03x99110 - The Death of Uranus and Neptune: The Talismans Appear

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x99110 - The Death of Uranus and Neptune: The Talismans Appear

Post by bunniefuu »

Please, Haruka... Michiru...

Stop chasing after
someone's pure heart...

I'm sure we can work it out.

Because we are the same...
We're Sailor Soldiers!

Even if we don't have the talismans,
we can save the world!

I'll show you.
I'll save the world!

So unfair of you...

...to go off into your own world.

Don't leave me here...

I saw... a dream this morning...


I feel it even after I'm fully awake...

I've never felt this way before...

You're right...

Then... You noticed it too...

Of course I noticed...

I'm sure of it...
Today, a talisman will appear...

This should allow me to specify
the owners of pure hearts...

...that have the talismans
hidden in them for sure.



Who would do such a thing...?

That really hurt
because I was barefoot...

What's this?

What are the lab snails
doing in my locker...!?

Snail Woman in the Station Wagon
Should Crash and Die!!

Hey, did you hear?
Chief Eugeal failed again!

Oh, my... she made waste of yet another
Daimohn that we had the professor make us?

She's so calculating,
but she's more like Klutzeal.

Really... I would like
old hags to just retire.

You shouldn't say that, guys... Don't
say such bad things about our chief...

Maybe it's finally my turn next!

Sorry to break your bubble!

I got a phone call from the professor
today, saying he wanted to talk to me!

Not fair!

Why were you the only one to
get such a phone call, Mimet!?

Dammit... How dare they
Make such fun of me!

They forget exactly WHO
taught them their work...

Especially Mimet!

I can't forgive her!

She always acts so
cutesy in front of me...

She really has two different faces...

I'm sure SHE'S the one who
put the snails in my locker!

Fortunately, today is a holiday...

If I can resume work
with talisman in hand...

...the next executive
chair will be MINE...

And then, I'll show them... I'll make
sure they all suffer working for me!

All right!

This will allow me to
see who has a talisman!

But who in the world has the purest
heart to hide a talisman...!?

So this... is the
owner of a talisman...?

We're not home right now.
Please leave a message after the beep.

Hello, is this
Haruka Tenoh's residence?

This is Eugeal... I wanted to
thank you for all your hard work.

Are you surprised?

It's easy for me to
figure out where you are...

...now that you have shown
your true identities tome!

I'll surprise you even further!

I have finally found the
location of a talisman's owner!

I will go take it now!

The battle will be won by--

We're not home right now.
Please leave a message after the beep.

Hey, there cording time
on this is too short!

I couldn't finish
what I wanted to say!

Ah well... so there you have it.

Oh yeah, I hear that you've been
searching for talismans as well.

Depending on the conditions,
I can have you join us.

Don't worry. I haven't told my
boss of your true identities yet.

If you feel up to it, come to
the place I'm going to specify.

I'll send you a map via fax. See ya.

It's probably true that she
found the owner of a talisman.

Yeah, it coincides
with our premonition.

It's finally time...

The sehands have been tainted now...

No matter what methods I take
and what sacrifices I make...

I will make sure to get
a hold of the talismans...


Hey... what's wrong?


It's all right...

I like your hands.

Talismans... what in
the world are they?

Our objective is to get
a hold of the talismans.

Do you use any means
possible to get them?

That's right...
We use any means we can.

We... can't work this out...?

That's right...
We're going to be enemies...

But we're both the same...
We're Sailor Soldiers.

Stop that... We're looking
for completely different things.

We won't have any regrets,
no matter who we sacrifice...

Even if we have to sacrifice
the owners of those pure hearts...

Hey, idiot! Usagi! Telephone!

It's from someone named Haruka!

Eh? Usako was called out to go
somewhere by Haruka and Michiru?

Is she all right?

I mean, those two are
Uranus and Neptune, right...?

Yeah... but those two...

...aren't bad people, I think...

What's wrong?

This is amazing...

I didn't know there was an aquarium
at the top of this building!

Can I bring my friends here next time?

Can I?

Don't show yours elfin
front of us ever again...

...Sailor Moon.

We... are both the same...
We're Sailor Soldiers.

We can't fight together?

I won't allow you to slow us down
with your half-baked play w*r...

You can't!

I'll hold onto this...


Please, don't go after
people's pure hearts anymore!

Don't say that.

Listen. The next time you show
yours elfin front of us...

...you will die!





We are searching for the talismans
that are sealed inside pure hearts.

The Holy Grail will not appear unless we
collect all three talismans in one place.

Silence... a time of destruction is
approaching this world right now.

The only one who can save us is the
Messiah, the one who can use the Grail.

Grail? Messiah?

It has nothing to do with you...

Haruka! Michiru!

Will you go rescue them?

They have headed off to the place where
their destined battle will begin...

But today, even those
two are in danger.

You are...?

Setsuna Meioh.

An... old acquaintance... of those two.

Those two are in danger?

Will you go rescue them?

But you might see even graver danger,
as you are unable to transform...

Please! If you know where
I should go, tell me!

I can see it now...

So that's it...?

A church under construction.
A marine cathedral...

We'll finally meet
the owner of a talisman...


You understand...

...that no matter what happens,
we will acquire the talismans...

From here on, we'll ignore each other's
danger, and you'll move on by yourself.

What are you talking
about now, of all times?

You're right...

For someone who invited us,
this is rather unwelcome...

What's wrong? Neptune?

It moved!?


So it was an enemy trap...

Idiot... of course it is.







How's that?



Sailor Uranus!

Now, I have the owner of a talisman!

What are you talking about!?

I really fell for it as well...

But then, not even
you had realized it...

What in the world
are you talking about!?

I'll tell you...

The owner of a talisman is
your partner, Sailor Neptune!

I will soon extract
the talisman from Neptune.

How do you feel about that? If you
want to watch, come to the main hall...

Neptune is the owner of a talisman!?

That's impossible!



You fell for it!

Fool, when someone other
than myself walks across...

...this bridge, they receive
divine punishment!!

Divine... punishment?

Don't worry. I haven't pulled
out Neptune's talisman yet...

I must pull the talisman out
of ANOTHER person first...

Another owner of a talisman!?

I mean, YOU!

I'm talking about your heart...

The one that tried to save the world,
without fear of soiling one's hands.


Talismans are sealed
within pure hearts...

There is no way I could
be holding a talisman...

You'll see soon enough...

Although with those wounds,
the force from this g*n will k*ll you.


Haruka... I won't let you die...

Wait, Neptune!! Don't move!



They're out of b*ll*ts.

So this is a talisman.
I'll take yours next!

We are the ones in whom
the talismans were sealed...

O Messiah...

Is this the punishment we get...?

Hold it right there!




Hold yourself together, Michiru!

Please, talisman!
Turn back to Michiru's heart crystal!!

Please stop that...

We've found the talisman.
This is the way it should be...


Then, Michiru is...

You're so unfair, Michiru...

To leave for a world of your own...

I'll return that to you...

You really were reckless.
You knew you couldn't transform.

You can't!

- Let go!
- Stop that!

There is another talisman inside me!

Even if we don't have the talismans,
we can save the world!


I'll... save the world...

It's strange... when you say it,
it really feels like you will...

A few minutes ago... for some reason,
you looked like the Messiah...

...although I don't
believe in your powers...


Sailor Moon.

Please make sure to find
the last talisman, too...


This can't be...

Haruka... Michiru...
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