02x49 - For Whom is the White Rose? The Moonlight Knight Appears

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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02x49 - For Whom is the White Rose? The Moonlight Knight Appears

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm sorry I'm not straightforward,
I can say it in my dreams

My thoughts are about to short circuit,
I want to see you right now

Moonlight that makes me want to cry,
midnight that keeps me from calling

Because I'm so innocent, what should
I do? The heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the light of the moon

We will meet again and again

I count the sparkle of constellations
to foretell the future of my love

We were born in the same land,
miracle romance

I believe in it, miracle romance

Finally, we got a new hero!
His name is Sir Moonlight Knight!

Whenever Sailor Moon needs help,
he appears like a whirlwind!

Oh, it's not the time to talk
about that right now!

Hey, you monster,

in the name of the moon,
Sailor Moon will punish you!

For Whom is the White Rose?
The Moonlight Knight Appears

For Whom is the White Rose?
The Moonlight Knight Appears
For Whom is the White Rose?
The Moonlight Knight Appears

For Whom is the White Rose?
The Moonlight Knight Appears

Please, Ami! Please have pity
for this lost little bunny.

Predict what's going to be on
tomorrow's test! Please!


Thanks, Ami!

Even if I were to give you
the answers right now,

if you don't understand them,
you'll be in trouble later.

But the test from Hell is tomorrow,
and I've been failing everything.

I'm feeling like "a drowning man
will grasp at a rope"!

Usagi, it's a straw, not a rope.

Usagi, I think you're asking
too much of her.

Then, why did you come
with me, Mako?!

Oh, well, I figured if I asked Ami,

I'd be all set for tomorrow's test, too!

Usagi! Mako! We'll be in the
ninth grade next year!

We have to be more responsible!

I should be ashamed of myself.

Well, I'll worry about it when
I become a ninth grader.



Mako, don't come!

Oh, Shinozaki!


Mako! Mako!






Shinozaki! Shinozaki!

Please let us through!

Hurry, we need type O blood!

Head nurse, we don't have
enough type O blood!

Find more quickly!

Yes, ma'am!

Oh, I'm type O.
Please take some of mine!

We don't have a moment to lose!
Please hurry.


Juban Odyssey

A spinning wheel that spins people's
happiness and unappiness.

No one can stop the turning of fate.

Well, we managed to survive today.

It was an easy victory.

But En, we shouldn't get too confident.

Remember those beautiful
sailor warriors, who...

Remember those beautiful
sailor warriors, who...


Terrible enemies have appeared,
five of them.

Everyone on this Earth is our enemy.

Yes. We must take care that no one
here finds out who we really are.

You're the only one I can depend on.

You too, En.

Mako, are you okay?

If you get anemic, I can switch.

Thank you, both of you.

There's a test tomorrow.
You two go on home.

Don't worry. I study hard everyday,

so I don't need to cram the
night before a test.

Me, too.

Even if I cram tonight, it won't make
any difference anyway.


who is he?

Someone important to me.



Whenever I need someone,
he's always there.

That's him.

I don't remember exactly,

but it was when I was dumped
by my boyfriend.

Who knows how many times
I got dumped before that?

Even now, the memory is glittering
in the town at twilight.

Yes, ever since then

Whenever I see someone
that looks like you

My heart starts pounding

No matter how many times
I fall in love

It never worked out in the end

It's not your fault, I'm sorry

It must be something to do with
the rain that just started

There are as many loves as stars

But I still love you

The person who gently put an
umbrella over my head

was Shinozaki, my childhood friend.

Ever since I was little,

whenever I was in pain or
having a hard time,

he was always there when I looked up.

It was the same thing tonight.

He tried to save me when he was
the one in danger.

In short, both of you are
really in love?


No, but maybe he's far, far more
precious to me than even a lover.


I'll do it, too! I'll restore Mamoru's
memory with my power!

Sorry for interrupting your studies,

but we decided to get together
tomorrow after school

at the Hikawa Shrine to talk about
what happened today.

Hey, are you listening?!

The test is tomorrow!

I bet you're going to fail again.

Mako, I hope Shinozaki
gets better soon.

Hikawa Shrine

We've found out that the enemy's
going after human life energy.

The Dark Kingdom was destroyed.

So, we should assume that
these recent incidents

mean a new evil has appeared.

This evil aura... It's different from
the ones before.

It seems like this could be related
to that incident

two weeks ago when that strange
light plummeted to Earth.

It doesn't matter who they are!

I will bring them down with
my bare hands!

Okay, but please don't bring
down my house!

How is Shinozaki doing?

He's still in bed, and
he can't get up yet.

I see.

But Usagi sure is late.

She does have that test, so she's
studying at home...

Uh, I guess there's no way
she's doing that.

No way!

I'm late! I'm such an idiot!

That's... Again?! Didrt she learn
anything from last time?

Mamoru, there's a wonderful disco
in the next town over.

Let's go there together.

Disco? You're pretty strange for
a young person these days.

Then, how about karaoke?
I am very good at it.

In the moonlight, I look up
at the sky...

Is something wrong?

Hey, stop right there!

Dumpling head, what's with
the angry look?

Mamoru, please remember.

Once upon a time,

there was a prince on Earth
named Endymion.

And the prince fell in love with
the Moon Princess, Serenity.

But they were att*cked by the evil
Dark Kingdom and got separated.

After that, Endymion disguised
himself as Tuxedo Mask,

and he protected Serenity
from the bad guys.

And the two of them were...

How silly!

What are you doing?!

You're too old to tell fairy tales!

Don't you think so, Mamoru?


Oh! Wait, Mamoru!

Mamoru... As I expected, he didn't
remember his past.

Natsumi is pretty.

What should I do if he falls
in love with Natsumi?

Tuxedo Mask?

Miss Usagi, you're too pretty to cry.

I have some good news for you.


Congratulations! I love you very much!

Please accept my love.


Our love is eternal like the universe.

Now, let us sail beyond the stars.


Oh, sorry, I have to go!

The more she rejects me,
the more I want her.

Miss Usagi, you will be mine soon.

It's him!

It's producing an evil aura!

Damn it! He's the one
who hurt Shinozaki.

He's looking for his next victim!

This way!

Hikawa Shrine
This way!

Hikawa Shrine

I'm out of breath.

Hey, why is everyone transformed?

Usagi, let's go!

What?! To where?


You could at least tell me why.

I know it's my fault that I'm late, but...

You're such a slowpoke! Hurry up
or we'll leave you behind!

Okay! Moon Prism Power Makeup!


This aura is very strong! I can feel it!

This side is darker. I bet it picked
this place for an easy attack!

Sailor Jupiter, are you okay?


We have to hurry.

I think you're suffering from anemia

because you gave so much
blood last night.

You're going to get sick at this rate!

Please, go home and rest!

I'll be fine.

You can't fight in this condition!
So, please go home tonight!

I know I'm a slowpoke, and
I'm always running away,

but I'll work twice as hard
today for you.

Sailor Moon...

Please, Jupiter.
I don't want you to die!

Thanks, Sailor Moon!

But I don't want anyone else
to end up like Shinozaki.

So I have to make sure
I beat that monster!

Okay, then I won't try to
stop you anymore.

But, please...

Don't push yourself too much.

Okay, I promise. Come on, let's go!

Oh, sh**t!



Hey, wait!

Everyone was studying so hard
for tomorrow's test!

I won't forgive you for interfering
with our studies!

Oh, Sailor Jupiter!




Hang in there!

Hang in there!

Hang in there!
Sailor Jupiter!

Sailor Jupiter!

How dare you?!

Begone, Evil Spirit!

Begone, Evil Spirit!
Rin, Pyo, Tou, Sha, Kai,
Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen!

Begone, Evil Spirit!
Begone, evil spirit!

Jupiter! Sailor Jupiter! Hold on!

Crescent Beam!


Sailor Mars! Mercury! Venus!

You're bad, attacking everybody
without giving a reason!

In the name of the moon,
Sailor Moon will punish you!




Oh! It's so scary!

Could that be...

Tonight's moon is perfect for lovers.

It is not a night suitable for
horrifying monsters.

It can't be... It can't be.

Who are you?

I am...

...the Moonlight Knight.

Moonlight Knight?




Sir Moonlight Knight!

Stop the cycle of your miserable life!

Sir Moonlight Knight!

Sailor Moon, when the time comes,

we are certain to have a
chance to converse.

I will look forward to it.


Sir Moonlight Knight...

Damn, what's going on?

Watch out, Sailor Moon!



Sailor Moon...


Sailor Moon!


I won't forgive you.

I'll never forgive you!

My guardian, Jupiter!

Brew a storm! Call the clouds!
Bring down the lightning!

Supreme Thunder!


Sailor Jupiter!

I'm okay. Sailor Moon,
I'm glad you're safe.

Sailor Jupiter, thank you!


It seems like it's over already.

Juban General Hospital

Arert you glad that
Shinozaki recovered?


Hey, Mako. Arert you going to
go say hi to Shinozaki?

It's okay. He's always watching
over me from a distance.

So, I will just stay here today...

What's really going on between
Mako and Shinozaki?

I wonder, could a friendship really
exist between a boy and a girl

that's different from love?

That knight has to be Endymion.

But, then, why?

I don't get it.

Usagi, I know you have a
math test tomorrow.

I hope you can solve this problem.

I have no idea!

This is much harder than the
relationship between boys and girls!

I'll never give up, no matter
how tight a spot I'm in

That's right, that's the
sweet maiders policy

For the person I'll really meet
and cherish someday

I'll raise my chin and leap into the fray

Deep in my heart, with
a poignant ache

Love will awaken

There's nothing I'm afraid of

It's better to be passionate

I have big dreams

That's why I'll try to be brave

I'll become what I want to become

It's better to be someone
who does her best

Every so often, there are tears, too

But even so, I'll try to be brave
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