02x61 - Usagi Devastated: Mamoru Declares a Break-Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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02x61 - Usagi Devastated: Mamoru Declares a Break-Up

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm sorry I'm not straightforward,
I can say it in my dreams

My thoughts are about to short circuit,
I want to see you right now

Moonlight that makes me want to cry,
midnight that keeps me from calling

Because I'm so innocent, what should
I do? The heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the light of the moon

We will meet again and again

I count the sparkle of constellations
to foretell the future of my love

We were born in the same land,
miracle romance

I believe in it, miracle romance

Why, Mamo? We finally acknowledged
each other's love.

So, why do you suddenly want to
break up with me?

Hey, what are you doing
while I'm depressed?!

For an insensitive woman like you...

In the name of the moon,
I will punish you!

Huge Shock for Usagi!
Mamoru Declares a Break Up

Huge Shock for Usagi!
Mamoru Declares a Break Up
Huge Shock for Usagi!
Mamoru Declares a Break Up

Huge Shock for Usagi!
Mamoru Declares a Break Up


I'm impressed! Are you out for
a morning jog, too?


Hey, hey...

We didn't even plan to meet,

and I still bumped into you
this early in the morning.

So lucky!

I guess we are destined
for each other.


Hold it!

What do you think you're doing
so early in the morning?!

Anyway, Usagi, now's not
the time for that!

Oh, right! It's terrible!
Chibi-Usa has gone missing!

I hope she wasrt taken by those
weird people we met the other day.

I don't think we need to worry
about that, but...

But anyway, it's dangerous for her
to be alone right now!


Mom, Dad...


What's wrong? You left home
without telling anyone.

Everyone's been worried about you.

Be quiet; leave me alone.



Let's go. I'll take you home.


That's my girl.


What's wrong?

Oh, no. It's nothing.

Chibi-Usa! Get off Mamo and
walk by yourself already!

No way!

And stop calling me, "Chibi-Usa",

My name is Usagi, got that?

What are you talking about?!
I'm Usagi!

And the guy carrying you
is my boyfriend!

Wrong! Mamo is my boyfriend!

Dream on! Mamo and I share...

a really...

...deep bond of love!

So, you can try to seduce him
all you want,

but you're just wasting your time.

Stop clinging to my Mamo! Okay?!

Come on. It's okay, Usako.

Chibi-Usa is still a kid.

She's just lonely.

Hey! Even you're calling me
Chibi-Usa now.

Oh! Sorry about that.

But I think Chibi-Usa
sounds pretty cute.

What? Really?!

Yeah! It's really cute!

Okay, then you can call
me Chibi-Usa!



Humph! You two go ahead
and have fun!

Why don't you go ahead
and marry her, too?!

Hey, Usako, what's wrong?

What are you so mad about?

I don't care anymore!

Oh, Chibi-Usa, where were you?

You shouldn't disappear like that
without telling us!

We looked everywhere for you.

I'm sorry.

Well, it doesn't matter; at least
she's safe now.

By the way, Usagi, who is this?
I think we've met once before.

Oh, well... This is my friend,
Mamoru Chiba.

Nice to meet you.

Oh, thank you for looking after
my daughter all the time.

Wow, he's awfully good-looking
to be stupid Usagi's boyfriend.

What?! Boyfriend?!

Is this true, Usagi?!

Oh, well... How should I...

Oh, I was in the middle of
my morning jog, so...

Please excuse me. Bye!

Hey, wait a minute! You!
Hey, you, wait!

Usagi, he's pretty handsome.


Bring him home next time
when your dad's out.


Dear! Usagi... my daughter's
turned into a delinquent!

Oh, Dear. There's no way our
daughter would turn into a delinquent.

No, it's too late! Our daughter
became a delinquent!

Oh, you made Dad cry.
No, it's too late! Our daughter
became a delinquent!

What are you going to do now,
stupid Usagi?
No, it's too late! Our daughter
became a delinquent!

What are you going to do now,
stupid Usagi?

Excuse me...

I'm getting a bit hungry.


Dear, do we have any
relatives like her?

Now that you mention it...

Who are you again?



Luna-P! Transformation!

This is hypnosis!

Ouch! What are you doing?!

I'm your relative, Chibi-Usa!

Oh, I remember now.

How did we forget you?

Yeah, I remember now.
She's our cousin.


So this is how you hypnotized
everyone, Chibi-Usa!


What kind of nonsense is that?

Why are you picking on
Chibi-Usa like that?

You know it's not right, Usagi.

How many times do I
have to tell you?!

But this toy with the crescent-shaped
bald spot looks just like Luna.

Here, look.

No way!

Master Rubeus!

You called?

Berthier, look.

It's Crystal Tokyo, the metropolis of
the future that we hate.

We have to destroy this future city
as soon as possible.

To do that, we must destroy the
Silver Crystal in this world

and k*ll the Rabbit.

What shall we do? We still have not
found either of them.

But, there are other ways to
destroy Crystal Tokyo.

These are Crystal Tokyo's barriers,
the Crystal Points.

We have found the Crystal Points,
which will become future barriers.

Cosmetics & General Goods

Cosmetics & General Goods
So, this is it?

Berthier, replace the energy of this
place with Dark Power.

If we do this, in the future,
Crystal Tokyo will be...

It will surely collapse in short order.

So that's it...

Unless I do something, Usako will...

Math Test
Name Usagi Tsukino

Math Test
Name Usagi Tsukino
I did it again.

I did it again.

It's Mamo! Ma...


Once again, we run into each other
by pure coincidence!

Stop it!

Please stop hugging me.

Sorry... Yeah, I guess,
it's a little early for...

That's not what I meant!


I'm saying that I don't
love you anymore.

What do you mean?

We're finished!

Hikawa Shrine

Hikawa Shrine
Mamoru dumped you?

Mamoru dumped you?

What's going on?

I wish I knew...

He was probably in a bad mood,
and that's why he said those things.

Don't worry.

She's right.

You two are lovers from a long time
ago, transcending time.

Maybe he forced himself to
say that for Usagi's sake.

What do you mean?

In other words, for the
entrance exams.

Mamoru wants you to spend
more time studying.

That's why he told you he wanted to...

I guess not.

Don't worry.

Minako is right.
Mamoru is not like that.

Yeah, thanks.

Yeah, that's good.

You're going to the same school
as Shingo, right?

You'll need to study hard.

I know.

What do you want?

I'm sorry about this afternoon.

I'm dense, so I didn't realize you
were in a bad mood.

It's not like that.


I just don't love you anymore.

Mamo, I'll make sure to
study hard, too.


Don't make me say it over
and over again!

I just want to end our relationship!


There's no way I can believe that.

Because, you were Prince Endymion,
and I was Princess Serenity.

We were lovers before we were even
born in this world.

That's why I want to end it!

Why do I have to be your boyfriend

just because I was in a previous life?!


Chibi-Usa's here, isn't she?

Maybe you like Chibi-Usa
better than me.

Don't be ridiculous!

You're right...

I'm sorry, Mamo,

for making you hang out
with me until now.

I'm sorry, Usako.

Mom, I'm sorry.

I can't bring Mamo home anymore.


Droid? Droid Atsugessho?

Yes, I am here.

Atsugessho, please sell my cosmetics
in this newly renovated store.

Specially made by Berthier.

These cosmetics can turn any
ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.

But in a few years, your face will
become rashy, your hair will gray

and your acne will grow worse.

That's why I call these the stylish
Happy Clown Cosmetics.

It sounds like fun.

This store will no longer function as
a Crystal Point in the future now.

Not only that,

in Crystal Tokyo, this place will be
controlled by our energy.

Yes, my lady.

It is time for you to
transform into a lady.
Special Promotional Period % Off

It is time for you to
transform into a lady.
Special Promotional Period % Off
Now, then. Advertising is my job.

Now, then. Advertising is my job.

Oh, no! Oh, so intense!

It's Usagi...

Welcome, how can I help you today?



Oh, dear, your face is soiled by tears.


First, you wash your face
with this cleanser.

Then use this skin lotion,
milky lotion and cream.

And once your skin is ready, you
put blush on your cheek bones

and lipstick on your lips...

Excuse me...
and lipstick on your lips...

If I become prettier, will Mamo
say he loves me?

Well, if you want a man to love you,

you'll have to use heavy makeup
to a certain degree.


But just changing the way I look

won't make Mamo love me again.

Oh, no!

Once you change your looks,
Mr. Mamo is certain to say
he loves you!

After all, all men are the same.

You're wrong! Mamo isn't like that!

You don't know anything about him!

What are you, a complete idiot?!

Never mind about the makeup!


Do you think you can just leave
after saying all that?


Hey, be quiet!

Hey, be quiet!
No! Stop! Let me go!

You can't leave here without putting
some makeup on! Shut up!
No! Stop! Let me go!

You can't leave here without putting
some makeup on! Shut up!

You can't leave here without putting
some makeup on! Shut up!

All my customers left because of you!

What's with you? It's because you tried
to force makeup on me!

Then, I have no choice.

Who the heck are you?!

Shut up! Let me put your makeup on!


She's our enemy! Usagi, transform!

I got it!

Moon Crystal Power Makeup!

You brat! Where did you go?!

Who are you?!

I'm a sailor warrior of love and
justice, Sailor Moon!

Forcing your cosmetics on girls who
just want boys to like them!

It's just not acceptable!

In the name of the moon,
I will punish you!

No matter who you are,

anyone who finds out about our plan
to destroy the future city must die!

Plan to destroy the future city?

You brat! Put on heavy makeup!

Do it!

Put on heavy makeup!

Put on heavy makeup!


You will put on heavy makeup!

Young girls have nice, smooth skin.

Heavy makeup is not necessary.

Shut up! Oily skin, acne and
dry skin need makeup!

Do it!

You put on heavy makeup, too!

My heavy makeup!

Now, Sailor Moon!


Oh, I have to hurry and put on
my heavy makeup!

Moon Princess Elimination!

I haven't put on my heavy makeup yet!




Tuxedo Mask, you were lying

when you said you didn't
like me anymore, right?

Because you came to save me again.

That has nothing to do with this.

Then Mamo,

please just tell me why you
don't love me anymore.

I do not like weak girls.



I'm sorry, Usako.

Sailor Moon, I found the store clerks
unconscious in the basement.

Let's help them.

Sailor Moon?

I understand, Mamo.

I'll become stronger and
win your heart back.

I'll never give up, no matter
how tight a spot I'm in

That's right, that's the
sweet maiders policy

For the person I'll really meet
and cherish someday

I'll raise my chin and leap into the fray

Deep in my heart,
with a poignant ache

Love will awaken

There's nothing I'm afraid of

It's better to be passionate

I have big dreams

That's why I'll try to be brave

I'll become what I want to become

It's better to be someone
who does her best

Every so often, there are tears, too

But even so, I'll try to be brave
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