04x01 - The Grand Opening

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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04x01 - The Grand Opening

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ well, we're movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to a deluxe
apartment in the sky ♪

♪ m-movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ we finally got
a piece of the pie ♪

♪ fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ beans don't
burn on the grill ♪

♪ took a whole lot of tryin'
just to get up that hill ♪

♪ now we're up in
the big leagues ♪

♪ gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ as long as we live
it's you and me, baby ♪

♪ there ain't nothin'
wrong with that ♪

♪ well, we're movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to a deluxe
apartment in the sky ♪

♪ m-movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ we finally got a piece ♪

♪ of the pie ♪♪

♪♪ [humming]

Weezy, did you call the
caterers? Oh, yes, george, twice.

Oh, good, good. Ha, ha. Did
they get my order right?

Everything you wanted.
They got the champagne,

The sandwiches,
the pastry plate.

What about those stupid
little things on the crackers?

Two dozen stupid little
things on crackers. Good.

With all that money you're laying out,
mr. Jefferson, you could have let me cater it.

Florence, I'm opening a
new office, not a morgue.

Is there something you
don't like about my cooking?

Yeah, eatin' it. Ha!

This is so exciting, george.

After all these
years, your own office.

Yeah, that's right. It took me a
long time, but I'm finally there.

Hey, let's take a
look at my ad again.

Look at that,
weezy, a whole page.

Uh, are you sure you didn't
overdo it a little, george?

What are you talking about? "Jefferson's
cleaners proudly announces the opening...

Of its new corporate
offices." Not that part. This part.

"Look for our stores in chicago,
san francisco and los angeles."

You don't have stores
in any of those places.

So what. I didn't say I had a store
there. I just said look for 'em.

I'm surprised you didn't take two
pages and put in a big picture of yourself.

Hey, that's a great idea. Why
didn't you tell me that sooner?

I like it. It's just the right
size. Thank you, florence.

For wrapping the garbage in.

Well, I'm glad you
finally got an office.

No more running around
from store to store.

No, that's right. From now on,
the store managers come to me.

I can remember your first
office in the queens store.

You had a table and the
phone in the bathroom.

Oh, yeah, that's right. I was the only
executive in town that had a chair that flushed.

Hey, I bet that's where you
got the idea to open up a chain.

Get it? Chain.

Gone, florence. Get it? Gone.

I can't wait to see
your new office.

I wish everyone would hurry
up and get here so we can go.

Me too. I wanna know what you
think before my opening tomorrow.

That's why I invited the family and some
of my friends over for the sneak preview.

You mean a sneak show-off.

What are you talking about, weezy?
Look, it's the american dream come true.

Ten years ago, I was this little guy
with one store, right? Now look at me.

A little guy with seven stores.

Ha, ha, ha. You can't get me today,
weezy. Nothing can make me mad today.

- In that case,
can I have a raise?
- No.

See? That didn't make me mad.
I was happy to turn her down.

George, you'd better finish
dressing. They'll be here soon.

Oh, yeah, that's right. I
can't let my public down.

Florence, can you keep a secret?

Only if it ain't worth
telling to nobody.

Then I'd better not
tell you this secret.

If it's that juicy, I
wanna hear it. Well,

I got george a present to celebrate
the opening of his new office.

You just ran out of juice.

It's a gold watch.

Helen is picking it up
for me at the jewelers.

Okay, I'm all set.

Now remember, you
don't know a thing.

I coulda told you that.

Okay, what do you think?
Do I look successful enough?

Tailor-made suit, monogrammed
shirt, brand-new silk tie.

Is that a tie? I thought
your tongue was hangin' out.

Who asked you?

I was just telling you
what I was thinking.

Look, if I paid you to think, you could
cash your check at a penny arcade.

Where do you
think I cash it now?

Gone, florence.
I ain't got time.

I got to change.

Weezy, look, this is the
biggest day of my life.

Even bigger than you
think. What do you mean?

Well, today is the day lionel's
coming into the business with me.

What? When did he
decide to do that?

Mm, in about an hour from now.

Oh, george, how many
times are you gonna ask him?

He always says
no. [doorbell rings]

He ain't gonna say no this
time. Not the way I got it planned.

Hello, mr. Jefferson, sir. I
got those papers you wanted.

All of them. Hey, that's
great, ralph. Come on in.

George, what is all this?

Oh, I sent ralph out to get a
few copies of my advertisement.

A few copies? You've got enough
there to paper-train king kong.

It was a pleasure getting them for
you, sir, even though they are very heavy.

Oh, here, let me help you
out there, ralph. Easy. Easy.

Here, weezy, take
care of these. Oh!

Here, this is for you,
ralph. Thank you, sir.

Oh, you're too generous.
Oh, yeah, you're right.

Anything you say, sir.
Any little thing you need,

You just, uh, let me know.

[Clears throat]
would you like to...

Would you like me to get that
spot out of your pants for you, sir?

What spot? Weezy, why
didn't you tell me about that?

George, what are you doing?

Take these down to my store.
Tell 'em I want them back right away.

Yes, sir. When it
comes to serv...

You can't walk around like
that. We have people coming.

Don't worry about it, weezy.
He'll be back in a minute.


What the hell you
laughing at? Your legs.

I've seen fatter toothpicks.

Now hold on, florence. I
happen to like george's legs.

Besides, where else would
you put knees like that?

I saw knees like that once...

On an ostrich.

Are you two finished?
I got one more.

Your legs... Shut up.

Oh, florence, you look so nice.

Yeah, I do, don't i?

At least you had enough sense to get
dressed up for my new office opening.

I ain't goin' to no opening. It's
saturday. I'm going to choir rehearsal.

What are you talking about?
Everybody's going to my opening.

The lord ain't. He's meeting
me at choir rehearsal.

Not if he heard you
sing before, he ain't.

[doorbell rings] see,
that ralph is fast.

Now see, that's what I
call good service, weezy.

Uh, greetings, mr. J. Let me be the first
to congratulate you on your new office.

Oh. Who you supposed to
be, bentley, fred astaire?

I was led to believe the
occasion demanded formal wear,

But I see it's
actually quite sporty.

My pants are down
at the cleaners.

Actually, I haven't worn
this since the funeral.

- Poor aunt amelia.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

Oh, don't be. She
lived to a ripe old age.

Oh? How old was she? She'd
have been if she were human.

Your aunt wasn't human?

It runs in the family.

Oh, no, it wasn't aunt amelia's
funeral. It was for her poodle, fifi.

Oh, I've heard about
those pet funerals,

But they always seemed
kind of silly to me.

Oh, not at all, mrs. J. It
was actually quite touching.

Fifi was buried just
as she had lived,

With a copy of the
london times
in her mouth.

Mr. Bentley, you're the first
one here. Why don't you sit down?

Oh, I can't. I just popped over to
get the address of the new office.

I have to run a very
important errand first.

It's in the brockhurst
building on east rd.

Brockhurst. I'll
try not to be late.

Ta-ta. Hey, hey, do it, bentley.

I wonder where the hell
ralph is with my pants.

He could have knitted me a
new pair by now. [doorbell rings]

Well, it's about time. Hmm.

Hey, lionel, it's you. Hey, pop!

Man, you don't
have any pants on.

Didn't I tell you he
was smart, weezy?

Oh, mr. Jefferson.

Ooh, I love your legs.


And... And they
move real fast too.

Hey, mom. There must
be a real good reason...

Why pop isn't wearing any pants.

There is. He gave them to ralph.

I know your daddy's a big
tipper, but isn't that overdoing it?

Hey, weezy, we gotta get bigger
towels in there. [doorbell rings]

It's about time. Ralph's
gonna get it this time.

Oh, no.

What's the matter, george,
you lose your bagpipes?

No wisecracks from you, willis.

About what? I think your
towel looks very nice.

You oughta have
cuffs put on it though.

Yes, sir. Ralph, where you been?

I ran all the way, sir.

The engraver said the watch
wouldn't be ready until : . Oh, no.

And he couldn't get the band you wanted, so
you'll have to go down and select another one.

I'm sorry. Oh, it's okay.
I'll go get it myself.

Well, let the party
begin. Mr. Jefferson...

You still here? I'm
trying to tell you, sir...

Your limousine's
waiting downstairs.

Oh, good. Uh, did they
send everything I asked for?

Oh, yes, sir. The limousine's
black, and the chauffeur's white.

Okay. Good.

Okay, let's go, everybody. We
gotta pick mama up on the way.

Uh, florence, we're leaving now.

All right, mrs. Jefferson.
Y'all have a nice time.

That'll be easy.
You ain't comin'. Ha!

Hey, you the driver of that
limousine out there? Yeah?

Well, I'm george jefferson.

Well, nice to meet you, george,
but we don't need any more drivers.

I hired you to drive. [Coughs]

Oh, you're that
george jefferson.

Yeah, that's right. I got five people
sitting out there in a car that ain't movin'.

Now if you're the chauffeur,
get out there and "chauff." Yes, sir.

Hey, mr. Jefferson. Hey.

I saw your ad in the
newspaper. Oh, yeah?

[Both laughing] boy, you're sure
getting up there in the old chips, huh?

Yeah, I guess I'm getting
too big to hide it anymore.

[All laugh] well, you sure are.

Say, mr. Jefferson, I
mean, between you and me,

How much you figure
you're worth now?

Well, how much you
think rockefeller's worth?

Gee, I don't know.

You know them big guys
never tell anybody anything.

Well, what's good enough for rockefeller's
good enough for me. Ha, see you later.

Hey, bartender. Yes, sir?

About that guy that just
left. Oh, mr. Jefferson?

Yeah. Is he really that loaded?

Is he loaded? You kidding. He
owns a chain of cleaning stores.

- Take a look at that.
- Does he come in here a lot?

Oh, yeah, all the time. He
lives right upstairs, -d.

-D, huh? That's an awful lot
of money for one guy to have.


Seems like he oughta
wanna share it a little.



[George] step right in. [Laughs]

Did you enjoy the ride,
mama? Oh, yes, george.

I only hope that
stuck-up evelyn harris...

Saw me in the limousine.

How could she miss?

You made the chauffeur drive around
the block three times blowing the horn.

Well, how do you like it?

Uh, I love your office, george.

It's, uh... It's so compact.

Uh, yes. I'm sure you'll have
a lot of happy hours here.

Not unless I'm fooling around with my
secretary, I won't, 'cause this is her office.

Now this is my office.

Oh! All right!

Step right in, folks.
No need to crowd. Wow!

Plenty of room. Us big tycoons
like big offices. Oh, george.

Oh, george! Well,
what about it, weez?

Oh, it's... It's... What's
the word I'm looking for?


What do you think of it,
ma? It's lovely, george.

I'm very proud of you.

You know the old saying, ma. Behind every
successful man there stands a good woman.

That's why I'm so proud of you.

You did it anyway.

Uh, hey, come on, weezy. Let me give
you a guided tour. See, this is over here.

George, this desk is fabulous.

Well, it just oughta be.
It's a genuine louis xix.

There was no louis xix.

That's why it's so rare.

- Mr. Jefferson, what's this?
- A sailfish.

It took me exactly six hours
and minutes of sweat and pain...

To land this beauty
in the gulf of mexico.

What? You've never
been fishing in your life.

I know. But for $ ,
that's the story I'm tellin'.

Oh, george, I'm really impressed
with your office. Who wouldn't be?

[Sighs] well, how do
I look sittin' here?

Like the king of the pygmies.

George, there's something
wrong with your desk.

- What, ma?
- Well, you've got
a picture of louise on it,

And you have no picture of me.

Yeah, I'm getting
one of you, ma.

Well, don't you
bother. I brought you...

Oh. Hey, that's
real nice, ma. Huh?

It's my favorite one. I
look so young there.

Oh, is this the one taken
during the civil w*r?

Hey, come on, everybody. This is a
grand opening here. We got lots to eat.

Lionel, why don't you open
some champagne? Okay, pop.

George jefferson?
Oh, right here.

Present for you. Oh, thanks.

Oh. Oh, it's from
lionel and jenny...

For your new
office, a rubber tree.

A rubber tree. Hey, that's
great. Thanks, kids. It's nice.

Uh-uh, be careful with
that champagne, helen.

Remember what happened the last
time you drank it. You could hardly walk.

That's 'cause I
had to carry you.

Mama, look, if this
excitement's too much for you,

You can go in the other room and
rest. Perhaps you're right, george.

It's a shame your father
didn't live to see this day.

Yeah, it sure is. I think
I'll go drink a toast to him.

Oh, that sounds great, ma.

Not that, george. Your father
means more to me than that.

[Clears throat] ladies
and gentlemen,

I would like to propose
a... Just a minute.

I would like to propose a toast to
the man of the hour, george jefferson.

Okay, pop.

Here's a man who made
it against all the odds.

He didn't graduate
from high school.

He's not overly intelligent. He certainly
didn't make it on his looks or his charm or...

- Get to the point.
- Certainly.

I forgot it.

That don't matter, 'cause I got
something important to say...

That's gonna be the
tops of the whole party.

Lionel? Hmm?

What do you think of
this desk? It's great, pop.

I'm glad you like it,
because it's yours.


I want you to quit your job
and come into business with me.

Hey, pop, I'm an engineer.

So what. Look, lionel, you've been sitting in
that same old cubbyhole for over a year now.

And they ain't gave you no
raise, no promotion, no nothin'.

But, george, you're the one who pushed lionel
the hardest to get his engineering degree.

Right. That's so the world
would know he's educated.

Now show me that you're smart.

Pop, you know, i...

You see that? He loves the
idea so much, he can't even talk.

Well, I can talk,
and I hate the idea.

Well, that's too bad. You're
outnumbered two to one.

You lose. Welcome
aboard, lionel.

Pop, not so fast.
I didn't say yes.

You better not. Look,
you stay outta this.

I'm his wife. Well,
that ain't my fault.

Mr. Jefferson? That's me.

A rubber tree for you.
What? Who's that from?

- It's from us, george.
- Oh, tom, helen,
you shouldn't have.

Yeah, you're damn right you
shouldn't have. I've already got one.

Maybe you could
mate them, george?

Sure, you could always
use a new set of tires.

Oh, louise, it's almost : .

If you wanna get george's
watch, you'd better go.

Oh, I almost forgot. I
have to leave for a while.

And, lionel, don't you
make any fast decisions.

Where you going, weezy? On a
little errand. I'll be right back.

Oh. Hey, lionel, why don't you sit
down at your desk and try it on for size?

Oh, now look, pop. I
don't have any experience.

Now what would I
do in your cleaners?

Oh, about $ , a
year for openers.

Thirty-five thousand? Uh-huh?

Dollars? That's right.

Uh, lionel.

Lionel, remember, we agreed. We
don't care anything about money.

Oh, sure, jenny, we did.

Thirty-five thousand? Uh-huh.

A year? Yep.

Well, I hardly make
that in two years.

Uh, mr. Jefferson, in case you
hadn't noticed, lionel's on his own now.

He's his own man. He
makes his own decisions.

Nobody can tell him
what he can and cannot do.

Lionel, you're not taking
this job, and that's it.

Jenny, aren't you being a little
domineering? Let lionel talk.

He has a right to his
own opinion. That's right.

And in my opinion I
feel that... Shut up, tom.

Yes, my angel.

Don't be dumb, lionel. Look,
now I'm offering you top dollar,

Executive position
and all of this.

Pop, it sure sounds
nice, but I just don't know.

I'll even buy you your own fish.

Oh, mr. Jefferson, did
you ever stop to think...

That maybe lionel
might like his own job?

Well, a man can
like a lot of jobs.

Oh, the only reason you're even
considering this is because of the money.

You're being bought
for , lousy dollars.

You know, I resent that,
jenny. And it's $ , .

I wouldn't care if
it was . I would.

Who said anything about ?

Outta the way. Comin'
through. Oh, what is this?

Don't anybody send
candy anymore?

Hey, this place
looks like dog heaven.

What am I gonna
do with this plant?

It's from mr. Billings, the
vice president of your bank.

If he wanted to send something
green, he should have sent some money.

Hey, you two, this is
nothing to fight about.

I think it's a lot
to fight about.

Not now, of course.

Instead of arguing, why don't
you just sit down and discuss it?

Now, what do you say, hmm?

Oh, I'm sorry,
lionel. Me too, jenny.

What are you apologizing
for, lionel? You were right.

George, no one's right, and no one's
wrong. Everything's not black or white.

It is in your family.

Oh, here you are. I'm
sorry I'm late, mr. J.,

But I had to pick up your
office-warming present.

- It'd better not be
what I think it is.
- It's a book.

Oh, good. On how to take
care of this rubber tree plant.

Oh, what a lucky guess. I didn't
know you collected rubber trees.

I don't collect 'em.

Look at the bright side, george. Now
you won't have to hire a secretary.

All you need is a gardener.

There, there, penelope,
you play with your friends.

Mr. J., Your office
is simply smashing.

Oh, you like it, huh, bent?

Oh, goodness yet. It's functional and
efficient, and yet it has that certain...

[Sniffs] je ne sais quoi.

Uh, not anymore. I just had the
exterminator in here yesterday.

Success, mr. J., And
many prosperous years.

Oh, thank you, bentley. Grab
yourself a glass. I'll buy you a drink.

Ah. Hey, lionel.

Huh? Don't you think we oughta
let bentley in on the good news?

[Chuckles] this is the biggest
day of my life, bentley.

My son lionel is joining me in
the business. Oh, that's marvelous.

Now, now, hold on,
pop. Now I didn't say that.

Jenny and I have
to talk it over.

Oh, well, you never got that close to
saying yes before. It's good enough for me.

[Phone ringing] hey, my first
phone call. Where's the phone?

[Continues ringing] it sounds like
it's coming from the cigar box.

Oh, hey! See, that's
class. [Clears throat]

Jefferson and son.

That's him speakin'.

Say when. What? When.

Who is this? When. When.

Pop! Is this some kind of joke?

Yeah, I'm listenin'.

Yeah. Yeah.

What? Well, where
am I gonna get...

Hey, hey, wait a minute.



Hey, what's the matter,
pop? What was that all about?

Weezy, uh...

Weezy's been kidnapped.

♪♪ [humming]

[woman] the jeffersons was
videotaped in front of a studio audience.

♪♪ [humming]

♪ movin', movin' on up ♪♪
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