03x99127 - A Guardian’s Realization: Strength Lies Within a Pure Heart

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x99127 - A Guardian’s Realization: Strength Lies Within a Pure Heart

Post by bunniefuu »

What is a pure heart?

A pure heart that loves someone.

Our pure hearts of
friendship and kindness.

I want to treasure
such pure hearts.

Chibiusa, even if you return
to the future, don't ever forget...

That our hearts are
always together as one!

What a beautiful moon.


It's quiet.

Yeah... Peaceful nights are so nice.


You know... um...

Isn't it a little cold?

I guess it is...

I want you to warm me up...



What are you doing?

What? Well, you're cold, right?

How about we go inside
and have some warm cocoa...

What's wrong?
Why are you pouting?

Sheesh! Mamo-chan,
you're so dense!

A beautiful starry sky...

A letter?

It's from Mama.

"To Small Lady.

How are you doing?

I'm lonely because I can't see you.

It's about time you came home.

-- From Mama.

PS. Papa is waiting, too."


Small Lady.

Small Lady.

Papa... Mama...

I'm home!


What's wrong?
What are you holding?


Oh, let me see...

Chibiusa ... This...?


A letter from the future?

Yeah... she said it was
a letter from her mom...

Of course, that would be me...

And... was it all in hiragana?


It's not the time for that, is it!?

- Sorry!
- So, what was written on it?

Well... for her to come back now...

And, what did Chibiusa say?


It doesn't have to be right now...

If I wanted to go home,
I can go back when ever I want...

She's at that age where she wants
to be spoiled by her parents...

I think she does want
to see them after all...

I think so, too.

Maybe she just can't honestly
say that she wants to go back...

Chibiusa is the type who doesn't
want to show her weakness to others...

Now that the trouble
has settled down...

I would like to send Chibiusa
back to her parents' place.

Let's give her some
good memories of us!

Is there a good way?

How about a farewell party?

Oh, you say something
good once in a while.

That's a good idea.

Let's start getting ready for it!

Then, I'll make a feast!

Hey, and where are
we going to have it?

How about Mamoru's condo?
Usagi, can you ask?


A farewell party?

That's right. We decided to have it
at Mamo-chan's place tomorrow.

That can't be... I haven't decided
on going back immediately yet...

We all talked it out and decided.

You don't need to hold back.

Let's have a huge party
and have a rowdy time!

You want me to go back that badly?



How strange...

It doesn't look like she's
too happy about it.


Usagi, you idiot!

If I go back to the future,
it means that...

...I won't be able to see you,
Mamo-chan, or everyone else!

To not be able to see everyone...

I don't want that...

I don't want that at all.

I don't!!

You know, Usagi...

You mentioned a gift for Chibiusa, but didn't
you spend all of your allowance already?

It's all right.

It's a gift for Chibiusa who's
going back to the future!

It has to be a wonderful gift
that money can't buy!

Here it is!

This is the one-piece dress that
I really liked when I was little!



What's wrong?

I can't understand if you stay quiet.

Anyway, come on in.


Mamo-chan, does everyone hate me?

Why do you think that?

This farewell party is so sudden...

It sounds like they want
me to go back so soon.

Everyone is thinking about how
nice it would be if you could stay...

But you're still a child, Chibiusa.

It's best for you to
live with your parents.

Don't you want to see your
parents as well, Chibiusa?

It's tough for Usako and the others
to be parting with you, too, Chibiusa.


Are you going to be
sad, too, Mamo-chan?

Of course I will, too.





What are you doing?


Kids should go to sleep early!


Good night.

I'm sorry, Chibiusa...

Usagi, you're an idiot!

You don't understand
my feelings at ALL!

To Chibiusa's future!

Now, eat up!

Chibiusa, cheer up.

The future is just a little further than
Hokkaido, and it's closer than heaven.

You can come back
again anytime you want!

Usagi, have you
ever gone to heaven?


Why do you need to correct her?

Well, let's have a blast!
First, I'll sing a song!

Yeah! I've been waiting for that!


Pure hearts...

I must collect pure hearts...

Now, Chibiusa, we have
presents foryou.

You go first, Mako-chan.

Here, Chibiusa.
I packed you a lunch!

Heat it up in the microwave
and eat it with your parents!

Thanks, Mako-chan.

I programmed this.

Sheesh, Ami, academics
even for a time like this?

Studying when you are
young is very important...

Study hard, and when
you're tired, play with this.

It's an original game I made,
and everyone's in it.

Thanks, Ami.

The gift from me is a cassette
with my singing in it!

I made the last song
Just for you, Chibiusa.

Take time to listen to it.

Thanks, Rei.

I compiled all the photos we
took together in an album.

See? They're all our fun memories.

Here, can you hold all of it?

Yeah. Thanks, Minako.



A red rosebud means
"purity" and "cuteness."

It fits you perfectly, Chibiusa.


Will everyone's gifts fit in this...?

Usagi... this is...?

Well... it doesn't look all that great, but...

Wow, a cute backpack of a puppy!!

It's well-made!

Rei! This isn't a puppy!
It's a rabbit!!

Oh... I-I'm sorry, it is a rabbit now
that I looked at it more closely.

Rei, you always make
fun of me like that!

Do you have some grudge
against me or something!?

What!? You don't have to put it that way!

I just said a dog because
it looked like a dog!

You don't have to keep
saying "dog" like that!

You're so annoying!
Don't bark at me like some stray dog!

There, you said "dog" again!

Sheesh, you overexerted
yourself knowing you're clumsy!

You've got scratches all over!

At least put bandages on them.


Here, I'll put them on for you.

I'll help you with those, Chibiusa.
Let me see...

Chibiusa, Usagi seems to have made that to
the best of her ability, after many failures...

I'm jealous...

Rei and Usagi can say
anything they want to each other...

They say that the more you argue,
the better friends you are...

I wish I had a friend that
I could be like that with...

Here is fine.

It will only be tougher...

Thanks, everyone.

I troubled you for lots of things...

Keep doing your best even
when you go back to the future.

Listen to what your
parents have to say.

Please give my regards
to everyone in the future.

Take care.

Do remember us every so often.





- Usagi!
- Wait!

Can you leave them alone...?

Oh, Guardian of Time...

Doors of time, break open the skies,
and release them for me!

I call out your true name,
oh almighty lord of time...

Father of guardians, Chronos!

Guide me!

Protect me!

Show me the path of light!



You can't... be crying.

You're going to go back to
your parents' place, and you're...

You're going to be happy...

Idiot Usagi...
You're the one who's crying.

It's funny...
I promised not to cry.

I made up my mind that I would
see you off without crying...

Usagi! I don't want to!!

Be on good terms with
your parents of the future...!!

Good-bye, Usagi!


A terrible thing has happened!

One of the Death Busters'
eggs was still left.

And that egg turned into a Daimohn!

The pure hearts of people all over
town are getting sucked into it!

Where is it?

At the Tenoh Sandbank...
Where Mugen Academy used to be!

Mama! Mama!!

I can't ever forgive you for taking
pure hearts from everyone!

For love and justice,
the pretty soldier in a sailor suit!

Sailor Moon!

And the Sailor Team!

And I, Tuxedo Mask...

In the name of the moon,
we'll punish you!

That doesn't work at all!

Pure hearts...

Pure hearts...










...LOVE ME...


Pure hearts...

I-It's strong...!!

It's Crystal Tokyo...

Papa... Mama...!!

Pure hearts...

Pure hearts...

Pure hearts...

I-If only I had the Grail...
I could become Super Sailor Moon!

S-Sailor Moon...



Chibi Moon!

Chibi Moon!

The Sailor Team are my dear friends!

I can't forgive you for
going after their pure hearts!

For love and Justice, an apprentice
to a pretty soldier in a sailor suit!

Sailor Chibi Moon!

In the name of the future moon...

...I'll punish you!

Look out!

It's no time to be posing!!

A maiden's heart that thinks of others is
stronger and more beautiful than anything else.

I, Tuxedo Mask, will not forgive anyone
who threatens the safety off air maidens!

Sailor Moon, believe in your friends!


That's right...
Even if I don't have a Grail...

...I can protect everyone with my
pure heart that cares about others!





You did it, Sailor Moon!

Well done, Sailor Moon.

Perhaps the Grail...

...is actually the pure heart itself
that cares about others.

Wow! What a beautiful sunrise!

Why are you here!?

You guys are so helpless without me!

What was that!?

All right, everyone, let's get her!

Oh, it's Luna-P!

It's got a letter in its mouth.

"Dear Small Lady.

Thanks for the souvenirs!

Don't be too much of a nuisance to your
big sister Usagi, and be a good girl!


P.S. Bring more souvenirs
back next time!"

It is Usagi after all...

So, I'll be around for a bit more!
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