03x99105 - I Want Power: Mako Lost in Doubt

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x99105 - I Want Power: Mako Lost in Doubt

Post by bunniefuu »

Mako-chan is training in
a temple up in the mountains.

What's wrong?

Are you worried about something?

Mako-chan, your worries
make all of us worry, too!

Don't forget, all of us
are right behind you!

Why... Why did I lose
to someone like that..!?


It's my turn if you want power!





I need to find a way to
power myself up even more!

I would like to speak with Eugeal.

Eugeal here. I have already
selected the next target.

Nothing less from you, Eugeal.

And, the next target is?

A Nichiren school monk by
the name of Kakusui Yakushiji.

He's been training in the
mountains, for years...

...and months now, to find
the true meaning of life.

He is the owner of a heart with a
purity rarely seen in people as of late.

By the way, Professor...
What shapes do the talismans come in?

If the pure hearts
are the real talismans...

They should transform into the shape
of the three divine objects...

In other words, a mirror,
a sword, and an orb.

And when the three divine
objects gather in one place...

...the holy grail is sure to appear.



This postcard is from Mako-chan...

Mako-chan is currently
training at a temple...



The temple that Mako-chan is in is right
near the hotel where Mamo-chan is at!

Mamo-chan is working part-time
at a resort hotel right now.

This makes me a lucky girl!

Y-You can't be...

I'm so thrilled!

This is why I can't stop traveling!

Come on now... You should calm
down a little more when you eat.

You have pieces of your
lunch stuck on your cheek!

Usagi, I'm hungry.

Mina, can you give us some, too?

Oh, sure.

Hey, Usagi.

I'm surprised that
Chibiusa didn't tag along.

I showed her that I was worthy
of being her future mom...

...and she was satisfied
with my explanation.

She told me she was
going to the bathroom!

Then she went out the back door,
leaving me here!!

OOH! I'm not going to forgive her!

W-Why does it end up this way...?

According to the guidebook, there is
supposed to be a great hotel around here.

Oh! There it is!

It's wonderful!

Hey, why don't we sleep
over in that hotel?

But we're here to help
Mako-chan with her training.

It doesn't matter where we sleep.

I mean, we're fine as long
as we can help Mako-chan out...

Oh, you're saying pretty
decent things today, Usagi.

I don't care where we go,
as long as we can study.

Then, let's change our plans!


Everyone, don't fall for
Usagi's little conspiracy!

What is Usagi's conspiracy?

I-It's nothing...

Mamoru is working in that hotel!

Then, how you said you wanted
to help Mako-chan's training...

...and how you wanted to study...

...were all lies!

I-I wasn't lying!

Come on, it's a TRIP after all...

...wouldn't it be more fun if
there were many objectives?

Right? Right??

Let's go to the temple,
like we originally planned!

How many steps are there?

Compared to the Hikawa Shrine
it's about times as long.

This is k*lling me...


What are all of you doing here?

We're here to help
your training, of course!

That wasn't nice of you to
come here without telling us!

We'll help you in any way we can!

Isn't he amazing?

He does laps around
these mountains every day!

You fell in love with that
monk, didn't you, Mako-chan...

T-That's not it!
Now, back to training!

Even though it's summer,
the river water is cold!

Please, let me join you.

I-I can't...

How can I be like you, Mr. Kakusui?

I'm in a slump right now...

I can't give you the details, but my
att*cks are no good against the enemy.

If I could achieve a
mental state like yours...

...Mr. Kakusui, I think I
could get out of this slump!

Why won't you speak to me!?

I-It's so cold...
that my mouth doesn't move...

I might have caught a cold...

That smile suits you well.

"There is no path that lets me live
my life other than this path."

"Therefore, I walk this path."

That is my favorite quote...

"There is no path that lets me live
my life other than this path."

"Therefore, I walk this path..."

However, despite this being the path I
chose, whenever my training doesn't...

...go quite as well as I want, I keep
wondering if this was the right path...

Even you wonder about
that, Mr. Kakusui?

I won't lose against anyone in
terms of wondering about my life.

Found the target!

Hey, Mako-chan.

Why did you come up with this
idea of training so suddenly?

I-I really don't have
a particular reason.

Is that really so?

If you're worried about
something, tell us.

It's better if you don't keep
your worries piled up inside you.

Though, there IS a problem if you don't
have anything inside you, like Usagi...

What do you mean by that, Rei!?

How dare you!?
Take that! And that!

I have nothing to do with it!!

You guys came all the
way out here just for me...

But this problem is something
I want to solve on my own...

It's noisy...

What is it...?


It looks like we'll be better off
not helping her after all...

Seems that way!

W-What is this!?

Oh, no... I can't get
any energy from this!

But this gets your
brain working better.

And eating this food definitely
will make you lose weight!

Usagi, this is the perfect
opportunity for you!

I don't care if I get fat.

At least when I'm traveling,
I want to eat something yummy...

It looks like Mako-chan already left.

Makoto sure is working hard...

All right! Let's go to that
hotel for breakfast today!

Don't you think about
anything other than food!?

Y-You don't have to be
so harsh when you ask...

All right, fine,
we'll go to the hotel.

What are we going
to do with this meal?

I feel bad, since they
prepared it for us.

Of course, I'm going to eat it!

Speaking of the hotel... Tadah!

My, you are prepared...

Actually, me too...

I brought one too! See, see?

I guess Ami was the only one who
was seriously thinking about Mako-chan.

Ami is in a class by
herself, after all!

A-Actually, I...

Oh, man! A meal just
has to be like THIS!


Oh... Usako?

Is everyone here?

What a coincidence,
to meet here of all places!

Gee, you really can't lie well...

Mamo-chan, let's go out
somewhere and play!

Sorry, but I don't have time for that.

This place pays really well,
but the workload is pretty tough...

Hey, Chiba! Come over here for a sec!


How boring.


All four of them aren't bad.

That girl is rather cute.

Hey, why don't you go talk to them?

That girl's eyes really
catch my attention!

So wonderful...

Hurry up and go over there!
Come on!

Hey, those girls over
there are even better!

Oh, you're right!

Let's go over there!

W-What was that...?

Huh? It's Haruka and Michiru!

Oh, so you're here too, buns-head?



What a coincidence...

Michiru, your swimsuit is gorgeous!

Thank you.

But your swimsuits are all lovely, too.

I-Is it really that great...?

Usagi, why don't we start heading back?

B-But, I want to stay
here a little longer...

Usagi, no matter how
long you hold out here...

...you won't be able to
go on a date with Mamoru!

Hah! Bull's-eye!

Sheesh, Rei, you're so mean to me!

Take that!

The wind is bringing me
the scent of the humid sea.

Something IS going to happen.

Just like Rei said,
I couldn't go on a date!

H-He's asleep...

Sorry about that...

You're in the middle
of your training...

Sometimes it is important to relax
and get rid of the excess power.

Was that a poor excuse?

Get out of the way!


Mr. Kakusui!

People... cannot live alone...

Don't force yourself...

Mr. Kakusui!!






I, Sailor Jupiter, will not forgive
anyone putting their hands on Mr. Kakusui!

A Daimohn is enough
to fight against you.

Appear before me, Daimohn!


Hold it right there!

Even if your evil plans make
heroes of justice stumble times...

...they will always
stand up an th time!

For love and justice...

A pretty soldier in a sailor suit!

Sailor Moon!

In the name of the moon,
I'll punish you!

And we'll chastise you, too!

Leave this to me!

This time, I'll make sure
I defeat this thing by myself!


Thanks for the hard work,
but this isn't a talisman.

She sure runs away quickly...

Shall we help?

I'll do it myself...

I'll defeat it by myself!

Don't force yourself to do so.

Jupiter, don't force yourself to do
this! We can combine our powers!

The five of us come together as one!

Believe in everyone!

We all fight together!

People... cannot live alone...

Don't force yourself...

I'll believe in everyone...
And I'll fight with everyone!


Sometimes it is important to relax
and get rid of the excess power.


It looks like Mako-chan resolved
whatever it was that was worrying her.
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