
life I ever left dirty dishes.

(John) come on.

(Olivia) are you gonna help me?

(Grandma) go on.

(Olivia) hmm?

[Motorcycle approaching]

[Metal clanking]

Tone down the noise, yancy.

You wanna wake up
those newlyweds?

Wouldn't that be a shame?

Where is the happy couple?

They're right in there.

What's going on here?

[Men hooting]

We heard you was
a traveling man.

Boy, now you're
going... Wait a minute!


[Men clamoring]

You put him down!


[Men hooting]

Come back.

[Metal clanking]


What're we gonna do? They
weren't supposed to do that.

Now don't worry. We'll
have him back in no time.

They're just going to dump him
down the road a ways. We'll go get him.

(Bob) stop this
thing and let me out.

(Ike) don't stand up,
son. You're liable to fall.

(Bob) let me out or I'll jump.

Would they bring
him out this far?


There's no telling where
those 2 bandits'll end up.

They got a groom
so lost one time

It took him 3 days
to find his way home.

There was another one who
stumbled into a bunch of bootleggers.

Nearly got himself shot.

I thought you were
gonna stop this.

Oh, I tried. I tried.

I... I left a note at ike's
and... And one at yancy's.

I guess they
just didn't see 'em.

I hope they don't
get rough with him.

Rough? Oh, don't worry, they
wouldn't think of hurting him.

Bob's kind of fussy.

Wants things to go his way.

Well, I can't say
as I blame him,

Especially on his own wedding.

He hangs up his socks
when he takes them off

And puts them on
little wire frames.


Sock hangers, I
guess they're called.

That's what he was doing when
those men came and took him away.


I'm sorry.

I... I guess it'd probably be just
as well if this hadn't happened

But try not to
worry about it, please.

They won't let
anything happen to him.

They better not.

(Grandpa) oh, john.

Whatever made you think they'd
bring the bridegroom down here?

(John) knowing ike and yancy,

This would be their
idea of a joke, pa.

[Crickets chirping]



It's time to get that boy home.

[Dog barking]

That sounds like hyder
snow's co*n hound.

Yeah, he's got a
fresh scent for sure.

Right this very
minute I'd sooner be

Scuttling down some gully
behind an old co*n hound.

We ought to do
that some night, pa.

Providing we can get reckless
to join us in a co*n hunt.

[Both laughing]

I never saw a dog so
shy of co*n in my life.

He's been that way ever since...

When he was just a puppy
that co*n tried to drown him.

Yeah, it is peaceful
here tonight, isn't it?

I'd rather be home in bed, pa.

What do you think they
did with that boy? Uh-uh.

Your aunt mayfern's
headstone is settling crooked.

Pa, let's go. Uh-huh.

All right, I'll come here by
daylight and straighten her out.

Look out.

That tyler was a nice man.

(Yancy) hey, ike.

(Ike) there we go.

What are we stopping here for?

I figured we'd take him over
to evermont and cut him loose.

(Man) no, no, no!

I thought we were going to
take him clean to richmond.

We've taken him far enough.

He ought to be able to
make it home for breakfast?

If he don't fall down in the
mire, get stuck in the quicksand.

(Yancy) watch
out. He's a fighter.

(Man 2) lot of... Lot of bears
around here, you know.

And they're pretty
good fighters, too.

Is there a policeman
around here anywhere?

A policeman? You've been
living in the city too long.

You know all we got
out here is a sheriff.

Well, I think we ought
to get in touch with him.

If he got rousted out of his
bed every time we had a shivaree

He'd never get any sleep.

Is this all we're going to do?

Just ride around
all night looking?

We're going to find
him, olivia. Don't worry.

But you don't know bob.

He's never been in this
kind of wild country before.

[All cheering]


Decently tied, huh?

(Man) yeah... Ok, let's go!

[Owl hooting]

How did you 2 meet, anyway?



I used to...

I used to see bob
in this little park

Near where I live,
before I met him.

Every saturday morning
he'd be out there flying a kite.

It's his hobby.

He has them from
all over the world.

It's an interesting hobby.

Anyway, I figured if I wasn't
going to meet him any other way,

I was gonna have
to try something.

So I went out, and I bought
a kite and some string

And I went down to the park and I
tried to get my kite tangled up with his.

[Laughing] did you?

[Laughing] did i?

His first words to me were, "you've
just ruined my japanese dragon."

John-boy, what are we
doing talking about kites

In the middle of the night out here in
the wilds of the blue ridge mountains?

This is my wedding night.

[Dog howling]

[Owl hooting]


Nice dog, nice dog.

(Hyder) no, he ain't.

He's mean as a
cocklebur. Who are you?

I might ask you the same
thing. Say, are you a convict?

(Bob) no. No.

No. Look, whoever you
are, will you please help me?

Well, I don't know. Me and
rooster here is tailing a co*n.

He's given us the
slip twice now.

I aim to catch him
before the night's over.

Say, you sure you ain't on
the wrong side of the law?

No. My name's bob hill, and I'm a... I'm
a guest over at the walton house.

Then what's the handcuffs for?

Well, i... I got married
this afternoon.


They shivareed you.

Sorry, livie.

I could wring ike godsey's neck.

[Sighs] yancy's no
better than ike.

Oh, go ahead, if it'll
make you feel any better.

I just can't keep them still.

Almost wish there were
more dishes to clean.

Grandma, why
don't you go to bed?

It's not going to do
anybody any good

For both of us to
lose a night's sleep.

I couldn't sleep.

(Elizabeth) me, neither.

Is bob still lost?


How long have you
been sitting there?

I don't know.

I was just listening to you
and grandma, and I fell asleep.

[Car horn blowing]

Oh, you all right?
(Elizabeth) I'm ok.

It's grandpa and daddy.

Just them?

(Hyder) ...and old
rooster picked up a trail

Not more than 10 minutes
away from the house.

I never did see what
he was tracking

But he sure was making
one fearsome racket.

I was helping with one of
them wheeler boys that night.

That oldest one works in the
livery stable down in scottsville.

(Bob) I wouldn't know him.

Well, you ain't missing much.

Uh, well, like I was saying, that
was... You'd better step over, son,

Some of these young
bucks, you know.


About 30 miles an hour.

Where have you been?
Are you all right?

Mind if we go back
to civilization now?

Hop aboard.

How are you, mr. Snow?

I'm in the prime, john-boy.

How's your granddaddy?
Oh, he's in the prime, too.

Will you give him my respects
now, you hear? Will do.

Can we drop you somewheres,
mr. Snow? No, thanks.

Me and rooster might catch that
co*n yet. Well, good luck to you.

Good luck to you, son.

Good luck to you.

Come on, there.

[Hyder laughing]

I'm sorry we didn't find you
sooner, bob, but we've been looking

For the longest kind
of time. Thanks a lot.

Bob, don't be that way.

Look, I am so mad that if I say
anything it's not going to be anything

That you're gonna
want to hear, all right?

[Shouting] so suppose we
just not talk, all right?

All right. Whatever you say.

But I think you ought to talk.

Not now.

I just think you ought
to get it off your chest.

Look, I don't want to get it
off my chest. I want to k*ll!

I think he means it, olivia.
You stay out of this.

Ok, I'm sorry.

There I was floating on a raft

In the middle of drucilla pond.

For all I know, I could've been
floating down the rockfish river.

By the time I got
the ropes untied

I was soaked clear through.

I got home, though,
about midnight.

Liv took one look at me,
and she started laughing.

Yeah, well, I guess if you're used
to such things, you can find it funny.

That's what I'm trying to
tell you. It's all done in fun.

Years to come, you and your
wife will be laughing about this.

I doubt that.

Learning how to laugh

Can help you through some of
those rough spots in a marriage.

I'll bear that in mind.

John-boy said bob
was a little cross.

So I thought maybe some hot tea

And brownies might
make a difference.

Aunt olivia, now I
really am scared.

I expect every bride is.

Don't worry. Bob's
probably scared, too.

Good night.

Good night.

(John) good night, bob.

Good night.

Bob, I was so worried about you.

Aunt olivia brought
us some tea and things.

Shall I pour you some?


I wanted this to be the most
wonderful night in the world.

I love you so much, and
nothing's gone right.

Can't we just pretend
it hasn't happened?

Let's just start all over again.

I think maybe we
made a big mistake.

(Grandpa) there he stood,

Just covered all over with
wasp bites, screaming with pain,

And I rushed out the woods,
grabbed up some willow leaves

And 2 or 3 assorted weeds, and
made them... Mashed it up all together,

Rubbed them on him, and those
bumps disappeared before you knew it.

Aunt olivia, could
I talk to you?

Of course, sweetheart. Come on.

Grandma, what's the
matter with olivia?

I thought brides were
supposed to be happy.

You've got a lot
to learn, child.

Daddy, can I go see
what's wrong with olivia?

No, honey, your mother
can take care of things.

Excuse the mess. I didn't have
time to make the bed this morning.


I didn't have to make mine.

[Crying] it was never slept in.

What happened?

We sat up.

All night?

Him in one chair in a
corner and me in the other.

He's really angry.

I don't know. He won't talk.

He just keeps saying
that we've made a mistake.

Do you feel you've
made a mistake?


I... I really love him.

All I want is for
us to be together

And for everything
to be all right.

Poor baby.

Maybe bob just needs
somebody to talk to.

Liv, I don't even know
what the problem is.

Why don't we
just stay out of it?

He just needs a
father-to-son talk.

What am I gonna say to him? "I hear
you sat up in the chair all night"?

What would you say
if it were john-boy?

No son of mine is ever going to
sit up in a chair on his wedding night.

No son of yours ever would.

Why, livie walton.

But that's not what we're talking
about. Now the boy's really upset.

It's just a shivaree, liv.
We got through ours.

Remember? I come home all
covered with mud, mad as a hornet.

[Laughing] you were
a funny sight.


So you will talk to him?

All right, I'll talk to him.
Can I finish my breakfast first?

He says he'll talk to bob as
soon as he finishes his breakfast.

Thank you.

Could I use your phone, please?

I'm sorry, we don't have one.

No phone?

Nobody around here has a phone?

There's a phone down
at ike godsey's store.

Fine, I'll go there then.

(Young olivia) why do
you need a phone?

'Cause I'm calling a taxi.


Because we're going
back to richmond.

I thought you were gonna
stay for the rest of the week.

(Young olivia) I am.

What about him?

I don't know about him.

As a matter of fact, I don't
even think I know him at all.

Well, then you better
get acquainted real fast.

(Grandma) there's a marriage
license between the two of you

That's more binding than
either of you seem to realize.

Oh, give them a chance, esther.

After all, they've only had
one night of wedded bliss.

What's that?

That, jim-bob, is
when 2 young people

First begin to find
the joy and wonder of...

Will you hush, old man.

I was not going to say anything

That wasn't fittin'
for young ears.

And how about her ears?

I think maybe it's time for
you children to go outside.

But it's more
interesting inside.

I know, honey. Come on,
outside. Jason start...


Erin, upstairs.
Please, let's go.

Come on.

(Grandma) you heard
your father. Now move.

[Crying] I'm gonna go pack.

I still don't understand this.

One minute she's gonna stay,
another minute she's leaving.

Ben, go on outside.

She's cryin' her eyes out.

The newlyweds are
having problems.

That seems pretty plain.
What exactly is the problem?

They sat up all
night. In chairs.


Well, it happens
sometimes. Nerves.

Well, who wouldn't be nervous
after being blindfolded, handcuffed

And dumped on the side of the
road in the middle of the night

With a young bride
waiting at home?

The shivaree's gotten more than
one marriage off to a bad start.

John, we've got to do
something. Please talk to him.

(John) honey, I'm
not a preacher.

(Olivia) well, has anybody
got any suggestions?

I have.

Honey, I asked
you to go upstairs.

But, daddy, I have a good idea.

What bob and olivia
need now is to be alone

With nobody else around,
and I have the perfect place.

I don't know what I'd do,
but I'll tell you one thing

If it was my wedding, I wouldn't
sit up all night in a chair.

Yeah, that fits.

I'd like to use your
telephone, please. Hey.

Well, the groom.
How you doing, you...

Don't come... Don't
come near me, please.

What's the matter?
The telephone.

I'd like to use the
telephone. Where is it?

Well, it's right over there, but I
hope you're not upset over last night.

We came back 15 minutes after
we left you, but, you know,

You weren't there, so we figured
you'd found your own way home.

That's right. I just don't
want to talk about it.

You want me to get the
number for you? No, thank you.

The phone's a little cranky,
you know, crank, crank.



Hello, uh, I'd like the number
of the nearest taxicab service

To walton's mountain, please.

Where am i?

Ike godsey's
general merchandise.

Ike godsey's
general merchandise.

She wants to talk to you.

Hello, miss fanny.

Oh, sure he can pay.

Oh, I'll personally
vouch for him.

Well, he's the one that got married
over at the walton's yesterday.

Yeah, well, he married the
daughter of olivia's old friend marnie.

Oh, it was a wonderful
wedding and a great shivaree.



Ok. Well, thank you, miss fanny.


Um, charlie larson, he's the
one that runs the cab over there.

Uh, he took the day
off. He went fishing.

And so she's gonna
try to get his wife alice

To come over here
and pick you up.

What do I owe you?

One thin dime.

There's no hard feelings.

(John-boy) better hurry up,
grandpa. We don't have too much time.

We're almost ready for
the honeymooners, john-boy.


I've just called a taxi. So, uh,

I guess we'd better say
goodbye to your friends.

They're all gone.

What? Gone?


I don't know.

So couldn't we just leave?


Do you love me?

I'm sorry I ever
came to this place.

Wish I'd never seen it.

Hope I never lay
eyes on it again.

(Mary ellen) mama, do you
think this is gonna work?

I don't know, mary
ellen. All we can do is try.

Those old shivarees
should be outlawed.

Gotta move those flowers.


Almost there, grandpa.

[People chattering]

I guess we're going.
Bob called a taxi.

Olivia, bob,

We know things have been a
little awkward for you here.

We'd like to make it up to you.

There's a little cottage on the
top of the mountain and we fixed it up

So that you 2 can be alone
for the rest of the week.

It was my idea.
You'll love it, olivia.


Well, thank you, but, uh,
we're going back to richmond.

I'll tell you what. Why don't
I just drive you over there?

You can take a look at it.

If you don't like it, I'll
drive you to the bus station.

Just take a look.


[Crickets chirping]

Looks like it's
gonna be a nice night.

Full moon.

It'll be nice for
the bride and groom.

Well, I wonder how they're
getting along up there.

Thank you.

Ike and yancy'll probably know.

What are you talking about, boy?

Well, when you sent me up to
tell ike to tell the taxi not to come

I had to tell him why.

Well, I hope you
didn't tell him where.

Nobody told me not to.

Did they say anything?

No, they just
winked at each other.

Good lord. John?


I know. I know.

Looks like there's
going to be a full moon.

That's nice.

[Motorcycle engine rumbling]

Oh, my goodness.

What is it?

(John) ike, yancy.

Can't you fellas leave
those young people alone?

We were just gonna finish
a shivaree. No, you're not.

You're gonna get
back in that thing

And get back down
the mountain. Come on.

Too late.

If anybody gets any closer,

Somebody is going to get hurt.

Son, we came to
finish the celebration.

Last night you got the shivaree.

Tonight you get the serenade.

(Bob) you just... You just go
away, and you leave us alone!

You get back in the house.

Everyone, please sing.

(All) ♪ let me call
you sweetheart ♪

♪ I'm in love with you ♪

♪ Let me hear you whisper ♪

♪ That you love me too ♪

[People laughing]

♪ Keep the love-light burning ♪

♪ In your eyes so blue ♪

♪ Let me call you sweetheart ♪

♪ I'm in love with you ♪

(Man) ♪ in love with you ♪

♪ Let me call you sweetheart ♪

♪ I'm in love with you ♪

♪ Let me hear you whisper ♪

♪ That you love me too ♪

♪ Keep the love-light burning ♪

♪ In your eyes so blue ♪♪

(John-boy) bob and olivia

Were to enjoy the
remainder of their honeymoon

In the privacy of the old cabin
on top of walton's mountain.

And when it was over,
they returned to richmond

Secure in their marriage and
in their love for each other.

(Elizabeth) john-boy?

(John-boy) yes, elizabeth?

Will I have a shivaree
when I get married?

I don't know, honey. By then a
shivaree might be a thing of the past.

Good, then my husband won't have
to throw money to a bunch of kids.

He can give it to me.

Good night, elizabeth.

Good night.
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