02x51 - A New Transformation: Usagi's Power-Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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02x51 - A New Transformation: Usagi's Power-Up

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm sorry I'm not straightforward,
I can say it in my dreams

My thoughts are about to short circuit,
I want to see you right now

Moonlight that makes me want to cry,
midnight that keeps me from calling

Because I'm so innocent, what should
I do? The heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the light of the moon

We will meet again and again

I count the sparkle of constellations
to foretell the future of my love

We were born in the same land,
miracle romance

I believe in it, miracle romance

I can't believe someone has
the nerve to mess

with everyone's favorite activity,
flower gazing. That's unforgivable!

What? I still can't use my tiara?

Gag! And I won't be able
to transform either?!

Then, "Have a nice day and
see you later!"

But I can't do that!

Anyway, in the name of the moon,
I will punish you!

Flower gazing?

That's right. It's a banquet
held at this time

by the inabitants of this planet.

The banquet is held throughout
the day and night.

I heard that they spend a lot
of energy during this time.

I was told that gorgeous flowers
used to bloom on the Doom Tree

when our clan was in power.

Flower gazing...

It seems like we'll get plenty
of human energy.

A New Transformation!
Usagi Powers Up

A New Transformation!
Usagi Powers Up
A New Transformation!
Usagi Powers Up

A New Transformation!
Usagi Powers Up

Outta my way! Outta my way!
Usagi's coming through!

Thank you for inviting me, even though
I'm not in the same school.

Ms. Sakurada, it must have been
difficult getting permission

from the principal for today's
flower gazing.

Don't worry about it.

There are no teachers
or students today.

That's right. Let's just say that we're
all lovers of flower gazing.

Naru, Naru, Naru, Naru,
Naru, Naru, Naru!

Hi, everyone!

It's Umino!

Umino, thank you for saving
a spot for us.

How did you manage to
get this place?

How long have you been here?

Since last night.


But the weather is still cold
during this season;

you must have been cold last night.

Don't worry. I had a secret w*apon.

Even during the cold night, I was nice
and warm in this sleeping bag.

Umino, you didn't need to go that far.

No, I have a duty to do this for
everyone and for Naru!

For me?

That's right, for you!


Okay, everyone, let's have lunch!

Good idea! Yeah! Time for lunch!

Hello? Naru?

Don't you think this is a bit too much?

You know, I worked so hard
to get this spot.

That was so mean!

I did everything for you, Naru.

I'm sorry, I only meant it
as a little joke.

Wow! Everyone's lunch looks so good!

On the other hand, yours is...


So what? Even though it looks like this,
I put my heart and soul into making it!

Oh, really?

At least I didn't take the easy
way out like you did.

RacDonald Fast Food

Mako, your lunch looks so yummy!

Oh, go ahead. Feel free to take some.


Umino, here's your lunch!

For me?!

If it's not to your taste, I apologize.

It's bound to be the best
in the universe!

You're exaggerating.

Both Ami's lunch and Minako's
sandwiches look so good!

If you want...

You can have as much as you like.

Lucky me!

Hey, Natsumi, where's your lunch?

Well, I have delicious energy
waiting for me.


Oh, nothing.

I get it! Natsumi, you're counting on
everyone else's lunches too!

That's just you!

What's with you? You're also eating
Mako's lunch, remember?

Shut up! Go off and eat your ugly
rice balls or something!

Super Hot

Rei, this looks yummy.

Oh? It's rare for you to be
so considerate.



Why you?! How dare you?!

You deserved it because you're
always so mean to me!

What would you do if my
appendix exploded?!

You're so mean!

Be patient, patient. This is not school.

Okay, then. You have one hour
of free activities!

Excuse me, Ms. Sakurada.
We're not in school.

Oh, you're right.

My mistake, my mistake.

Hey, there's a booth over there
selling dumplings, right?

What's a dumpling doing
eating dumplings?

Oh! You're mean to me again!

Please stop, both of you.

Rei, here's some advice.

Do onto others as you would
have them do onto you.


Is she that beautiful?

It's a misunderstanding!

I wasrt looking at Miss Tsukino.

I don't believe you.

I was mesmerized by the beauty
of the cherry blossoms.

Well, okay then.

More importantly,

let us hurry and take the energy of
these lively junior high students.

Actually, I was just thinking
the same thing.

En, please pick one.

It's so beautiful.

I like cherry blossoms.
But you look much prettier to me.

Umino, don't you feel embarrassed
by what you say sometimes?

No. Because I never say anything
that is not true.

Sure, sure! You are just so...

What is it?!

Thank you for waiting.

Mr. Umino! Miss Osaka! Wake up!

What happened?

Please! Please call for help!

Well, in their condition, if they rest
for a while, they'll be all right.

But what is going on?

That'll make ten, who have already
been carried in here.

That many?

It's still too early for sunstroke season.

I have no explanations.

Their energy was stolen?!

Yeah, I can't think of any other
possibility. They're so weak.

Everyone else is already investigating
the place. Let's go there too.


I think Ms. Sakurada was found
unconscious somewhere around here.

I see nothing really wrong.

Everyone, stay alert.

I feel something.
I can feel an evil aura.

What is it?

That was them!



Moon Prism Power Makeup!

The cherry blossom tree is
taking their energy!

Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon, fight!

I know!

Moon Tiara Action!

It's not working after all!

Sailor Moon, be careful!

Don't look into her eyes!

Her eyes?!

Watch out!

Sailor Moon!


Sailor Moon!



Oh, my transformation!

I have to save everyone!












sorry I wasrt able to save you!



No! Leave, Luna!

Usagi! Luna!


Looks like the Doom Tree is
gathering a lot of energy.

It's only a matter of time before
the Doom Tree

regains its former natural beauty.

Okay, Reci, get more energy!

What should I do, Luna?

My transformation is gone.

Usagi, you came back as a
sailor warrior, but you still...

I know, I still wish I could be a
regular girl in junior high.

As long as you feel that way,

you won't be able to use Moon Tiara
Action or your transformation.

Then how can I save everyone?


Where am I?


She's so tiny and all I do is
give her a hard time.

I'm sorry for dragging you
into this mess.

I wonder if we're dead?


Queen Serenity.

We are inside your soul.

Thank you for still needing me.

Queen Serenity, I have to
save everyone!

Your broach...

The Silver Crystal...

Your desire to save your friends
protected the Silver Crystal.

Oh, my broach!

Luna, please continue to
help the princess.

Yes, my lady.

As long as I have the Silver Crystal,

I can help everyone.

Princess, that Silver Crystal is not
as powerful as it used to be.

But one day, I'm sure your desire
to take care of your friends

and everyone else will bring out the
true power of the Silver Crystal.

Thank you, Queen Serenity.


Say, "Moon Crystal Power Makeup".


Moon Crystal Power Makeup!


It's no good.
I'm just not strong enough.


The moon!

Spring roll, spring chicken,
spring is in full bloom!

How dare you disrupt everyone's
favorite activity, flower gazing?!

You're worse than the drunk old men
who crash flower gazing parties!

I'm a sailor warrior of love and justice,

Sailor Moon!

In the name of the moon,
I will punish you!

You're both okay!

Artemis, thank you for
hanging in there!




Sailor Moon, pull yourself together!

You're the only one who
can save everyone!

I know that, but...



It is a perfect night to enjoy
the beauty of flowers.

The life of cherry blossoms is fleeting.

It is unforgivable to scatter them
with filthy hands.

Sir Moonlight Knight!

Sailor Moon, you are the only one
who can save everyone.


What is this?

Use this Moon Scepter and ignite
the flame of hope for the future.

Queen Serenity...



Moon Princess Elimination!


Damn Reci.

It looks like she failed.

Everyone, I'm glad.

Sailor Moon, you did a
good job by yourself.

The beauty of cherry blossoms cannot
compare to a girl with courage.


Sir Moonlight Knight.

Thank you, Sailor Moon.

Sailor Moon.

Thank you.


Thanks, okay?

Well, Sailor Moon, you've
moved up a step.

That's right. You've got to
keep up the good work!

But I have to say, I wish you'd
rescued us a little sooner.

Oh! You're doing it again!

Oh, dear. I wonder if she really
is growing up.


Queen Serenity,

thank you.

I'll never give up, no matter
how tight a spot I'm in.

That's right, that's the
sweet maiders policy

For the person I'll really meet
and cherish someday

I'll raise my chin and leap into the fray

Deep in my heart, with a poignant ache

Love will awaken

There's nothing I'm afraid of

It's better to be passionate

I have big dreams

That's why I'll try to be brave

I'll become what I want to become

It's better to be someone
who does her best

Every so often, there are tears, too

But even so, I'll try to be brave
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