01x27 - Crushing on Ami: The Boy Who Can See the Future

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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01x27 - Crushing on Ami: The Boy Who Can See the Future

Post by bunniefuu »

It's not fair to control an innocent
boy's mind against his will!

As long as the moon shines
in the night sky,

I will not overlook any evil deed!

I'm the sailor warrior
of love and justice!

In the name of the moon,
Sailor Moon will punish you!

I'm sorry I'm not straightforward,
I can say it in my dreams

My thoughts are about to short circuit,
I want to see you right now

Moonlight that makes me want to cry,
midnight that keeps me from calling

Because I'm so innocent, what should
I do? The heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the light of the moon

We will meet again and again

I count the sparkle of constellations
to foretell the future of my love

We were born in the same land,
miracle romance

I believe in it, miracle romance

Hi, I'm Usagi Tsukino.

As you know, I am the sailor warrior
of love and justice,

Sailor Moon!

At last, the fourth member of
our group appeared!

She's sweet and she's strong.

Makoto Kino is Sailor Jupiter!

With all four sailor warriors
together now,

it's like we're unbeatable now,
you know?

Love For Ami?!
A Boy Who Can Predicts The Future

There are a total of seven
rainbow crystals.

If we do not collect them all,

we cannot obtain the legendary
Silver Crystal.

I assume you are aware of this.

Yes, my lady.

Yes, we do have one
in our possession,

but another was taken by this
so-called Tuxedo Mask!

This is an appalling blunder.

I am terribly sorry.

Please do not worry, Queen Beryl.

He is certain to come after the
other rainbow crystals.

If we attack him then,

we will surely take back the
rainbow crystal from him.

Then, get a hold of the other
five rainbow crystals

at once.

Search them out so we can
revive our great ruler!

Safety + First

Safety + First
Danger Overhead


Miss Mizuno!

Pardon the inconvenience
Miss Mizuno!

Pardon the inconvenience

Pardon the inconvenience
Oh, Urawa. Good morning.

Good morning. Well...

What is it? Is something the matter?

Watch out!

Are you all right?! Are you injured?!

Juban Municipal Junior High School

It's the results of the midterm exam!

Tadao Matsumoto points
Minori Kajimoto points
Makoto Kino points
Naomi Takeda points
Usagi Tsukino points
Masahiro Ando points
Kazuo Komatsubara points

Tadao Matsumoto points
Minori Kajimoto points
Makoto Kino points
Naomi Takeda points
Usagi Tsukino points
Masahiro Ando points
Kazuo Komatsubara points
Wow! My grade is up!

Oh, my mom's gonna get
mad at me again.

Oh man, your grade is bad, Usagi.
You should study more.

You, too, Mako!

Tadao Matsumoto points
Minori Kajimoto points
Makoto Kino points
Naomi Takeda points
Usagi Tsukino points
Masahiro Ando points
Kazuo Komatsubara points
You, too, Mako!

Tadao Matsumoto points
Minori Kajimoto points
Makoto Kino points
Naomi Takeda points
Usagi Tsukino points
Masahiro Ando points
Kazuo Komatsubara points

Oh, this is depressing.

Who's this Ryo Urawa in the top spot?

Midterm Exam Results
Ryo Urawa
Ami Mizuno
Katsunori Sumizawa
Who's this Ryo Urawa in the top spot?

Midterm Exam Results
Ryo Urawa
Ami Mizuno
Katsunori Sumizawa

Ami's ranked second?!

Wow, I guess there's always
someone better.

Ami, you were so close!

I know. One more point would have
gotten me a perfect grade,

but I guess I still don't study enough.

She lives in a completely
different world than I do.

That kid who got a perfect score
in every subject

is in the same class as you, isn't he?

Yes, he is! He just transferred
to this school the other day!

Isn't it amazing how he did
so well so quickly?!

Oh, Urawa!

Miss Mizuno...

Summer Mock Test Results
Miss Ami Mizuno
Ranked # in the Nation

You should relax a little more.

Good luck!

Summer Mock Test Results
Miss Ami Mizuno
Ranked # in the Nation

Summer Mock Test Results
Miss Ami Mizuno
Ranked # in the Nation
Miss Mizuno...

Summer Mock Test Results
/ Miss Ami Mizuno /
Ranked # In The Nation

So, you do like Ami!

That's from when Ami ranked
number one in the nation, right?!

Have you had feelings for Ami
since that long ago?


I studied hard because my goal was to
be like Miss Mizuno and that's why...

I see, but you surpassed your goal.
Good going!

No, I'm not...

I just happened to be right about
what would be on the tests.

Miss Mizuno is far more
gifted than I am.

Miss Mizuno is far more
gifted than I am.

Miss Mizuno is far more
gifted than I am.


Besides, no matter how much
I care for Miss Mizuno...

No, it's nothing.

Here! Oh!
No, it's nothing.

I understand! Usagi will lend
you a helping hand!

Just leave it to me!

Miss Tsukino!

You should be careful
around water today.

What? Water?


sh**t! It was too late.

Oh, I'm so sorry!

Mamoru, where shall we go next?

Oh, right...

I'm getting a better idea about
my past, bit by bit,

but a lot of it is still unknown to me.

Do I have no choice, but to
become Tuxedo Mask

and get a hold of the legendary
Silver Crystal?


Oh, sorry. What did you say?

Mamoru, you've been
acting weird lately.

Did something happen?

No, it's nothing. Shall we go?

No, it's nothing. Shall we go?



Here, open it!

Is this for me?

Yeah, yeah!

It's not great, but isn't it so much
better than a newspaper clipping?

And she looks nice with that
sort of silly look on her face.

The Crescent Moon Wand is
responding! Could this boy be...

Thank you. I'll treasure this picture.

It's no problem at all.

So anyway, when are you going
to tell Ami that you like her?

Well, when I learned that I would
be transferring to this school,

I made up my mind.

That if I could do better in school
than her, I'd tell her how I feel!

That means you can do it
any day now, right?

Oh, but...

All right, when Ami gets out
of cram school tonight,

Usagi will bring her to you!

So, be ready!

Excuse me...

Miss Usagi!

Ice Cream Sodas
Parlor Bear

Miss Mizuno...

So, this boy is one of the
great Seven Monsters,

who possesses a rainbow crystal.

OK Cram School

OK Cram School
Hey, Usagi.

Hey, Usagi.

I've been meaning to say this
for a long time now, but...

OK Cram School

OK Cram School
What is it?

OK Cram School
What is it?

OK Cram School



Oh, Usagi, what are you doing here?

I want you to come with me for a bit.

Let's go, Ami!

Let's go, Ami!


I've been waiting to see you, boy.

So, you're Zoisite?!


How do you know my name?
Explain yourself.

Ever since I was a kid, I've had
the power to predict the future.

And my power's been getting
stronger these days.

Thanks to that, I've also
figured out who I am.

An identity that I never
wanted to know about.

Then that simplifies things.

Now, turn into one of the greatest
monsters and kneel before me.


I'd rather die

than become a pawn for the Devil!


Be a good boy and just surrender.

Hurry, hurry!

That's Zoisite!

Oh, no! Urawa's being att*cked!

Both of you, transform now!

Moon Prism Power Makeup!

Mercury Power Makeup!

Stop right there!


As long as the moon hangs
in the night sky,

I will not overlook any evil deed!

I'm the sailor warrior of love
and justice, Sailor Moon!

Likewise, Sailor Mercury!

We have arrived!

Are you planning to stop me?

Mercury, take Urawa somewhere safe.


I don't have time to play with you.


Huh? What the?

I think we've come far enough
that we'll be safe here.

Thank you for rescuing me,
Miss Mizuno.


Why does he know my name?

Oh, how far did Mercury go?

Hey, Sailor Moon!

If you use the Crescent Moon Wand,

you'll be able to find both Urawa
and Sailor Mercury.

They'll definitely be where it responds!

What are you saying?!

That's like saying Urawa is a
rainbow crystal monster!

He is!


If you don't hurry, Sailor Mercury
will be in danger.

Are you sure about this?



It's a picture of me.

It happened again.

It seems like you were having
a bad dream.

It was not a dream. I was seeing what
would happen in the future.


I have a strange power that allows
me to predict the future.

That's why I was able to get
perfect scores on those exams.

What are you talking about?

You don't need to hide it
from me, Miss Mizuno.

I have idolized you for
a long time now,

but we are fated to fight one another!

You don't believe me?

Well, I don't know.

Because everything you've said
is completely off the mark.

And you're mistaking me
for Miss Mizuno.

I see. If you say so,
I will leave it at that, but...

But what?

If I turn into a monster,

please do not hesitate to k*ll me!

Because that, at least,
seems to be real.

Urawa, the future is yours to create!

If you give up, everything will happen
just as you think it will.

But as long as you have
faith in yourself,

you should be able to create
any future for yourself.

Miss Mizuno... No...

Sailor Mercury...

My, my, what an open display
of affection.

Do you think you can get away
from the Black Crystal?


Oh, you're so protective.

But I wonder if you'll still do the same

when you see the boy's true form?


Look very carefully!

At the monster Bunbo, one of the
great Seven monsters.

Go, monster Bunbo!
Defeat that sailor warrior!




The future is yours to create!


This guy still has the heart of human!

Monster Bunbo, your opponent
is the sailor warrior!

Now, get the rainbow crystal
back from her!



It's not fair to control an innocent
boy's mind against his will!

I think you're misunderstanding!
That is the boy's true form!

You'll never get away with it!

In the name of the moon,
I will punish you!

Sailor Moon! Please turn Urawa
back into himself first!


Moon Healing Escalation!


Why didn't he change back?!

It's no use, Sailor Moon!

He's completely being controlled
by the evil power right now!

To restore him, you need to
weaken his energy first!

We just have to do it, Sailor Moon!

If I turn into a monster, please
do not hesitate to k*ll me!

Don't worry, Urawa.

We'll make sure to restore you
to your old self.







We almost missed our chance
to be in the spotlight.

No kidding.



Sailor Moon, now's our chance!
Hurry! Please help Urawa!

Moon Tiara Action!


The monster's powers have been
weakened! Now, Sailor Moon!

Moon Healing Escalation!



Just you remember this!

Urawa, are you all right?

Miss Mizuno...

So, the third rainbow crystal has
gone to the sailor warriors.

I will quietly take my leave for today.

You're transferring again?
You sure don't settle down much.

Well, I have to go wherever
my dad's work takes him.

So it can't be helped.

And we'd just gotten
to be friends, too.

Um, Miss Mizuno...

Ryo, you can just call me, Ami.

Miss Ami, I want to return this to you.

Oh, sh**t!
Miss Ami, I want to return this to you.

Oh, sh**t!

When I get a better score than you
with my own abilities,

I'll come back for that picture.


I like that picture better,
so take that with you.

Don't worry about grades.
Come and see me anytime, Ryo.

During the day,
the fragrance of flowers

During the night,
the twinkle of the stars

It's a world no one knows about

With white shoes clicking

Cross the white moon bridge

And there lives a princess,
dreaming of a sweet kiss

Offer a prayer to the moon

It will surely bring you happiness

Go round and round,
the moon's merry-go-round

Make that serene dress made of glass
flutter in the wind

She's always watching over us

Moon, moon princess
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