05x04 - How Slowly They Forget

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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05x04 - How Slowly They Forget

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece
of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't burn
on the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

That hill ♪
get up
♪ just to

♪ Now we're up
in the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live ♪

♪ It's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't
nothin' wrong with that ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece
of the pie ♪♪

last week, george was looking...

to find a location
for a new cleaning plant.

then he learned tom willis
inherited a warehouse.

Tom owns a warehouse
on th avenue?

He will now.

What's he gonna
do with it?

He hasn't decided.

It's a perfect location.

george planned to get
the warehouse from tom.

then the willises'
son appeared.

Allan willis.
Remember me?

Oh, yeah... The white sheep
of the family.

Grandpa left
everything to me.

I know what I'm gonna do
with the warehouse.

You do?

Gonna give it
to you, dad.

Where are you going?

Back to new mexico
where nobody hassles me.

I don't understand that kid.
Now that he's got
the warehouse...

No, you got
the warehouse.

No. The will says
he can't give it to me.


So my problem is...

Who cares?

You want me
to stay with you?

I insist.

I feel like I'm
in the twilight zone.

it's the next morning.

allan and george have
been under the same roof

the whole night.

all is calm.

Maybe george is
turning over a new leaf.

I bet under that leaf
there's a snake.


Good morning. What would
you like for breakfast?

I'll take care of
my own breakfast.

Don't you trust
my cooking?

I just like
a high-energy breakfast.

You're gonna need all
the energy you can get

Once the mr. Jefferson
you know

Turns back into
the mr. Jefferson I know.

It's been almost a day
since he called me "zebra."

Can't we get
you anything?

I could use some
of that orange juice.

I hope you don't mind.
It's just force of habit.

You can force that
habit on me anytime.

Good morning.
How'd you sleep?

Like a baby.

Yeah? I didn't
hear you cry once.

What's that?

It's a western wowee.
Want some?

What's good enough
for my main man's
good enough for me.

What's in it?

Orange juice
with desiccated liver,

Dehydrated seaweed,
and fertile egg yolk.

Is it good?


How did you like it?

It was something!

I never tasted
nothing like that.

A western wowee
is pure energy.

It made me run

Right through
the living room.

I want
to talk to you.

Don't you want
to finish breakfast?

I don't eat
much breakfast.

I got to
get up early.

I like
watching sunrise.

I get up early
to get the jump
on my competition.

Don't you get
tired of that?

You got something
against work?

No, but I'd rather
work with my hands.

I work with my hands.

I count money
with them.

You like making money.
I like making a chair.

What for?

To sit on.

How long does it take?

A couple weeks.

In that time,
you could earn enough
to buy chairs.

I don't need

With money, you'd
have enough friends

To use the other .

You mean money
could buy friends.

No, I didn't say that.

You mean money
could buy comfort

And valuable

And an expensive
security system.

It makes your home
a prison.

No! That's stupid!

You kids today
think the world
owes you a living,

And you may be right.

You agree with me?

We're two of a kind
under the skin.

About that warehouse...

[Doorbell rings]

Who the hell is that?

What is
that song called?


I can't think
of the title.

See you around.

No, that's not it.

Hi, mr. Bentley.

Allan, you're
still here.

You are, too.

Hello, mrs. J.

Oh, hi.

You seem tired.

Have you ever been
awake all night?

Yes, but I
don't like to brag.

She didn't
mean that.

You're right.

I was awake
thinking about
the help center.

Our rent
is being raised.

We may
have to close.

What's the help center?

Your mother and I
do volunteer work there.

Drug counseling,
family planning.

Could I see it?

You can go today.

No, he can't.
Allan's staying with me.

I did
fund-raising once...

Ain't you got
something to do?

Shall I
play something?

far, far away.

That wasn't very nice.

I know. Can you
believe bentley
bothering us?

Back to business.

Weezy, what
are you doing?

Making notes
for the center.

Can't we find
any privacy here?

What do you want
to talk about?

We'll start
with your warehouse.

Florence, find
something to do.

I'm on my break.

Don't you have to work
before you get a break?

We'll find
somewhere else
to talk.

[Doorbell rings]

Get that,

I have to
finish this.

I have a solution.

For what?

Mrs. J.'S
fund-raising problem.

We'll hold
a tiddlywinks contest
with a $ , prize.

If we had $ , ,
we wouldn't need
a contest.


I'd better think
on a different plane.

Try a plane to cuba.

I have to get ready
for my meeting.

Now we can talk.


[Doorbell rings]

I'll get it.

I'll get it!

I don't like
opening doors nohow.

I've got it!

Leave before
I catch it.

A hot-air balloon.


A huge blimp
floating over the city,

Dropping leaflets
about the help center.

With a slogan
on the blimp.

You two discuss
this at bentley's.

You'll make
a great team.

Florence can supply
all the hot air.

Be right back.

Come on, tom.

Why should I

If you love allan,
tell him you're sorry.

Love means
never having to say
you're sorry.

There's nothing
to be afraid of.

I'm not afraid.

Go with me.

I have a meeting
at the help center.

Helen! Helen!

Will you be long?

I'm washing
my hands.

Dry them out here.

[Doorbell rings]

Damn that bentley!

I think
your idea stinks.

So do i, but
helen made me come.

Is allan here?

Yeah, but we're talking.

I'll come back later.

You here
to see me?

Why, yes...
I mean no...

I mean yes.

Come back
when you decide.

About last night...

You don't
have to apologize.

Neither do you.

We got carried away.

I didn't like
being called a fool.

I didn't like
being called a bum.

I only want you
to do something useful.

Dad, you're
starting again.

You're upsetting
the kid.

upsetting me!

Dad, I appreciate
your concern.

If you weren't
my son,

I wouldn't care.

Hold it!

What's wrong
with you two?

This is your own
flesh and blood.

He's even
the same color.

If you had
any sense,

You'd shake hands,

And you, willis,
would go back upstairs.

He's right.

I'm sorry.

Me, too.

Come home with me.

He'll be up later.

We can talk
over lunch.

That sounds good.

Come back later.

I'm having lunch
with ted bennett.

You should meet him.

He can help you
get top dollar
for the warehouse.

I don't care
about that.

It's time
you learned

Money ain't

Especially when
you don't have to earn any.

You don't understand me.

You're mooching
off the jeffersons.

It beats living
with you.

Stay for the rest
of your life.

Not that long.

I might do that.

Don't be hasty.

Ok, george,
he's all yours.


It's no use,
but thanks for trying.

What are friends for?

That's what I wanted
to talk about.

I've misjudged you.

I didn't really think
you wanted to help
settle things

Between me
and my dad.


I thought you
were hustling me
for the warehouse.

Me hustle you?

I know I was wrong.

You made me feel
like family.

You're all right,
mr. Jefferson.

How about it,

Right, brother.

What did you want to say
about the warehouse?


I'm happy
that you got it.

I'm leaving now.

You two can
have privacy.

Before you go
I gotta talk to you.

Excuse me, allan.

But, george...

We're a family,

And families stick
together, right?

Like the waltons.

When something happens
to one of them honkies,

The whole family helps.

I'm late
for my meeting.

You're always
helping others.

Now I need help.

What kind of help?

Getting a place
for my cleaning plant.

I can't help with that.

Talk to allan.


Allan's warehouse
is perfect for
my cleaning plant.

So that's it!

You wanted allan here
because he inherited
a warehouse.

You were just
fattening him up
for the k*ll.

stay with us."

"Allan, my man,

How'd you sleep
last night?"

You want me to do
your dirty work.

The question is,
how did you sleep
last night?

I ain't doing
nothing dishonest.

I'm helping him by
taking that old warehouse
off his hands.

Talk to him yourself.

I can't!

Why not?

Because you're better
at that stuff.

George, I don't know...

I'm not doing this
just for me.

I'm doing it
for us.

Ok, george.

I knew do you'd it.

But once he decides
about the warehouse,

Don't throw him out.

Allan can stay
as long as he wants.

But he won't want to keep
hanging around old people

Like you and florence.

What about you, george?

I'm used to you
and florence.

You're incredible.

Remind allan
that he's related to us.

Make sure he gives us
a good deal.

See you all later.

Weezy, ain't
you going to...

When I come back.

Why don't you go
to the help center
with louise?

Would I be
in the way?

Of course not.

Have a nice time.

Thank you.

You've already seen
our reception area.

Over there,
we offer job counseling.

Over here,
we provide free clothing.

Could I help you?

No, thanks.
Just looking.

Well, allan,
that's the grand tour.

I'm impressed.

The spirit's a lot
like the commune.

Mr. Andrews
is ready for us.

Mrs. Willis is
already in there.

Let's give it
our best shot.

Who's mr. Andrews?

He's the son-of-a...

He's the owner
of this building.

Wish us luck.

You got this
in brown?

What's wrong
with blue?

It doesn't match
my socks.

You in a hurry, man?

My eldorado's
in a no-parking zone.

This money
won't pay the ticket.

I need this bread.

It's just
nickels and dimes,

Only what these people
can afford.

Take that radio.
You'd get bucks
for that.

How about this
nice clock?

Say, man.
What's your game?

You said
you needed bread.

I'm just trying
to help you.

This should bring

You're crazy.

Take this coat, too.

It didn't fit me.

Are you a cop?

Do I look like one?

No, but neither
does colombo.

That reminds me.
Have you got raincoats?

Take your loot.

I can't take this.

Don't you like
ripping people off?

I don't like it.
I just do it.

Ain't nobody
going to help you.

Don't let anybody here
hear you say that.


The people here
are helping people.

These places
just give you talk.

Some people are
too dumb to listen.

You saying I'm dumb?

You're too smart to rip off
people who can help you.

Help me do what?

What do you want?

I don't know.

I know that feeling.

You could get
some ideas here.

Will you
be here tomorrow?

Will you?


Me, too.

You ain't bad
for a white dude.

Allan, louise told
me you were here.

Hi, mom.

This your mother?


Not bad
for a white dude, huh?

Uh, yeah.

Hey, brother.

You don't miss
nothing, do you?

That meeting
was quick.

Saying "get out"
doesn't take long.

Mr. Andrews is
throwing us out.

The help center
may be through.

Closing, huh?



I done heard enough.

You people can't even
help yourselves.

We better tell
the others.

You put up
a good fight, louise.

We still lost.

Is this place
going out of business?

It looks like it.

Where will I
do my shopping?


Where's allan?

Don't you care
about the meeting?

How was the meeting?

It was awful, george.

That's too bad.
Where's allan?

I don't know.
He left the center
two hours ago.

Didn't you ask him
about the warehouse?

I forgot.

Weezy, how could you?

I've got things
on my mind.

[Telephone rings]


Of course
I'm home, florence.

I answered
the phone, didn't i?

What was that about?

She's at bentley's.
She's been calling you
every minutes.


We were
talking about you.

Louise has
something to ask you.

Ask allan yourself.

Ok, I will.

Allan, about
that warehouse.

You have to do
something with it.

You're right
about that.

The best thing would be
leasing it to a friend.


I'm behind you
all the way.

You are?

Weezy, he's with me
all the way.

I worked out
the whole thing
with a lawyer.

Mrs. Jefferson,
do you have a dollar?


What's that for?

You've just
bought yourself

A brand-new
help center building.

A brand-new
help center building?

I don't believe it!

Me neither.

You gave her
the warehouse?

I can't think
of a better use for it.

Are you kidding?

The center only
pays the taxes.

How can I
thank you?

You could let
me stay here

Till I work things
out with my dad.

Stay as long
as you like.

What are
you saying?


Don't worry about
the help center.

Here's the perfect solution.

You're too late.

Our act will raise
a million dollars.

We're busy.

Ready, flo?

Hit it.

♪ Oh, we ain't
got a barrel of money ♪

♪ Maybe we're
ragged and funny ♪

♪ But we'll travel along
singin' a song ♪

♪ Side by side ♪

What about the warehouse?

I'm not listening,

♪ But we'll travel the road
sharin' our load ♪

♪ Side by side ♪

♪ Through all kinds
of weather ♪

Will you be quiet?
Shut up!

♪ As long as we're together ♪

♪ It really doesn't matter
at all ♪♪

the jeffersons was videotaped
in front of a studio audience.
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