04x16 - George and Whitty

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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04x16 - George and Whitty

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got
a piece of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't
burn on the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

♪ Just to get up that hill ♪

♪ Now we're up in
the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live ♪

♪ It's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't nothin'
wrong with that ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a
piece of the pie ♪♪

Right this way.

This is the jeffersons' apartment,
the one I was telling you about.

They're not at
home now. Not home?

Estelle, you mean you
dragged me down here...

Martin, you're a drag
wherever you are.

Careful, estelle.

No problem at all.
I have a passkey.

As long as
mr. Whittendale sent you,

I'm sure it'll be
perfectly all right.

Ah. Here we are. This
is the living room.

The dining area.

And here is a very large
terrace with a lovely view.

Oh, really? What can you see?

The outside.

It's a little joke
I use sometimes.

Very little.

[Laughing] would you like
to see the bedrooms now?

Are you sure the
jeffersons won't mind?

Not at all. The doorman told
me they were away at a wedding.

Now the bedrooms
are right this way.

Come, come, come.

♪ Here comes the bride
runnin' for all she's worth ♪

♪ Let's get her married ♪

♪ Before she gives birth ♪♪

That's a good one.

I'm full of them.

He's full of champagne
from the wedding.

He's acting silly because
he drank too much.

He'd be acting silly if
he didn't drink enough.

Oh, I'm sorry about the cigar.

I won't arrest you.

The law's the law.

Instead of wasting
it, you take it.


Did the smoke bother you?


I wasn't thinking.

It's ok. Forget it.


Jive fool!

It was just a practical joke.

It scared the hell out of me.

Why? You're always sh**ting
your mouth off anyway.

That ain't funny.

Come on. Florence is off.

We'll be all alone.


You know what weddings do to me.

That's right. What
we waiting for?

I'll never forget
our wedding night.

We couldn't afford a motel,
so we stayed at my house.

You had trouble carrying
me across the threshold.

Mama wouldn't unlock the door.

Well, after we were
married a month,

We went away for the weekend.

The motel was by
the railroad tracks.

The bed kept shaking.

It would have been worse
if the trains were running.


Come here.

The master bedroom
has lots to offer.

The bathroom has
possibilities, too.

I think so, too.

Somebody broke in.

Stand back.

Mr. Jefferson!
What are you doing?

Bustin' your brains
in, that's what.

I'm mr. Curtis.

I work for
mr. Whittendale, remember?

Oh, yeah, whittendale.

You rented us our apartment.


Why are you here?

Get a load of
these monstrosities.


Who the hell are they?

The foxes.

The foxes!

She ain't too bad,
but he's a stiff.

Here, estelle,
you hold this end.

Foot, inches. Just right.

What are you doing?

Checking where to put my piano.

I know where you can put it.


Hold this.

What does it say on
the tape measure?



Mr. Curtis, what's going on?

I called, but you weren't home.

How'd you get in?

I used my passkey.

You had no right busting in.

This is mr. Whittendale's

And the foxes are his friends.

They're looking
for an apartment.

Why are they in our apartment?

To see if they like
living in this apartment.

It's ours.

Your lease expires next month.

We'll renew it.

It's not your decision.

You can only renew it if
mr. Whittendale wants it.

That's illegal.

Ain't it?

No. It's on your lease.

We'll see about that.

It doesn't need painting.
Kitchens aren't brown.

Mother's kitchen was brown.

That's because she
never washed the walls.

Careful, estelle.

Should we paint the dining room?

No, it looks fine.

It should be pink.

This blue is fine.

It's hideous.

Oh, hello, mrs. Uh...


Uh, yes.

We were admiring
the dining room.

Such a lovely...


I found our lease.

Good, george.

Whittendale doesn't
have to renew our lease.

Just as I said.

Whittendale would throw us out?

He wouldn't do that.

He'll give you at least a week

To find another apartment.

Have you seen enough?

Yes. We love it.

You wouldn't want to
move into this apartment.

Why not?

There are so many reasons
I can't remember them all.

They can't be very important.

It's a noisy apartment.


Yes. From the
traffic on the street.

You're stories up.

You can't hear street noise.

We're so high the airplane
noise drowns it out.

And don't forget
about the neighbors.

Always knocking on
your door, pestering you.

Oh, that's wonderful.


We'll be happy just
to have neighbors.

We just moved from the country,

And our nearest
neighbor was miles away.

I never had anyone to talk to.

What about me?

Thank you for showing
us the apartment.

Hey, curtis, wait.

Can you use extra money?

Can't everyone?

How does $ sound?

Like a symphony.

Call me beethoven.

Well, well. What's this for?

For you. Tell
whittendale to let us stay.

That's out of the question.

The foxes are friends
of mr. Whittendale's.

However, if you're interested,

There's a one-bedroom
apartment vacant on the third.

Get out of here!

It's as good as mine.

This is terrible. We're
losing our apartment.

I like this place.

I got my main store downstairs.

Oh, this is awful!

It's all your fault.

My fault!

You should have let me
make friends with whittendale.

I never stopped you.

You called my ideas
for making friends dumb.

They were dumb.

Especially when
you bought bicycles

Because you heard
whittendale rode a bike.

I wanted to bump into him.

Instead, you bumped into a
rosebush, fence, and a policeman.

I needed your help.

I helped.

I plucked rose thorns
out of your behind.

Think of something now,

Or we can kiss this
apartment good-bye.

Call whittendale.

I can't do that.

Ok. Then I'll do it.

You don't just call whittendale.

I'll speak as one
human being to another.

I'll invite him down.

Are you crazy?

Whittendale ain't
no human being.

He's a millionaire banker.

Hello? Who am I talking to?

Good. This is louise
jefferson, apartment d.

I just wondered if...

You're making a
fool of yourself.

Oh, you do? How nice.

Would you like to
come down for a drink?





I told you you was
wasting your time.

He's coming in minutes.

Say what?

He'd love to meet us.

I knew you could do it.

You know what this means?

Sure. The big cheese
meets mighty mouse.

Hey, weezy, the
place looks great.

Thanks. I just hope mr. Whittendale
likes the way we're keeping it.

Don't worry about whittendale.
I'll use my personality on him.

Don't you think we're in
enough trouble already?

Now look. We'll tell him how
much we love the apartment...

Weezy, we don't mention the
apartment until the time is right.

First we got to get
to be friends with him.

[Doorbell rings]

That must be him now.

Let me handle this.

Bentley, what do
you want? Hello, mr. J.

I've got something I think
you'd really like to see.

You know what I'd
really like to see?

You walking back
to your apartment.

Oh, you've seen that before.

What is it, mr. Bentley?

What I have, mrs. J, is a
colony of hymenopterae.

Oh, how nice.

Commonly called an ant farm.

You mean you've got
bugs in that case?

Why not? He's got
bats in his belfry.

These little creatures have a
lifestyle very similar to our own.

You mean they got
nosy neighbors too?

And ants are so efficient.

Each one has a definite job.

These are the workers, here.

And these here are the
soldiers. How can you tell?

By their large mandibles.

Mr. Bentley!

That's their jaws.

And this one here is a queen.

How can you tell,
by the way he walks?

I don't mean to be
rude, mr. Bentley,

But I hate ants.

Would you take them
back to your apartment?

Couldn't you take them?

They're a gift, and I
haven't time for them.

They're not staying here.

Who would want
to live with ants?

Uncles would.

[Glass breaking]

Oh, your majesty!

Get the vacuum cleaner.

Please don't hurt the things.

After all, they've just
come from a broken home.

Perhaps we could
trap them with honey.

The apartment is
crawling with ants.

We'll get thrown
out for sure now.

Then hurry up and
start vacuuming.

Can you put live
ants in a vacuum?

Maybe we should k*ll them first.

Give me a hand.

I don't want to.

They can't hurt you.


You can't see them.

They match the rug.

Start the vacuum!

[Doorbell rings]

That's whittendale.

Put the vacuum away.

What about the ants?

Don't let whittendale
behind the sofa.

Mr. Jefferson?


Your wife invited me down.

You're mr. Whittendale?

Have been all my life.

Pleased to meet you.

I got you again.

That was a good one.

Louise, this is mr. Whittendale.

You are!

The guy from the elevator.

That cigar joke was funny.

It was a riot.

What about that drink?

You want one?


Louise will get it for you.

What do you drink?

What's here?


That's what I drink.

I'll start with scotch.

Make that two.





What's wrong?

Oh, tight socks.

How'd you do in
the market today?

I didn't go shopping.

That's funny.

Did you hear that, weezy?


Here you go.

Here's how.

I'd like to toast...

Let me get another drink.

I'll get it for you.

Take my drink. I wasn't thirsty.

If you insist.

But let me make the toast.

Here's to two of the
nicest people in the building.

I'll drink to that.

Mr. Whittendale,

About our apartment...

Not yet, weez.

Is something the matter?

Is this real wool?

Camel hair.


[Doorbell rings]

I'll get it.

Here it is... Honey.

Don't call me honey!

It was nice of you
to invite me down.

You're a nice guy.

Got you.


I'm glad we got you down here.

About our apartment,
mr. Whittendale,

George and I can't
understand why...

Why we haven't invited
you down before.

My friends are in
the rat race, too.


They're even too busy to
go to the race track with me.

I'll go.

You will?

We could make the second double.

I don't have any money on me.

Don't worry. I got plenty.

$ Oo?

I know you're good for it.

Would your wife like to go?

Uh, no.

We'll clean up at the track.

Louise can clean up here.


Are you feeling ok?

You're both acting like
you've got ants in your pants.

That's a good one!


What's wrong?

She laughed so loud,
she snapped her girdle.

We'll have fun.


They do have large mandibles!

♪ ...the name is paul revere ♪

♪ And here's a guy who
says if the weather's clear ♪

♪ Can do ♪

♪ Can do ♪

♪ This guy says the
horse can do ♪♪

Hi! How was it?


We didn't win nothing.

Could I make myself a drink?

Go right ahead, mr. Whittendale.

Forget that
mr. Whittendale stuff.

Just call me whitty.

How about that? Whitty.

He won't throw us out.

Did he say that?

Did he say he wouldn't?

I didn't ask yet.


Let me deal with these beers.


That I drank at the track.

[Doorbell rings]

Hi, ralph.


Can I help you?

Mr. Whittendale!

Hi. Put her there.

No, thanks, sir. I've been
burned, or rather buzzed, before.

Ralph's a smart cookie.

Your brother just
called from switzerland.

He's coming home tomorrow.

He wants you out of his
penthouse before he arrives.

You told h.l. About me?

I'm a smart cookie who
wants to keep his job.

You're not h.l. Whittendale?

I'm r.s. Whittendale.

You don't own this building?

I don't own anything but
the clothes on my back.

Ralph, you looking for me?

I just brought a message
to mr. Whittendale.

Good afternoon, sir.

That's the first time ralph
ever came to this apartment

And it didn't cost me nothing.

Don't be so sure.

Won't you join me?

You should have heard
whitty at the track.

Someone said, "what do you think

Of indian red in the th?"

Whitty said, "I like johnny
walker in the quart."

George, we have to talk.

Oh, yeah, weezy. Now's the time.

Hey, whitty, old buddy.

I've been meaning to
ask you something.

What is it, george?

We heard we might have to move.

I have to move, too.

You're jivin'.

Why would you have to
leave your own building?

Whitty doesn't
own this building.

You sold it?

I never owned it.

Ain't you h.l. Whittendale?

H.l. Is my brother.

I've used his apartment
while he's away,

But now he wants me out.

Your own brother
throwing you out!

You might say I'm
the black sheep.

I wouldn't say that.

I finished law school,
passed the bar,

And haven't passed
another bar since.

Lord! We're in trouble now.

Whittendale will
throw us out for sure.

Don't you have a lease?

It expires next month.

Your brother wants to lease
our apartment to friends.

Wait! Isn't your cleaning
store in this building?

With a -year contract.

According to this, if your
store lease is in effect,

You can't be forced to
leave your apartment.


I got straight a's
in contract law.

We don't have to leave?

Not unless you want to.


Whitty saved the day!

Thank you, mr. Whittendale.

Don't mention it.

I'd better be going.

Oh, george, about
that $ you gave me...

Forget it.

I'll subtract it from the
legal fees you owe me.

Legal fees!

For the advice I gave you.

You're charging me for that?

Only $ .

You just owe me $ .

Pay him. It was worth it.

Yeah. It sure was.



If business keeps up,

I might have to
pay taxes this year.

Well, so long, george.

I got you again!

I don't know why you
want this apartment.

It's crawling with ants.

We won't have to move after all.

And we've got the rest
of the day together.

What's wrong?

Another ant bit me.

It ain't often they find
something sweet as you.

Oh, george.

♪♪ [humming]

♪♪ [humming continues]

[isabel sanford] the jeffersons was
video taped in front of a studio audience.

♪♪ [humming continues]

♪ Movin', movin' on up ♪♪
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