03x03 - m*rder Most Ancient

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x03 - m*rder Most Ancient

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Rochelle: what's he want?

Roscoe: water to test
chemical sprays.

Does it
once a month.

Will he come
to the door?


Why are you afraid?

I don't want him
to see me.

He might
recognize me.

Really? [Sighs] yeah.

It's the same cop
that brought
clarence home

That night
he hit someone
at the country club.

God, I'm so sick
of clarence.

I'm so sick of him.

Now I got to
hurry home to him.

I'll be seeing him
at 9:00, and I'll
see you later.

Hold me.

We could be together
like this all the time.


I know
you want that.

Oh, I adore you.

I can make it happen.

Don't start again. I've got it
all worked out.

Listen, whatever
clarence is, we-- he's an animal.

He won't let go
any other way.

You've got
to get away.

I'm just not ready.

I am.


You just tell me when.

It's m*rder.

It's self-defense,

He's the one
that's murdering you

Every single day
in every way.

It's the truth,
isn't it?

Isn't it?

Parker: sparta police

I see.
Yes, ma'am,
miss moseley,

Yes, I'll be sure
to tell the chief.

All right.
Thank you, ma'am.

Uh, chief. Whoa,
uh, wait a minute, sir.

No, you wait a minute.

Is this something
I really have to
be told about,

Like, for instance,
a cyclone coming down
forde's road

Directly at my house?

Clarence conlan's
neighbor has
a complaint.

She said she knew
you were his friend.

I said you were--

She's wrong.
So are you.

You've known him
25 years.

Long enough to know
he was never
my friend.

Is he terrorizing
his family again?

Yes, sir.
That's right.

Call a squad car, parker.
I'm a weary man.

Yes, sir.

Some day that family's
going to turn on him

And mash him
with whatever articles
of furniture are handy.

Clarence: you're a miserable,
revolting beggar.

Jon: no, I'm not!

Clarence: you're a loser.
You don't know
what you are.

Ha-ha! Clarence, stop it!

That's vulgar
and cruel.
He's your son.

Sometimes I wonder.

I'm damn sure
he's not your son,

So stay
the hell out!

Quit braying
like a jackass.

People passing by
are staring.

Well, let 'em stare.

Forget driving
to alabama like this.

Now get to bed.i'll drive
when I want

And go to bed
whenever I want.

Don't you
tell me anything.

Keep your
silly mouth shut!

Sweet, I was hoping
this was going
to die down.

Conlan's a bad one.

Well, nice to know
the rich got
problems, too.

Let's get after 'em.

I'll get it, you thief.

I'll get a lawyer who'd
love to run you up a tree!

So that's what's
under my roof--

You'd call in
the law,

You rotten punk!

I'll k*ll you!

Jon, clarence,
stop it!

[Tap on door]

Rochelle: stop!

[Tapping continues]

that's enough!

Settle down!who called him?

You! You called!

That's enough.


O.k., I told you
to settle down.

You shouldn't
as*ault my officers.

I'd love
to arrest him.

Easy, sweet.

I'll remember
you, you ox.

And I will
remember you,
you jerk.

[Tap on door]

What are you doing here?

You asked me over
to discuss the deal.


Yes, tonight.

Forget it.

I don't like it.
That partnership
deal stinks.

The loan you want
stinks more.
Now, get out!

Try your lousy ideas
on someone else.

[Door slams]roscoe.

Jon, you all right?

How about you,

Yes, fine, thanks.
Appreciate it.

You're sure?yes, thank you.

O.k., Sweet,
let's call in.

Mr. Jefry,
I'm sure my husband

Didn't mean
the things he said.

He's really blasted. Mm-hmm.

Is he really driving
to mobile?

5:00 In the morning.

If we're lucky,
he'll run himself
off the road.

We can't trust
to luck, darlin'.

If we want something
to happen,

We going to have
to take a hand.

I'm just
too afraid, roscoe.

I'm too afraid.

Yeah, virgil.
Bubba here.

Old man conlan
just went upstairs.

Another man
showed up,

to be a friend.

Everything seems to
have calmed down...

Let's go.


What do you know about
the clarence conlan family?

I know the son--

A science student
at ole miss.

I arrested
his daddy once.


He's a heavy drinker
and a hitter.

Even sober, old clarence
is mean and dangerous.

I mean, look what
he did at marshalsburg.

Oh, right. He closed
that warehouse down
last month.

Just because his men
asked for a small raise.

He wouldn't even
negotiate with them.

Just locked the door
one morning.

He got death threats
over that.

Bubba wanted
to let us know

He had
to hit the man.

I always say--

Bubba has
all the fun
around here.

[Knock on door]

It's rochelle.

Come on in.

He didn't hurt you.
Tell me he didn't.

No. Good.

Come here.

I'm glad you
married my father.

For my sake.

He couldn't give me
the children I wanted,

But I've had you.

You've been my boy--
my only boy.

And I love you,
too, rochelle.


We're both helpless.

I can't really
sue him in court.

I'll never
get through school
without more help.

You can't help.

You've got nothing
of your own.

I see
nothing ahead of me.

I just don't
feel like living.

Don't you talk
like a child.

You're a young man.
You've just begun your life.

And what's ahead? Hush.

Wonderful years
are ahead of you.

Trust me. I wouldn't
lie to you.

You're going
to have a good life,
jonny, darlin'.

You leave it
to rochelle.

She'll see to it.

I promise.

I promise.


[Knock on door]

Can I get you anything,
mrs. Conlan?

Uh, no, nothing,
thank you. I--

I was just thinking
about calling
my mama in memphis.

Good night, then. Good night,
mrs. Feathers.




Rochelle: it's time.


Are you ready?


You sure?


You can back out.


I told you I was ready...
Any time, chelle.

I'm in agony here.

Utter agony.

I love you.

I love you.


I just have to be
sure of you.

Tell me I can be.

You can be.

Clarence: rochelle,
are you listening to me?

I'll be tonight
and tomorrow in mobile,

A night in new orleans,
then back friday night.

Tell my son to haul
his butt back to school.

I don't want to see him
when I get home.


Yeah, I know.

I know where it is.

O.k. I'm at
the tibbs' now.

Virgil and I'll head over
in a few minutes.

Yeah. Bye.

If you got virgil
the car he'd asked for,

You wouldn't be
playing chauffeur.

That's true.

I'm going to
have to reconsider
that request.

Care for some oatmeal?

Oatmeal? No,
no, thank you. I--

It's the best way
to start the morning.

Well, like
so many healthful
and wonderful things,

I hate it.

I wish
you'd just say
what you felt.


Hi, honey. Hi, babe.

There was an expl*si*n
on birchwood avenue?

That's the fanciest
street in town.

Yes, and the conlans'
is the fanciest house
on that street.

Conlans...i think
I know that name.

At least her--
if her name's

That's what it is.

You know his wife?

She does
some volunteer work

With the needy kids
in town.

It was an accident,
wasn't it?

Apparently someone k*lled
mr. Conlan with a b*mb.

Oh, my god.

Will you say
something to her
for me, please?

I mean,
what do you say?

Tell her
if she needs me,
I'm here.

We certainly will.
Certainly will.

O.k., Babe.

Good-bye, mrs. Tibbs,
and thanks.

I got it.
I got it.

All right,
got it?

Yeah. All right. Good.


Conlan was alone
when it blew.

Probably a pipe b*mb.

You searched
the area?

Yeah. Nothing.

No footprints around
the garage window.

We figured the bomber
come though the main door.

Oh, found this.
Probably nothing.

Gum wrapper
from the lawn there.

Maybe it blew
over there.

Nicotine gum
for somebody
quitting smoking.

Jon and mrs. Conlan
in the house?

Yes, sir.
in there, too.

We found some
b*mb fragments.

Sent them over
to the lab.


You had to hit conlan
last night, did you?

He was a very
provocative man,


I hate to speak ill
of the just-departed,

But he had
the worst manners

Of any man I know.

I'm surprised
he lasted this long

In the state
of mississippi.

Jon: yes,
I argued with him.

He insulted me.

He hated me...

And I hated him.

The boy ain't
devious about it.

The people you
should be talking to

Don't live
in this house.

Where do
they live, ma'am?

In marshalsburg--
men who said
they'd k*ll him

For shutting
down that plant.

Can you identify
any of those men?

Most were anonymous,

But he kept
a list of people who
identified themselves.

I'll look for it.

I understand you're studying
Is that right?


You ever mess around
with expl*sives
like black powder?

You're asking
if I can make
a b*mb.

The answer is yes.

I can make
a lot of things.

I understand
you have a little
lab out back, yes?

That's a guest cottage.

Yeah, well,
one of the rooms,

Judging from
what we could see--

Now, wait a minute.

I dislike
what these officers
are implying about jon.

Jon: I'm sorry...

But I don't
feel too well
right now.

I'd like
to be excused.

Chief: so would i,

So would i.

All right.
You can be excused.

Go take a rest.

We'll want
to talk to you later.

Rochelle: are you
finished with me?

Oh, uh, yes.
I think we are.

Mrs. Conlan...

I believe you know
my wife althea.

Well, of course.

Oh, what
a sweet person.

Now, she's had some
sad times lately
herself, hasn't she?

I should
have visited.

Well, she'd like
to come see you.

Thank you,
mr. Tibbs.

Thank you.

Well, dear althea,
I'll certainly call her.

I certainly will.

That woman's grief is
truly heart-wrenching.

Cut it out!

I don't think we can find
anything else out now.

You got something, bubba?

Man named
jefry showed up.
Sweet checked him out.

Roscoe jefry--
he's an architect.

Also a general

I got his phone
numbers right here.

After we left
the living room,

He and mrs. Conlan
stayed behind
for a while.



They looked
at each other
in a special way.

You can't deduce much
from a look

Unless it's followed
by jumpin' on the couch.

Was it? No, sir,

They stayed standing,
but it looked intimate.


I need all
the calls made

From the conlan house

Chief: keep your eye
on that kid.

I'm just
a little bit worried.

Oh, jamison.

Hang on.
Yeah, chief?

Find a way to get
mrs. Feathers

I want to talk
to her.

Yes, sir.
Now, listen up.

It will make you
feel better.

Feet off.

Know what I'm feeling?




I'm sad that he's dead.


You cared
about him in spite
of everything?

You were a good son.

Police don't think so.

You heard
that question
about a b*mb.

You didn't k*ll
your father.

They can't fix
the blame on you.

You know
I didn't do it.

Sure as I know
anything in this life.

They may want
to blame you,

But I'll
never let them
pin it on you.

You have my word
on that.

Go on.
Drink your tea...

And don't worry.

Come on in,
mrs. Feathers.

Have a seat.
The chief will
be right with you.

Well, mrs. Feathers,
I want to thank you
for coming in.

We've got some coffee
here if you want any.

No, thank you.

Well, now...

Did you, uh...

Enjoy working
for the conlans?

No. It's a living.

Mr. Conlan was
a harsh employer,
was he?

He was bad.

She, in her own
sneaky way, was worse.

Oh. And the boy jon,

Did you know him
very well?

About six years.

He's a sweet boy.

Was his daddy
ever close to him?

Yeah, when he was
b*ating him up.

I never saw another
boy take that
from his daddy.

Why, my brothers
would have...uh!

Hmm. Uh, why did
jon take it?

Had to, for
the support money,

Same as she took
what she took.

The boy never
fought back, huh?


Never even said
a harsh word but once.

Once. Uh,
what did he say?

He said
he'd k*ll him.

Well, he said that,
did he? When was that?

The night before,
you know,
the expl*si*n.

If I was you,

I'd pay more
to the woman.


She's trash.

Rochelle conlan
married clarence
for his fortune.

an adulteress.

Excuse me, mrs. Feathers.

How do you know that?

A woman always knows
when another woman's
doing that.


Uh, well, now,
mr. And mrs. Conlan,

Uh, were they fighting

On the day
before he was k*lled?

Not during the day.
She was away.

She came home
about 5:00.

Chief. Yeah, what?

May I speak with you?

Yeah. Uh, excuse me,
will you, please,
mrs. Feathers?

Jon conlan
left the house
a couple minutes ago

Carrying a suitcase.

He's headed
for the interstate.

We got that
intersection covered?

Yes, sir.

There he goes.
Get parker.

Parker, come in.

Jon conlan's vw's
coming your way.

Never fear,
parker's here.

Let's get him.

You're under arrest,
jon conlan.

Suspicion of
k*lling your daddy.

Come on, son.
Get out of the car.

[Handcuffs click]

You got some
toilet articles here,

Change of clothing,
shirts, underwear,

couple of books...
All that's o.k.

Why is he here?

Why do you have him
locked up?

If I didn't,
he'd run away.

How many times
do I have to say
he's innocent?

Who else hated
your husband?
Did you?

What are you asking,
if I k*lled him?

I didn't. I couldn't.

How's that strike you,
detective tibbs?

I don't think she
could have done it...

Thank you. But somebody could
have done it for her.

How well do you know
this, um, roscoe jefry?

He was in business,
sort of, with my husband.

Did you see
much of him?

Not much. Uh-uh.

Did you see him

On the day before
your husband
was m*rder*d?

I went, with
my watercolors,

To do that
church by bellmer.
Know the one?

Yes, and you'd generally
have to be alone to do that.

nobody saw you?


I was there because
clarence asked me there,

And then he told me
to get out.

I lost no time doing so.

Didn't you take
time conversing
with mrs. Conlan?

Well, yes, I did.

She told me not
to take clarence's temper
too seriously.

The afternoon before
conlan's m*rder,

Did you see
mrs. Conlan?

No, I did not.

I was out driving,
looking at
development sites.

By yourself,
I suppose.

Yes, all by myself.

You spare
a stick of that?

I don't think you're
going to like it.

It's anti-nicotine.

Quit smoking.

Now, back
to mrs. Conlan.

Do you
know her well?

No, not well,
but I like her.

I think she's nice.

Do you suppose...

That a wo--

That's silly.
You don't even know
the woman that well.


What is it, mr. Tibbs?

Is she the kind
who'd get angry enough
to k*ll her husband?


No. Would she get
someone to do it?

No. No, mr. Tibbs.

Can you imagine
rochelle in houston
or new orleans

Trying to hire
a hit man?

Who says she has
to go that far?

She could get a b*mb
built under her roof

And find someone
more than willing
to detonate it.

Do you think jon did it?

We can't imagine
who else might
have done it.

for your time.

Ready to go, sir?

What is it,
darling? What is it?

They've arrested jon.
Do you realize
what could happen?

I know what can
happen if you
don't stay cool.

It's unfortunate
jon's involved,

But that's
how it is.

That's not what
I bargained for.

Listen. I was
questioned by tibbs.

All he's got
is suspicion.

There's no proof
of anything.

The police will
blame it on the
marshalsburg strike.

They're blaming it
on jon.

Don't go
falling apart on me.

Don't do or say
anything we'll
be sorry for,

You hear?

Do you hear me?

Unless, instead
of a wedding,

You want the state
of mississippi
strapping us down

And sticking
a couple of needles
in our arms.

Are you
listening to me?

Do you understand
what I'm saying?


I love you,
and you love me.

Now, we've done
a lot for that love.

We can't just
throw it away.

Virgil: bingo.

I've seen them

And it's a tight

As for the gum
he chews,

No store in town
handles it.

Schultz's drugstore
orders it from l.a.

for jefry.

As evidence,
it isn't worth anything,

But I know he's guilty.

Chief, no proof.

I know that, too.

That's why we're
going to bring it out.

We got the lab report
from the fragments
we found.

I can't read
anything lengthy.
What does it say?

None of the stuff came
from conlan's workshop.

Well, I'd have
guessed the same,

But, for the moment,

I'll treat that
as if I didn't hear it.

Jamison, fill me in.
Who's doing what?

Parker's watching
the conlan house.

Bubba's covering
the cabin.

He'll call
when jefry leaves.

Where's mrs. Conlan?

She's home.

That girl of ours,
is she going to be able

To handle that
telephone conversation?

Yeah, she can
handle it.

I'm going
over it with her.

Yeah, this is bubba.

We're just leaving
jefry's workroom.

We found something.

We won't know what

Till the lab
tells us,

But I guarantee
it is something.

See you in a bit.

I'm glad you came.
I really appreciate it.

Hello, mrs. Tibbs,

Mrs. Conlan. Hi, chief.

Well, what now?

I hate to tell you

What I've come
to tell you.

I'm sure.
What is it?

The lab report
came back

On the b*mb
that k*lled clarence.

Fragments of it
were made of things

We found
in jon's workroom.

Tape we found
matched tape

Used to put the b*mb
under the hood

And attach it
to the blasting cap.

I know you've retained
mr. Bealer

To represent
your stepson.

He's excellent,

But I would advise
additional counsel.

I'd get the best
in mississippi
if I were you,

And again,

I'm very sorry.

Please excuse me.

She's very upset
about her stepson.

Well, we're upset
about having to
arrest him, mrs. Tibbs.

He didn't have
anything to do with it.

He's a sweet
and gentle boy.

Sweet and gentle, uh...

So is she, I suppose.

Yes, she is.

What do you
mean by that?

The kind and the cruel
k*ll in equal quantities.

Now, who said
that, chief?

Oh, I forget.

It's old stuff.
I've begun to take
credit for it.

Gillespie was here.

He said they have proof
jon did it.

Did you get those parts

From his workroom
to frame him?

No, I did not.

You're lying,
you liar.

Listen, chelle.
You better calm down.

Otherwise you're
going to be sorry.

Real sorry.

What are you
telling me, roscoe?

You want
to k*ll me, too?

Well, I got
a better idea.

I'm going to meet you.

We'll k*ll each other.

[Knocking on door]



Woman: tri-r travel service.
Can I help you?

Yes. I'd like to know
if mr. Roscoe jefry

Has confirmed a reservation
to washington late tonight.

Would you spell
the last name

And give me
the flight number?

Yes. It's j-e-f-r-y.
Flight 104.

for washington.

We do have
a roscoe jefry

Listed on delta
flight 108

From atlanta,

At 12:20
tomorrow morning,

But it's going
to shannon, ireland,
not washington.


That reservation
has definitely
been confirmed,

But you
have until--



Looks like
your friend roscoe

Left young jon conlan
on the hook, huh?

We figured
he was involved

With your
husband's m*rder,

But he's gone now.

But we still got enough
on your stepson

To put him away
for a while.

In fact,
I heard that the chief
got a phone call

From a man,

And he said that
you put the boy up to it.


Now, you don't reckon
old roscoe

Done left you both
on the hook, do you?

Sorry about all this.

Nobody home but me,
mr. Jefry.

Who the hell are you?

parker williams.

Come down
to the station,
if you please.

I don't please.
I'm busy.

I got my car here.

This officer will
take care of your car.

Sergeant jamison will
take us to see the chief.


Roscoe jefry
k*lled my husband.

He's an engineer.

He could've
made that b*mb
as easily as jon.

Did you assist roscoe?

No, I did not.

Why didn't you
tell us this
in the first place?

Because roscoe
did me a favor

Whether or not
I asked him for it.

I lied to you
about my marriage.

It wasn't good.

My husband made
everybody's life

He didn't
deserve to live,

But when I found out
roscoe ran off--

I didn't run anywhere,
and you're an idiot.

She's the one who
asked me to k*ll him.

You said the only way
we'd have a life together

Was to m*rder him.

And you said yes.

I said I was afraid.

You called and said,
"k*ll him."

He is lying.

Just a minute now.

Kindly let
detective tibbs and me

Conduct this
genteel discussion.

It's a classic case.

This is m*rder
most ancient.

The triangle m*rder
goes back to the bible.

Two lovers decide
to k*ll somebody.

They do it, then
they incriminate
each other.

We checked all calls

Made on
your private line,
mrs. Conlan.

Two a day were made
to jefry's cabin.

We made you think
that mr. Jefry
betrayed your stepson.

We didn't really
find anything in
jon's room.

Those b*mb parts
were made
someplace else.

Yeah. They were made
in your workroom, roscoe.

You weren't
running anywhere.

You were on
your way to ireland.

Not really,
mrs. Conlan.

You see, tri-r travel is
that desk right over there.

And that telephone.

We were counting on
your affection for the boy

And your disaffection
for roscoe.

We had faith in you,

And you didn't
let us down.

Oh, yeah. Just one
little thing, chief.

The boys found
a revolver on roscoe.

Bet he was going to use that
to keep her quiet.

think of that.

Think of that.

All right.
Book them both.


Let conlan out,
discharge him,

See that he gets home. Yes, sir.

There's nothing
about rochelle conlan
I can condone,

But she did
stand by jon
all the way.

Yeah, and look
what happened to her.

That's true, but
don't let yourself
get cynical, now.

I can't stand cynicism.
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