04x25 - Jenny's Thesis

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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04x25 - Jenny's Thesis

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe
apartment in the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got
a piece of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't
burn on the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

♪ Just to get up that hill ♪

♪ Now we're up in
the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live
it's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't nothin'
wrong with that ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe
apartment in the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪
♪ movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a
piece of the pie ♪♪

Well, still behaving yourselves?

That's nice.

When are you going to leave?

I haven't even started
on the bedrooms yet.

Oh, hey, lady,
you're a good cook.

Thank you.

That reminds me, I'm starvin'.

Just like old times, huh?

Remember your chocolate cakes?

And what you
tried to do with one.

I'm talkin' about all people...

Blacks, browns, yellows, whites.

How come you put
the whites last?

I want to help the community.

[Telephone rings]
edith, the phone.

If you want to
help the community,

Bring the prices
down in your store.

Twelve dollars to fix
that hole... That's a disgrace.

Yeah, louise, he's here.


Louise wants to know

What happened to
her chocolate cake.

Oh, the cake, huh?

Tell louise he's over here

Tryin' to buy votes with it.

I'll tell him, louise. Good-bye.

Louise wants to see you
back home right away.

Imagine that. Only
one day in politics,

And already he's
stealing and bribing.

Now he expects me
to sign his petition.

I don't need you anyway, bunker.

You ain't the only
h*nky on the beach.

A guy waltzes in here,

Wants me to sign a petition

Without even readin' it.

He takes the cake.

Archie could drive you mad.

But at least archie
was the devil we knew.

When we moved here,

I worried about the
new people we'd meet.

We met mr. Bentley first.

He was nice and friendly.

And weird.

You think mr. Bentley is weird?

Have you taken a look at us?

Ain't nothin' strange about us.


Wanna try again?

Knock, knock. Who's there?

George jefferson!

Well, weezy, what do you think?

I think you should
pick door number three.

Are you okay?

Course I'm all right. What
are you two doin' here?

Just visiting, snoopy.

Are we putting this on right?

I think so.

Wait, mrs. Jefferson.
This is heavy.

I have to carry it. Let it go.

All right.

Lord have mercy!

Can I open my eyes, george?

I'd keep them closed.

Reach! [Screams]

Oh, my goodness!

My boxer shorts from the navy.

I ain't seen these in
years. What's that?

That's my cup.

Your cup? How do
you drink out of that?

That florence!

Remember when I said
I wanted a good maid?

You certainly got one.

Hello, george. Shh.
Where's florence?

She's in her room. Good.

Good evenin',
master jefferson, sir.

What are you wearin'?

My new maidin' uniform.
I bought it today, sir.

Why? Are we havin'
pancakes for dinner?

Ooh, you're the funniest
man, mr. Jefferson.

Ain't he funny, mrs. Jefferson?

If he were any funnier,
they'd put him away.

You give me them
shoes, master jefferson.

Why? They need shinin'.

Florence, you don't have to.

I don't mind. Just
lift your foot.

You ain't supposed
to be shinin' shoes.

I'll do a good job.

Let me help you take off...
Florence, get off my shoes!

Lord save me, I
done made you mad!

You's disappointed
in me. No, I ain't.

I'm sorry for it!

Stop it, florence. Weezy!

[Doorbell rings]

I'll get it!

We've had good times. Yeah.

Lionel and jenny
got married here.

I thought you were
rememberin' good times.

Well, it was touch and go with
lionel before we got that far.

Look at this guy
with his suitcase.

Are you movin' in, too?

Hell, no. This is
lionel's suitcase.

I'm getting him out of here.

Here's money for a motel. I don't
want my son askin' for nothin'.

If my son wants to run
away, I can afford it.

Don't pay any attention,
archie. He's crazy.

He's not going to any
motel. He's stayin' here.

He won't shame
me by stayin' here.

Louise, your husband's right.

George, apologize to our son.

We don't have a son, louise,

But you can give me another boy.

You better call parcel post.

I've stopped makin' deliveries.

I don't want to hear this!

Lionel's graduation
day went just perfect.

Yeah, he got perfectly drunk.

Drunk? I didn't know that.

I know you didn't.

Isn't this nice?


Well, isn't this nice?

Don't you have
anything else to say?

Oh, sure.


What's the matter with you?

It's your suit, mr. Jefferson.

I love this suit...

The style, the
fabric, the lining.

The lining is gorgeous.

You know what else I think?

[Jenny] you know what I think?
Do you have to think so loud?

[Jenny] I have
always admired you,

A self-made man who
came up the hard way.

Now you got five
cleaning stores.

Six. Six. That's right!

Maybe someday there'll
be seven or eight.

The point is, you
did it by yourself.

It started in a cotton
field years ago.

. No! That's even
more remarkable

To get this far so soon.

You're still a young
man, mr. Jefferson.

I'd never guess you were old
enough to be lionel's father.

I know why she's out of breath.

Why are you?

I can't help myself.

I get carried away

Being this close to you.

He and jenny had problems, too.

I don't understand.

Come on, mama, get down.

Jenny, your mother said

She thought your
heart was breaking.

Well, you know how
mama likes to exaggerate.

Come on, pop, get down.

I did not exaggerate.

Something was going on
between you and lionel.

Yeah, well, nothing much.

We had a
disagreement, that's all.

That's all?

Yeah, but we came
to an understanding.

See, helen? There's no problem.

What kind of understanding?

Jenny, what kind
of understanding?

The wedding is off.


Look here, jenny...

Tom, stop dancing!

Do you object to this marriage?

Lionel's a fine young man,

In spite of his father.

Do you have any objections?

I object to this
kind of wedding.

That's a silly thing
to argue about.

The basic wedding ceremony
is very simple and beautiful.

The minister just says,

"Lionel, do you take
jenny to be your wife?"

Then lionel says...

I do.

Then he says,

"Jenny, do you take
lionel to be your husband?"

Jenny says...

I do.

See? It's all very simple.

As long as it's
witnessed by two people,

Like those over there,

Then the minister says,

"By the power vested in me,

I now pronounce
you man and wife."

Oh, my baby!

Weezy, what's wrong with you?

I always cry at weddings.

Wait until the real wedding.

George, this is
the real wedding.


She's right, george.
Our children are married.

They're what?

That was it?

Lionel, how could you do this?

Because I love you, pop.

I wouldn't get married
without you there.

Married, without a band.

I love my daddy.

Did you marry them?

They married each other.

Oh, george.

Weezy, think of the good side.

What good side?

We're together, you and me.

Remember your old navy buddy?

Let's get something
straight, wendell.

Keep away from me.

Hey, louise...

Don't "hey, louise" me!

How can you make passes at me

Right under george's nose?

I didn't say anything

Because I didn't want to
hurt george's feelings,

But if you lay a hand on
me, you'll draw back a nub!

No, you got me wrong.

I ain't going to use my hands.


I like a woman
with a little fire.

[Louise] if you
take another step,

I'll let loose the loudest
scream you ever heard.

That's groovy. We both
understand that "no" means "yes."

Not in this house, it don't!

Wendell hit on you,

And mama hit on him.

That was quite a night.

Maybe you never noticed,

But sometimes I don't
appreciate you enough.


How long have you known mom?

, Years. What
does it matter now?

It's all dirty water
under the bridge.

Has she ever lied to you?

Never. See?

She didn't tell me things
she didn't want me to know.

You know she loves you.

So? Louise loves everybody.

Ah-ha! Don't "ah-ha" me.

I've had enough for one day.

Remember when the
neighbors in harlem got sick?

Who looked after them?

Your mother. She
always helps people.

And stray cats.
Yeah, and feedin' them

Better than she feeds me.

I guess you're right.
Mom is too sentimental.

She'd hug a lost rhinoceros.

I have something to say.

Me, too.

Let me talk first.


When I went out
before, I went to mama's.

You went crying to mother?

I went mad, not cryin'.

It's the wife who runs to mama.

Cut it out before
I get mad again.

Anyway, she told me
somethin' about you.

I bet she did.

I mean somethin' nice.


She knew you were jivin'
about going out. She did?

She read it in your face.

You wanted us to
be alone together,

But you had trouble
tellin' that story.

Right. That's what
I wanted to say...

Will you hush up?

I see it plain now.

If you can't lie for yourself,

I shouldn't ask
you to lie for me.

Thank you, george.

What were you saying?

It doesn't matter. You said it.


Your trouble, weezy, is
you were born honest.

That's one reason I feel
about you the way I do.

What way is that, george?

Well, you know. I
told you before.

What did you tell me before?

You know. Somethin' nice.

You mean that I'm beautiful?


You mean I'm not beautiful?

I didn't say that. Well,
you better say something.

All right.

I love you. I love you.

Oh, george!

I love you, too.
Happy anniversary.

Happy anniversary,
weezy. You're a good woman.

A very good woman.

You know, you deserve me.

[Breaking glass]

I heard him. Did you?

No. I don't care what he steals,

If he don't hurt you.

I couldn't live
without you, weezy.

[Clatter] he's coming!

Don't panic.

I ain't cleanin' that mess.

That place looks
like it's been looted.


Florence, quick! Untie us.

I'm actually glad you're here.

Is he still there?

Who? The burglar.

What burglar? The
front door's wide open.

There ain't nothin' there
but a mess. Thank god.

Who did it? What'd he look like?

Your mouth works
faster than your hands.

We don't know who it was.
Thank god you came back.

Why are you back so soon?

What happened to your date?

That no-count
turkey didn't show.

You said he was smart.

I think I'll untie you first.

How long you been like this?

I don't know. It
seems like hours.

Just you and him?

You poor woman.

What did you do all that time?

We talked.

Talked? About what?

Oh, florence, it was beautiful.

I was scared to death tonight,

But I'll cherish...

It's none of your business
what we talked about.

I was tryin' to get loose.

Mr. Jefferson's right.
We were pretty busy.

That's why I can't remember

Anything we talked about.

Don't just stand
there! Untie me!

Hey, weezy, where you goin'?

I got to go to the bathroom!

♪♪ [Humming]

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪♪ [Humming]
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