03x19 - Indiscretions

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x19 - Indiscretions

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles

♪ Wall to wall

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat

♪ Of the night


Virgil, it was hers...

Her life.

I don't know if anybody
should read it.

But there's still a lot
of unanswered questions.

Do they really
need to be answered?

Excuse me.
I think he's right.

"Sparta, mississippi.

"That's where I'll go.

"To althea.

"I always seem
to think of althea

"When I find...


"In trouble."

I've decided
I'm not in trouble.

I've made
a decision, nate,

To tell a straight,
simple story--

He jumped--

it's the truth.

Aw, I believe you.

I believe you, baby.
You don't have to
convince me.

I won't be on the jury.

I can't give you
what you want.

1/3 Is nothing.

You know
I should get half.

Half of what?

I mean, you keep on

You got 350 grand

That kenneth fitzpatrick
had in his apartment

The night he took
a half gainer off his terrace.

There wasn't that much.

Oh. Were the papers lying?

I guess they were.

And were they lying
about the 4 million
he embezzled?

Listen, I know
you were there
that night.

Ha ha.
That's right.

And the doorman
will back me up.

Now, I suggest
that you meet my price

Before it goes up.

Oh, baby, I can't
keep riding south
with you.

I got to get back
to philly.

I'm far from home
and tired.

I'm tired, too.

It's, uh...

It's late,
and I'm beat.

Anyway, if I let you
have some money,

I've got to decide
how to get it to you.

I want you and the money.

[Telephone rings]


Hello? Althea?

Where are you?

I'm in, uh,

I spent the night.

Spent the night?
You're only an hour away.

I know.

But my rental car

Sounded like it was
mixing margaritas.

I didn't want
to find myself

On the side of
the road at midnight.

You o.k.?i'm sure it'll be fine.

I'll come get you.

No, althea,
don't be silly.

I'll see you soon.


Is there a pay phone
around here?

About a half-mile
up that way
by the square.

How about a cab stand?

I'm afraid that, too,
is up by the square.


I can give you a ride.

O.k., But I warn you,

I happen to know someone
on the police force.

Yeah, that you do,

Officer willson sweet
at your service.

Where to?

Well, then I guess
you know where

Althea and virgil tibbs live.

I think I could find it.

Why don't you hop in?

I'll see you.

Oh, lonnie, I'm going
to sweet's place tonight

To help him fix it up.

You're coming, right?

You may not have
anything better to do

Than spend saturday night
with sweet, but I do.

I'll find something,

Hey, what about you,

Oh, parker,
I'd love to, really,

But I'm just about
ready to make
my previous engagement.

[Telephone rings]

Sparta police department.
Parker williams speaking.

You making yourself
comfortable there,
detective tibbs?

Yes, sir, I am.
I am.

See, althea
asked me to come home
free of stress tonight.

Her girlfriend
from high school

Is staying
a few days.

Well, from philadelphia?

That's right,

They haven't
seen each other
in years.


We just got a call
from randy calhoun.

Who's he?

Fellow with
the dog named spike.

Oh, lord help us.

Uh, tell him
virgil here...

Uh, tell him
we're closed.


No, he called
about a m*rder.

A m*rder?

Did he commit it?

No, sir.

Well, I don't think so.
I forgot to ask.

It might have been
an important question, parker.

Yes, sir. This is
where the body's at.

Uh...uh, bubba.

Is anybody out there?

I called him.

Yes, sir?


Peake is already
out here.

You better
go out there, too.

a reported homicide
out in the country.

Virgil here's been told
not to get himself all fussed.

Oh, well...

Then you better
keep your feet
kicked up there.

Relax yourself.

Bubba will take care
of the running around

That might
become necessary

time to time.

Thanks for helping me
to remain stress-free.

Thanks, willson.

Now, I'm telling you,

My grandma's the only one
who calls me willson.

Well, I can't
call you sweet.

I mean, we just met.

sweet is something
you work up to...



Um...so, regina,

You going to be staying
in sparta a while?

I don't know.
It depends.





Oh! It's so good
to see you!



Well, you always
did work fast.

Excuse me?

You're in town
two minutes

And happen
to latch onto sweet.

See? I told you.

calls me sweet.

For good reason, too.

go on.

I know
how you feel.

Althea, there's
a word for
people like you.



Close enough.


I got to get back
to the apartment.

Regina, you promised
to help me paint the trim.

I'll remember,

Uh, sweet...

If you're not up
to cooking tonight,

We're having dinner
at 7:00.

She's right about you.
You are a nudge.

And, uh...
I'll see y'all at 7:00.

[Bubba] is this
how you found him?

Now, randy,

When exactly was it

That you found
that body there?

Well, sir, it was
my dog spike found him

Half an hour ago.

'Course, spike
couldn't call you.

I had to do that part.

I'm glad you took over,

Did you happen
to see anybody
acting suspicious?

Suspicious? Yeah.

Well, you know,

You didn't touch
nothing, did you?

Like what?

Oh, you mean the body?

Well, sh**t, no.

But juanita here
sniffed him.

Juanita? I thought
that was spike.



Oh, yeah.

I get him mixed up with his
mother. This is spike.


I wonder what happened
to this man's wallet.

That's a good
question, randy.

That man
don't have no i.d.,

He's got no watch,
he's got nothing.

Neither do i.


Pete, call that
crime unit van
to get here pronto.

We'll need some
casts for those
tire tracks.


What you got
in the bag, randy?


Scraped it off
the road, huh?



This is your room.


Nice, nice, nice.

Oh, no, that's o.k.

I'll put this away

Still locking up
that diary, huh?

Yeah, I'm still funny
about it.

Didn't you give that up?

Nope. I don't
have much stuff
for it anymore,

But I continue
the ritual.

Regina, you look great.

It's been so long.
I was surprised
to hear from you.

But I never was
good about
keeping in touch,

Was i, althea?

No. But I guess
I wasn't, either.

So, who's the new guy
in your life?



It's not a question
of old or new.

There's nobody?

I find that
very hard to believe.

Do you remember...

Back in school

When I asked for advice
on how to handle jeff?

And remember
he called you

And asked to talk to me
to ask me out?

What a jerk! What a jerk!

Oh, and what
did we do?

We both went
on the date...

At the same time.

Remember the look
on his face!

Oh, no.

Oh, althea.

You know what?

I wish we could
go back then.

We were so happy

So close.

Two orphans ready
to take on the world.

What's wrong with you?

You sounded a little
funny on the phone.

Oh, althea, I've really
done it this time.

What did you do?

I fell in love
with my boss.

Oh, he's so funny
and charming

And handsome and rich.

Oh, no.

And so married.


Well, you'll
get through it.

You always do.

That's what
I admired about you.

You're always
so resilient.

Yeah, that's me.
Tough as nails.

don't worry.

You'll get
back out there,

Knocking them

In no time.

My guess is,
the vehicle hit him
8 1/2 hours ago.

I'd say
it was more like 10.

Oh, really?

Well, what makes
you think so,
dr. Tibbs?

Well, it must have
happened at night.

Someone would have
seen a hit and run
during the daylight.

What was that?


It smells like motor oil.

Did you find something?



Thanks for your help,
dr. Robb.

Now, bubba,
I'm trying to get a fix
on this report.

Did this guy randy
see anybody out there,

Did he see a car, anything?

He says he didn't,
but, sh**t,

You know old randy.

What he says
and what he sees--
hell, who knows?

Is he a suspect?

He's a suspect,
but not of anything
that adds up.


I'm always surprised
at how many young
people in this county

Wind up that way.

Yes, sir. Luann...

These are the prints
from the john doe.

Run them through
missing persons.

sh**t a copy
up to philadelphia.

Ask for
sergeant rozzini.

Get him on the line.

Send these
to the crime lab.

Yes, sir. Thanks, luann.

Chief, they've moved
the body.

Probably in the trunk
of a car.

We found oil traces and
carpet fibers on the clothes.

You find any clues
as to who john doe is?

No, not really. But the coat
is from wanamaker's.

Well, he's from

Careful now, chief.
I'm wearing italian shoes.

But we both know-- mr. Tibbs...

Sergeant rozzini's
on line three.

Thank you, luann.

Tom, virgil tibbs here.

Oh, yeah, I'm managing
to stay awake all right.

I'm sending you up
some prints on a john doe.

See if you can
match them up.

Uh, it's just a hunch.


Anything you can find.

O.k. Thanks.

Oh, damn.
I lost track of time.

Althea is going to k*ll me
if I'm late.

Wait a minute now.

Watch that stress.

[Breathing deeply]

Two guys were trying
to pick us up.

Althea said
her name was helga

And I was agatha.

The poor guys
were convinced

We were doing
undercover work

For the united
states government.

Those poor guys,

Obviously no match
for you two.

Yeah, well, most weren't
in those days.

Things change, though.

Anyway, I'm finished
playing those kinds
of games.

I'm glad.

I mean, I've never been
really good at them myself.

We can't wait
on my husband all night.

No telling how long he'll be
once he's on a case.

Right, sweet? Yeah...

He could be caught

Listening to the chief's
animal stories.

Wherever he is,
he's late. Dinner's ready.

Come on, you two.

Hey! Oh, hi, babe.

We almost started
without you.

I'm sorry.

I'm sure sweet here's
been keeping you entertained.

Regina! My, my, my.

It's been a long time. It sure has.

You look great. Thank you.

Your chief
working you overtime?

Not when I have important
dinner guests waiting.

And still waiting.
So, what do you think?

Well, sweet!
You're a fast worker.

I mean, she's only in town
for, what, one day?

you're out to dinner.

Didn't know you had it in you.

Your wife set it up.

Oh. Anyway, you're missing
a very interesting case.

We have a john doe,
apparently hit and run.

No leads? We're working on it.

Virgil, no business
during dinner.

I am so sorry, regina,

But that type of talk
is a bad habit here.

I apologize for it.

Forget it,

I've already
forgotten it.

God bless this food
in our house

And make us ever mindful
of the needs of others.

"I don't know why
I got involved with nathan.

"But one thing I knew...

"I'd never be rid of him...

Not unless...
I got rid of him."

I want you
and the money.

This money means
so much to you...

It's all yours.

That clock tower
was built in 1884.

And behind us
is sparta's own
civil w*r general--

of course.

Of course.

And that concludes
our southern history
lesson today.

Why don't we go over
to the police station

And see if virgil and sweet
would like to
join us for lunch?

Let's sit down
for a moment.

You seem
a little tired.

You sleeping o.k.?

Had some dreams.

But it's sweet
I'm concerned about.

he's so sweet

And he is a little younger
than we are.

But sweet's very mature.

It's not that,

I didn't quite tell you
the whole truth

About my relationship
with that married man.

No, but I knew you would
when you were ready.

It wasn't his marriage
that broke us up.

He made me
some promises

That I naively
wanted to believe,
and, well...

He was caught
embezzling funds

From the company
we worked for.

What happened?

He couldn't face
what was coming, and...

What was coming
was the worst--

Loss of everything
and everybody...

Plus jail.

He k*lled himself.


I had to get away.

I nearly went
out of my mind.

Honey, you need some time.

Don't worry about sweet.

He just wants
to be a friend.

He can even help you--

No, althea.

No. I'm sure he can't.

He can't help me.

But I like him.

God, I'd hate for him
to think badly of me. I...

Let's walk.

Just so you don't
think I'm a mean guy,

I called sweet and asked
if he needed help.

That make him happy?

He said he appreciated it,
but didn't need me.

I wonder what that's about?

Don't worry.

Sweet's making good use
of his time, fellas.

Oh, uh, detective,

That sergeant rozzini
from philadelphia called.

What did he say?

He's identified
that john doe.

His name's, uh,
nathan j. Baxter.

That was quick.

The fella
had a record.

Two arrests for
breaking and entering.

That's it?

He'll call back
if there's anything.

Good. Good.

Thanks, parker.

Yes, sir.


You feeling happy
this morning?

Yeah, I'm looking forward
to my annual fishing spree

In three days.

You're not
leaving me

With this case
unsolved, are you?

I sure am, unless
you get it solved
in time.

We're halfway there.

We've identified
the john doe.
He had a record.

Why was he in sparta?

we have to find
that out, obviously.

Excuse me, chief.

Guy at new horizon
car rentals

Wants someone to come
look in his trunk.

Why, is he
missing a spare?

No, sir.
He didn't say why.

You mean, a man just called

And said he wanted
a police officer

To look
in his trunk?

Then he hung up.

Why do these fast
and annoying phone calls

Always seem
to come through you?

Could it be the way
you interrogate people?

Well, sir...

I try not to take up
people's time unnecessarily.

Lord help me.

Who's over there by elm?
Is it sweet?

No. He's not on till
the afternoon shift.

Call bubba. Tell him
I said go find out

What's bothering
the guy.

Yes, sir.
Right on it.

That's blood, all right.

You just might
be right.

This isn't covered
by insurance.
I already checked.

Now, that'll
never come out.

This is going to mean
money out of the pocket.

I'm all tore up.

Who last rented
this car here?

I was off
when it was returned.

Any record of it?

Well, yes, of course.

Right inside.

What about this here?

Insurance will cover that.

Happens all the time.

I didn't think
it was important.



Pull up the invoice
on that out-of-state car.

We know what our
nationwide agencies
are doing

At the push
of a button.

Uh, actually,
it's four buttons...

And a code enter key.

Here we go.

Ah. Returned

Does this say
who returned it?

Let's see.

It was charged
to the account

Of a mr. Kenneth

Well, uh...

We got a...address
on ol' kenny there?

2100 E. 52Nd street,
philadelphia, pa.

Uh, I'm going to need
a phone number.

Of course.

Well, thank you, now.

I'm putting that car

Out of commission
for a while.

I got to dust it,
rip that carpet out,

And run some tests on it.



See if we can
write that off.

[Music plays]

You look like you're
in another world.

Paint fumes
getting to you?

No. I was
just thinking.

About what?

Oh, I was thinking...

I was thinking

About how a person can
make just one mistake

And ruin a life.

Yeah, I know
what you mean.

Like I almost
made the mistake

Of not offering you
a ride.

I'm serious.

You must meet people
like that every day.

You know, people
who've made mistakes?

born a criminal.

That's true.

Wouldn't it be

To be able to trace it
all back to one...

Uh, to one indiscretion?

Yeah, I suppose so. Uh...

I try not to think about
criminals when I'm off duty.

My grandfather used to play
this kind of music.

He won a dance contest


Wherever that is.

You always
seem so happy.

Yeah. Mostly, I guess.

Don't you ever
lose hope?

Just feel
like giving up?


Do you?

Yes, sometimes.

All hope.

Well, the next time
you feel that way,
come here.

Come to me.


I could be
onto something.

That rental car call?

Yeah? Well, I checked it out.

It may be connected
to your hit and run.

There was a dent on the hood

And when I walked around,
there was blood in the trunk.

I'm running a test
on the blood type

And sending some fibers
over to the lab.

Could be the car
they moved the body in?

Uh, yeah. Yeah.

Anything else,

Yeah. It was rented
to a fella named
kenneth fitzpatrick

Out of philadelphia.

Kenneth fitzpatrick? Mm-hmm.

Now, we've got casts
of the tire tracks

that crime scene.

Getting ready
to match them
with that rental car.

Uh, yeah.

Sergeant rozzini,


Virgil tibbs.

Look, what do you have
on a kenneth fitzpatrick?

Uh, that's right.

As a matter of fact,

I believe he may have
k*lled nathan baxter.

Yesterday morning.

Kenneth fitzpatrick is dead.

He committed su1c1de
two days ago

After his company traced
a missing 4 million to him.

Why'd you think of him?

A rental car
contract, tom.

Look, let me get to work
on this thing.

I'll call you back.

Yeah, please. Bye.

So what we've got
is a body
in the morgue,

Possibly carried
in a car trunk,

Rented to a man
also from philly.

A dead man.

Baxter could have been using
fitzpatrick's credit card

And may have
even k*lled him.

Yeah. Rented the car
and driven to sparta.

But the man couldn't
have run himself over,

Put himself
in the trunk,

And then dumped himself
alongside of a road.


I expect he needed
a little help with all that.



Oh, hi.

Yeah, sure.
I'll get her.

Althea, it's virgil.

I'll take it
up here. Thanks.

Hey. What's up?

I called to let you know
I'll be a little late.

probably going over
to sweet's, anyway.

When can I
expect you?

I don't know.

I mean, thea,
it's just...

I can't seem to put the pieces
of this puzzle together

In any way and make a picture.

The john doe?

No longer a john doe.

His name's nathan baxter.

At least you're
getting somewhere.

I guess.

He was apparently
stuffed in a car trunk

Rented to some guy
from philadelphia,

Some guy
who embezzled money,

Then committed su1c1de the day
before he rented the car.


What is it, babe?

Virgil, what was--[buzz]

There's another call.
I got to go.

Virgil, wait.

[Door closes]

Are you sure, thea?


No one's going to get hurt,
baby. I promise you.

What did your wife say?

Regina k*lled
nathan baxter.

Is she sure of that?

No way.

Regina could
never k*ll anybody.

They found the body
the day she arrived.

She had nathan baxter's wallet

And everything else
in her bag.

She's stolen
althea's car.

Go ahead, sweet.
Go with him.

Yes, sir.

Luann, get ahold
of peake and bubba.

Have them set up

The suspect's driving
mrs. Tibbs' car.

She may be
heading out of town.

This is bubba
at the jackson turnoff.

We have it covered.

Got you. Parker's
out on route 35.

Ok. Uh, look,

You keep me posted,
you hear?


She might already
be past us

Or out
some other way.

I really doubt that.

She don't know her way
around these back roads.

If she is heading
to a big town,

This is the way.

I can't believe this.

I know, but
there it is.

She could have left
any time,

But she stayed
right here.

Maybe she was waiting
to get caught.

No sign of
mrs. Tibbs' car yet.

Where could she be?we'll find her.

Careful. We're not sure
what we're looking for.

You think
she's armed?

We have to be ready.

She's committed m*rder.
Not with a g*n, but still...

I know where she is, virgil.

Let's go.



My god.

don't do this.

Regina! Wake up!

Wake up!


Regina! Regina!
Come on, wake up!

Luann, send an ambulance
to sweet's.

Right now.
We found regina.


Where is she?

She's swallowed
a lot of pills.

They're trying,
but we don't know
anything yet, baby.

It's a mistake.
Regina wouldn't
have done it.

No it isn't.
It's not a mistake,

But we don't know
anything yet.

She must have got
involved somehow
against her will.

It was too late.

There was nothing
we could do.

I'm sorry.

No, regina!

Regina's my friend!

All she had to do
was talk to me!

She wouldn't
have done this!

must have happened
to change that, baby.

She mentioned something
to me about, uh...


About tracing a life
back to one indiscretion.

"By now, you've
found the money.

"My first indiscretion.

"Unlike kenneth,
whom I truly loved...

"I couldn't face
the consequences.

"I did what he did.

"Tell sweet
that fate was cruel

To bring him
into my life so late."

Was that the last entry?

"I love you, althea.

"Your friend always...

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