03x99103 - The Arrival of a Tiny Pretty Guardian

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x99103 - The Arrival of a Tiny Pretty Guardian

Post by bunniefuu »

Dear Usagi, how are
you feeling lately?

I'm so jealous...
I want to see Mamo-chan, too...

Yup, I decided to go back there!

See ya. From Chibiusa.

What IS this!?

Such a selfish little daughter will
be punished in the name of the moon!

Yes, this is the Witches ...

Yes, please hold on a moment.

Yes, this is Eugeal.

It's me.

I have looked through your reports...

How were they?

They are rather well done.

Thank you very much.

I've already found yet another
person with a pure heart...

...our next candidate
for the talisman.

Nothing less from you, Eugeal.

Our target is a girl famous for
her skills with the Japanese drum.

I believe that this girl's
pure heart is a talisman.

Yes. I am trusting you with this...

I guess we should alter our methods
from now on, as per your reports.

I will assign a Daimohn befitting
this target as your bodyguard...


Hey, hey! Guys!

Why don't we all go to
the Juban Festival tonight?

Oh, that's a good idea!

Don't you think so?

Then we can all look sharp
in our summer kimonos...

- Yup, yup! Yup, yup!
- Yup, yup! Yup, yup!

Ami, it's all right if we take
a small breather today... right?

Yeah, yeah! Our study group
already was canceled for today...

I guess so...

Taking it easy once in
a while can be a good thing.


But anyway, I wonder
what's up with Rei...

Why did she want to cancel the study
group at the Hikawa Shrine today...?

I wonder if something happened...

It's Rei...

Sure is...

Oh, Miss Hino!

I'm sorry that I'm so late!

It's all right.
I just got here myself...

It's a girl...

Who said that it HAD to be a date...?

You can't tell from just appearances.
There are cases like Haruka, you know.

Then, she's the opposite of Haruka, and
is actually a guy dressing up as a girl!?

It sure doesn't look that way...

I have no idea what they
are talking about from here.


How is it?

Well... Let's see...

Please! You just HAVE
to help us, Miss Tohno...

Sorry to keep you waiting.
Who ordered the house blend?

Oh, I did.


Was it just me...?



Hot! HOT!!

My head, my head!

Why in the world are all of YOU here!?

Miss Hino...


That offer of yours...
I will accept it.



It'd be my pleasure.

Oh, no, the pleasure is all mine.

Juban Festival Promotion Committee?

What's that?

Just like it says.

It's a group of people trying to make
the festival a little bit more exciting.

I take it that you're a member
of this committee, Rei.

But why you, Rei?

One of Grandpa's friends
begged me into doing it.

Sure, that's what you say,
but I'm sure you volunteered to do it!

Rei, you like festivals and stuff!

Like what just happened...

You guys caused all that!

Now, now...
Mistakes happen to everyone.

They say that water-goblins
get upset stomachs.

You mean, "Even water-goblins
drown in the river."

I'm just glad Miss Tohno
is a kind person.

Who was that girl?

Now listen up!

That was Miss Maya Tohno.

She's an prodigious player
of the Japanese drums!

Japanese drums...

In other words, Rei --
you were negotiating...

...with her to come play
for the Juban Festival.

Correct! If Miss Tohno could
beat the drums for us...

The Juban Festival
would be more exciting.

Hey, Rei...

Let me beat on the drum too!

There isn't a drum that
you can beat on, Usagi.

Oh, wait...

Usagi, there IS one drum
that even you can beat on.


Goldfish! How about
scooping for goldfish!?

Goldfish! It's the goldfish scoop!

Why do we have to watch over
the goldfish scooping booth...?

That drum looks pretty
good on you, Usagi.

Then change places with me.

I'll pass.

Usagi, you said that you
wanted to beat on the drums.


This one looks strong.



Be gentle...

You two...
You're ruining the business...


We'll try scooping goldfish!

Can you give us scoops?

We're customers! Customers!

Missus... huh?

Here you go!

Business, business...






Good evening.

What's this? Are all of
you on a part-time job?

Well... I guess...

I know, why don't you two
try scooping some goldfish?

Try the goldfish scoop!

All right... just a little bit.

I guess so...

Please, please!


Aren't you glad we
got a cute goldfish...?

Oh? Cute...?

What, are you jealous?


They look so sharp,
no matter what they do!

All right!
I'll try it out once myseIf!

Huh? Was it just me?

There she is...



Rei, how much longer do we
have to watch over the booth--

Miss Tohno?

Miss Tohno...

...has been practicing like
that for the past three hours!

I told her that she didn't
have to go that far...

...because we're not paying
her for this performance...

But she said that she can't
beat the drum right...

...unless she gets excited
by practicing like that.

I thought about it when
I saw Miss Tohno's drumming...

...that the Juban festival is sure to
be a success if she participates in it.

But I...

...I guess I was a little
too unfair about it.

Even amazing people like Miss Tohno
work so hard behind the scenes...


I have to do MY best to
make the festival more fun!


Let's crank up the fun factor,
and surprise everyone!

All right, we're going to
make sure this is a blast!


I have received information that
the target is in this vicinity...

I guess I have no choice...
I'll call out for her.

Um, um... Test, test, test...

What's that car?

Miss Maya Tohno. Miss Maya Tohno,
please show yourself if you are here.

Miss Maya Tohno. Miss Maya Tohno,
please show yourself if you are here.

There she is!


Miss Tohno's heart crystal...!

Let's transform!






I will now go ahead
and take the crystal...

Hold it right there!

Those who are after the pure heart
devoted to the Japanese drum...

....are all enemies of the
Japanese traditional arts!

For love and justice...

The pretty soldier in a sailor suit!

Sailor Moon!

In the name of the moon,
I'll punish you!

Just as she said...

For love and fire,
the pretty soldier in a sailor suit!

Sailor Mars!

I'll chastise you in the name of Mars!

I see...

So you are the Sailor Soldiers...

I am one of the Witches .

I am Eugeal!

Witches ?


Appear before me, Daimohn!


Get rid of those that get in our way!

You gotta dance!

Guided by a new era,
Sailor Uranus...

...acts with elegance!

Also guided by a new era,
Sailor Neptune...

...acts with grace!

Hey! Don't you dare touch MY
crystal without my permission!

I know this is your all-important first
battle, but it looks like a loss for you.


Too bad.

This isn't a talisman...



I'm trusting you to
take care of the rest!

You're not going to help them today?

If I help them every time, I would be
providing them with too much support...

That's true.

Now, I think it is about time...

...to beat on this drum!

By a drum...

...do you mean US?

Here we go!

Please, try her out first!

What are you saying!?

Because that looks like it'll HURT!

Hold it right there!

Who is it this time!?

You really are worthless without me!

You should really
hold yourself together!

T-That voice...

For love and justice, an apprentice
to a pretty soldier in a sailor suit!

Sailor Chibi Moon!

In the name of the moon
from the future...

...I'll punish you!


All right! I'll get rid of YOU first!



That's strange...


What's the matter?




Now, Sailor Moon!




Usagi! I can't see well!
Do something about it!

You sure have an attitude for
someone getting a piggyback ride!

Oh, she's a cute girl...

Oh, thanks...

That girl... Don't you think
she looks like you, buns-head?

We don't look alike at all!

She's just my cousin.


We would now like to start Miss Maya
Tohno's Japanese drum performance.

Miss Tohno, please go ahead.

By the way, Chibiusa...
Why did you come back over here?

My mom told me to get some
training in the th century.

What does that mean!?
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