03x99106 - The Bond of Destiny: Uranus's Distant Past

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x99106 - The Bond of Destiny: Uranus's Distant Past

Post by bunniefuu »

Haruka and Michiru are very beautiful.

I'm sure that they met each
other in a very wonderful way.

Especially since Haruka said that
Michiru was "more than a lover"...


No! No way!
Hey, now...

You with the perverted
thought over there!

In the name of the moon,
I'll punish you!

Back then, I wanted
to become the wind.

I just wanted to be like the wind...

Wrestling free from
the domination of gravity...

...and plunging forth into
the vast reaches of the sky...

That was the kind of
person I wanted to be...

If I think about it, back then...

I was merely fighting to
escape from my destiny.

No matter when it was,
what I won from my battles...

...were all new parts of myself.

The wind is rustling about...

Exercise in moderation is
a good stimulus for the brain.

Oh, I think I might have an idea!

I guess I'll go for the final touch.

Here it comes, here it comes!

The last spurt!

Yes, Eugeal here.

This next target, you know...

How about we have a
track-and-field athlete?


I have found one.


Then, I will prepare you a Daimohn
that is best suited for this purpose...


I see, a huge gymnasium...

If I get accepted here next year, maybe
I'll start playing volleyball again.

You'll be all right...
I'm sure you'll be accepted.

You guys have been working
really hard lately, Minako.

I said that THEY have been.



That nonchalant look...

For some reason,
I was really hurt by that.

Oh, really?

I felt our friendship on the rocks,
and I'm not kidding when I say that.

Oh? I wonder why?

Come on, let's go.

Yeah, you have it easy.

TA Girls School has a high school,
and you automatically move up to it...

...like an escalator! What a breeze!

You'll be fine too, Usagi.


No matter what school it is, you can
get in if you pass the entrance exams.

That really doesn't make
her feel better, Ami...

Rei, you are such a meanie!

I just stated the truth.

- You know... Rei, you can...
- What!?

Hey... Over there...

It's Elsa Gray.

Who is that?

That's Elsa Gray. You don't know her?

She's a sprinter and hurdler that competes
at the national championship level.

She's a celebrity at this school.

I see... You're visiting our campus...

So you're going to come here next year?

Well, we're not sure yet.

M-Miss Elsa?

You have nice, firm glutes.

Both of you are fit for running track.

If you decide to come here,
join our team.

You're a strange person, Elsa.

You can join as their manager, too.

I know that I'm not athletic at all!

But I wouldn't expect anything less.

Even though the team has the day off,
you're practicing by yourself...

I used to be confident
about my running.

But there was one person
who I just couldn't beat...

She always passed by me,
just like the wind.

I heard she already quit running track,
but I was never able to win against her.

Even now, I'm still
running in her shadow...

She's kinda cool...

- See ya.
- Thank you very much.

Target confirmed.

So I have to work
hard and study more...

That's right, Usagi.

You're not stupid, Usagi.
It's all about concentration.

Let's do our best, Usagi.

Where there's a will, there's a way!

Guys... Yeah.


Something I could expect
from a track athlete.

You sure can run away quickly...

Hold it right there!

I won't allow bad girls to harass
someone's wholesome high-school life!

For love and justice...

The sailor team!

In the name of the moon...

...we'll punish you!

You guys again.

Appear, Daimohn!


Hurdler, eliminate those
who get in our way.


Leave this to me, guys!





Let's draw lines so
they're all straight!

This is Haruka.

I'm at Shirakaba High School
in the S district.


The one under attack...

...is Elsa Gray.

I see...



I won't let you escape!

Miss Elsa!

Michiru and I knew Elsa Gray.

Elsa was the one who
introduced me to Michiru.

That was before I had
awakened as Sailor Uranus.

The illusion of destruction
had cast a shadow upon my heart.

The silence is approaching.

We must find the Messiah quickly.

The ones who can do that...

...are you, and I.

That again...

I hear you're very fast.

But I won't lose.

On your marks...


Back then, I was just fighting
to escape from my own destiny.

No matter what sport I played,
there wasn't anyone who could beat me.

Track-and-field was
the same as the others...

I was just running to keep
myself from being bored...

In the end, the only thing that
kept my interest was motor sports...

Back then, the circuit
was everything to me.

If I had not met
Michiru Kaioh back then...

Miss Haruka Tenoh!

I had heard rumors about you.
You really ARE amazing.

I have someone I want
to introduce to you.

Come on over, Michiru.

This is Michiru Kaioh.

She's really intelligent AND she's
said to be a prodigious painter.

She says she's interested in you.

You aren't sweating at all...

Perhaps you were holding
back quite a bit?

What do you mean...?

Can't you hear the
sound of wind rustling?

That was when I realized...

...that she was THE person.

And that she knew
exactly who I was, too.

I was born with
the destiny of a soldier.

But, in my heart, I didn't
want to acknowledge that fact yet...

...because I had a hunch
that if I did...

...I was pretty sure that
everything around me would change.

You're weird.

So, what do you want with me?

Will you be a model
for one of my drawings?

I'll pass.

I don't like stuff like that...

That girl is Michiru Kaioh.

She sure doesn't look
like a junior high student.

She must be quite popular
at school, don't you think?

I heard that she
doesn't make many friends.

I wonder why.
She looks like a wonderful girl...

Yeah... I heard that
she doesn't like people...

Did you find it to your liking?

Thank you for coming here tonight.

Miss Haruka Tenoh,
the prodigious racer.

You seem to know
quite a bit about me...

This piece...
Did you paint it...?

You're rather famous.

There are a lot of freakish fans
of yours at my school as well...

One of them is a girl,
but she says she still wants...

...to go cruising along
the beach in your car.

The end of the world, huh?

I'm surprised that
a well-to-do girl who...

...can't even k*ll one bug can
draw such a tragic fantasy.

It's not a fantasy!

I can see THAT scene clearly!

Just like you can...

This is stupid.

I'm Haruka Tenoh,
the first Junior racer in Japan.

Memories of my previous life or the end
of the world have nothing to do with me.

If someone has to do it,
then YOU can do it.

I would like you to stop
investigating me like that, though.

Don't say such selfish
things like that...!

I don't want to do it, either...

I also have a dream --
to become a violinist...

I can't do something stupid like
saving the world from destruction.

Is someone there?

Help me...

What's wrong?
Are you all right?

Help me...



Help me...

Don't do it!

Don't grab that.

Once you grab a hold of it...

...you will never again
return to mundane life.

You can't!

He was human until
just a few minutes ago!

Are you all right doing this!?
This is m*rder!!

The silence is approaching...

If I don't do this, there
will be even more victims!

Are you saying that's why you
don't care how you accomplish it!?

That's right!

I don't care what means I use!

Are you really satisfied--

Look out!


Where's the monster...?

He turned back into a human.

He's all right.

I might have k*lled him.

No... Next time, I'm sure I'll k*ll.

It's not that I'm fine with it.
But I am a soldier...

Because I chose to do this.

Then why did you
cover for me just now...?

If you hurt your hand, you won't
be able to become a violinist.


I didn't investigate you because
you were the other soldier.

It goes back much further than
when I realized you were the one.

I was watching you in your
first race from close by.

I wanted to cruise along the
beach in your car... just once...

You don't rely on anyone at all.

And you are always
honest to your feelings.

I'm not honest at all...

I keep running away.

I know about you more than you do...

Because I've always been watching you.

You are the one person I don't want to
see walking the same path that I did...

But... when I realized that you
were the one... I was happy...

I'm sorry...

I didn't mean to tell you all this...

I'm sorry...

And so... I...

Looks like it's time for work.


Let's go, Michiru!

All right, Haruka!









Coming out all in a mess... Sheesh!

Hurdler, I'm leaving
the rest of it to you!

Leave it to me!

I don't fall for the same
trick THAT many times!




I'm sorry, but you
can't run away from me.

Because I am the wind.

Now, Neptune!



You can't!

Look out!






How is it?

Looks like this isn't it.

It's a little frustrating...
But the two of them sure do it well.

So, I chose this path.

No, I just acknowledged the
fact that I am a sailor soldier...

Yes. I must find the Messiah
that will save the world...

I am not allowed to stand in one place.
My days are filled with battles.


I'm glad I was able to meet you...


Let's cruise together
like this forever...

I won't let you go home tonight.

Oh, my!
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