01x37 - Let's Become a Princess: Usagi's Bizarre Training

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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01x37 - Let's Become a Princess: Usagi's Bizarre Training

Post by bunniefuu »

Holy cow! A seminar on how
to become a princess?!

That's practically like a seminar
made just for me!

Sophisticated conversation,
elegant manners

and a brilliant grand ball!

But an evil shadow appears in this
beautiful garden of flowers!

On behalf of the ladies,
I shall punish you!

I'm sorry I'm not straightforward,
I can say it in my dreams

My thoughts are about to short circuit,
I want to see you right now

Moonlight that makes me want to cry,
midnight that keeps me from calling

Because I'm so innocent, what should
I do? The heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the light of the moon

We will meet again and again

I count the sparkle of constellations
to foretell the future of my love

We were born in the same land,
miracle romance

I believe in it, miracle romance

Aim to be a Princess?
Usagi's Weird Training

I'm late! I'm late!

It's the same, every single morning.

Oh, Naru, good morning!

Good morning!

You overslept, too, didn't you?

Come on, I'm not you. I was
doing my homework.

We had homework?!

Homework, nothing! Science, math,
English, social studies...

Also, a report for Japanese class.

And the last one was embroidery
for home economics.

I don't care anymore.

Wow, a cool-Iooking guy!

Who are they?

What? Don't you know?


Those girls are attending the "Princess
Seminar" at Rose Mansion.

Rose Mansion is where Countess
Rose lives, right?

The lady who moved here
from England recently?

Yes, I hear Countess Rose is a famous
aristocrat back in England.

And some well-off parents
have asked her

to provide their daughters with
a princess's education.

A princess's education?!

It's supposed to turn you into a
sophisticated lady with grace.

We're late!

Let's see. Your homework yesterday

was to translate page of
your textbook, correct?

was to translate page of
your textbook, correct?

Princess Serenity!

Oh, how beautiful she is!

Not only that, she is also graceful
and refined.

She is truly a princess
among princesses.

Princess, may I ask you for a dance?


Did you do your homework?!

Quiet! How dare you address
a princess so?!

Oh, pardon me! Princess,
please forgive me!

It feels so good!

Wake up.

Miss Tsukino!

How dare you address a princess so?

Are you still half-asleep?

So, you forgot your homework?

Well, that is, how should I say this?

Get out!

I need to stop acting like this.

I need to be more aware
of myself as a princess!

That's my girl! Good of you
to have noticed that!

Because otherwise, Tuxedo Mask
won't dance with me at the ball!

What is that about?


you will assist Kunzite,
defeat Sailor Moon,

and steal back the Silver Crystal.

I refuse! I will not join forces
with anybody.

I will do things my way.

I will also do things my own way.

That will be fine, too.

Bring me Sailor Moon's corpse
and the Silver Crystal

as soon as possible.

Yes, my lady. I already have
a plan in motion.


Code name . This is Luna.

My secret password is "The rabbit
on the moon makes rice cakes."

Please respond.

"The moon rice cakes are sticky."

"When I grilled them, they puffed up."

What is wrong, Luna?

Yes, well, Usagi seems to lack
awareness as a princess,

so I am at a loss of what to do.

That is a difficult question. Oh, sh**t...

Oh, Artemis...

You've found out, huh?

Well, the communication device
isn't working well today.

So, you were the one giving me
orders all this time?!

Yeah, kind of.

Why didn't you ever tell me?!

Well, you never asked until now.

So, I just sort of kept on going.


Now, let us read aloud some of
Frances Hineck's poems today.

I am sunken in darkness

and the golden arrow that reaches me

is a letter from someone dear to me.

A kind poison tips the arrow

and I am a prisoner of love
who does not know what to do.

That's a pretty good poem.

What's wrong?!

Those are cheesecakes from Chalbon!
They're so lucky!


Miss, if you have business here,

please come in through the front gate.

Um, well, uh, that is...

May I help you?

Well, I want to attend the
Princess Seminar, too,

is sort of what I was thinking...

I am sorry, but you must have an
introduction from a member.

Introduction... Well, I was
introduced to this by her!

I do not think we can accept
an introduction from a cat.

You are a funny young lady.

Why not? Even if it is through
an introduction from a cat.


You talk sense!

You talk sense!

It would be fun to have at least
one unique person.

However, I have one condition.

Condition? But I'm no good at

tea ceremonies, flower
arrangements, cooking,

sewing, cleaning and even
dressing in a kimono.

On the top of that, I'm not good
at school, either! So...

It is quite impressive when there is
so much you cannot do.

Edward, if you please.

Yes, Ma'am.

Here you are.

The Countess's hobby is throwing
a frisbee around.

So, anyone who wants to take
the Princess Seminar

must be good with one.

Yes! I'm really good with these things!

Here it goes!

Oh, my.

Oh, my!


That was brilliant! Please join
the Princess Seminar.

I did it!

Wow, so Usagi went to Rose Mansion

in order to become a princess.

She'll come running back soon enough.

But I admire her for actively trying
to become a princess.

I just hope she turns into
a proper princess.

But what does it mean to be
"a proper princess"?


Can't Usagi just stay the way
she is right now?

Of course not!

She has to be recognizable
as a princess

no matter who looks at her!

Why's that?

Listen, unless she becomes
a proper princess,

the Silver Crystal won't activate
its true powers!

Say, why don't we keep
Usagi company?

Good idea!

They are such impulsive girls.

Here, it is! Okay!

Oh, pardon me.

Oh, you are so good.

Everyone's so refined.


If doing this can turn me into a
princess, it's a piece of cake!

Is this what you wanted,

Master Kunzite?

Sailor Moon's specialty,
"Moon Tiara Action",

is similar to that game.

And she is a certified klutz.

In other words, the girl who
is good at that game,

but too clumsy to graduate from
the Princess Seminar

is Sailor Moon, correct?

But will such a Sailor Moon

actually fall for our trap, I wonder?

She will. That is exactly the kind
of person Sailor Moon is.


This dress is so tight!

I've gotta admire them.


Now, ladies, let us all eat.

I'm so hungry!

No, you must not slurp.

Oh, okay.

No! Try one more time!

Again! Without slurping!

I didn't know eating would be
this hard!

A princess's speech is more
important than anything else.

In particular, speaking formally
is extremely important.

Let us make sure to speak
elegantly, courteously,

appropriately and with refinement.

Then, let me ask somebody
to demonstrate.

This is the same as school.
Then, let me ask somebody
to demonstrate.

This is the same as school.
How about you, Miss?

How about you, Miss?


What do you say when you
offer coffee to your guest?

What? Well, um, that is...

Would you please care to have
some coffee, if you would...

please... if you will?

You do not need to add such frills
to your speech.

In this case, "Please, have some
coffee," would do fine.

How would I know?!

Gracefully. Gracefully, now.
Un, deux, trios.

In synch with the music, now.
In synch.

This will be the last class for
the Princess Seminar.

If I pat you on your shoulder,
you have graduated.

You're on my foot!

Oops, sorry!

Oh, this is Hell!

You certainly never change.

You're all here?!

It's not fair to go off on
your own like that.

That's right.
It's not fair to go off on
your own like that.

We're here to keep you company.

Well, I guess everyone has
at least one good point.

Everybody has something
they're not good at.

I can do anything but dance.

I'm not good at doing anything.

Maybe I can't be a princess
at this rate.

You have passed.

You have passed.


All ladies who have graduated,
please come to another room.

I shall give you your certificate
of graduation.

See you.

We failed.

This is rather eerie.

It's hard to believe they're not real.

You are correct.

The wax figures here all
used to be real ladies.


A monster!

I am the monster, Shakoukai!

Hello. I am very pleased to meet you!

Hey, did you just hear something?

Something must have happened
to Ami and Mako.

Let's go and check!

A monster!

It's a monster!



I am so sorry; you failed
the Princess Seminar!

One of you three should be
Sailor Moon,

but I wonder which one?



Because it would be impossible

for the clumsy, stupid, scatterbrained,
common Sailor Moon

to graduate from the Princess Seminar.

I see!

She's pretty shrewd!

Hey, this is no time to be impressed!

I shall turn you into wax figures!

Watch out!

I cannot see anything!


Moon Prism Power Makeup!

Mars Power Makeup!

Venus Power Makeup!

Would you please get out of my way?!

Where have those three ladies gone?!

I'll never forgive you for
failing Sailor Moon!

I'm a sailor warrior of love
and justice, Sailor Moon!

Likewise, Sailor Mars!

Sailor Venus!

In the name of the moon,

we will punish you!

So, as I thought, one of those three
ladies was Sailor Moon.

Then, please take this!

I'll just burn that!



Crescent Beam!

Neither the Crescent Beam
nor the Fire Soul works!

It doesn't look like my Moon
Tiara Action will work either!

I believe you will make
excellent wax figures!

Oh, no! I like figurines, but I don't
want to become one!

This rose!

Could it be...

Good work, Shakoukai.

Master Endymion.

Tuxedo Mask, you came to
rescue us, didn't you?!

Tuxedo Mask...

Sailor Moon, give me
the Silver Crystal.

If you do, I will let you live.

Those were not Master
Kunzite's orders...

What will it be, Sailor Moon?

Tuxedo Mask? This can't be happening.

Wake up, Sailor Moon!

This Tuxedo Mask is different from
the Tuxedo Mask we know!

Come, now!

Endymion, do not meddle
in affairs not your own!

What might you be talking about?

I have been running this operation.

I will kindly ask you to stay out of it.

The important thing is to obtain
the Silver Crystal. That is all.


Excuse me, what should I...

k*ll Sailor Moon!

Wait! The Silver Crystal comes first!

No! Sailor Moon comes first!

No, it's the Silver Crystal.

No, Sailor Moon!

No, the Silver Crystal!
No, Sailor Moon!

No, the Silver Crystal!

No, the Silver Crystal!
No, you're wrong!

No, you're wrong!

Whose order should I follow?

Ta-da! You must be so tired.

Would you please care to have
some coffee, if you would?

You do not need to add such frills
to your speech.

This is my chance!

Moon Healing Escalation!


So, she was Countess Rose!

I will restore Tuxedo Mask
with my power!

Moon Healing...

Sailor Moon, I will leave the
Silver Crystal in your keeping

until we meet again.


Tuxedo Mask...

Where is the monster?

Oh, what were we...

Tuxedo Mask...

I'm late! I'm late!

You're still doing the same thing!

Because, I made up my mind!

Huh? About what?

I'm going to aim to be my
own kind of princess!

See ya!

She's talking complete nonsense again.

During the day, the
fragrance of flowers

During the night, the
twinkle of the stars

It's a world no one knows about

With white shoes clicking

Cross the white moon bridge

And there lives a princess,
dreaming of a sweet kiss

Offer a prayer to the moon

It will surely bring you happiness

Go round and round, the
moon's merry-go-round

Make that serene dress made
of glass flutter in the wind

She's always watching over us

Moon, moon princess
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