02x71 - For Friendship! Ami vs. Berthier

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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02x71 - For Friendship! Ami vs. Berthier

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm sorry I'm not straightforward,
I can say it in my dreams

My thoughts are about to short circuit,
I want to see you right now

Moonlight that makes me want to cry,
midnight that keeps me from calling

Because I'm so innocent, what should
I do? The heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the light of the moon

We will meet again and again

I count the sparkle of constellations
to foretell the future of my love

We were born in the same land,
miracle romance

I believe in it, miracle romance

Berthier, deceiving and using others
isn't all there is to life.

Even if it might be unanswered,
truly loving someone,

being considerate of others and
desiring to help each other

are the most important things in life.

And humans have a capacity
for incredibly deep love.

I want you to understand that!

For Friendship!
Ami and Berthier Clash

For Friendship!
Ami and Berthier Clash
For Friendship! Ami and Berthier Clash

For Friendship!
Ami and Berthier Clash


I've lost.


Chess Master

Chess Master
Man, and I did my research, too.

Man, and I did my research, too.

But I guess you're good at chess
as well as schoolwork.

Chess is the perfect game
of the intellect.

It cultivates a calm mentality
and accurate judgment.

Calm and accurate.

Words that you'll never be associated
with, no matter what you do.

You are so not cute!

But you're amazing, Ami!

Come to think of it,

you're the Junior Chess Champion
of Japan; aren't you, Ami?

Oh, that was just luck.

All right, let's all learn chess from Ami

and aim to be future champions!

I think I'll pass.

Being calm and stuff like that
isn't really my thing.

Oh, I can totally understand!

You're even worse than me
at those things!

You didn't have to say it like that...

That's the pot calling the kettle black.

Hey, Usagi, you wanna play with me?

Sure. Bring it on and don't hold back.

I'll show you just how harsh
competition can be.


Oh, wait... wait a minute!

No! The world of competition is harsh!

Oh, brother.

Chibi-Usa, you're very good.

Oh, I think I'm going to
head home soon.

Oh, no. I have something to do, too.

What? Do you have cram school, Ami?

No, I'm going to Chess Tower.

Chess Tower?

Oh, you look beautiful!



Thank you very much!

She's a disgrace to the
Four Phantom Sisters.

Yes, may I help you find something?

But why?

Why did Koan want to become
a normal human?

I wouldn't know what goes through
the mind of a traitor.

She is no longer our younger sister,
and she doesn't mean
anything to us now.

Our clan has no need for traitors.

Foolish Koan.

Well, we'll think of how to deal
with the traitor later.

This is the newly discovered
Crystal Point.

Master Rubeus, leave this to me!

Berthier is eager for success.

There is nothing wrong with that.

If all goes well, we'll just join in
and share the credit.

That's true.

I will trust you to take
care of the rest.

Yes, sir!

The glory will all be mine
and mine alone.

In the end, you guys are nothing
but expendable pawns

to protect the king, me.

Just keep up the hard work until
I have no further use for you.

Hmm, this shape looks really familiar.

It's shaped like a cake.

It's not a cake; it's a rook.


Mako, it's a chess piece that's
shaped like a castle.

The owner of this building is
a huge fan of chess.

I see.

Next Sunday, they are having the
opening ceremony for
this Chess Tower,

and they're holding a worldwide
chess tournament.

I get it! You're entering that
tournament, aren't you, Ami?

Then, you'll win for sure!

Oh, no. I just like to play chess.
The result isn't an issue.

The result is the issue.

A competition that you don't intend
to win is a waste of time,
don't you think?

After all, the point of a
competition is to win.

Who the heck are you?

Even if you lose, if you did your best,
then who cares?

That is the sour-grapes rationalization
of a loser.

Oh, of course, I suppose your nice,
friendly games of chess

are nothing more than child's play.

Hey, look here!

Oh, pardon me.

I'll play your little game with you
some other time, okay?

What is her problem?


Ah, it's you, Ami.
I haven't seen you in a while.


It has become a wonderful building.

Thank you.

By the way, you're entering the
tournament, too, aren't you?


What do you say?
Since it's been a while.


I often played with your
grandfather like this, too.


Ami, has something happened?


Before, it seemed as though you
played to forget your loneliness.

But not anymore.
You seem somehow more...

I made some wonderful friends.

I see! I'm glad to hear that.

Good friends are a treasure won'th
more than anything in the world.

Yes, I think so, too.



Just between the two of us,

would you mind letting me
rethink that move?

You haven't changed at all.

Well, well, that smile is quite nice.

Um, the reception desk
closed at six, right?

Yes, the only ones left on this floor
should be you and me.

Would you mind if I look around
the place a little?

Oh, not at all.
Would you mind if I look around
the place a little?

Oh, not at all.

Thank you very much.

So, this is the center of
the Crystal Point.

Dark Water!

Stop it!

It's that nice, friendly girl.

Little girl, you're very brave.

But the world is not so easy that
you'll be able to stop me alone.

Besides, I hate goody-two-shoes
like you.

I'll send you to Hell!

Lt'll be better for you not to get up.

Because, see...

Oh, did that hurt? I'm sorry.

Don't worry, I'll end your pain
with the next blow.


Mercury Star Power Makeup!

My, what a surprise!
So, you're Sailor Mercury.

Now, I'll have a nice souvenir to
take back to Master Rubeus.

Shine Aqua Illusion!

How dare you interfere with my work?!

Sparkling Wide Pressure!

That hurt!

You're terrible!
Three against one is playing dirty!

I'm against v*olence!

Look who's talking! You want me
to fire off another one at you?!

I'm mad now!
You will pay for this; I assure you!

Oh, no!

Did something happen?

She knows who I am!


I transformed right in front of Berthier.

I'm sorry.

If Berthier is after Chess Tower,
she's sure to show up again.

Don't worry about it!
We'll take care of it somehow.

Thank you.

Oh, it left a scratch, just as I thought.

It really ticks me off that they
scratched my perfect skin.

Oh, are you hurt?

No way! Oh, it's true.

Oh, sisters! The thing is...

How awful.

It's bleeding.

Don't tell me you failed.

Of course not!

I'd hope not!

If you failed after volunteering
for the mission,

you couldn't just come crawling
back here like nothing happened.

I would be so humiliated
that I would die.

Oh, please, sisters! Of course!

I won't be needing your help.

I'm relieved to hear that.

One ninny like Koan is
more than enough.

Ami... no, Sailor Mercury,

let us compete at chess,
the game you're so proud of.

I can't wait.

I'd like to enter the worldwide
chess tournament...

All right, what's your name?

Let's see, what should I do?


I haven't decided yet.

That way, please.

Thank you.

My heart's pounding!


Oh, she won another one!

Wort it be great if Ami wins?


And so, let us cheer her on!

Rah, rah, Ami!

Go for it, go for it, Ami!


You girls...

Oh, I'm sorry for being so rowdy.

No, no. That is, are you
girls Ami's friends?


I see. So, you girls are the wonderful
friends she mentioned.

Who are you, mister?

Just the eccentric old man who
built this Chess Tower.

Then, you're the owner!


Excuse me, but do you think Ami
has a chance of winning?

Her rival is the problem.

See? She won another one.

This girl is good.

It's Berthier.

What is she doing participating
in this tournament?

All right!

Ami sure is good!

She'll win this round with
no problems again!

Oh, that girl won another one, too.

She really is good, just like
the owner said.

It's the final round at last.

Her opponent is that girl,
just as expected.

Let's have a fun game of chess.

Her hand is so cold!

I will beat you soundly and fill
this place with Dark Power.

I can't wait.

I'd like to use these pieces
for the final game.

They're beautiful.

They aren't just beautiful.



She's good.

Oh, Ami's pieces...


Come now, what's the matter?
It's your turn.

Oh, I know!

Yay! Their positions are reversed now!


She did it!

She did it!

Not yet. The match isn't settled yet.


The real competition has only
just begun, Sailor Mercury.

Playtime is over!


Goodness, are they having
technical difficulties?

Wait! We'll go check on it.

Stay right here!

Moon Crystal Power!

Mars Star Power!

Jupiter Star Power!

Venus Star Power!


Hold it right there!

You're a million and fifty thousand
years ahead of yourself

if you think you can challenge
Ami in a game of chess!

For a girl who doesn't
know her place...

In the name of the moon,
I will punish you!

You little dummies.

Sailor Moon! Everyone!

As they say, "Those born stupid,
die stupid."

Sailor Mercury, I challenge
you to a match.

If you don't play the game
you're so proud of...

Oh my god, it's cold!

It's no good!

What's going on?!

See? Feel like playing now?

All right.

Okay, good girl.

Since you're being good, I'm also
going to give myself an advantage.

That's terrible!

If you don't hurry up and escape,
I'll put you in check you.

It's no use.

Oh, I forget to tell you.

When you play with my special
pieces and lose a piece,

your body becomes frozen.


Hang in there!

You can't lose!

Believe in your own strength!

If you forfeit, I will let you
and you alone live.

Let's continue.

I think you might be quite
a dummy yourself.

Mercury, that's enough!

Run, Mercury!

All right, since it's come to this...



Mars, you idiot!

I'm sorry!


Just stop being proud and pretending
that you're okay.

Are you going to give up your life for
these strangers? That would be stupid.

You're wrong.


They're not strangers;
they're my friends!


Even if costs me my life,

they're my precious friends,
and I have to protect them!

Stop trying to buy time.

Good work, Berthier.

All three of us will work together
to finish them off.

Honestly, you two have some nerve!

Oh, but the three of us make up
the Three Phantom Sisters.

That's right; we should all be nice
and share the glory.


You, again.



If you do not understand what
it feels like to be a pawn,

you have no right to handle a queen.



This is your tactical mistake, Berthier.

That's right!

As befits a member of our clan,

you will pay for your failure
with your life!

We expect you to do the right thing.


In the end, that's what you get,
even from sisters related by blood.

Moreover, no one would ever
protect a complete stranger

at the risk of their own life.

What's the matter?
You look so somber.

Come on, laugh.

Even I think it's laughable that
I held out hope until the very end

that I could rely on my sisters.

It's so laughable...

Laugh, damn it!

Dark Water Full Power!

I'll take all of you with me!

Ultimately, people are alone both
when they're born and when they die!

Love is... Love is...


Stop it, dear elder sister Berthier!

Koan! So, you've come to
laugh at me, too!


Berthier, you are not alone!

A traitor like you could never
understand what I'm feeling!

No, Berthier.

I can understand how forlorn
you are at heart!

Shut up!


Berthier, please live.

Humans have...

Humans have the capacity for
incredibly deep love.



Will I also be able to see that love?


Koan! Are you crying? Did that hurt?

No, I'm just so happy.

Koan, I'm so sorry!

Berthier, I love you.

Moon Crystal Power!


Isn't this wonderful?

Yes. Thank you.

You hung in there well.

Berthier, could you please
take back that move?

No way. We may be sisters,
but there are no time-outs.

That's not fair!
You were using an extra piece?!

Now, now, don't be such a
stickler for the rules.

That's not fair!

Berthier, I love you.

I'll never give up, no matter
how tight a spot I'm in

That's right, that's the
sweet maiders policy

For the person I'll really meet
and cherish someday

I'll raise my chin and leap into the fray

Deep in my heart,
with a poignant ache

Love will awaken

There's nothing I'm afraid of

It's better to be passionate

I have big dreams

That's why I'll try to be brave

I'll become what I want to become

It's better to be someone
who does her best

Every so often, there are tears, too

But even so, I'll try to be brave
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