04x10 - High Off the Hog" / "Reprisal

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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04x10 - High Off the Hog" / "Reprisal

Post by bunniefuu »



The plane! The plane!


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

ROARKE: Let's go.



Smiles, everyone. Smiles.


TATTOO: Who are they, boss?

ROARKE: They, Tattoo,
constitute the Otis T. Boggs clan,

owners of a small farm
in the Ozark Mountains.

Whose fantasy is it?

The fantasy belongs
to Mr. Hadley Boggs.

That young man
bringing up the rear.

- TATTOO: Him? He belongs to the clan?
- ROARKE: Yes.

TATTOO: Boss, he
looks more like a city boy.

Indeed he is, now.

Young Mr. Boggs left
the Ozarks eight years ago

to gain an education.

Earlier this year, he
graduated from MIT.

What's his fantasy?

A very simple, very
selfless one, Tattoo.

ROARKE: Mr. Hadley Boggs is
filled with a great deal of gratitude.

His parents and his sister
sacrificed considerably

in order to send him to school.

Now he wants to take
them away from their poverty

for just a little while.

Well, I hope it works.

They look like
fish out of water.

That's right, Tattoo.
That's what worries me.

Fish out of water frequently
end up in the frying pan.

TATTOO: Oh, boss,
she's beautiful. Who is she?

ROARKE: That is Miss
Janet Martin, Tattoo.

She's here to compete in the
Fantasy Island gymnastics tournament.

And that's her mother with her?

Yes, Mrs. Mabel Martin.

And the other young
girl is Mrs. Martin's niece,

Miss Trudy Brown.

She is here for the
tournament also,

but I'm afraid she has
very little chance of winning.

Why? She's not any good, boss?

Do you remember the
story of Cinderella, Tattoo?

Is that Trudy's wicked aunt?

No, not wicked, but not caring.

More than anything
else in the world,

Trudy wants someone
to care about her.

You see, Miss Brown
has no confidence.

She's convinced she's
second-rate in everything.

Then she's the
one with the fantasy.

ROARKE: Correct.

Just for once, Miss Trudy
Brown would like to be in control,

make things happen, instead
of having them happen to her.

TATTOO: What kind of things?

That, my friend,
is the question.

And the danger.


My dear guests, I'm
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.



ROARKE: Why don't
you stop right here, driver,

and let everyone
enjoy the fine view?

My goodness, Mr. Roarke.

That's what I call
a first-rate hotel.

That's not a hotel, Mr. Boggs.

That's your home away from home.


I bet even Roy Clark
don't have a place this big!

OTIS: I'll tell you
one thing for sure.

When our son throws
a fantasy for his family,

he don't leave nothing undone.

Now, c'mon, we don't
wanna stay out here.

Our fantasy'll be
over come Monday.

OTIS: Mr. Roarke, who
are them folk up there?

They are your household
staff waiting to meet you.

MR. ROARKE: One final detail.

You will be hosting
a cocktail party

at four o'clock, Mr. Boggs.

Cocktail party?

How can we host a
cocktail party when

we don't know anybody to invite?

Don't worry, the
boss took care of it.

I took the liberty of inviting
the ten wealthiest guests

on Fantasy Island.

-Millionaires. -Million...

Did you hear that, Ma?

I always wanted to meet
a real live millionaire.

And so you shall, Mr. Boggs.

Here, sonny, let me help you.

Pa, let him be. He's
only doing his job.

Oh, come on, girls.

Catch you inside.

Ten millionaires and their
ladies are going to attend

a party hosted by four
of the brokest hillbillies

ever to set foot
on Fantasy Island.

- Why?
- Very simple, Mr. Boggs. Tattoo.

That is a copy of today's
Fantasy Island Chronicle.

arrive on Fantasy Island"?

May I, Mr. Boggs?

"Boggs family has
vast mineral holdings.

Uranium strike worth billions"?

Mr. Roarke, all
my folks got left is

a ten-acre
chicken-scratching hollow.

They had to sell the best part of
their farm just to send me to school.

Well, you know, newspapers
sometimes embellish,

especially about
society affairs.

Journalistic license?


This is embarrassing,
Mr. Roarke.

My family of poor dirt farmers
rubbing shoulders with...

all that gold and glitter.

What have I done to my folks?

It's like giving them a whole
pile of toys on Christmas,

then taking them
back the next day.

Does that mean that
you want my boss

to cancel your fantasy?

I'm not sure.

Hadley! Hadley, you just
gotta come in and look.

It's purely unbelievable!

It's just like a castle.

There's running water,
electricity, color TV,

and it all works!

And servants dogging
you everywhere. sh**t!

Mr. Boggs, you
must make a decision.


What time's the party?

Four p.m.

Tattoo, why don't you try
the other side of the island?

There are some
excellent places to hide.

You give me a job.

"Call the newspaper," you said.

And give them the Boggs' party
announcement. That's all I said.

Boss, please.

I'm the best assistant
you ever had, right?

That is not the issue.
We're talking about...

multi-millionaires, uranium.

Society papers,

they always
exaggerate, you said.

Without an ounce of
help from you, of course.

Oh, boss!

Do you realize what would happen

if they actually spend
money which they do not have,

the trouble they could get into?


Boss, wait for me.


ROARKE: You seem
unhappy, Miss Brown.

Are you disappointed
with Fantasy Island?

Oh, no. No, Mr. Roarke.

It's even more
beautiful than I expected.

I guess this seems pretty silly,

but I kind of hoped
that I might change, too.


Look at me. Miss Plain-as-ever.

Miss Brown, your fantasy is to
make things happen in your life.

You don't need beauty to
win a gymnastics competition.

Would it be asking too much
just to be a little pretty, too?

I mean, it would help me
with my confidence, wouldn't it?

Perhaps the self-confidence,
faith in yourself,

should come first.

Others see you
as you see yourself.

I guess you're right.

However, Miss Brown...


This mirror was
made for Helen of Troy,

or so the legend says.

ROARKE: No one is
certain what the material is,

but it was crafted so perfectly

that it reflects images
without the slightest distortion.

Look into it, Miss Brown.

Tell me what you see.

An ugly duckling.

Beauty emanates from within.

See yourself as I see you.

Your figure, slim and graceful.

Your skin, as smooth as cream.

Your eyes, sparkling jewels.



Boss, how did you do it?

I did nothing, Tattoo.

Miss Brown made it happen

by getting a look at herself

as she really is
within her soul.

Can I make other things happen?

Oh, indeed.

What kind of things?

You will find out soon enough.

Use your power
wisely, Miss Brown.

For I warn you, the
price will be very high.

I am so happy!

Thank you.


MAN: That's very interesting,
but about the car, Mr. Boggs.


How much did you say that was?

Only $ , ... Out the door.

That'd have to be a
pretty big door, wouldn't it?

We're not talking
cash, Mr. Boggs.

Just sign this paper,
and the car's yours.

Oh, I got it. That's all
part of the fantasy, ain't it?

Well, owning a car
like that out front

is part of everybody's fantasy.




Thank you. Pen.

-Warranty. -Warranty.

And hot dog.

[CHUCKLES] Oh, thanks.

Thank you very much,
sir, and good day.


Howdy, Pa, guess
what we've been doing?

Well, looks to me like
you've been doing shoplifting.

We've been doing no
such thing. [LAUGHS]

All we had to do was
mention our name,

and they practically
gave us the store.

- Well, good.
- Ma didn't want anything though.

I had to force her to look
at just one little dress.

But she wouldn't buy it.

I wasn't in the mood.

Ma, you know this is
Hadley's good time for us.

Look at me. I bought a new car,

a boat, a trip around
the world. Come on now.

Please, Pa, do you like it?

Yeah, it looks a lot
better on you, sunshine,

than it does the
varmint that growed it.

Doesn't it, Ma?

Is something bothering you, Ma?

All this fanciness...

just takes a mite
getting used to, I guess.

Well, we best go
upstairs and get ready

for the millionaires-only
party, anyway.

Miss, where do you want these?

On the settee.

And I told you,

my name's not
"Miss," it's Emily.

But it's customary to call...

We Boggs don't hold to customs

that make one person
scrape to another.

Now, I'm Emily and you're Frank.

Let's shake on it, okay?




Trudy. Trudy Brown.

This is your room key and
your contestant number.

Curfew is at : .

Any contestant who
isn't in the dorm by then

will be disqualified.

Thank you. I won't forget.

Aunt Mabel, isn't
it a beautiful day?

That's a great outfit.

Don't do that.

I'm sorry.

You know I don't
like public displays.

Yes, Aunt Mabel.

You should be practicing.

I know. But don't you notice
anything different about me?

Your hair. It's
combed. It's better.

Will you hurry up and change?

You're not exactly a
top contestant, you know.

You need all the
practice you can get.

Yes, Aunt Mabel.


Trudy. Hello.

Bud Simmons.

We were classmates together at
Woodmount Junior High, remember?

-Yeah. How are you? -Great.

What are you doing here?

Summer job. I'm working
my way through college.

That's great!

Hey, you're good!
I saw you work out.

You've really
improved since school.

Did you hear that, Aunt Mabel?

Well, I should hope
you've improved

with all the work
I've put in on you.

Of course, you'll never
be in Janet's class.

MABEL: Oh, she's wonderful!
Such poise, such assurance.

Nobody can beat her.

ROARKE: Use your
power wisely, young lady,

for I warn you, the price
will be very high indeed.



-Are you all right? -Yeah.

- Honey, what happened?
- I don't know.

You could have injured
your cousin very seriously.

I'm sorry, Mr. Roarke. I don't
know what came over me.

You really don't know, huh?

I'm sick and tired of
being the black sheep,

the also-ran, the one who
gets Janet's hand-me-downs.

It's been that way ever
since my parents died

and I had to move
in with Aunt Mabel

and her precious daughter.

Do you know what it's like to
get left-over love, Mr. Roarke?

You never receive love

until you learn
how to accept it.

I want them to
love me, honestly.

Love you or approve of you?

I warn you once
more, Miss Brown.

Think clearly,

control your emotions

or you may cause
irreparable harm.



OTIS: Now don't that beat all?


You know, Emily, the
trouble with this punch is

that it don't have
no punch in it.

Now, what it needs
is a liberal dose

of good old down-home
white lightning.

[HICCUPS] Excuse me.

Come on, Ma.

Dad, don't, please.

They seem like such nice people.

They can afford it.

I'm not taking from beggars.

OTIS: You bet.

Sure glad you all could come.

Here they come now.

- I'm Hadley Boggs.
- Hi, how are you?

This is my father, Otis.

-How do you do? -How are you?

I'm Roger Fox. This
is my daughter Kathi.

How do you do?

Is there something wrong?

No. It's just that you're
very beautiful, Miss Fox.


Buy me a punch?

Certainly. Excuse us.

I tell you, this Fantasy
Island is prettier than a heifer

in the springtime, ain't it?

Consider yourself a very
lucky man, Mr. Boggs,

because I just happen to
have an island paradise for sale.

- Oh?
- Tropical climate, everything.

That sounds mighty inviting.

And you can get it for a song.

- Two million.
- Only two million, eh?

Just sign your
name, and it's yours.

I'm gonna tell you something.

This Fantasy Island is a
lot more fun than real life.

So you just lead on out.

I'm gonna play
the game with you.

Fine, I'll draw up the
papers immediately

and we'll formalize
things right after the party.


Boy, isn't she something?

I never saw Trudy
do that before.

It's like she suddenly
believes in herself.

If Trudy performs like that,

she could take all the marbles.

Janet tells me that
you were counting on

some commercial
endorsements this year.

[CHUCKLES] So are the
people I borrowed money from.

Well, maybe we can sell
each other some insurance.

I mean, if the right girl
wins all those marbles,

you'll own % of her
commercial endorsements.

And you know
who the right girl is,

don't you, Chad?


I just can't get over those nice
Fantasy Island storekeepers.

Anything I wanted,
just sign my name.

It's all part of being rich.

Oh, sh**t, we ain't rich.

I mean, we don't
often go without,

but we're still a long
ways from being rich.

Yeah? Suppose you met a
fellow who didn't have a dime.

Met him? Where?


Supposing I met this
fellow on Fantasy Island?

Okay. And he didn't
have any money.

Everybody's got some money.

Everybody does not have money.

Aw, forget it. It's hopeless.

What's hopeless?


The whole silly, romantic...


Go away, Miss Boggs.

Are you trying to tell
me that you're broke?

Twenty-five cents till payday.

Well, where I come from,

if one person has a quarter

and another person
doesn't have anything,

but they both care
for each other...

Then they both
got half a quarter.

Do you have the time to
drive me up to Spyglass Point?

I hear that Fantasy
Island moonlight is free.


JANET: Trudy's really
going for Chad's line.

MABEL: If he makes
her miss curfew,

she'll be disqualified and
you'll be a sure winner.

You better go to bed,
Janet. It's almost curfew time.

Thank you for the
most wonderful evening

in as long as I can remember.

- May I freshen your drink?
- Yes, please.

TRUDY: I lost my watch.

It must be getting late.

Plenty of time.
Curfew's not till ten thirty.

Everyone's leaving.

It's just after nine. You
know where they're going.

Come on, let's have
one more dance

and we'll go up to
Lookout Peak, too.




That was some party, huh?

Ain't that there mink coat
that I bought you a dilly, Ma?

If you say so,
Otis, if you say so.

Oh, Mr. Fox.

You got that there paperwork
for that land of mine?

- Does Johnny Cash wear black?

You really want to
live on an island, Pa?

It's a game, Ma, a game.

There you are.

How soon will I expect the
title deed on that there land?

The minute escrow closes.

[LAUGHS] It's a pleasure
doing business with you, Foxy.

You will love it. [CHUCKLES]


Where you going, Ma?

You just sit there and
think about your fancy cars

and your fur coats
and your island.

I have had enough
of this being rich!




Good night, Chad. And good
luck tomorrow. I hope you win.

-You, too. -Thanks.



Trudy, it's after curfew!

- It can't be!
- It's almost : .

Oh, no!

Bud, what am I gonna
do? I'll be disqualified.

Wait. I know a back way
through the laundry room.

Come on.


Same old Bud.

Always so concerned
about others.

Thank you. Gotta go.




-Nice, huh? -Yes.


You know, I wish this
weekend would last forever.

What's wrong?

You don't know anything
about me, Hadley.

I know I want to kiss you.

If that works out,
we'll take it from there.


My father's a thief.

Big deal.

Hadley, I'm serious.

So am I. I'm interested
in you, not your dad.

Hadley, would you listen to me?

My father's a con
man, a sting artist.

Do you hear me?
I'm his daughter.

Well, are you a team?

No, we're not a team.

And in a way, it's
really not that bad.

No excuses. [CHUCKLES]

He hurts himself more
than he hurts anyone else.

Poor clod, most of
his deals backfire.

Can't you get him to quit?

I've tried, my mother's tried.

He just sees the
end of the rainbow

and can't wait to get there.


What I'm trying to say is...

We're not the rich Foxes.

We are the flat-broke Foxes.



I can't blame you for
turning your back on me.


- You're beautiful.

You are really beautiful.

- Did you hear me?
- Yeah, I heard you.

You said, "Hadley
Boggs, I'm the girl for you."




Can you imagine
the face on the matron

when Trudy tries to explain
that she lost her watch?

Trudy should be more
careful with her valuables.

Keep them locked up
when she's practicing.

I'll put this back in her room.

You're sure Trudy's
been disqualified?

I made her
minutes late last night.

Tell me something.

I know why I got
involved in this,

but you...

You have to hate
Trudy an awful lot

to do a thing like this.

Your own niece.

She's not a bad kid, you know.

She's too much like her mother.

Her mother's
dead. Janet told me.

Good lord.

It's the mother you
hate, your sister-in-law.

Six years ago this week
on a highway driving too fast,

she spun out on a curve,
lost control, went over a cliff.

She took my brother with her.


I just want my
Janet to be the best.






No more, Miss Brown.

No more.

ROARKE: And one very
expensive automobile,

a yacht, a string
of polo ponies,

half an interest in a
professional basketball team,

one lynx coat.


Two mink coats.

Boss, don't forget
the world cruise

and the life membership
to the country club.

Mr. Roarke, this
fantasy's gone all wrong.

Mr. Boggs, I feel it is
only fair to advise you

that some of the creditors are
demanding their money already.

Fortunately, many of
the items in question

have never been used and
can, therefore, be returned.

But there is one
very expensive item

that cannot be overlooked.

The island off Florida.

Your father signed a $
million promissory note.

Unfortunately, I
have just ascertained

that the real estate in question

is nothing more than a mud bank

in a swamp inhabited
solely by antisocial alligators.

That's wonderful. That Roger
Fox is a con man all right.

His daughter told me so.

But he can't get
blood out of a turnip.

But he can get a farm out of
a $ million promissory note,

don't you think?

You mean Fox would foreclose
on my Ma and Pa's farm?

Mr. Roarke, what am I gonna do?

A bright young man
like you should know that

most confidence
men are successful

because they play
on their victim's greed.

Does that not suggest
something to you, Mr. Boggs?

That sure as sh**t' does!

Can I count on your
help, gentlemen?

All the way!

As long as the idea
is yours, Mr. Boggs.

It's all mine, all mine.

Thank you.

ROARKE: You were
given a special power

to help you make things happen

and thereby gain
confidence, self-worth,

so you could utilize to
the fullest your abilities,

not to wreak
vengeance on others.

They tricked me!

They tried to have
me disqualified!

They deserve to be punished.

Punished by you, Miss Brown?

Do you have that right?

I didn't actually hurt anyone.

You're wrong.

Vengeance is always
costly to someone.

In this case, to
you, Miss Brown.

Look at the price you paid.


That's not me.


This mirror only
reflects the truth.

That's how you see yourself now.

Your beauty was never
a fantasy, Miss Brown.

It was part of the gentle,
sensitive girl you used to be.

Unfortunately, that
girl no longer exists.


No, Mr. Roarke!




Now, Tattoo, I want you to do
precisely what we discussed.

Precisely. No more, no
less. Do you understand?

Don't worry, boss.

I'll do better than Redford
and Newman in The Sting.


Hello, Mr. Fox. Do
you have a minute?

Sure. Sit down.

You sure run a
wonderful operation here.

Barely marginal, but I
heard about your island.

What's it like? Plenty of water?

Plenty, all around it.

-Good beaches? -Not bad.

I'll take it.

I've already sold it.

-How much? -$ million.

[CHUCKLES] I'll give you four.

MR. FOX: That's big
money for such a little guy.

You know that guy I work for?

-Roarke? -Yes, Mr. Roarke.

Well, I do all the
work around here.

And you know what?
He gets all the credit.

TATTOO: I'm tired
of it! I'm fed up!

I'm gonna have my own island.

I'm going to call it
"Incredible Reef."

There you are, Tattoo.

There is a problem
in the kitchen.

Please attend to
it right away, huh?

See what I mean?
Call me later on.

Good afternoon, Mr. Fox,
I've been looking for you.

-You, too? -May I?

- Please.
- I'll come straight to the point.

Your island, off
the Florida coast?

- Yes?
- I wish to purchase it for cash.

Suddenly everybody wants
to buy my Florida island!


Please, Mr. Fox, we're
both men of the world.

Let's not play games.

Mr. Fox, you're the kindest,
most generous man in the world!

I am?

Gold, Mr. Fox.

A strike was made on
the island you sold my pa.

Now the cat's out of the bag.

Hey, there's Pa. He's
gonna bless you, Mr. Fox.

So is my ma, so is my sister.

Every hog in Boggs Hollow
is gonna praise your name!

Thank you. Thank you.

Hey, Pa, wait till you hear!


Get me out of this deal,
and you're in for %.

Mr. Fox. Mr. Fox,
what can I say?

My own private
island and all this gold!

What island is that?

The one you sold my pa.

Oh, that island.

We talked about it,
but he wasn't interested.

You can't get
away with it, Foxy!

You can't get away with it.
Mr. Roarke knows our deal.

Roarke, tell him.

Well, it certainly would
appear that Mr. Boggs

didn't actually sign
a formal contract.

If he decides to take action,

legal proceedings could drag
on for months, perhaps years.

Depositions, personal
backgrounds dug into,

embarrassing skeletons
released from closets, perhaps.

Why not consider a settlement?

Say, a nuisance fee?

I'll buy that.

How about you, Mr. Boggs?

-No! -Well, I...

- Fight it, Pa.
- Wait a minute. Just wait a minute.

I don't know much
about land deals,

but I do know some
bad things about lawyers.

Now this could be just the
time to square things out of court.

ROARKE: Splendid!

In that case, Mr. Fox,

please be kind enough
to make out a check for...

$ , .

It would be a pleasure.


Mr. Boggs, here's your check.

I'm sorry, Mr. Boggs,
but this check

is part of the fantasy.


Easy come, easy go.

Pa, you'll never
learn about money.

Come on, let's get out of here.

Say, Roarke. You're neat.

Thank you.

You know something?

You and I would
make sweet partners.

If you don't mind,
I'll take that check.

I do mind. I will
hold the check.

Suit yourself, but...

it's not worth the
paper it's written on.

In monetary terms.
Oh, I know that.

And yet to me, it
has infinite value.

If perchance one day it
should come to my ears

that some unfortunate person
has bought the Statue of Liberty,

or perhaps an island
under water from you,

this rubber check
would very swiftly

find its way to the bunco squad.

So on this lovely last day

of your visit to
Fantasy Island Mr. Fox

let us call this check your
certificate of graduation

to the society of
honest laborers.



I've been looking for you.

Mr. Roarke asked
me to meet him here.

Me, too, but it's almost
time for the tournament.

I'm not competing.

Trudy, you have to
compete. You can win.

I don't deserve to win.

What are you talking about?


You don't know me.

I can do terrible
things, hurt people.

I'm ugly. I'm really ugly!

You're wrong, Trudy.
Look at yourself. Come on.

Look, come on.

You're the prettiest,
sweetest girl I've ever known.

I'm okay again.


And you...

I always knew you
were good-looking,

but you're more
beautiful than ever.

You really are.


ROARKE: Congratulations.

You are seeing things
clearly again, Miss Brown.

And I hope you win the
gymnastics tournament.

But you'd better hurry,
it begins in five minutes.

Thank you.



Trudy Brown, now performing,

needs a . score
in order to win.

Boss, it's going to be tough.

Yes, Tattoo. Very rough, indeed.







Twenty-five percent
of nothing adds up to...

Nothing. See you around, ladies.



Boss, she did it! She won!

Yes, Tattoo. Trudy
Brown made it happen.




Here we are. Watch
your step there, Ma.

- Goodbye, Mr. Roarke.
- Goodbye, Mrs. Boggs.

Bye-bye, Tattoo.

Mr. Roarke, that's what
I call a first-rate wedding.

Oh, splendid, but Mrs. Boggs
seems a little preoccupied.

I know.

She's been that way
ever since we got here.

A woman who has
worked hard all her life

to take care of her family

and believes that
she's important to them,

and then suddenly she's
surrounded by servants.

ROARKE: She's not
allowed to mend clothes,

cook meals, do anything.

Her husband and children are
so preoccupied with new toys,

that she feels she's
not needed anymore.

ROARKE: Not loved
as much, maybe.

Surely you understand,
Mr. Boggs, don't you?

I think I do. I think I do,
and thank you, Mr. Roarke.

- Thank you, Mr. Roarke.
- Goodbye Mr. Boggs, Mrs. Boggs.

It's our pleasure. Our pleasure.

ROARKE: Mrs. Long, Mr. Long.

-FRANK: Thank you. -My pleasure.



Well, I found out
something here, Mr. Roarke.

What Mom's trying to
say is that she and I...

Well, we're not the same
two people that arrived here.

Fantasy Island
changes most people.

And always for the best.


Well, thank you. Goodbye.

- JANET: Thank you.
- Bye, Miss Martin, Mrs. Martin.


Thank you for everything,
Mr. Roarke and Tattoo.

I never could have
won that tournament

without the special
power you gave me.

You're wrong, Miss Brown.

The power came from within you.

I won?

On my own?

Absolutely. It's
the only way to win.

Oh, by the way, there
is a certain someone

who would like to sit
beside you on the return trip.



Thank you.

-TATTOO: Boss. -ROARKE: Yes?

- I hope she comes back soon.
- Why?

I like the way she says goodbye.



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