03x99122 - Believe in Love: Ami, the Kindhearted Guardian

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x99122 - Believe in Love: Ami, the Kindhearted Guardian

Post by bunniefuu »

The next national practice examination is
going to be held at Mugen Academy!?

Come to think, anything called
an exam is dominated by Ami.

I'm jealous...

But if you use words like
"slip", "fall", and "fail"...

...I, Sailor Moon, will punish
you in the name of the moon!

Telulu's student handbook...

Mugen Academy, huh?

There is something there.

Yes, I'm sure of it!


Ami, you are amazing!
Just amazing!

Ami, you got...

...the highest rank in the national
practice exam, with a perfect score!?


No, I'm not the only one at the top...

There was another girl with a perfect score.

A girl named Yui Bidoh, who is
always at the top in Mugen Academy.

Mugen Academy again...

Hey, the next national practice examination
is held at Mugen Academy, right?

In this case, why don't we
sneak into the exam site...

...and really do a good investigation?

But we don't have a registration ticket.

That's not it.

It's not that we're going to take the exam.

All we need to do is to be at the site.

So, we don't need a registration ticket.

I'm sorry, guys.

I had been planning to take
that exam at Mugen Academy.

Oh, man!

Nothing less from our studious Ami.

There are so many people
here despite the snow...

Everyone is very studious, aren't they?

Unlike someone we know.

Sheesh, don't say that!

We have quite a few here.


Mugen Academy is becoming more
popular with its high caliber education.

Those that gathered here
are especially intelligent.

There are some that
don't seem that way...

...but the enthusiasm these young individuals
have towards the entrance exams is amazing.


Oh, it's you, Byruit.

It seems like your plan
is going along schedule...


I, Byruit, will collect an immense
amount of pure hearts.

Yes. This is also a good plan to
awaken the Messiah of Silence.

Thank you for your kind words.

How about you go collect a few pure hearts,
instead of hanging all over him?

Oh, Mamo-chan.

Where are you going?




Where are you!?

It looks like we've made it in
safely among everyone else.

All of them look like the bookworm type...

I just can't get to like people like them!

But I'm sure they all have
dreams about their future...

...and are studying hard
to achieve them.

Studying to achieve
their dreams of their futures?

And then there's me...
I guess I'm a sloth...

It's too late for you to repent now!

Sheesh! Fine, I'm just
a clumsy slow USAGI!

Are you Ami Mizuno?

You always do well on
those national exams.

I was thinking I wanted
to meet you someday.

You are...?

Yui Bidoh. I was listed next to you
at the previous national exam--

Oh, she's the one that
got the perfect score!

And you are?

I don't have a name that's worth anything...

If you are one of Miss Mizuno's friends,
you must be very studious.

What are your best subjects?

Naps and lunch...

You're so witty!

Oh, Miss Mizuno,
this is the perfect opportunity.

I want to show you something
that might help with your studies.

Do come this way!

This is our valuable adolescence!
I can't just study all day!

Usagi, don't stand there resolved,
we have to investigate inside the building!


The waves are making a commotion,
and the ocean has started to be stormy.

Do you feel it, too, Michiru?

Yes. An ominous feeling...

There's an eerie energy of an
unknown kind all over this school.

I've been thinking that for a while now.
I'll get to the bottom of it this time!

Then, we head down to THAT
room in the basement again?

I'll make sure to tear away
the veil of mystery from it.

This is...?

A greenhouse model of the universe.
I made it in the Science Club.

It's pretty, isn't it?


This is the Tau Nebula.

Tau Nebula...?!

Our school is broken into five classes...

Philosophy, entertainment, science,
physical, and professional.

Other than the instructors for
each class, superior students...

...like me become lecturers and
teach the students of Mugen Academy.

You, a student, teach a class?

Yes. Anyone can become a lecturer,
given that they are intelligent enough.

That's the good part of Mugen Academy.


Even if you do well in academics,
it doesn't make you a great teacher.

Because to be a teacher,
you have to be one who understands...

...the feelings of students
with poor grades as well...

Or it wouldn't work, I think...

That's so idealistic.

Logic is what is most important in science.

You don't need to think about
other people's emotions.

I don't think that way.

I think that science especially
needs the warmth of human hearts...

Oh, my!

Miss Mizuno, you're at the top of
the country, yet that doesn't sound...

...like something someone who
gets such good grades would say!

The exam is about to begin.

I'll see you again,
kindhearted Miss Mizuno.

That student, Ami Mizuno...

There's something suspicious about her.

There is a need to investigate...

Perhaps, she might be
one of the sailor soldiers.

Yui Bidoh, in charge of the science class...

Determination of the truth
about Ami Mizuno...

Leave it to me!

That's for me--!

This plan to gather many pure
hearts at once is all MY plan.

If Ami Mizuno turns out to be a sailor soldier
and gets in the way, I'll get rid of her.


You stay quiet!

These nano-robots are efficient.

They are computers that faithfully follow
Just the data that gets inputted into them.

They move however I want
them to, at my command.

If we let these take care of it,
success is guaranteed.

Yeah, do as you wish,
however you want to do it!


Why did you come back from the dead?

It isn't so that you can hang
all over the professor, right?

What's wrong, Kaorinite?

Oh, no, nothing...

It looks like everyone is
getting engrossed in the exam.

Now, nano-robots!

Suck up all the excited,
pure hearts of the students!

Right now, there isn't
anything suspicious going on.

Everyone is taking the exam so seriously...

Oh, this is...!?

The pure hearts are...!!

Sacrifice your pure hearts
for our Messiah of Silence!

So this place really is--!

The headquarters of the Death Busters!?

What should we do?

There has to be someone controlling
the computers somewhere around here.

I guess defeating whoever
that is is our only way.

Let's let everyone know.


An eerie feeling...

The Messiah of Silence...

The ultimate evil that should be obliterated...



Don't hurt that girl!


This is the root of all evil who will seal
away the entire world into one of silence!

I can't let her off the hook!

No, Hotaru is a pitiful girl.

She's a pitiful girl who just
got used by the Death Busters.

You're being idealistic.
Don't show sympathy to the enemy!

That will lead the entire
universe to destruction!

This girl has committed no crime.

Get out of the way!

Don't get in our way!

No, don't lay a finger on her!

What are you doing?

I thought this place was off limits.

Michiru Kaioh.

Ami Mizuno.

Haruka Tenoh.

You guys are suspicious...

Show your real identities!

Yui Bidoh is...!?


Haruka! Michiru!


Don't worry about us!

I can't leave you here like this!

An idealist!

Such idealism to sacrifice yourself to
save your friends leads to your death!

Take this!





Soldier of Knowledge,
guarded by Mercury, the planet of water!

Sailor Mercury!

Genius girl Ami Mizuno...

So your true identity is
indeed a Sailor Soldier!!

Don't abuse science!

Shut up!

Die with these two!




It's useless!

Does that hurt?

Invisible nano-machines that came from the
program that I control are biting into...

...your body and are
trying to break you up!

The only thing left will be your
beautiful soul, your pure heart.

It's wrong to use science for evil...

You should be using them
for people's happiness...

You will sacrifice that pure heart
for the Messiah of Silence!

I can't let her give away her pure heart!

Sailor Soldiers!

I can't forgive you for sucking
up all the pure hearts of students...

...who are enthusiastic in their
studies just for your own purpose!

For love and justice,
the pretty soldier in a sailor suit!

Sailor Moon!

In the name of the moon,
I'll punish you!

All of you are here!

Sailor Moon!

If you move,
Mercury's life will be over!














Super Sailor Moon!

The one doing all
the bad things is that ring!




My cute little nano-robots!!

Get rid of Super Sailor Moon!

W-What's going on!?

Nano-robots, you are
attacking the wrong target!


Don't you realize that it's me!?

Machines don't have hearts.

Science doesn't need hearts.

That's what you said.

Byruit has failed...

A foolish one...

Such arrogance.

It wasn't even worth my time
to directly do away with her...

Sailor Soldiers,
I have confirmed your identities...

Is this what she got
for believing only in...

...the mechanical aspect of science,
and not learning to love?

Poor girl...

The Messiah of Silence is...!!


Sailor Soldiers...

The battle has just begun!!


Mamo-chan... Plu...

You'll catch a cold.


How long are you going to stay here?

I don't care if it's just for a moment.

I want to see Hotaru.

Hotaru will come back all right... right?


Small Lady...

Ami Mizuno... if you didn't
stop us back there...

...we could have defeated
the Messiah of Silence.

Your idealism has let
the Messiah of Silence escape.

But... that idealism is what saved us...

So, at least for today...

We have to thank you.
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