03x99104 - Making New Friends: Chibi Moon's Adventure

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x99104 - Making New Friends: Chibi Moon's Adventure

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on, Chibiusa!

If you're going to be coming
by again, tell me in advance!

Even without you,
we're REALLY busy because...

...we have new enemies and
mysterious soldiers!

I'm fine with having Sailor Chibi Moon
around, but if you trouble the others...

...I'll punish you in
the name of the moon!

I, Chibiusa, also known
as Small Lady, have...

...returned to the th
century for some training.

I hope you guys will be nice to me!

Returning here...
Who decided on that?

Oh, that's right...
I have a letter from Mom.

A letter? Let me see...

Can you read it for me, Minako?

Oh, sure.

- Wait a minute!
- Okay, I'll read it.

"It seems that you are able
to train our Small Lady."

"Oh, my, how can I thank you!"

"Thanks, and I trust
you with my daughter."

...so it says.

What, that's it!?

Neo Queen Serenity really
is Usagi in a way...

Yeah, yeah.

What do you mean by that...?

I know what you mean, Luna.
Because this letter...

...has no kanji in it!

Oh, my god, you're right!


There are traces of where she erased
kanji that she made mistakes on...

Why doesn't she check
with a dictionary?

I'm sure because that's too tedious.

It really IS Usagi in that way...

Um... If we have time for that, we
should worry about Chibiusa now, right?

But training? What in the
world will she be doing?

If she's getting training
to be a real princess...

...she doesn't really have
to come over to this era.

I just hope Usagi's clumsiness
doesn't rub off onto her...

Really... That's what
I'm worried about...

Mars from the future said that too!

She also told me many stories
about Usagi's stupidity.

REI! What did you tell Chibiusa!?

I don't know.

The one that talked to her
was Mars-from-the-future.

S-S-Same difference!
You were badmouthing about me!

Don't worry. I'm not going to be
clumsy and make mistakes like Usagi.

We'll help out in whatever way
we can, so feel free to ask us.


Well, I'm going to go train now!

There's something else in here.

"P.S. Usagi in the th century--"

"Studying while young
really was important."

"Make sure you do it well," she wrote.

She really IS Usagi after all...

I don't want to study!!

The th century is a great place
after all... I can relax so much here!

Small Lady, you have to learn
something in the th century.

That is how to make friends.



These valuable encounters
will help mature you.


Hurry, hurry!

ValuabIe encounters, huh...?

Valuable encounters...

H-Hey... This...

Did you drop this?

Yeah, that's mine.

Got a problem with that?

Hey, girl, which do you prefer,
bell peppers or shallots?

How about some coffee--
oh, wait, since I put milk in it...

...coffee-flavored milk--
with me at dawn?

Are you all right?
Hold yourself together!

The wound is deep!

Don't give up!

This calls for the last resort...

Look at this!

My little elephant!

You idiot!


Is it punishment in
the name of the moon?

I'll punish you when we get back home!

Y-You monster!

Who's the monster!?

Even though she said
"a Iot of friends"...

I do want to choose them,
at the least.

I'm sure he was over here...

Hey, Chibiusa.


It's Mamo-chan! It's Mamo-chan!!

Come on now...

You know, I came here for training.


Yeah. Mom and Dad in the
future said that I should, too.

Come on!


Mamo-chan is on a date
with me right now!

He's MY Mamo-chan!

No, you can't!

- Get away from him!
- I don't want to!

Hey, how about we all eat
takoyaki together, and not fight...?

Here, I'll feed you some, Mamo-chan.

No, that's what I do!

No, ME!

Oh, and here I thought
it was some happy family.

The last time I saw you was
at the festival, right, kiddo?



They're so pretty...

They're just like Mom and Dad.

Chibiusa, Haruka looks like
that, but she's a woman.

And your mom from
the future is me, right?

That just HAS to be a mistake!

Mamo-chan I can understand, but I've
been thinking all along that you...

You know...


Will you two cut it out already?


We're going to have some tea now.
Would you like to join us?

- Oh, no, I'll pass for today--
- Oh, tea? Sounds wonderful.

I wanted to have some right about now.

And cake with lots of
whipped cream, and cookies...

Oh, pudding a la mode is also something
that I wanted to have right now... huh?

By tea, you meant...


He's Tamasaburo, the master of the famous
Japanese tea style "Yaburakoji Burakoji."


It's destiny.

Tea is great...

Your heart finds peace.

It's too HOT, you idiot!

I think I've had enough for today.

Oh, I have an idea!


Japanese tea ceremonies?

I have found one.

Very well. Then, I shall now prepare
a Daimohn most fit for that purpose.


Ch-Chibiusa, my feet fell asleep!
Let's go home!

I'm going to sit through this!
I'm different from you, Usagi!

I see that the little one
is doing a better job.

Wow, odango!

Thanks, I'll have some!

If it's too strenuous for you, feel
free to sit in a more relaxed manner.

No, I'm all right.

I shall show you something nice, then.


How considerate of others...

The master is doing all
of this on purpose...

...to relieve the tension of the
tea ceremony for you little ones.

That bowl...

Its rarity is at the level of a national
treasure, and if you were to buy it...

...it would be over million yen.

O-Over MILLION yen!?

Oh, I'm all right.

Please, s-s-s-stop! Something
that costs s-s-several million...

My feet...

...are asleep...

You're a little heavy...


I just...

I hate this!

You embarrassed me
in front of Tamasaburo!

I HATE you, Usagi!

I was embarrassed too...
in front of Haruka and Michiru.

You got what you deserved.

What was that!?


Are you getting fond
of Tamasaburo, Chibiusa?

Um... Mom told me...

She told me to make a lot of
friends in the th century...

That it will create
valuable encounters...

I see.

You didn't have that many people to
play with in the future world, did you?

So that was it? If you had told me so
earlier, I would have encouraged you.

If you encouraged me, Usagi,
things would be in a bigger mess!


Well, at least we now know what's
going on. Both of you, make up.

I... I'm going to make sure
I can be his apprentice!

Don't get the kimono dirty.

You're so cheap... it's not like
you're going to be wearing this again.

- You don't have to call me cheap!
- Cheap, cheap, REALLY cheap!

If you're going to call me that,
give me my kimono back!

That was...


She went into Tamasaburo's house!


What are you doing!?

I seem to be stuck here,
and can't do anything...

Maybe you should go on a diet then...

At least you can help
me out a little bit!

Oh, did I hit something?

May I ask who you are?




Such a piece of cake.

You can't!

I won't let you take
Tamasaburo's heart away!

For love and justice, an apprentice to
a pretty soldier in a sailor suit!

- Appear before me, Daimohn!
- Sailor Chibi Moon!

In the name of the
moon from the future...

...I'll punish you!


In the name of the
moon from the future...



Someone is getting in my way!
Get rid of her!

Now, hand over that pure heart...





Guided by a new era,
Sailor Uranus...

...acts with elegance!

Also guided by a new era,
Sailor Neptune...

...acts with grace!

So you appear in front of me again!

Thank you...

We weren't trying to save you.

Tough luck.

This isn't a talisman.

A failure.

Chagarma! You can do whatever now.

If it ends up THAT way,
you can do THAT, so do THAT!

Selfish woman!

In that case... I'll get every
single person that gets in my way!

Where are the others!?

W-What? They're gone!?




Ouch! OUCH! Hey, you, stop that!

Oh, Chibi Moon is fighting by herself!

Usagi, hurry up and transform!

I know that!



Chibi Moon, leave the rest to me!

Sorry to keep you waiting!

The original, the true, the master!

For love and justice...

A pretty soldier in a sailor suit!

Sailor Moon!

In the name of the moon,
I'll punish you!

You're LATE!


You're the one who ran ahead!

Sailor Klutz Moon!

Now, I will entertain the guests!

Here you go!

And have the next one!

And another!


Look out!

Here! Here! Here!


Ouch! OW! Ouch...

Those who do not understand
the soul of an entertainer...

This is the last event for you!

Cherishing the fleeting encounter,
and entertaining guests...

...with a warm heart is the
true meaning of the tea ceremony!

I will not allow you to stomp
upon such a warm heart!

Tuxedo Mask!

It seems that the time has come
for me to truly entertain someone...

You shall be surprised at
how I truly entertain.

Now, Sailor Moon!





Oh, ur, I'm not ready yet...

I said...


This is the way it
should be, Sailor Moon.

Sailor Moon...

You know...


You know...


The little one sure puts up a fight.

So... awesome...

I'm going to make sure I can
be his apprentice THIS time!


Haruka and Michiru...

They seem like they
came back in a hurry...

Sorry to keep you waiting!

In the awe I felt from the
soldiers in my dream...

...I found a new path for
Japanese tea ceremonies.

For courtesy and manners,
the handsome master in a sailor suit!

Sailor Tamasaburo!


L-Let's head back...
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