04x21 - Thomas H. Willis and Co.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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04x21 - Thomas H. Willis and Co.

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ well, we're movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to a deluxe
apartment in the sky ♪

♪ m-movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ we finally got
a piece of the pie ♪

♪ fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ beans don't
burn on the grill ♪

♪ took a whole lot of tryin'
just to get up that hill ♪

♪ now we're up in
the big leagues ♪

♪ gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ as long as we live
it's you and me, baby ♪

♪ there ain't nothin'
wrong with that ♪

♪ well, we're movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to a deluxe
apartment in the sky ♪

♪ m-movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ we finally got a piece ♪

♪ of the pie ♪♪

[Water running]

[Water off]

Oh, george! George!
Oh, no. George!

Weezy, what's wrong? My wedding
ring. I dropped it down the sink.

What? Well, look, don't get so
upset. It's probably still in the pipe.

I'll have it out for you in a
minute. I'll get my tool kit.

Tool kit. You mean that brown paper
bag with a hammer and a screwdriver?

What are you talking about?
I got more tools than that.

See, I got pliers too.

George, why don't
we call maintenance?

Look, weezy, they take
too damn long to show up.

But you don't know anything
about... Trust me, weezy.

I'll have your ring outta here
before you can count to a hundred.

- [Doorbell rings]
- ok, george.

One, two, three,

Four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine,

, ... [George] you're
counting too fast!

Hi, louise. Oh, hi,
helen. Come on in.


What's that?

George. My ring
fell down the sink.

He's hitting his head
against the wall?

He might as well.

He knows nothing about plumbing.

What in the world?

I'm unscrewing
the pipe with these.

Those pliers won't help.

You need a wrench.

You need a plumber.

I need peace and quiet.

Weezy, would you
move to another room?

And would you move
to another city?


My father used a clothes hanger

To get my mother's ring.

A clothes hanger?

Don't touch anything.
I'll be right back.

I'll call maintenance.

How did you drop your ring?

I take it off
before I do dishes,

But i...

Yes. This is louise jefferson.

I need to get a
ring out of my sink.



Not that kind of ring.

It's my wedding ring.

Yes. Ok, thanks.

Would you like coffee?

No, thanks. I came to tell you

Tom is going into
business for himself.

That's great, helen!

He's at the bank
arranging a loan.

George, tom is starting
his own business.

What's he doing,
training zebras?

He's opening a publishing house.

Isn't that exciting?


Say, how the hell did
your father do that?

He straightened
the clothes hanger.

You didn't say that.

[Doorbell rings]

That's maintenance.

Did you call?

I want my ring.

I'm trying.

You're not cut out for plumbing.

Louise is wrong.


Only you can get under
the sink without bending.

Mr. Bentley.

I'm preparing a stew.

I need some thyme. Would you?

I'll check my spice rack.

Hi, mrs. Willis.

Hi, mr. Bentley.

Should I tell him?

I've heard.

- You did?
- It's a shame.

He'll be out of
the hospital soon.


Is he in the hospital?

I was talking about mr. Krebs.

We were talking about tom.

- What's wrong?
- Nothing.

Then why is he in the hospital?

He isn't.

A sick man should be.

We're getting a little mixed up.

What happened to mr. Krebs?

A car backed over his foot.

Poor mr. Krebs.

And poor mrs. Krebs.


He punched her. She was driving.

Hey, weezy... Oh, bentley.

Do you have some thyme?

Time for what?

My stew.

No, thanks. I'm not hungry now.

Mr. Bentley is talking about

The herb for cooking.

I'll check.

This hanger was a dumb idea.

What's wrong?

Louise's ring fell
down the sink.

Would you like to
borrow my wrench?

That's perfect.

Ok. I'm glad tom is better.

He wasn't sick. He's
starting a company.

He'll be an entrepreneur.

No, a publisher.


Tell mr. Willis I said

So, he's starting
his own business?

He's wanted to for a while.

He had to find a book.

Why didn't he go to the library?

Six publishers
rejected the manuscript,

But tom's sure it'll be a hit.

Tom's business won't be no hit.

Tom has a very
detailed business plan.

He'll start by specializing
in those "how to" books.

Maybe you can find one
on how to pick a husband.

Very funny!

He can write his own book

On how to be a
h*nky pain in the...

Listen, shorty.

You don't need a "how to" book.

You're a self-made idiot.

An idiot?

No, a stupid little
narrow-minded fool!

Get out!

The nerve of that woman!

Don't let her in here
until she apologizes.

What did you do now?

Nothin'. She ain't got
no sense of humor.

What did you say?

It's wrong printin' a book

Other people turned down.

It's dumb takin'
something nobody wants.

That's what everybody said

When I married you.

I got a sense of humor.

I appreciate a good joke.

I wasn't joking.

Did you just get home?

Yes. Where were you?

At the jeffersons.

George makes me so mad.

George makes everybody mad.

I got champagne to celebrate.


Not every wife would
encourage her husband

To start his own business.

Not every wife has
a talented husband.

True, true.

Or one who's as modest.

Here's to the boss's wife.

I'll drink to that.

Let's have some music.

Mrs. Boss, may I
have this dance?

I'd love to.

Did you raise the money?

I just need a cosigner.


The bank said

I didn't have enough collateral.

With a cosigner,
it's no problem.


Don't worry.

It's figured out.


I'll ask george.


He won't mind.

I do. I think the idea stinks.

What's better?

Borrow the money from my father.

Out of the question!

Why? He hates me.

He's offered money before.

Yes, $ , not to marry you.

[Doorbell rings]


I won't crawl to your father.

You'd rather crawl to george.

Hi, daddy. Congratulations.

Thank you. I'm not crawling.


Don't ask favors of
george jefferson.

You act like george
were an ogre.

He is.

He always calls us names.


He calls everybody names.


He doesn't call everybody

Mr. And mrs. Salt and pepper.

That's true.


Nor a dumb, ugly horse's behind.

I'm sure george
was just teasing you.

That's what he called you.

Me? Why, the little...

Oh, well. I've been
called worse.

He calls you a h*nky.

Well... I am a h*nky.

He calls your daughter a zebra.


What's going on?

I thought your father
had more pride than this.

Should I borrow from george

Or forget the business?

Forget the business.

I won't!

I'll be downstairs
talking to george.

Then don't talk to me!

You're impossible to talk to.

I thought we were celebrating.

Here. Drink to your
father's new business,

Foot kissing.

Are you sure you know
what you're doing, george?

Of course I know what I'm doing.

That's what you said
on our honeymoon.

[Doorbell rings]

[Grunts] come on, you turkey.

[Grunts] get off of there!

Stupid... [Yells]

Oh, george, what happened?

I hurt my foot. Gimme a towel.


Not for my foot, for my shirt.

- You hurt your shirt?
- What do you want, willis?

I understand helen told you
about me starting my own business.

Oh, yeah, and we're really happy
for you, tom. What are you calling it?

I'm naming it after myself.

h*nky publications. George!

Get me a dry shirt.

Yowsah, massa.

George, may I have
a word with you?

Sure. I hope it's good-bye.


Oh, I just love your
sense of humor.

But seriously, george,
I've always admired you

For your business
abilities. Oh, you have?

Sure. Just look at you.
You're a big success. Yeah, well.

And you made it happen because
you have what it takes. You've got...

Brains. No. I mean, yes.

But more important,
you've got guts. That's right.

You're not afraid to
take a risk. That's right.

You're not afraid to give someone
a helping hand when he asks for it.

Damn right. Thanks, george.

I knew I could count
on you. Hey, hey.

What's going on? George
said he'd cosign for my loan.

You don't have to get
so... Loan? What loan?

The loan I need to
start my company.

Here, all you have
to do is cosign.

No way. What?

Why should I cosign for
somebody who comes and insults me?

I didn't insult you. No, you
didn't, but your wife did.

- And until she apologizes...
- Apologizes?

George, you started
that argument with helen.

Right, and I'm
finishing it. Bye, willis.

Helen didn't mean it.

What did she call you?

A stupid little
narrow-minded fool.

Oh, yeah.

I'm sure she's sorry.

George, help tom get the money.

He's a responsible person.

He's responsible for
what helen said to me.

If helen apologizes,
will you cosign?

If she apologizes for calling me

A stupid narrow-minded fool.

You forgot "little."


I didn't say it.

I'll go talk to helen.

I don't think that's right.

It must be the right pipe.

I mean making helen
apologize to you.

That's business.

If someone wants somethin',

They pay what you're askin'.

The pipe's loose.

It's not right.

If i...


I'll have your ring in a minute.

What? Oh!

Maybe it's not in there.

Say what?

I'm not sure I dropped it.

What the hell you mean?

You were sure before.

I wasn't sure.

Maybe I put it in my apron

Before I washed the dishes.

Shucks, it could be anywhere.

Well, if it ain't here,

You'll be puttin' this
back together yourself.


The drainpipe's almost off.


Got it!

Oh, george!

That's wonderful.

I know what I'm doin'.

Please! No.

Helen... No!

No way I'll apologize.

Just for his signature. No.

[Doorbell rings]
george isn't so bad.

- Since when?
- Since daddy needed a cosigner.

Hi, ralph.

Hello, jenny.

This was just delivered
for you, mr. Willis.

My stationery!

That letterhead's
pretty impressive.

"Thomas h. Willis and company."

Thomas h. Crawler and company.

You can be sure
your business mail

Will be delivered
as soon as it arrives.

Thank you, ralph.

Mr. Whittendale
might not approve

Of using this
address for business.

Here, ralph.

Thank you, mr. Willis.

Mr. Whittendale
will never find out.


I hope I have time to
show your clients...

If I keep tipping you,

I'll have no money
for my business.

Yes, sir. Good point.

Well taken.

Save some up.

Good luck.

Now, helen.

Tom, how can you
ask me to do this?

Starting this company is
my chance to be my own man.

Then you won't be mine!

Oh, mama!

Stay out of this.

My daughter can
say what she thinks.

You should discuss
this rationally.


I think daddy's wrong...

Stay out of this, jenny!

The truth hurts.

You're being small about this.

Me? You're being small,

Asking me to apologize.

Just say it.

You're asking me to lie?

I'm telling you.

Telling me!

I'll tell you something.

- What?
- I'm going.

- Where?
- Out!

- Where?
- There!



Daddy? What?

Telephone. Who is this?

Hello, larry. How are things?


I thought we had a deal.

Yes, but...


Yes, I understand. Good-bye.

Who was that?

Larry coleman.

Your first published author?

Wrong. Not my first.

Why not?

Lafayette is publishing it.


They loved larry's manuscript.

They made his
agent a huge offer,

And he accepted it.

What a fink!

Yes, some people will
do anything for money.

Well, there goes thomas
h. Willis and company.

Don't do that.

I won't need this.

Other books will come along.

It'll happen another time.

I may never get another chance.


Yes, you will.

Remember when I was little?

One day, you came
home all excited

About a house for
sale on long island.


You told the owner
mama needed to see it.


They saw you were
a mixed couple,

And wouldn't sell.

I felt like I'd been run over.

Just like now.

Within two years, we'd
moved into a better house.

Message received.

Thank you, jenny.

I'll talk to george, and
then look for your mother.

I'm leaving soon.

You're a good daughter.

Look who I take after.

True, true.

Apologize for insulting me.

I apologize for calling you

A stupid little
narrow-minded fool.

And promise to stop
being a nosy busybody.

George! [Doorbell rings]

That's right. She
can't help that.

Now your big fat husband

Can get his big fat loan.

Thank you, george.
Happy to do it.

Hi, tom.

Why are you here?

I decided to come down
and apologize to george.

Good luck with
your new business.

I can't accept it. Tom...

You shouldn't have apologized.

- But...
- Never apologize
when you're right.

She called me a fool.


I don't need a fool to
help start my business.

Oh, tom. That business
means so much to you.

What kind of man
do you think I am?

A wonderful man.

What man would put his
business before his marriage?

One about foot
and pounds.

Oh, tom.


Hello, jenny.

That fight didn't last long.

I'm married to such a sweet man.

And a brave one.

He didn't even cry

When his deal fell through.

Fell through?

Didn't you hear about it?

Jenny, you'd better be going.

It's getting late.

It's only : .

You look pale.

Of course! She's your daughter.

Good-bye. Good night.

The deal fell through?

Let me explain.

You did it for me, huh?

No... I mean, yes!

I apologized, and you
knew there was no deal?

Come out here.


Ahem, mrs. J.

I wanted to return this.

I didn't need it so soon.

I don't like living
on borrowed thyme.

I'll get your wrench.

Did mr. J. Find your ring?

It was in my apron.


George, let me explain.

[Overlapping arguing]

♪ I love you truly ♪

♪ Truly, dear ♪♪

♪♪ [humming]

[woman] the jeffersons was
videotaped in front of a studio audience.

♪♪ [humming]

♪ movin', movin' on up ♪
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