01x31 - Love and Chased: Luna's Worst Day Ever

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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01x31 - Love and Chased: Luna's Worst Day Ever

Post by bunniefuu »

Autumn, it is the season for maidens.

That goes for earthworms,
mole crickets,

pond skaters, and even Rei.

Everyone! Everyone falls in love!

Anyone who gets in the way of human
love, or rather, animal love...

In the name of SPCA, Sailor
Moon will punish you!

I'm sorry I'm not straightforward,
I can say it in my dreams

My thoughts are about to short circuit,
I want to see you right now

Moonlight that makes me want to cry,
midnight that keeps me from calling

Because I'm so innocent, what should
I do? The heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the light of the moon

We will meet again and again

I count the sparkle of constellations
to foretell the future of my love

We were born in the same land,
miracle romance

I believe in it, miracle romance

I'm Usagi Tsukino.

As you know, I'm a sailor warrior of
love and justice, Sailor Moon.

But it's not easy, you know.

I have to get a hold of the
legendary Silver Crystal

before the bad guys get it,

but to do that, I have to find the
seven rainbow crystals!

Oh, man. But anyhow, we've got
four sailor warriors now,

so it'll work out somehow.

Loved and Chased!
Luna's Worst Day Ever

No need for Heaven and Earth

Rhett Butler!

Rhett Butler!

I was so worried about you!

He definitely doesn't look
like a Rhett Butler.

Well, well...

So, this little girl possesses
a rainbow crystal?

The seventh rainbow crystal
should be easy to obtain.

You certainly got dragged
into a terrible mess.

No kidding.

I've got nothing to do with turf
wars among stray cats.

Hi there!

Thanks for waiting.

Oh? Where's Rei?

What? Oh, well...

She said she wanted to go on
a date because it's Sunday.


Hello, this is Chiba.

Hello? It's Rei!

I am not at home right now.

Please leave a message
after the beep.

Oh, no...
Please leave a message
after the beep.

Oh, hello? This is Rei.

Well, actually I found a very unusual
cake at a certain shop,

and I was wondering if you'd
want to try it with me.

The cake is called tiramisu.

I might not look it, and
I don't mean to brag,

The seventh rainbow crystal...
I might not look it, and
I don't mean to brag,

The seventh rainbow crystal...
but I'm very hip and know what's new.

But I'm very hip and know what's new.

I will get it no matter what.
Oh, what am I saying?
I'm just so nervous.

Oh, what am I saying?
I'm just so nervous.

What in the world are you doing?

I'm looking for the seventh
rainbow crystal.

What? The Crescent Moon Wand
hasn't responded at all.

That's why we're using the
computer to narrow down

where the seventh crystal might be.

We finally got the data to do that.





The data input has finished.

This is where the seventh
rainbow crystal must be.


So, the rainbow crystal is somewhere
near that house?

Yes, it should be.

Oh, I didn't know that cat
lived at this house.

Okay, let's go.

Oh, I'll just wait here.

What's wrong?

What's wrong?


Luna, this is an important mission!

You should be more aware of that!

Excuse me. I am not that ugly.


Oh, it doesn't really matter.

I'm sure even Luna has days when
she doesn't feel up to it.

Oh, fine, meow.

Then, wait there for a bit, okay?

Don't go anywhere!

Yes, Ma'am.

Honestly! Usagi takes every
opportunity she can...

Oh, no!

Tadahisa Kohara


Oh, I'm sorry to bother you.
Is your mother or father home?

Oh, I'm sorry to bother you.
Is your mother or father home?

Both of them won't be home
until the evening.

The Wand is responding.

That little girl is a monster?

Oh, no, you can't!

Come back, Rhett Butler!

Rhett Butler?

Under Construction

Now, time to take the rainbow crystal.

Why?! Why isn't the rainbow
crystal appearing?!


So, that ugly cat is the monster!

I cannot believe I missed that!

The final great Monster wasn't
reborn as a human!

That's as far as you go!

Now that we're here, we won't
let you have your way!

We won't let such an innocent young
girl become a monster!

In the name of the moon,
I will punish you!




Sailor Moon, you're in my way!

What do you want me to do?

I changed my mind.

I'm too busy to play with you guys.

You're not getting away!


Wait a minute!

We'll all be electrocuted!

What is this rotten smell?

Is that ugly cat really somewhere
around here?

This is why I hate monsters
that aren't human.

Oh, no!

This may be the toughest ordeal
I have ever faced!

But where has Luna gone?

Yeah! She's so undependable!

Where in the world is she goofing
off at this critical time?!

Knowing Luna, I'm sure that's not it.

Maybe something's happened to her.


There's a cartridge of the Sailor V
game over here!


Right when Zoisite could be back
any moment to attack us.

But I can't believe such a little
girl has a rainbow crystal.

We absolutely cannot let this
girl turn into a monster.

It's close. It's getting close.

That ugly cat is very close by.

It's warm...

It's a horde of rats!

Jubancho Shopping District

Oh, where could Mamoru have gone?

It's such a nice Sunday, too.

Miss Rei!


Japanese Boy
I Am Beautiful

Japanese Boy
I Am Beautiful
Oh, that's right. You're off
today, too, aren't you?

Oh, that's right. You're off
today, too, aren't you?

Yes, but I have nothing to do.

Now's Your Chance!
Yes, but I have nothing to do.

Now's Your Chance!
How about going for tea or
something together?

How about going for tea or
something together?

Autumn Fragrance
How about going for tea or
something together?

Autumn Fragrance

Autumn Fragrance
Oh, well, I don't know.

Autumn Fragrance

You're Going To Take That?!

You're Going To Take That?!
What was I thinking?

You're Going To Take That?!
Of course, a wonderful girl like you

You're Going To Take That?!
Wouldn't have lots of spare
time on her hands.

Wouldn't have lots of spare
time on her hands.

Well, something like that.

I understand. Well, I'll be going then.

Oh, excuse me...

What was that? He's so restless.

It's like "Gone with the Wind."

There's no exit anywhere!

Today is not my lucky day!
It's all because you...

What's this? You hurt your leg.

Did you hurt yourself while
you were saving me?

You went through all that
just to save me?

Do you have a crush on
me or something?

Hey, now...



I've found you! The seventh
great Monster!

What?! You have one of
the rainbow crystals?!

Hurry! He won't be able
to follow us in here!

You're not getting away from me!

What is that?!

The rainbow crystal is mine!

Oh, no! Run faster!

It's the exit!

I should've gone on a date
with Yuichiro.

It's Luna.

With her boyfriend, I see.
Well, great for her.

Gag! What the hell is that?!

Oh! The Crescent Moon Wand
isn't responding!

Why didn't I notice this earlier?

That means this girl isn't involved.

Then, why was it responding earlier?

Could it be...

That's right! It was responding
to that cat!

It's game over!

Run faster!

Turn a misfortune into a blessing.

Hi. All's well that ends well, I guess.

Fire Soul!

I'm a sailor warrior of love
and justice, Sailor Mars!

I have arrived!

I won't let you interfere
with their love!

Even if they're cats,
love is still love!


The fire of passion is burning!
The fire of justice is burning!

Anybody who gets in the way of love,

or rather, the love between beasts...

In the name of Mars, Sailor
Mars will chastise you!

You're such a dummy.


Consider the situation before
you start posing!

This time, I will be sure to take
the rainbow crystal!

Rhett Butler!

Rhett Butler!

Now, finish them off, great Monster!

There aren't so many of them today,

so it should be an easy victory!

Oh, ouch!

The last rainbow crystal is mine.

Damn you, Tuxedo Mask!
Stop right there!

I said, stop!

Oh, no, it's heading towards the town!




No, no, no, no! No!
Please stay there!

I'll get you back to the way you
were soon, I promise!


Rhett Butler...

Don't worry.

Usagi will restore you to
the way you were.

So, they are lovers,
just as I thought.



No! How could she ruin the mood?!

Sailor Jupiter!

Thank you for waiting!

What were you doing?! You're late!

I'm sorry, it's because I wasn't
paying attention.

Oh, it has nothing to
do with the fact

that Usagi was playing a video game!

That's right! It wasn't
Usagi's fault at all!

Oh, boy. You're not helping at all.

Hey, this is no time for
stand-up comedy!

Oh, right. Okay!

Moon Healing Escalation!


Good grief.

I was so worried about you,
Rhett Butler!

She looks so happy.
I was so worried about you,
Rhett Butler!

She looks so happy.

Luna, are you sure you don't need to
say good-bye to your boyfriend?

What?! Luna has hooked
up with that cat?!

Don't be ridiculous!

Woohoo! You go, Luna!

Honestly! Not you, too, Usagi.

Don't just make things up, okay?

Hey, now...

During the day,
the fragrance of flowers

During the night,
the twinkle of the stars

It's a world no one knows about

With white shoes clicking

Cross the white moon bridge

And there lives a princess,
dreaming of a sweet kiss

Offer a prayer to the moon

It will surely bring you happiness

Go round and round, the moon's

Make that serene dress made
of glass flutter in the wind

She's always watching over us

Moon, moon princess
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