04x22 - Uncle George and Aunt Louise

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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04x22 - Uncle George and Aunt Louise

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ well, we're movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to a deluxe
apartment in the sky ♪

♪ m-movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ we finally got
a piece of the pie ♪

♪ fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ beans don't
burn on the grill ♪

♪ took a whole lot of tryin'
just to get up that hill ♪

♪ now we're up in
the big leagues ♪

♪ gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ as long as we live
it's you and me, baby ♪

♪ there ain't nothin'
wrong with that ♪

♪ well, we're movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to a deluxe
apartment in the sky ♪

♪ m-movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ to the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ we finally got a piece ♪

♪ of the pie ♪♪

[Screams] mrs. Jefferson!
Mrs. Jefferson!

Mrs. Jefferson, it's in
the kitchen! It's horrible!

- It's coming after us!
- Florence, calm down.

What's coming after
us? It's in there. A bug!

It that all? A bug?

Not a bug. A bug.

- It's that huge?
- Yeah, with six hairy legs,

And a spike shoe on
every one of them.

Oh, florence, come on. I'll get
him. Be careful, mrs. Jefferson.

I ain't seen but one bug like
that before in my life. Where?

In a movie... the bug
that ate cleveland.

I don't see it, florence.
It's in the cupboard.

[Both screaming]

Florence, I saw it! It's
terrible and it's ugly.

I know what you mean. That
face was something else.


Now, florence, we can't
stay out of the kitchen all day.

And we're a lot
bigger than that bug.

So there's only one
thing to do. What?

You go in there and k*ll it.

Hey, weez.

Oh, george, am I
glad you're home.

You've gotta do
something and quick.

What? What's the matter?
There's a bug in the kitchen.

It's just awful. You
gotta k*ll him for us.

Is that what you're all exited
about? About some stupid old bug?


Is it big?

Child, if it had wings, we
could book passengers on it.

Oh, he's up there.

Okay, stand back.

Got ya.

He's not in there. In that one.

Sorry about the plates.


Oh, weezy, you're worried
about nothing. The bug is dead.

But he was alive when I saw
him. Wonder what k*lled him?

Probably took one look at
you and had a heart attack.

Well, at least that's over.

You can put away
the groceries...

And start on the ham now,
florence. Hold it, florence.

You ain't got to cook tonight. I'm
taking my favorite girl out to dinner.

Okay, but you gotta
bring me home by : .

Not you. Come on, weezy. I
got another surprise for you.

You do?

[Chuckling] what's the
big occasion, george?

No occasion. You
know how romantic I am.

Here. This is for you.

Oh, george, it's beautiful.

A white orchid. Oh, you
shouldn't have done it.

I had to. I couldn't
find a black one.


Sometimes you can be so sweet.

Well, you know, I figured we'd have
some dinner, maybe do a little dancing,

Then go to the airport for
some dessert, come home...

Wait a minute. Why would we
go to the airport for dessert?

'Cause it'll be fun, weezy. Look, millions
of people come to new york every day.

We might see somebody we know.

Now, come on. Hurry
up and get dressed.

Now hold it, george.
Who's coming in tonight?

It's my nephew
raymond, from chicago.

Oh, your brother henry's son?

We haven't see him
since he was born. [Laughs]

- Oh, how old is he now?
- Eight.

Oh, it'll be nice seeing
henry and ruby again.

- No, it won't.
- What?

They ain't coming. Just raymond.

They're sending that
little boy all by himself?

Look, weezy, ruby and henry
are having a little trouble,

But they know they
can solve the problem...

If they can just
have some time alone,

So I told them
we'd take raymond.

Oh, that's nice, george. I don't
know why you were hiding it.

[Laughs] florence, will you fix
up lionel's room for raymond?

Thanks, weez. I knew
you'd understand.

How long is he staying?
Oh, just... [Muffled] six weeks.

How long? Only six weeks.

What is... Six weeks!

You promised we'd take care of
an eight-year-old for six weeks?

Florence, fix up that
room for george too.

Oh, come on, weezy. He ain't
gonna be that much trouble.

Look at all these
toys I bought for him.

[Laughs] look at this dummy.

- Which one?
- [Sarcastic laugh]

Look, george, we haven't had
a child in this house for years.

I don't know what appeals
to an eight-year-old mind.

Sure you do. You talk
to florence all the time.

I'm serious. Six
weeks is a long time.

You work all day, and I'm the
one who has to take care of him.

Look, weezy, raymond
ain't gonna be no trouble.

He'll probably be napping
most of the time anyway.

do not take naps.

They do if you slip
some booze in their milk.

Oh, george. Look,
weezy, I'm telling you.

Raymond is family. I mean, his
great-grandfather was a jefferson.

His father was a jefferson.
His uncle is a jefferson.

So what does that make him?

Alex haley?

A jefferson. And a jefferson
always helps another jefferson.

- You never do this
for my family.
- They're not jeffersons.

Oh, that poor little kid.

He'll be scared to death, traveling
on that airplane all by himself.

Okay, mrs. Jefferson,
the room's all set.

Florence! There's
your answer, weezy.

You won't have to
babysit. Florence will.

Now, look. I do windows, I
do floors, I even do ironing,

But I don't do babies.

[doorbell rings] look, I don't
care what nobody says.

He's my nephew, and we
are gonna take care of him.

Hi! Who are you?

I'm your nephew.

I just wanted to tell you not to
pick me up at the airport 'cause I'm here.

Raymond! You're not supposed
to be here for another hour.

I took another plane. My parents dropped
me off early, so I traded in my ticket.

All by yourself?

Aunt louise, you're even more
beautiful than your pictures.

Oh, not really.

I bet when she was younger
she was one foxy number. What?

Hi. Who are you? Oh, just
another foxy number.

Raymond, this is
florence, our maid.

Hi. Hi.

Now aren't you gonna give
your aunt louise a big kiss?

Hey, I'm eight years old. I
don't kiss unless it's serious.

How'd you get here
from the airport?

A bus. I tried to
flag down a cab,

But the drivers don't
see you when you're short.

You must know what
I mean, uncle george.


[doorbell rings] [laughs]

What are you laughing at?

I just saw the family
resemblance between you two.

It's the mouth.

Oh, hello, florence.
Hello, mr. Bentley.

Ah, mrs. J.

Oh, hello. Who's
the little fellow?

It's my uncle george.

Mr. Bentley, this is our
nephew raymond, from chicago.


Is there something
you want, bentley?

Yes. I need some
advice from mrs. J. Oh.

Mrs. J., You know that french
film, pardon mon affaire?

It's playing at the orpheum. I
understand it's rather racy.

Do you think it would
be proper for me...

To take a young lady
there on our first date?

Well, i...

Don't do it. Not if you
don't know the chick.

Beg your pardon?

Listen. Excuse me.

Movies are expensive.

Once I got stuck in a disney
movie with a real flat tire.

- It's a bad idea, huh?
- The pits.

Get a good look at her first.

If she's okay, then start
spending your money.

Maybe you'll get lucky.

- Thank you.
- Anytime.

Uh, raymond,

Mr. Bentley is a translator
at the united nations.

Isn't that exciting?

Oh, it's nothing, really. No.

I just translate russian
insults into english,

And english insults
back into russian.

- Do you like that?
- Oh, yes. I love to see people
getting along together.

Weezy, I just came
up with a great idea.

What are you doing, george?

Look. Maybe we can get bentley
to take the kid off our hands.

He could show him the u.n. That
should take a couple of days.

Hey, bentley, I got
something to ask you.

I know what you're going to
say, mr. J. You want me to leave.

No, wait. I, uh... No, no. I
know I drop over a lot,

And I don't want to
overstay my welcome.

No, bentley, you don't
understand. But I do understand.

You see, whenever you get that
look, you always throw me out.

Well, not this time.
I'll do it myself.

No, but see... I wasn't...
I'll even slam the door.

That bentley. The first time I
needed him, he runs out on me.

You wanted him to take
me off your hands, huh?

No, no, no. Of course not.

Uh, I'll put your
things away, raymond.

George, why don't you show
him the toys you bought?

Oh, yeah. We'll
have a lot of fun.

Uh... Okay.

Look at this. A fire engine.

- I don't like fire engines.
- Oh. Well, this one
squirts real water.

That's the worst kind.

I know you'll love this.

A marshmallow land game.

When I was your age, I
used to play this for hours.

You must have
really been Ret*rded.

Are you sure you're my nephew?

Okay. I forgot
the best gift of all.

[Squeaky voice] hi. I'm
sparky. What's your name?

You know my name, uncle george.

Yeah, I do!

But sparky doesn't!

This is the last toy I got,
so tell him your name.

- Raymond.
- Oh. Hi, raymond.

You and me are gonna have a lot of
fun together for six weeks, aren't we?

Not unless your head falls off.

Look. There's got to be
something here that you like.

I spent bucks on this stuff.

So what? I didn't want
to come in the first place.

Where'd you want to
go? I'll buy you a ticket.

What's going on out here?

Aunt louise, he's yelling at me.

You're damn right! You
can learn a little respect.

See? He's not nice, like you.

I'll show you nice... George!

Raymond, why don't
you go wash your hands?

- And we'll go out to dinner.
- Yes, aunt louise.

I ain't gonna make it,
weezy. Not with that kid.

George, give him a
chance. He's just a baby.

Yeah. Rosemary's baby.

Now listen to me,
george jefferson.

Raymond is a sweet little boy.

He's staying with us,

And if there's any trouble,
you'll answer to me.

And you know what that means.

Yeah. I gotta spend
six weeks with raymond.


Oh, good morning,
mrs. Jefferson. Morning.

Oh, florence, I'm
simply exhausted.

George was so restless he
kept me up the whole night.

You poor child. You look like you
could really use a cup of coffee.

Oh, yeah, florence,
I sure could.

It's right over
there on the stove.

Oh, as long as you're up, I
could use another cup too.

You just want coffee, or
should I make you breakfast too?

My, my. Everybody sure is
grouchy around here lately.

Oh, I'm sorry. It's
been a lousy week.

Raymond is driving george crazy,

And george is
taking it out on me.



Hello. Morning.

Thanks, weezy.

Oh, what I would give
for one hour's sleep.

Did you know I was tossing
and turning all night?

Who do you think was
bouncing next to you?

I had this nightmare that I was
marooned on this small desert island...

With nobody to talk to.

Then, one day, I saw this
speck out in the water,

And it kept coming closer
and closer and closer.

And I ran down to the beach,
and I pulled it out of the water...

And turned it over,
and it was raymond.

- Oh, no.
- So I threw him back in.

And he kept swimming back.

Then I tried to run away from
him and I fell off of a cliff.

I kept falling and falling
and falling... [Groans]

- That must have been horrible.
- No, that was the good part
of the dream.

I landed on raymond.

Oh, george, you gotta
get ahold of yourself.

I can't help it,
weezy. I feel guilty.

I mean, raymond is my nephew.

I'm supposed to get along
with him. I want to be his friend.

- Well, what's stopping you?
- I hate him.

Now remember what the
bible says, mr. Jefferson.

The good lord says
never hate anyone. [scoffs]

The good lord never met raymond.

I just wonder if you've
given him a fair chance.

You know, it takes
time to make friends.

Yeah, maybe you're right,
weezy. Maybe it is my fault.

Okay, I got it.

I'm gonna take the rest of the
day off and spend it with raymond.

Just him and me, making friends.

Thank you, weezy. That's a
great idea you came up with.

Aw, george.

And it only took
you years. [Laughs]

- Hey, raymond! How's my old buddy?
- Okay, I guess.

- Having a good time here?
- Yeah.

- Are you having
a great time here?
- Well, let's not get crazy.

Okay, you're gonna
start having a great time,

Because you and me are gonna
spend the whole day together.

Doing what? Anything we want.

Hey. I got a game.

You ever play this game?

You hold out your hands
like this. I put my hands on top.

Now you try to hit my hands
before I can pull them away.

Like this? Yeah.


I'm ready. Go.

Hey! Ho-ho-hold it. Stop. Stop.

- That's a crummy game.
- I kinda liked it.

What do you say we
go out? Today is yours.

Anything you want
to do, I want to do.

Anything in the
world. Just name it.

- Horseback riding.
- Except horseback riding.

- Why?
- Look, this is new york. There's a lot of things to do.

Hey. How'd you like to
take a ride on the subway?

Only if it goes to the horses.

Look, forget about the horses.

- Hey, I got it... The zoo. You'll love the zoo.
- Wanna bet?

- Uh, statue of liberty.
- That's for tourists.

- Times square.
- That's for weirdos.

Aha! The empire state building.
One hundred and two stories.

We'll go all the way to the top.

I can't. If I go up too
high, I get a bloody nose.

- You might get one anyway.
- What?

Nothing. We'll do
what you want to do.

Horseback riding? Yeah.


Yeah, and we'll have nothing
but fun, fun, fun. [Strained laugh]

Oh, raymond and mr. Jefferson are
still out, huh? Yeah. Isn't it wonderful?

They must really
be hitting it off. Yeah.

Weezy! Florence!

Where is everybody?
George, here we are.

what is it? is he
here? Is he here?

- Who?
- Raymond! He's missing.

What do you mean, missing? When
I left, he was with me. Now he ain't.

- What do you call it?
- Oh, my god! He's missing!

Wait a minute. Don't panic.

- Now how did it happen?
- I don't know. We went
horseback riding first.

Horseback riding? George, you've
never ridden a horse in your life.

And I still haven't. I fell off
the damn thing three times.

But where did you lose raymond?

In grand central station. I took
him there to show him the trains.

I turned around, he was gone.

I've been running my tail off
for two hours trying to find him.

Oh, that poor little boy.

Roaming the streets of
new york all by himself.

Oh, I'm scared, weezy. I
should have kept my eye on him.

- Anything could happen
to him out there.
- Well, we gotta do something.

- What am I gonna tell
my brother henry?
- Now calm down, mr. Jefferson.

I have an uncle who got lost
once, right over on lennox.

And, boy, was we
worried, but he came back.

- Oh, yeah?
- Of course,
it was six years later.

You know, you're a big help. Why
don't you do something useful?

- Like what?
- Like going in the kitchen
and defrost your brain.

George, we just can't stand
here. We gotta call the police.

Oh, yeah, you're right, weezy.

[Phone rings] aah!

Hello. Oh. Hi, henry.
It's my brother.

Oh, yeah. Oh, how's
the family doing?

Oh, good. Oh, yeah.
Everybody's fine here too.

Okay, I'll be talking to
you again soon sometime.

Okay. Right. Bye. Huh?

Raymond? Oh.
Oh, yeah, he's fine.

Hold on a second. Here.

Oh, no. Just take it.

He wants to talk to me?

No, he wants to talk to raymond.

Why, you little...

Well, hello, henry.

No, this is louise.

Raymond? Oh, uh, he's, uh,
outside, playing in the street.

We just don't know which street.

Sure. I'll tell him you called.

Okay. Bye.

Now, look, george.

I know, weezy.
It's all my fault.

If anything happens to that
kid, I don't know what I'll do.

Mrs. Jefferson,
you call the police.

Come on, mr. Jefferson. You
and me will go out and find him.

Okay. I don't know
where to start.

Why don't you start in the hall?


- Raymond,
are you all right?
- Yeah, sure.

- You're not hurt
or anything, are you?
- I'm fine.

Well, now that minnie mouth
is back, I'm gonna go lay down.

Boy, you don't know what I
went through. Being lost is scary.

- Were you lost, uncle george?
- No, you were.

- No, I wasn't.
- Well, now I'm lost. Where were you?

Just out walking around. I got
tired of looking at the trains, so I left.

- Without telling me?
- I don't have
to tell you everything.

Oh, yes, you do. We're
responsible for you.

- So what?
- You ain't getting away
with it this time.

Hey, it's nothing to
get uptight about.

I'm smart. I can handle
myself. I've got it up here.

Oh, yeah? And now you're gonna get it
down there. Hey, what are you doing?

You're so smart, figure
it out. Aunt louise, help!

He's gonna spank me. In your
own words, raymond, "so what?"

Come here, raymond.

Hey, we're reasonable
men. Let's talk this over.

- Come here.
- Can I call my lawyer first?

Come here! Okay.

The more you run, the worse
it's gonna be when I catch you.

come here!

Okay, I've got you.
Now you're gonna get it.

But uncle george,

How can you hit your
own nephew? Like this.

Your own brother's son?

Go on, get out of here.

Oh, george.

Aunt louise, can you
reach that carton of milk?


Here. Thanks.

You think your uncle george
is pretty dumb, don't you?

- You get away with everything
around here.
- Well...

Well, of course, that's
because you're so smart.

In fact, you're so
smart you're stupid.


Do you know what
you are, raymond?

You are one big...

I can't even say it.

But you're the biggest
one I've ever seen.

Don't scold, aunt
louise. I'm just a little boy.

Save it, raymond.

We'll use it to
fertilize the tomatoes.

What are you so mad about?

Can't you see how much
your uncle george loves you?

That's why he
took you out today.

That's why he was so
worried when you were missing.

That's why he
couldn't spank you.

You know, you are right.

He is dumb... For
caring about you.

I just wanted to
have a little fun.

Without caring about
your uncle george.

You won't find many people
who love you like he does.

I wouldn't cut
down on the number.

Weezy, any beer left in there?

Uncle george, I really
liked the horseback riding.

Any cold cuts to
go with the beer?

And the trains were okay.

Uncle george, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to hurt you.

What was that?

He said he's sorry, george.

What do you say we forget
this week and start over again?

Well, that's okay with me.

And I know how too. I'm gonna take
you out and buy you an ice cream.

You're gonna treat me?

Yeah, sure. I found this
great place when you were...

I mean, when I was lost.

Hey. Well, in that case, I'll take
tomorrow off from work too.

We can go see the statue
of liberty, and times square,

And the empire state
building, and... Uncle george?

- What?
- Let's not get crazy.


♪♪ [humming]

[woman] the jeffersons was
videotaped in front of a studio audience.

♪♪ [humming]

♪ movin', movin' on up ♪♪
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