02x01 & 02x02 - Don't Look Back: Part 1 & 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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02x01 & 02x02 - Don't Look Back: Part 1 & 2

Post by bunniefuu »




I'll be there
in 10 minutes.


No, silly.

Beau's still at work.


I can hardly wait.

Mmm, bye.


[Chuckles] oh!


Oh, good grief.


Honey, will you
take a look at this?

It's appalling.mm-hmm.

Dipping back 20 years
in the past

For some absolutely
grisly m*rder

And exploiting it
to sell used cars.right.

Isn't it bad enough
she had her heart
ripped out?

It was cut out.

Now everyone's
looking for some
tacky plastic heart

So they'll win
a prize.

Nobody's taking it

My god,
it's disgusting!

Where are people's
heads, anyway?

This is
supposed to be

Sparta's anniversary

Wouldn't good taste
be in order?

There, done.

Look at this!look at this!

I'll show you mine
if you show me yours.

You're on.

Now, this is my 12-point
reorganization plan

For the sparta
police department.

It's time sparta came
into the 20th century.

"Division of duties.

"Educational program.

"Efficiency and
motion-study model."

Pretty impressive.oh, thank you, baby.

I'm giving it
to the chief

First thing
this morning.

I have a feeling
william o. Gillespie

Is not going to have
a very good day.

Good day.

All this stuff used
to come in on trains...

When we had sense enough
to have trains.

Two looking at you
still working.

Hi, jack.

There you go, michelle.

Two sugar doughnuts
and a coke.

Thanks, joanne.

There you go.

Not the greatest breakfast
in the world, sweetie.

I know, but I'm
running late.

There you are.thanks.


Hi, chief.
How you doing?

Good morning, michelle,
how are you?


It is shameless.

"Find the
missing heart."

What is this world
coming to, anyway?

Morning, bill.

Going treasure-hunting,
win yourself a car?

No, I spent enough time
20 years ago

Looking for betty jo's
real heart.

Eula: and you never
found it, neither.

No, eula, I did not.

Good morning.

How are you?

He caught
her husband,

Sent him to
the gas chamber.

Some think bradley
didn't k*ll her,

Although she was
stepping out on him.

Chief gillespie,
did bradley do it?

If I said
what I thought,

The town would
be scared of me.

That girl's bound
and determined

To get herself
into trouble.

She said she was
running late.

That little tramp
always has time
for a man.

Oh, now, eula, be kind.

You know she's had
a hard time

Ever since she lost
her momma and daddy.

All she needs
is probably
a little affection.

Well, that's one word for it.

I'm telling you,
the stories about that girl

Would curl your hair.
Why, just last...

You know, eula,
that little girl
could have been me,

A long time ago.

And I know you'd never say
anything unkind about me,
would you?

Here let me heat up
the coffee.

I work at
the housewares store.

If I come visit you,

You suppose I could
chew on one of your
sugar doughnuts?



Time to go to work.

You know, some people
sure like butting into
other people's business.

Go on, now,

Talk to you later.


Hey, man, the lady
and I were having
a conversation.

I remember you
from last year.

I'm telling you,
stay away from our girls.

I remember you,
too, cowboy.

I'm warning you,
stay off my case.

Carny, you give me
half an excuse,

I'll kick your butt
from here to next sunday.


I'm going to be
watching you.


You're going to need
a new set of points.

Can you find some
in this hick town?

I'll see what
I can come up with.

Stay away from that cop.

If he thinks you're
with the carnival,

He'll put you
on a hit list.

Hey, virgil!

Virgil tibbs.

how you doing?

Fine. Glad
I caught you.

Let's talk.
Got a minute?

What's up?

Well, you may think...

And I guess many people do
in sparta,

That the job
of police chief

Has been granted
in perpetuity
to bill gillespie.

That would
be all right
with sparta.

Only with parts
of sparta.

What are you
getting at?

The police chief
is appointed
by city council

Every four years.

New term's coming up.

Some of us would
like to see you
have that job.

You can't be serious.

Oh, man, I am.
Look, we may already
have the support.

There's no reason
to replace gillespie.

Gillespie's been
a good man,
a fair man.

But he's been
in there too long.

Now is the time
for one of our people.

Why? If the man is
doing a good job...

Open your eyes, virgil.

The new south
is just like
the old south.

They just put it
in a different wrapping.

We need more
of our people on top.

I agree with that.

Our young people need
better role models,

More mayors,
judges, congressmen,
police chiefs.

Don't answer me now.
Just think about it.

Talk it over
with your wife.

Sleep on it.

Just keep an open mind.


I'd really like to see
you tonight.

Don't be that way.

Well, you know you could
if you wanted to.

I told you, I don't care
about andy anymore.

You are the one
I want to be with.

Look, you have
to see me tonight.

It's important.


I have to tell you
what happened
when I read the bones.


No, I won't
leave them alone!

I have the power now,
you know that.

I know how
to read the signs.


And what I saw
in the bones, well...

It spelled...


[Phone rings]

You want me
to get this sir?

No, no.
No, you just sit there.

Sparta police department,
parker williams.

Hello? Hello? Oh.

Boy... If it was up to me,

I'd sell out this and buy
a new air conditioner

Instead of trying to fix
this old junker all the time.

[Telephone ringing]

Uh, sir, I'm wilson...

Sparta police department.
Parker, get after
these phones.

Uh, no, ma'am,
the treasure hunt
is not for real,

Just a fake one.


Good morning, sir,
I'm wilson...

Parker, what are you doing?

[Piano key plays]

Sparta police department.

Gotta bring this over here
in the old man's locker.

Okay, bye.

Parker, get over here
and handle the phones.

Well, if the chief wasn't
such a tight wad,

We'd be working
in a nice cool station house.

And if you'd use your brains
more than your muscle,

Maybe you wouldn't
sweat so much.

It's gonna be
a hundred degrees
in here, chief.

[Piano playing][both talking
at the same time]

What is this?

You planning to run
the dance here?

Sorry about that, chief.
I was just transporting this
evidence to the locker room.

Well, transport it,
don't t*rture it.

Chief, could I talk to you?

And then I want you
to run over to that carnival,

Make sure he's got
all the permits he needs.

Yes, sir, that's first thing
on my priority list.

You make sure they got
all four of them or we gonna
shut them down.

Oh, well, well, bubba,
what's the matter with you?

You got a headache today?

Yeah, connie's giving me
a headache.

Chief, here it is.

Here is what?

My 12-point
reorganization plan.

I've told you
about it.

Oh, uh...

This is it, huh?

The cutting edge
of police science.

If this cutting edge

Puts us over our
operational budget,

Would you mind dipping
into your own bank account
to pay for it?

Who's that?wilson sweet.

Who?wilson sweet, sir,
reporting for duty.

Uh-huh, with your hand
in your pocket, huh?

Yes, sir.

Officer sweet graduated
from the academy at jackson.
He's been assigned to us.

I already got
a phone call on you.

They say your grades
were outstanding

In marksmanship,
physical training,
and forensics.

Good work.

Thank you, sir.

You also got what
they call "marginal"

When it comes to respect
for authority figures.

I'm proud to say
that's true, sir.

You're proud of that?yes, sir.
The way I see it,

Blind obedience
to authority's

Is that right?

It prevents me from
the free expression
of my individuality.


Well, let me tell you
something, mr. Sweet.

I'm the only one
around here

Who has any free expression
of individuality.

Everybody else
does what I say.

Understand that?yes, sir.

As for respect
for authority figures,

Detective tibbs will
see you come up
to an a-plus.

He'll be your
training officer.

Who, me?

Any man that can write
a report like that

Must be an expert
on authority.

Excuse me, chief, but
my duties do not include
training rookies.

Virgil, teach this man to have
respect for his superiors.

And please don't start

By setting him
a bad example yourself.



Andy, you're not supposed
to visit me at work.

Think I didn't see you?

See what?

You coming on
to that carny!

First of all,
I wasn't.

Second, it's none
of your damn business.

So, leave me alone.

You ain't tarting around
with every scuzzball
that comes through town.

I don't
belong to you.

I'll do
whatever I please.

What you do
in this town...

Hey, baby.

What time you get off?

None of your business.

I'm talking
to the lady.

She ain't
talking to you.

Back off, junior.

That's up to her.

Just tell me what time...

Andy! Stop it!


Bubba, take that guy!

What the hell?
Knock it off!

Come on,
spread 'em!

Andy! Andy!

What's this, now?

What's it look like?
It's legal.

It's folded and it
stayed in my pocket.

Looks like
dried blood, chief.

I use it for
skinning deer.

I'm confiscating it
till it's tested
at the crime lab.

He didn't
do anything.

Andy started it.

You bitch...hold it, hold it!

Andy, you be still,
ya hear?

All right, bubba,
get these two knotheads
away from her

And out of here.

No more, andy!

Both of you,
get out!

Get on outta here!

[Sighs] well, michelle,
you got a bit of a mess.

It's just
carpet and stuff.

I can get it
back together.

I wasn't talking
about that.

I was talking
about you.

You know what I mean.

Yeah, yeah.

I guess I know.

You got to make a nice young
man have respect for you.

Make a man put some
real value on you.

I know that, chief...

And I promise,

I really promise that...

I won't get into trouble
like this again.


Well, yes.

No, thank you,
councilor marcus.

Of course i...

Have you seen my briefcase?

Okay. Thank you. Bye-bye.

Virgil, that was
ted marcus on the phone.

He's on the schoolboard.

He wanna know
if I would be interested in
going back to teaching?

No kidding, that's great.

Have you seen
my appointment book?

Um, you know,
I haven't decided yet,

But I want to talk to him
some more about it.

But he also said
something else, virgil.

Why didn't you tell me
you were running
for chief of police?

Is that what he said?

In so many words, yeah.
Virgil, what's going on?

Mmm, nothing.

He just asked me
to consider it, that's all.

Well, it sounded
a lot more serious
than that.

Oh, babe,
ted marcus is a politician

He puts things the way
he wants them to happen.

Don't worry.
I've already told him no.

Well, wait, wait, wait.
What about me going
back to teaching?

Oh, I think it's great,
we'll talk about it.



It's right there.

It's shifted
a couple millimeters
since last year.


Is that bad or good?

You've been carrying
that metal in your body

For the last 45 years.

No way is that good.

You can't call it
bad, either.

I wouldn't even know
it was there,

Except you keep
telling me.

I'm telling you
it's moved.

I don't know
what that means.

You should have
attended ol' miss
instead of harvard.

You've got a job
with a lot of stress,

Lot of long hours.

It's a physical
kind of job.

It takes its toll.

Frank, tell me
something I don't know.

I'm just wondering
if you've thought
of retiring.

You worry me,
old friend.

I'll tell you
what I'll do.

I'll make a deal
with you.

The day you retire,
I will, too.

[Piano playing] parker: lonnie is that the
only song you know?

Still needs to work
on that a little bit.
You know what I mean?

You know, the last time
I visited the state mental

I heard a patient playing.

Just like that

Sorry about that chief.
I was just inspection this
piece of evidence here.


Hey, chief!

Joe pimmington wants you
to cut the ribbon on
his treasure hunt.

Well, I'm not going to do it.
You go and do it for me.

And tell that phony pimmington
that I think his treasure hunt
is a disgrace

And if I could stop it
legally, I would.

Thought old joe
was a friend of yours.

Yeah, he was, till he sold
me a four-wheeler with
a leaky transmission.

Are you all right?

Why, you hear me

Today was your
doctor's appointment.

He advised me
to lose weight

And switch from
bourbon to rye.

Have you read it yet?


Yes, sir.

It's 100 degrees in here!

Fix these air conditioners.

I'll see
what I can do.

My 12-point
reorganization plan.

You had it all night.
Have you read it?

As a matter of fact,
I have.

I figured it would
cost this department

About $400,000
extra a year

To put all your programs
into operation.

Just a minute.
Just a minute,

Because my eye fell
on a certain item here

That I wanted
to ask you about.

I can't figure out what
cholesterol and fiber

Has to do with
a police department.

It has to do

With keeping
the officers

I've heard enough
health talk
from dr. Robb.

I don't want any from
my chief of detectives.

I want you
to turn wilson sweet

Into a police officer.

It wastes my time
to train rookies.

Mr. Tibbs!

I will decide what
is a waste of your time.

I am your chief!

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.


Somewhere in these woods,
where betty jo bradley
met her untimely end

20 Years ago,

We've hidden
a red plastic heart.

Now, betty jo's heart
was never found.

But whoever
finds the heart

Of pimmington used cars

Will win himself
or herself

An almost-new used car.


Officer, are you ready?

Yeah, give it here.okay, let her rip!

All right, parker, let's go.

What, you mean go?

Yeah, come on.

No, I'm finding
that treasure, bubba!

Parker, get back here,
or I'll jump all over you!

Parker: no way, bubba!

Bubba: parker!

Parker: just a little
further, bubba.

I know it's
around here

Parker, this is crazy.

Chiggers are eating me up.
I want to go home.

You're too tough
for chiggers, bubba.

I feel it b*ating
around here somewhere.

I'll bet next week's

You owe me last week's.


If you'd done
what I said,

This wouldn't have happened.

Oh, lord.

Goodness gracious,
what'd you do
to yourself?

It's not my blood.

I looked at the academy
as a place to develop
a certain style.


That's right. So,
following a lot of rules,
you know, exactly,

Well, that's only gonna
make me look just like
everybody else.

You see what I mean?

Sweet, being like
everyone else
is the best way to start.

Just start acting
like a policeman.

Otherwise we might not
get a chance to see
how special you are.

See what I mean?

Uh, yes, sir, mr. Tibbs.
I intend to, honest.

In fact, I gotta go.

I'm gonna be the first black
police chief sparta ever had.

Sweet: isn't that
the chief's car?

That's correct, sweet.

What's going on?

I'm gonna buy you
a drink, sweet.

A cold drink.

Well, well.
What you doing here?

I'm showing
officer sweet

Some of the points
of interest in sparta.


We've seen city hall,
the mayor's office,
and the courthouse.

I thought he should see
the real seat of power,

Marie babineaux's tavern.

Still got your hands
in your pockets, huh?

Uh, no, sir.

No, sir.

Virgil, come here.

You know this woman,
like her momma before,

Helps us keep
a lid on things
in the bottoms.

Using her muscle men
to scare everyone here.

Come on, chief.

I've known about
that operation
since I was a kid.

She gave me a tip

On that
warehouse burglary

You've been
trying to solve

For five months.

Want me to kiss her?

What are you trying
to tell me?

You don't use
police informers

In that wonderful city
of philadelphia?


Here, here, here.

That's the name
of the man you're
looking for.

Now what'd you do
with officer sweet?



Where the hell
are you?

Here you go, mr. Tibbs.

On the house.

It's my pleasure
to treat you,
mr. Tibbs.

No, thank you.
We'll pay.

You're in
my establishment.

I make the rules here.

And I say
you don't pay.


In that case...

We don't drink.


Come on, sweet,
let's go.

Man: [on police radio]
we have a 10-43.
Please respond.

[Siren wails]

Hey! All you people,

Clear out of here.


Clear this entire area.

Parker, parker.

What is going on here?

These people could be
walking all over
the evidence.

String a tape
around this area.

Help parker
disperse these people.

Yes, sir.


Where's the body?

I cut her down.

You did what?

It was the wrong

But I couldn't
stand seeing her
hang like that.

Has jamison taken
any pictures yet?

No, sir,
he's on his way.

You cut
the body down...

I've known her
since she was a baby.

That you, mr. Tibbs?


You better
get on down here.

All right, folks,
this is police business.

Back off,
go on out of here.


This is unbelievable.

The girl's heart
has been taken out.

Everything is similar
to betty jo's m*rder
20 years ago.

I can't believe
what I'm looking at.

The body was cut down
before any pictures
were taken.

I've already talked
to parker about that.

Oh, you talked to parker?
That's really good.

That's really going
to help us

When we're trying
to establish
a prima facie case.

I'm getting fed up
how you tell me

My department
doesn't measure up.

This department
doesn't measure up.

You listen here.

It may surprise you,

But we solved quite
a few crimes

Before you arrived
on the scene.

We might solve this one
without your help.

Oh? What's that mean?

I'm chief of detectives.
This investigation is mine.

I'm the chief of police.

And every investigation
is mine.

But you go ahead,
do what you want.

I won't stop you,

But don't kid yourself

That we can't manage
without you.

Fine. Do
whatever you like.

I believe
I just said that.


As soon as jamison
gets here,
send him to me.

get the tape strung.

I want all personnel
to comb these woods.

[Siren wailing]

Where the hell
you been?

I just got the call.

Never mind.

[Indistinct radio chatter]

Reed, may I have
a moment of your time?

Somewhere else.

I hate to
bother you at work.

I thought
you should know

That michelle's dead.


She was m*rder*d.

We found her
hanging in the woods

Not far from where
we found
your partner's wife

20 Years ago.

k*lled just as
betty jo bradley was,

Almost exactly
the same way.

Yeah, that, too.

Her chest cut open
by some butcher.

Her heart cut
right out of her.

I'm telling you
it was terrible.

I mean, really awful.

You're not
having trouble
telling me about it.

When you're
in my business,

You get numb,
that's the word for it.

You know what I mean.

Don't play the sly,
old fox with me.

You're as obvious
as dirt.

You've always thought
I k*lled betty jo.

No, I did think

You were having
a thing with her.

I know she was
seeing you

The night she was k*lled.

You know more than I do.

Or the jury did.

Funny thing.

When I was in the woods,

It hit me like a tree.

Michelle carpenter looked
like betty jo bradley.

Is that it?

I k*lled betty jo
and carved up michelle?

I'm not charging you,
but you can't blame me

For thinking
the same person
k*lled both girls.

I know beau bradley
didn't do it,

Unless we didn't
bury beau.

I swear we did.

You make me sick.

Every time
I've seen you,

You've looked at me
like god sent you
to sparta

To judge
right and wrong.

I've got news,

Your only mission
from god

Is writing
parking tickets.

You also had a thing
with michelle carpenter.

You hired her,

You went to bed
with her.

And then...

You fired her.

I'm an unmarried man,

And michelle was
a consenting adult.

If the age difference
bothers you,

It didn't bother us.

She broke it off.

I didn't fire her,
she quit.

She was in love
with someone else.

Yeah, who?

She never said.

I presumed it was
someone much younger.

Old men can deceive
themselves for a while,

But inevitably
they lose,

Don't they, chief?

You're making me
feel like a freak.

The girl had
her heart cut out.

There's a whole lot
of sick things going on.

For instance,
mutilation of animals.

We arrested you for that
not too long ago.

I've arrested you
since you were 13

For all kinds
of things,

Illegal possession
of firearms,

Disturbing the peace,

Fist fights.

You'd done jail time
long ago but for
your momma.

Where were you
last night?

I was right here.

Anybody else
besides you
could say so?

Yeah, momma, I suppose.

She was at
a council meeting,

Then she came back.

Yeah, she saw me here.

What time?

Come on, chief.

Michelle carpenter was
the easiest thing
in town.

Why would
I ruin my life

For a cheap slut
that got passed around?

You're a rare kind
of gentleman,
aren't you, andrew?

What in the world's
going on out here?

Good afternoon,


Momma, tell him
you saw me here
last night.

He says I k*lled

I have to talk
to everybody
I can find

Who knew that child.

You'll have
a long list.

It'll end
in the bottoms.

I heard she was
chasing some black.

You heard
or you know?

I said I heard.

Can you name it?

I wish I could.

If I were going
to k*ll somebody,

That's the bastard
it would be.

I think this conversation's
gone far enough.

Don't you, bill?

Was andrew here
when you came home

From that council
meeting last night?

[Chuckles] yes. He had
his nose stuck in
the refrigerator

Letting out
all the cold air.

And that
was around 11:00.


Well, thank you.

Thank you, both.


Yes, ma'am?

You might
want to know

What went on at
the city council meeting.

As you know,
you're up for review.

And ted marcus thinks
it's time for a change.

The candidate
he's backing

Is your chief
of detectives,
virgil tibbs.

You'd be surprised

How many of
those councilmen
agreed with him.

Well, I'd guess
about five...

Including you, lorraine.

He's working here
in the name
of luke potter.

He's 6'4", 210,
dark hair, blue eyes,

Big brown mole
under his left ear.

That ring any bells,

Kenny pulver.

In marshall city?

Yes, sir.

Thank you, bobby.

Okay, we got a carny
matching his description

Got arrested for
drunkenness in traynor.

Gave the name
"kenny pulver,"

Said he had family
in marshall city.

I'll check that next.

You're really
out for him.

Call the crime lab
in jackson.

Ask for results
on that Kn*fe.

You're on him
like a hound dog
after a rabbit.

You sure it's worth it?

Yeah, parker,
I'm sure.

Yeah, johnny.

Bubba skinner
here in sparta.


If you want to know
what I think,

I think the k*lling
was connected
to voodoo.

You do, do you?

The m*rder was bizarre
and ritualistic.

Add to that the fact
I found a voodoo doll

In the victim's
room last night.

Is that right?


Somebody hit me
over the head.

They tried to
burn the place.

That somebody thought
the voodoo doll

Was important enough
to steal.

Well, I know there's
some people still around

Who believe in that
kind of foolishness.

I didn't think
a city-trained
genius like you

Would give it
a second thought.

What do you have
that's better?

Nothing. But "nothing"
is as good as voodoo.

I got work to do.

You take sweet with you.

I'll be moving too fast
for babysitting.


I said take him
with you.

Good morning,

Ted, how you doing?

Oh, we're doing fine,

Better than I
ever expected.

See, I tossed your
name out for chief

At the council meeting.

You did what?

Let's go. Bubba
gave us a job to do.

Why hurry?

good for nerves.

Look, bubba likes
to be obeyed.

So if he says jump,
you say how high?

How high...


Uh, sir.

The subject
you ordered us
to surveil

Has not yet

Is that right?

Come here.

Who is that
over there?

How you doing,

You here
with my Kn*fe?

This heap yours?you know it is.

It's got
more violations

Than a hound
has fleas.

You're blind and don't
see it's being fixed.

You a licensed
mechanic, boy?

Not in this state.

Didn't know I needed
to be one.

Lookee, here.

A broken
turn signal.

I'll have to
write you up.

I know why
you're on my case.

Last time through,
I stole his girlfriend.

She followed me
from town to town

For, ooh, three months.

Tires are bald.

I'll ticket you
for that, too.

you n*zi bastard,

If you weren't
wearing that badge,

I'd kick
your brains out.

You wanna
come again?

I said I'd kick your
damned brains out.

Oh, I thought
that's what you said.

You had no right
to do that.

I was testing
the waters.


It seemed you
had a chance.

How can you refuse?

Ted, read my lips. No.

Bubba! Bubba, what
the hell are you doing?

Cool out.


Come on!

Bubba! Bubba!

Bubba! Bubba, no!

Cool down now,
bubba, it's over.

The hell it's over!

It's over when I
nail him to the wall.

Because he stole
your girlfriend?

This is the most
unprofessional department

In the whole state
of mississippi.

I expect you'll be fixing
all that up pretty soon,

Won't you, mr. Tibbs?

Won't you?

When the city council
appoints you
chief of police?

You'll clean up
the whole mess.

You'll have us
all automated,

And acting
like robots.

I don't blame
any man

For being kissed
on the lips by ambition.

You weren't
man enough

To come forward
and tell me.

There's nothing
to tell.

Your name
wasn't mentioned
at the council meeting?

That happened...

It happened because
you want my job.

You don't think
old pops gillespie

And his
hillbilly boys

Know how to do
anything in sparta.

I'm not
judging anything.

I'm being treated
like an outsider.

You are
an outsider.

I was born
and raised here.

I returned
because I wanted to.

You're from here,

But you talk as if
you don't belong here.

I'm wondering why you
don't pack your bags

And go on back
to philly.

Don't you ever tell me
where I should live

Or what I should do.

That's an attitude
I won't tolerate.

It's also an attitude
that makes me think

That just maybe you
should be replaced.

Like you just
got the idea.

Maybe it's not
such a bad idea.

Maybe I should be
the chief of police
of sparta.

I'll tell you something.

The day that
that happens,

Will be exactly one day
after my funeral.

Parker: [on radio]
sparta central to sparta-1.

Chief, you out there?
This is parker.

Yeah, parker.
What is it?

When you stormed
out of here,

You never said
where you were going.

Going to
the mayor's house.

What for?

What the hell
do you think?

Listen, you tell jamison

To quit playing
with that piano, hear?


[Horn blares]


What are you doing
in here?

I had to k*ll a snake
in my car yesterday.

I wondered if that snake
didn't used to live here.

That t*nk held
a blue-tongue lizard

That d*ed
three days ago.

I think it held
a cottonmouth
that d*ed yesterday.

What are you
talking about?

Two things,
the m*rder of michelle

And the attempted
m*rder of me.

You're really
reaching, gillespie.

Why would I do
a look-alike m*rder?

Why would I put
a snake in your car

When everyone knows
I keep snakes?

You think
I'm stupid?

No, you're not
stupid at all.

You're a highly
intelligent man.

You like to keep
two jumps ahead
of everybody.

So you could
cut out michelle's heart

And try to k*ll me

you're the person

Least likely
to be suspected.

You know your problem,

You're over the hill.

You're like an old man
sitting in a rocker,

about lost youth

And imagined glory.

Well, hang it up, chief,

Before you
embarrass yourself
and the whole town.

You really want to
see the end of me, reed,

Why don't you just
try a shotgun?

Mr. Tibbs...

You came to take me up
on that soft drink.

No, I came to talk
about a m*rder.

Where's atticus?

You jealous?

He's out.

We're all alone.

Michelle carpenter's
death made me think
of voodoo.

And you think I know
something about voodoo?

Rumor has it
that your mother
was a voodooienne.

My mother, yes.

She danced naked
in moonlight.

Rich men crawled
at her feet.

What has that got
to do with me?

You use voodoo

To control people
here in the bottoms.

You don't like me,
mr. Tibbs.

That's too bad.

I could like you
in ways more powerful

Than you could
possibly imagine.

Voodoo m*rder.

You talk like
an ignorant black man.

There is no voodoo here.

Do your homework,
mr. Tibbs.

The m*rder was copycat,
isn't that right?

If I know that,
surely you know that.

Do your homework,
mr. Tibbs.

Find out what
the m*rder 20 years ago

Was all about.

Stop wasting my time,
your time,

Coming around here
looking for voodoo.

What's this?

Jambalaya mix?

[Indistinct chatter]

Step right up,
step right up...

I don't know,
maybe it's not right
having a celebration.

With that poor girl dead,

Some maniac still
out there somewhere.

It's horrible.

Well, that's
the way people are.

They don't want
to think about death
all the time.

They want
to forget it,
enjoy themselves.

Maybe that's what
they ought to do.


All right. In that case,
let's have some fun.

Come on.

Howdy, folks.
Buck a toss, just put it
through the tire.

Okay, joe namath,

Show us
how it's done.

I, uh...well, uh,
I better not.

I hurt my shoulder

I couldn't hit
a barn door
with this football.

You sure are
something today.

Yeah, what's that
supposed to mean?

So serious.

Well, can't
a person be serious
every now and then?

Fine by me.woman: hey, joanne.

How'd you hurt
your shoulder?

Oh, I slept
on the wrong side.

What some people
would do

a sore shoulder,

Is see a doctor.

Of course,
that's people
with brains.

Oh, see a doctor,
see a doctor.

Next, you'll
tell me to retire.

[Laughs] that's
a funny picture.


[Laughs] that's funny.

I think I deserve
a little rest

After working
all these years.

What I'm saying is,

The grass is
always greener.

But if you
were to retire...

You'd be so bored

You wouldn't
be fit for human

At least, not mine.


Man: uh, excuse me?

Woman: yes, sir?

Man: I'm trying to find
some books on...

Morning.[Piano playing]

Mr. Tibbs?


You got a minute?



Good morning.

What I want
to say is, uh...

What I'm trying
to say, uh...

I think what you're
doing to the chief stinks.


And everybody here
wants you to know something.

If you think you can come
into this department

And run him out,

You just might
find yourself

In a whole mess
of trouble.

[Sighs] that's really
no surprise, bubba.

He's a good man, virgil.

And, uh...

And he's been
like a daddy to me.

What you're doing
is hurting him,

Hurting him real bad.

And I don't like it
when somebody
hurts the chief.

Neither do i.



How are you?

Hey, chief...

Found this
on the front steps.

Is that for me?

It's from
the governor's office.

It's got a card,
let me read it.

"Chief william gillespie,

"On sparta's
150th anniversary."

Get the
petticoats off.

What is it?

I just know
the governor's

For sending
pralines around
to people.

Don't all
crowd around.

I'm going to
give you some.

Well, you all better
come take a look at this.


What is that?


It sure isn't pralines.

what is it?

It appears to be
a human heart.

That's one
of the missing pages.

What are you
talking about,
missing pages?

from what?

From the volume
of newspapers
at the library.

I was reading
about the m*rder.

Several pages
were ripped out.

That's one of them.

Parker, jamison, get
on the telephones there

And call around
to gift shops, flower shops,

Anyplace that sells
big baskets of gifts.

See what you can find.

Right, chief.

[Clears throat]
uh, bubba,

Get this heart to jackson
for tissue typing.

The other things,
you can put in
the evidence locker.

Chief, what do you want me
to do with this stuff?

You drive the heart
to jackson
for tissue typing,

And put all the rest
of the stuff in
the evidence locker.

Yes, sir.

Are you all right?

Yeah, fine.
Why you ask?

It must have been
quite a shock
opening that package.

Yeah, it was a shock.

It shocked you, too,

Yeah, yeah.

I just thought...what'd you think?

I was going to
start screaming
for smelling salts?

You think I'm going
weak in the knees?

No, just thought
I'd ask.


All right.

You asked,
you got your answer.

Wait, where
are you going?

I'm going to work.

I got a m*rder
to solve.

I believe
you're working
on the same case.

But you're
doing it your way,

I'm doing it mine.


Bill, you've been
reading too many
horror stories.

Human sacrifice
was never part
of voodoo rituals.


So, when somebody
sends me a little box

With a human heart
in it,

That doesn't mean
anything in particular?

Oh, cheri,i'm sure
it means something.

It just don't
have anything
to do with voodoo.


Marie, I want
to ask you something

I suppose
I shouldn't, but...

I really want
to know.

Some people say that you're
beau bradley's daughter.


Bill, at one time
or another,

I've been called
the illegitimate

Of every white man
in town.

I'm surprised
nobody said
you was my papa.


My mama was sure

Oh, yeah.

She surely was.

But then, you are, too.

I don't like this.

You brought it on us.

So, go do your work.

Don't get crazy
on me now.

[Phone rings]

Mr. Tibbs,
I checked on
what you told me,

And, boy,
you nailed that one

Right in
the old cranium.

Sweet: uh, mr. Tibbs, can I
make an observation?

This thing about you, uh,
running for police chief?

When I told you
I wanted to be the first
black police chief,

You said
nothing about you.

I didn't have ideas
along that line then.

Well, mr. Tibbs,
can I make another

I can hardly wait.

The town of sparta
isn't ready

For either
one of us to be chief.

You may be right.

Face it,

There's a difference
between what people say
and what they mean.

You don't back off,
you'll get lynched
or something.

If I was going
to worry about it,

I'd worry about
the something,
not the lynching.

There he is.

If you're here to
see mrs. Babineaux,
she's gone.

I'm here for you.

What do you want
with me?

What were you
to michelle carpenter?


You know who she is.

Have to be blind, deaf,
and dumb not to know.

It's a hot day.

Why don't you
take off your shirt?

Say, man.
What's wrong
with you?

Say, fool!

You att*cked me.
You tried to burn me alive.

Mr. Sweet,
draw your w*apon.

If this bastard
makes one wrong move,

sh**t him.

Do what, sir?

I said sh**t him!

Yes, sir.

You're not so tough
when you can't sneak
up behind me.

You're crazy, man.

You're going to do hard time
for aggravated as*ault.

I'm going to lower this
long enough for you
to talk about michelle.

You got that?

Three seconds.

Girl was hot for me...
Wouldn't leave me alone.

No, you were
marie babineaux's man.

Michelle knew that.

she didn't care.

She was crazy hot.

You went to bed with her?

She wouldn't let up...

Always throwing
herself at me.

Marie knew about it?

Went crazy...

Said she'd k*ll me...
k*ll the girl.

I told michelle
it was over.

Then she started voodoo.

To get you?

She put a...
Gris-gris on me.

Make my spirit
come to her...

Leave marie.

It was bad, man.

Marie don't like
anybody to cross her.

Michelle got k*lled.

Marie made me go
clean out her room.

Didn't want anything
traced back to here.

Well, marie babineaux.

Well, good afternoon,
mrs. Tibbs.

Took me a long time
to find you, chief gillespie.

[Chuckles] well,
I've been hiding here.

I do that now and then.

It's a nice, quiet place.

I can commune
with nathan there.

His name wasn't nathan,

But I imagine he's
a lot like my granddaddy,

His name was nathan.

He was k*lled
at the battle
of chickamauga.

They say the slaughter
was so great there,

The river was red
with blood.

Bodies were just
stacked up like cord wood.

You say you was looking
for me for something?

Yeah, um...

I want to talk to you...

About a hypothetical person.

A hypothetical person?

Right, not necessarily
anybody you and I know.

Well, go ahead.


Sometimes this...

Says things he
really doesn't mean.

Well, that happens.

he lets his anger
get the best of him,

And he opens
his big mouth
before he thinks.

After he's
sh*t his mouth off,

He's stuck
with what he said.

But he has
a hell of a lot
of pride.

Well, temper,
haste, and pride.

This is a person

Who...really ought
to take a look at himself.

He also has a kind heart
and a sensitive soul

That makes
him feel awful

When he puts
his foot in his mouth.

Only now he doesn't know
what to do about it.

Well, I know a person
just like that.

Says and does things

That later
he wished he hadn't.

He's stubborn,

And he doesn't know
what to do about it, either.

Thanks for talking
to me, chief.

Nice talking to you,
mrs. Tibbs.

Miss babineaux.

Mr. Tibbs, you can't seem
stay away from me, ca va?

I'm taking you
in for questioning

michelle carpenter's death.

Come quietly,
or I'll put you
in handcuffs.

You foolish,
foolish man.

Bill gillespie will have me
out of there in five minutes.

what are you doing?

I'm trying
to solve a m*rder.

She was heard
making threats.

She has
a very good motive,


Mais oui,
not to mention

That I make a practice
in dark, satanic rituals.

Of cutting out the hearts
of still-living victims.

You don't really think
I'm jealous
of poor little michelle.

Poor child...

Desperate for a man.

You don't know me well...

But does that make
any sense to you, bill?

Uh, well,
I don't know, marie,

But, uh...
Now, virgil,

You can only hold
miss babineaux here

A couple hours
for questioning,

And then you
got to book her.

To charge her,
you got
to have evidence.

I don't see evidence,
only suspicions.

All right, marie,
you can go on home.

Thank you, cheri.

I don't hold
any grudges, mr. Tibbs.

You call me anytime.

Thank you, chief.good night.

Now, virg, hold it.

I know what
you're thinking,
but you're wrong.

I'm right
and you know it.

[Telephone rings]

Yeah, what?

Man: reed nicholson
wants to talk to you.


Yeah, all right.
Put him on.

Gillespie, reed nicholson.

I'm at the mill.

I'd be grateful if you'd
come over immediately.

What's the matter?

has just happened.

It's very important
that I talk with you.

All right,
you just wait there.

I'll come on over.

Uh, reed nicholson
on the phone here.

He's, uh,
somehow involved
in all of this.

I see.

I'm going
over to the mill

To talk with him.

You can come with me
if you wanna.

Me?no, not you, my other
chief of detectives.

Yeah, you.

Aren't you trying
to solve this thing?

Right...let's go.

What did I say?
Let's go.



[Knocking]bill gillespie here.


Virgil: "you did it,
and I'll get you."

Doesn't mince words
does he?

He gets to the point.

I should've
told you.

I got one
of those, too.

Like that?yeah, on newspaper,
threatening my life.

The next day somebody put
a cottonmouth in my car.

You're kidding?maybe
some lunatic's k*lling

Everybody involved
in this case.

Why didn't you
tell me?

Well, I didn't want to.

Next time
something happens,

You better speak up.

Yeah, fine, fine.

Should've joined
the marines.

Wouldn't see half
the dead bodies.

Finished, jamison?yes, sir, I got 'em all.

Okay, bubba,
lift him up.

Do it,
will you, bubba?

Turn him around,
lift him up.

hold his head up.

Say what?

To see how he looks
with it up.

Hold his head up.

Virgil: let's check
the angle of entry.



Something wrong,
officer sweet?

They didn't cover this
at the police academy, sir.

The pencil follows
the exact path
of the wound.

No b*llet holes
in the windows.

He stood at the door.

This will tell us

The approximate height
and position of our sh**t.

How tall
you reckon he was?

About 6 feet.

He, or she...

Stood about here...

And blew him away
with a 9mm handgun.

Give me a break, virgil.

How do you know
it was a 9mm?

Why not a .38
or something?

He's right, bubba.

Our sh**t left
his brass behind.

That's a 9mm shell.


Let's check the wall.
See if we can
find the slug.

What the hell
is this?

You still say
this has nothing
to do with voodoo?

Or marie babineaux?

[Music playing]

What's the matter,


Look at that thing.

You lied to me
about beau bradley,
didn't you?

He was your daddy,
wasn't he?


That butcher
was my father.

And he shamed you, huh?

How would you like
to carry the blood

Of someone who cut
his wife's heart out?

The darkness.

The evil.

I lay awake nights
thinking about it.

I am ashamed.


Don't you worry
about this.

Nobody's going
to hurt you.

I'm going
to protect you.

I promise.


We're going to
protect this woman
night and day.

Yeah, okay, so we're
back where we started.

I've been thinking
about something.

Like what?

Three of those
four newspapers

Had the same
type thing
written on them...

"You're next,"
"blood for blood,"
things like that.

What are you saying?

Maybe the fourth had
something on it, too.

The one
around the heart,
soaked in blood.

Okay, what about it?

Well, I don't know.

Maybe we're
missing something.

I've been on
similar cases.

These message writers

Damn near always
trip themselves up.

Let's go.where we going?

We're going home.

Althea: I hope instant's okay.

Yeah, fine,
anything at all.

I apologize
for busting in.

It was
your husband's idea.

Sometimes he thinks
he's sherlock holmes.

Well, sherlock holmes
did not have presoak.

Probably wouldn't
have known

What to do
with it, anyhow.

Presoak contains
a pineapple derivative

Called "proteinase."

I'm going to try
to remember that
word, virgil.

Well, proteinase
contains an enzyme

That hydrolyzes protein.
Get it?

Breaks down blood,
lets it wash away.

Is it hard
living with someone

Who knows so much?

Practically impossible.

And with that in mind,
I'll say, "good night."

Oh, good night,

Good night, mrs. Tibbs,
see you soon.

A very pleasant

And I guess
it takes one.

What does that mean?

It takes
a pleasant person

To live with the bad
and the good.

Which one of us
are you referring to?

Well, I'm not looking
your way, virgil.

You're not an easy man.

I know that.

But when
you're not trying
to change the world,

You're kind of nice
to have around.

And you're
a good cop.

And someday...

You'll be a chief.

I know.

But not yet.

[Telephone rings]

Will you get that?



Yeah, what?

I mean, tibbs
residence, what?

No, parker,
you fool, it's me.

What do you want?

Say what?


Yeah, all right.

All right. Yeah,
we'll be down there.

Jamison arrested
andy white, speeding.

Under the influence
of liquor.
You know what?

He had a 9mm p*stol

On the seat beside him.

I ain't going to
answer more questions,

Not till
I see my lawyer.

Maybe we got
enough already.

You had three
big drinks at sweenie's.

That's a mile from
nicholson's place.

Nicholson was k*lled
with a 9mm p*stol.

Like the one
in your car.

You ain't
got the brains

God gave a polliwog.

Perhaps I ought
to show you

What god did
give me, you little turd.

Get off me,
you fat bastard!

This isn't the g*n
that k*lled nicholson.

What'd you find?

I test fired it

And compared
ejector marks
of both casings.

Didn't match?no.

Sure you don't
want to check with
the jackson lab?

Trust me.

Chief, mrs. White...

What is happening?

They yanked me
from my car,
dragged me down here.

They're saying
I k*lled nicholson.

We made
a mistake.

Thank god
that man caught it.

You've done this
to my son
for the last time.

As far
as I'm concerned,

You've just committed
political su1c1de.

And that is sparta's
next chief of police.

Uh, no.

Mrs. White, I am
not a candidate
for that office.

Chief gillespie
is doing a fine job.

In my opinion, sparta's
lucky to have him.

Lorraine, sergeant
skinner's going
to book andrew here

For illegal
of firearms

And driving while
under the influence.

You can post bail tomorrow
in the magistrate's court

And take him home.

Detective tibbs,
maybe we ought
to go see now

If the enzymes
haven't hydrolyzed
those proteins, huh?

Get out of the way,

Well, there goes
our theory.

There's no message.

Yeah, but...

Well, I mean,
maybe there was,

And maybe
it dissolved
over there.

No, the newsprint
would have dissolved

Right along with it.

He didn't write

He just wrapped it
around the heart.


I thought we were
onto something.

Wait a minute.

I think it's
right in here,

Look at that.

That's the one person...

I never would
have thought of.

[Indistinct chattering]

[Indistinct talking
on microphone]

Double your prizes.

All you got to do
is put the football
through the hole,

And I will give you
any prize you want.

You win, you choose,
you win, you choose.

Time's growing short
to win big prizes.

Last chance,
step right up.

Put the football
through the tire.

What the hell's
going on here?

Is this the man?that's the one.

What do you mean?

This lady standing here
had her life threatened.

You left her place just
before it happened.

Haven't been there
in days.

What's your name,

Luke potter.

You use that here.
Every town it's
something different.

"Richard allen fisher."

Isn't that more like
what your mama
called you?

Five different

Three different

We spent all night
running you down.

Oh, and that Kn*fe,

The lab confirmed
human blood.

That's a lie!

There's 12 warrants
for your arrest.

We're adding
two homicide counts.

All right, bubba.
Y'all boys lay hold of him.


Bubba, settle down,
settle down.

All right, luke,
it's all over now!

Get him up,
help him up.


I didn't k*ll nobody!

Liars! Liars!

Nice work,
detective tibbs,

But you owe me
a bottle of presoak.

Oh, yeah?mm-hmm.

Well, why
don't we go home

And talk
the whole thing over?

[Both laughing]

I hope I helped, bill.

Oh, yeah, yeah.
But now, marie,

I'll have to ask you
to sign a statement.

After that,
you're off the hook.

Only if you have
a drink with me.

We'll have
a celebration
of our own.

Fine, fine.

12 Years old.


Smooth as velvet.

As a rule,
I don't take spirits
early in the day,

But this being
an occasion...

Well, why not?

A votre sante.

Well, the same to you.


Go ahead.

Finish those drinks.

I don't know you,

I said drink!
Swallow, now!

There. That's good.

That's your last drink,

Like daddy's last meal

Before they m*rder*d him
in the gas chamber.

Beau bradley?
You his son?

Didn't you get my note?

You arrested
the wrong man!

Exactly right, bitch!

Think about
what you're doing.

What I'm doing?

I'm k*lling you,
you old bastard!

You took my daddy
to the gas chamber.

I'm taking you
to hell.


Ooh! Oh!

Get up!


I'll k*ll you,

You and that black
bitch that dirtied
my family's blood!

Shut up! You're
finished k*lling.

Not till you're
dead like nicholson!

He k*lled mama!
You k*lled daddy!

I'm warning you.scum! You set me up!

Yeah, we did!

Found your name
in an old newspaper.

Traced you
to that carnival.

Even then,
we didn't know
who you were.

You be still,
you hear?

Anything you say
from here on

You're liable
to hear in court.

Go on, take him away.

You have the right
to remain silent...

Well, you cut it
pretty close,
didn't you?

I hated looking
in the muzzle
of that 9mm there.

I was right with
you all along.

You were with me?


Marie, you did very well.

I don't want
to do anything
like this again.

This thing wouldn't
have worked without you.

He had to believe
he'd get us together.

That spurred him on.

But don't you worry.

I'm not going
to ask you

To do me
any more favors.

Not for awhile.

You can go
to sleep tonight

Knowing you helped
the cause of justice.

I ought to sue
for false arrest.

It had
to look convincing.

Hope you know
that kid wasn't a carny.

He started tagging
along in greenwood,

Doing odd jobs.

Oh, oh, I lied
about the blood.

It wasn't human blood.

No, traces
of fruit juice.

[All chuckling]

Yeah? That
makes us even,

'Cause I lied
about your girlfriend.

She didn't
follow me around
for three months.

It was only
three states.


Well, luke,
the way I figure,

We got us
two options here.

We can go out there
and finish our fight,

Or go have
a few beers.

It's up to you.

Well, given a choice
like that, cowboy...

I have to say
I'm thirsty.

Ted: I'm glad that you
decided to join us.

I'm looking forward
to it.ted.


Hi, honey.

How you doing?

Okay guess you know
I've officially
left the running?

Yeah, but
I won't stop pushing.

We've got to,
just to keep
from losing ground.

Nobody will be pushing
harder than I am.

Well, at least
I've convinced one
tibbs to change jobs.

Althea's agreed
to take a job
at sparta high school.

You are?
Why didn't you
tell me, honey?

I did tell you.

I guess I'll tell you
all over again, huh?

We'll talk
about the job.
See you, virg.

Okay, ted.

So, now you're
going to tell me

About how
I don't listen
to you, right?

I'm just going to say

How you don't
listen to me

Whenever you're
working on a case.

[Both laughing]

Chief!any time.

[Clears throat]

Well, hello,
mrs. Tibbs.hi.

How would you like
to have dinner

With althea
and me tonight?

Oh, well,
I'd like it fine,

But I have other plans.

You always say that,
then you dine alone.

Yeah, well, that has
its advantages, you know.

If you want to eat
pie with your spoon,

There's nobody there
to call you a fool.

There is something
I'm still curious
about, chief.

Who did k*ll
betty jo bradley?

Was it her husband
or nicholson?

I don't know, virgil,

And now reed nicholson's
gone, we may never know.

That's police work.

You get the answers
half the time, you're lucky.

But I want to
compliment you

On some fine
detective work.

Thank you, chief.

But it was
a mutual effort.

Yeah, it was
a mutual effort.

If you and I work
together long enough,

I might turn you into
a first-class policeman.

Well, I think
satchel paige
said it best

When he said...

Do you know who
satchel paige was?

I saw satchel paige
pitch baseball

When you were
in your diapers.

What did he say?

Oh, he said, um,
"don't look back,

"Because somebody might
be gaining on you."

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Ooh

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Oh, oh, oh
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