03x91 - The Rod of Love is Born: Usagi's New Transformation

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x91 - The Rod of Love is Born: Usagi's New Transformation

Post by bunniefuu »

What in the world are you?

Are you enemies? Or allies?

If you are soldiers as well,
fight with us!

I can't forgive those that
stomp on pure hearts!

I, Sailor Moon, will punish
you with a new attack!


Yes, Professor.

What is the purpose of
our group, Death Busters?

To acquire the holy grail
and control the world.

And how are we going to
get the holy grail?

If we find the three talismans that are
within the pure hearts of the chosen ones...

...we will know the whereabouts
of the holy grail.

That is right. For that, we must
first use the Daimohn eggs to...

Now, find the pure heart
that is just right for you!


The light from the Silver
Crystal is disappearing...

Oh, my, tired from studying?

Or did you work too hard?

Or you didn't get your afternoon nap?

Usagi, shouldn't you retire soon?

You... all of you are traitors!

- I won't forgive you!
- I-I can't breathe!

You... you... you... you...

A dream...?

Really, Usagi...

It's not a dream...

If the light doesn't come back, I might
not be able to transform again...


Luna... Does it mean I have to
retire from being a Sailor Soldier?

That's not true...

But the Silver Crystal...

I-It'll be all right!
I'm sure everything will be all right!

Cheer up, Usagi!

Oh, that's right!

Why don't you talk
this out with Mamoru?


Now, cheer up! Come on now!

You had a dream like that?


I wonder what's going
to happen to me now...

If I can't transform,
I can't fight against the new enemy...

I know! I'll show you
something good, Usako.

Just come with me...

It's okay, come on!

I-Is it all right to go
into a place like this?

I don't think it's all right, but...

Nobody's around...

Oh, Mamo-chan!

Just because you wanted
to be alone with me...

You didn't have to bring
me to a place like this!

Don't jump to conclusions!

It's all right! Come on! You don't
have to be shy about it! Okay!

My, how cute!

Let me hold it!

Good girl. Because you're brown...

Your name is Char-chan!

There, there.

Mamo-chan, you wanted
to show me this kitten?

Yeah. This is where stray cats live.

Where are you going, Char-chan?

You too, Mamo-chan! Hurry!

H-Hey...! Sheesh.

Now, eat up!

Don't rush...
There is still plenty left.

Are you taking care of those cats?

Who is it?

Defenders of justice!

Nice to meet you!

Let me join you!
Doyou always feed the cats?

Yeah, but I feel sorry for them...

I finally found this place, but
it's going to be demolished soon...

They all want to be happy, but...

You're kind...

All right!

I'll take care of the cats too!

Is that all right, Mamo-chan?

Well, I guess it's all right
if it'll cheer you up.

Taking care of cats!?

Not just taking care of them!
I have to find the cats' new owners!

Rei, Ami, Minako, Mako-chan...

Four cats will be taken care
of when you each take one...

Wait a minute. I barely get
by taking care of Artemis!

What doyou mean by that?!

Don't worry about it. Don't worry.

Our place too...

See, we have a lot of birds.

I can't possibly have a cat here.


I'm living by myself. I don't
think I can take care of a cat.

I'm facing important entrance exams...

I don't think I am at ease
enough to take care of a cat...

What, what's all this!?
You guys only think about yourselves!

Then why can't you take care of
them all at your place, Usagi?

Well, um...

I have a reason why I can't!

We barely get by feeding
Luna's giant stomach!

Who has a giant stomach!?

Anyway, don't rush. Why don't you look
for people who might take care of them?

All right. Then, for now, we'll each get
some food for the cats, and meet up again.

Got that!?

What's going on?

She's just being whimsical, as always.

No, don't follow me.

I'm sorry...
I can't keep any cats here...

Only until Mom comes home...

Keep yourselves out of trouble!

Don't climb on the bed!

Hey now!

I'm in the middle of this...


Was it here?


T-This is a joke, right?

I will take the talisman
inside your pure heart now-NELL!


I won't let you get away! NELL NELL!

I wonder if she's not
going to come today...

There, there. Char-chan.

They make me want to ask Grandpa
and see if I can keep one of them.

Don't say one, take all of them!

Usagi, this isn't a bargain
sale at a supermarket.

Oh, sorry.

W-What's wrong?

What's going on?


A Daimohn again...

Just maybe... I might be able to...





Let's go, everyone!









This time, I will
take the talisman, NELL!

We won't let you do that!

The Sailor Soldiers are here!






T-They're all...




Nobody else will get
in the way now! NELL!


Now I have a souvenir to bring
to lady Kaorinite! NELL!

What is it? NELLLLLLLLL!

Such a powerless being.

It's those two again!

How is it?

This is not a talisman...

Who in the world... are they?


We haven't defeated the enemy yet!

If you are soldiers as well...

...fight with us!

Don't get the wrong idea!

Our mission is only
to acquire the talismans...

There's no way we can fight with you!

You should settle your
own affairs by yourselves.



Who the NELL is it?

Tuxedo Mask!

Those who toy with pure hearts will
someday be tried by pure hearts!



Tuxedo Mask!

Run, Usako!

Now! Usako, at least you
should get away from here!

I can't do that!

Hurry and run!


I want to protect everyone...!

And my dear Mamo-chan too...

I will fight with everyone...




This, born from our
combined power, is...?

The legendary rod...

Spiral Heart Moon Rod...

The legendary Spiral Heart Moon Rod?


Usagi! Transform!

I'm sure you can do it now!!


...MAKE UP!!

I won't forgive you for
trampling pure hearts underfoot!

For love and justice...

...the pretty soldier in a sailor suit!

Sailor Moon!

In the name of the moon,
I'll punish you!





I did it!

I was able to transform!

That was splendid, Sailor Moon...

This is our...

I'm glad, so glad.

But it's going to be tough from now on.

Yeah. We're going to
find owners for the cats.

I already found them.

cats go to Rei...

Two to Ami, two more to Minako,
and one to Mako-chan!

I've been saying that
you can't do that!

I'm not a cat!

We can have them taken care
of at the Animal Kingdom!

Why didn't you think of that earlier?

This is no good...
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