01x01 - Dangerous Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sweet Valley High". Aired: September 5, 1994 – October 14, 1997.*
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Based on the books of the same name, revolves around the lives of Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield, beautiful blonde twins who live in the fictitious Sweet Valley, California, and their g*ng of friends.
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01x01 - Dangerous Love

Post by bunniefuu »

Look right down any crowded hall You see there's a beauty standing Is she really everywhere Or a reflection?

One always calls out to you The other's shy and quiet Could there be two different girls Who look the same at Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High?

Meet you at Sweet Valley High Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High Meet you at Sweet Valley High Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High Meet you at Sweet Valley High Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High Good luck tonight, Jessica.

I don't think I'll need it, Liz.

Lila, Patty, over here.

Come on.


Elizabeth, I voted for you.

That's nice to know, but I'm Jessica.

Elizabeth's over there somewhere.

Oh, sorry.

You both look so much alike.

Wow, I never noticed.

Your sister seems to have cornered the nerd vote.

Enid! How you holding up?


It's just kinda hard to be here without Todd.

Don't look now, he's over there.

Not now.

OK, now.

Hey, Jessica, are we still on for tomorrow night?

As long as you voted for me and I win.

Oh, you will.

I voted for you three times.

Three times?

Nothing like school spirit.

How many dates for votes did you promise?

Lila! I'm really insulted.

Man, I can't believe Liz broke up with me over such a little thing.

All I did was nominate her for Homecoming Queen.

What's the big deal?

It's just too bad women don't come with instructions.

He's been doing it for weeks.

He's making all my decisions for me.

I feel smothered.

I wouldn't mind being smothered by a guy like Todd.

You don't get it, Enid.

On top of everything else, he put me up for Homecoming Queen without asking me.

Why didn't you pull out?

I tried, but the ballots were already printed when I found out.

What's the big deal?

These things are just popularity contests.

They're so shallow.

I'm so psyched to be Homecoming Queen.

You're not queen yet.

Hey, now, who's the babe?

His name is Scott Daniels.

And check this out he's a freshman in college.

A college guy?


Jess, I don't think he can vote.

It's not his vote I'm interested in.

Hey, Elizabeth.

I voted for you.

Get lost, doofus.

Oh, uh, sorry, Jessica.

Everybody! Everybody, please.

As president of the Sweet Valley Homecoming Committee, it's my honor to introduce some pretty fine

-lookin' women.

All right! And now the crowning of our queen.

Will it be Princess Amy Sutton Princess Elizabeth Wakefield or Princess Jessica Wakefield?

All right, Jessica! Manuel, some royal tunes, please.

You got it.

And this year's Homecoming Queen is I love being me.

Elizabeth Wakefield.

Thank you very much.

This is quite a surprise.

I never really thought of being Homecoming Queen before.

It's a great honor.

I normally don't feel comfortable in the spotlight, but you've made me feel very welcome.


And no queen would be complete without her king.

And this year's honor goes to Winston Egbert.

All right, Winston! Thank you.

Next to the time I kissed Lila Fowler in the third grade, this is the happiest day of my life.

It never happened, I swear.

As my first my official decree as your king, I hereby declare that all laboratory rats are now free.

Bruce you're free to go.

Yay! Long live the king! And now it's time for the royal couple to take the floor.

Manuel kick it.

OK, let's open it up.

In your dreams, Winston.

Who told you about those?



You still mad?

The fact that I won doesn't change that we still have a problem.

I thought you were having fun up there.

That's not the point.

You just don't get it, do you?

I guess not.

Forget it.

I don't feel like dancing.

He's making a big mistake.



I'm Scott.

I'm Elizabeth.

She gets Homecoming Queen and a hunk?

I'll never live this down.

So what do you think?

Well, it's hack writing without any journalistic I'm talking about the ad.

The new Wonderbras.

They can give cleavage to anyone.

Jess, quit obsessing about your body.

It's the same as mine.

Yeah but if I just had this bra, it would transform my life.

Get a grip.


Yes, this is Elizabeth.


Oh, sure, I remember.

Scott from homecoming?

Friday night?

I I don't know.

No, no, it's just I've sort of been seeing someone.

Don't tell him that.

Yeah, Todd Wilkins.

Well, we've kinda broken up, but, you know, I just don't know what's Are you crazy?

What is your problem?

Oh, not you, Scott.

Can you hold on a sec?


You're not turning down Scott?

But what about Todd?

Todd's toast.

Last I remember, he blew you off at the dance.


Yeah, Friday night would be great.

Sure, give me your number.

Look at the "Eyes and Ears" today.

"Which star dunker and roving Sweet Valley reporter are no longer playing one



" Who writes this gossip, anyway?

Who knows?

Come on, you work on the school paper.

You must know.

Nope, but I wouldn't wanna be whoever it is.

You know the tradition if found out, they get dumped into the pool.

There's never anything about me in here.

If I don't get a boyfriend by my birthday, I swear I'll run a personal ad in The Oracle.

"Shy, sensitive girl looking for Mr.


Have car.

Will relocate.

" What would you write?

Hmm "Hot single babe seeks meaningful relationship with" Anyone! Thanks, Liz.

I'm placing that ad right now.




How's it going?

OK, I guess.


Um, look, I've been thinking I owe you an apology.


I'm glad you finally understand how I feel.


I should've danced with you.

Todd, this isn't about dancing.

Whatever it is, could we just forget about it?

Let's go to a movie tomorrow night.

I can't.

I have plans.


Plans with who?

Scott Daniels.


Suit yourself.

Hi, Scott?

Yeah, it's me Elizabeth.

Look, I thought it might be easier if I met you over at your place.

Phi Gamma Alpha?

I know where that is.


See ya tomorrow, Scott.

How do I look?

You're wearing that?

You don't like it?

It screams librarian.

Come on, Scott's a college guy.

Lose the sweater.

But I like this sweater.


You wear it every day.

It's so you.



You look great.

Hey, you look like me.

Now all you need is a bit of makeup.

But I already put it on.

As they say, practice makes perfect.


Elizabeth, wow.

You look amazing.


Sorry I'm late.

I wound up having to get a ride.

I'll get you home later.

How about a drink?

We've got everything wine, beer Diet cola?

Diet cola?

Uh, I'll have to check.

Forget it.

I really love the way you move, Liz.


Jessica taught me everything I know.

She's an awesome dancer.

Let's take a break for a sec.

I need another drink.

I remember when you carved that.

It was after the Fourth of July barbecue at Fowler manor.

What are you doing here?

Sometimes I come up here to think.

Good memories.


So what happened to your date with what's



Oh, I canceled it.

He stood me up.

What did I do that was so wrong?

You took me for granted.

That's crazy! No, it's not.

You're always making all my decisions for me.

The movies we see, the parties we go to.

I thought we were a team.

This is not a game, Todd.

It's us.

For our relationship to work, we have to communicate.

We have to be equal partners.

I didn't realize I was doing that.

I guess I screwed up.

Liz, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.

I don't wanna be in a fight with you.

I love you.

I love you, too, Todd.

This is so cool.


We have one of these, like, every month.

You should invite my twin sister Jessica next time.

This is totally her scene.


Double my pleasure.


I mean, you might like her better.

All the guys at school wanna date her.

If she looks anything like you, I can see why.


But I'm, you know, conservative, and Jessica's more your type.

I'll be happy to set you up with her any time.

I'll keep it in mind.

How about another drink?


Then afterwards, there's something I need to tell you.

Guys, you're not gonna believe this.

I just found out who writes the "Eyes and Ears" gossip column.




My sources are totally reliable.

I just saw Jenny down at the mall, and her sister's boyfriend found out from this guy I think he's on the swim team Anyway, his girlfriend's locker is right next to Mr.

Collins' office, and she said she saw someone we know hand him an envelope after hours, and Lila! Elizabeth Wakefield.

Oh, right.

I'm sure she would write all about her and Todd.


Wake up and smell the cappuccino.


Collins, after hours, envelope.

It's totally suspicious.

Shh, shh.

Here she comes.



What are you guys doing together?

Let's just say that things work out the way they're supposed to.

What did you have to do, k*ll Scott Daniels?

I didn't have to.

Scott totally flaked, and I'm really glad.

He wasn't right for you, anyway.

Could I have his number?

Rumor has it you write the "Eyes and Ears" column.

We've got it on a reliable source.

Yeah, some guy on the swim team.

Who may have a brother, or was it a sister, who lives in the locker down by The Oracle.

You guys are so dense.

Do the Phi Gams throw a great bash, or what?

I don't know.

I wasn't there.

Sure, you were.

You're, uh Elizabeth, right?


I met you tonight with Scott Daniels.

She's been with me all night.



I can't believe you're only 16.

Why not?

I don't know.

You're just so mature.

Drink up.

What did you put in here?

It's just a little rum.

It'll loosen you up.

I don't need to be loosened up.

Let's just dance.

We've been dancing.

Why don't we go upstairs to my room and, um talk?

I don't think so.

Ow! Quit it! I thought you wanted to tell me something.

Forget it.

You blew it.

You're such a pig! You're so high school, Elizabeth.

And by the way, I'm not Elizabeth.

I'm Jessica, jerk.

I can't wait to see her face when I go in there.

Speak of the devil.

Leaving so soon?

What happened?

Scott tried to get me drunk, and then he grabbed me.

Are you OK?

I'm gonna k*ll that guy.

You're not helping, Todd.

I just wanna go home, OK?


Can I come in?

Come on, you haven't said anything to me all night.

Look, I know what I did was wrong.

I know I'm the world's worst sister, OK?

But I am really, really sorry.

Won't you say something?

Come on, give me a break.

Why should I?

Hey, I did it for you.

You didn't really wanna go out with Scott.

And if I hadn't, you and Todd wouldn't be together right now.

You know, I never thought about it that way.


So you forgive me, right?

Of course I do.

I took care of everything.

It's all set.

Oh, here she is.

Nice outfit.

Have a little pity, Jess.

Let's go.

Oh, my God.

I can't go into class looking like this.

I'm sorry, Jess.


Not that sweater.

Suit yourself.


No, I'll wear it.

Come on, we're gonna be late for class.

Oh, I left my homework in my car.

I'll see you at lunch.

There she is.

See you later Liz.

What are you doing?

You know the prize for writing the "Eyes and Ears," Liz.

I'm Jessica, you idiots! Nice try.

Jessica wouldn't be caught dead in that sweater.

- Gotcha, Liz!

- 1, 2, 3! Elizabeth, I'm gonna k*ll you! Look right down any crowded hall You see there's a beauty standing Is she really everywhere Or a reflection?

Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High Meet you at Sweet Valley High Sweet Valley Sweet Valley High
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