05x13 - Louise's Sister

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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05x13 - Louise's Sister

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece
of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't burn
on the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

That hill ♪
get up
♪ just to

♪ Now we're up
in the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live ♪

♪ It's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't
nothin' wrong with that ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece
of the pie ♪♪

You almost done,
mrs. Jefferson?

Oh, florence, you
almost saw your present.

I already
saw it last week
when I was cleaning.

What were you doing
cleaning inside
a hat box?

Dustin' my new hat.

Now you won't have
any surprises

I will if y'all
give me a new coat
to go with it.

Actually, george
suggested that we
get you a new dust mop.

Oh, no.
The hat's plenty.

Hey, I never
saw this before.

That's george's present.
It's cashmere.
Think he'll like it?

He'll love it.
The label says
dry-clean only.

weezy, guess what.

Hide it!

Florence, quit crumpling up
my cashmere sweater.

Nobody will be surprised
christmas morning.

I've got a surprise.

I saw somebody today

Who I've always
looked up to.

The seven dwarfs?

Put your mouth
in reverse
and shut up.

I saw buddy.

You mean buddy hobbs?

Yeah, uncle buddy.

Oh, george,
that's wonderful!

You have an uncle?

My father's friend.

When he died,
buddy kept me
out of trouble.

That must have been
a full-time job.

We used to go everywhere.

at coney island,

I ate cotton candy
until I threw up.

That was fun.

You two knew how
to have fun.

He'd give me
cents for candy.

I always bought taffy.

Taffy made my teeth
stick together.

I couldn't open my mouth.

Now we know
what to get florence
for christmas.

Those were the days.

A kid couldn't ask
for a better pal
than buddy.

It's been years.

He joined the army
after pearl harbor.

I really cried.

Where did you
see him?

On nd street,
this santa claus
called me.

Probably thought you were
one of his elves.

He wanted
to meet the man

With such
an ugly maid.

He pulls
his beard down.

It was buddy.

Let's invite him over.

He's coming
with zeke tonight.

He's buddy's pal.

They'll meet
the willises
and mr. Bentley.

Do they have to?

George, they're
coming to practice
caroling tonight.


We're practicing to sing
at the children's hospital.

Uncle buddy
will enjoy himself.

Ok. I got to get
a present for buddy.

If you're
christmas shopping,

I don't want
dust mops.

I'd have to find
a battery-operated one.

Want a cookie,
mrs. Jefferson?

They're made with rum.

Oh, rum balls!

Are they
a little strong?

Just don't
serve them to minors.

I can handle it.

Since I carried it
up the elevator

And across
the corridor,

My job isn't complete

Until it's
under your tree.

You'll get
the same tip.

In that case, sir...

And merry christmas.

Here, ralph.

Try one of these
rum balls.

What did you get
uncle buddy?

It's a surprise.

I baked them.

Did you bake anything
for a chaser?

I better not
have more.

I'm driving
the elevator.

If you don't need
anything else,

I'd better
get going.

Yeah, ralph, thanks.


Remember that
gift certificate
you gave me?


I purchased
something practical
with it...

This wallet.

Good choice.

I really like it.

But it sure
looks empty

With just
that single bill
down there.

I think it needs
some more green.

You're right,

Thank you.

All we need
are the guests.

Buddy will flip
when he sees

I told him
about you.

And about me?


Why not?

If I can't say
somethin' nice,

I don't say nothin'.

You should wear
a muzzle.

[Doorbell rings]

He's here!

Get ready.

Open the door.



Merry christmas!

is next week.

I'm avoiding
the christmas rush.

Want a rum ball?

Rumba? I'm better
at the tango,

But if you lead...

Florence means
the cookies she baked.

Christmas cookies!
They warm my heart.

What a beautiful tree!

It's decorated

It makes me remember
a christmas I spent
in cornwall...

A snow-covered cottage,
sleigh bells ringing,
chestnuts roasting...

Jack frost
nipping your nose?

No, it was sarah
nipping my ear.

[Doorbell rings]

You got to be
george's wife.

You got to be crazy.


It's uncle buddy.


Come on!

You give up?


You still got it.

I always told you
"keep your guard up."

This is zeke,

I remember zeke.

How you doin'?

Buddy, zeke,
I'm louise.

Georgie, you said
she's beautiful,

But not
a younger woman.

Weezy ain't
that young.

She's almost...

Remember, georgie,
keep your guard up.

This is
our maid,

And our neighbor,
mr. Bentley.

Merry christmas.

Zeke, didn't you own
that ' hudson

With the whitewalls
and propeller hood ornament?


That car
had everything.

Except an engine.

Those were
good days.

Not many
of the g*ng left.

Georgie told me
his mama passed.

She was
quite a woman.

She certainly was.

Georgie once almost scared
his mama to death.

That must have been
when he was born.

check the turkey.

I can see you fine
from right here.


I'll help you.

little georgie had
this wild imagination.

Once, he wanted
to fly like superman.

He ties
a tablecloth
around his neck

And climbs
a telephone pole.

Halfway, a spike
caught his pants.

I was up there

Buddy pulled
me down.

Scared the hell
out of me.

Watch your mouth.

Scared the heck
out of me.

That's better,

Some place
you got.

You know
we got four johns?

I'll give you
a tour.

You want
to come?

No, I'll just
tour the bar.

What can
I fix you, zeke?

Maybe just
a little brandy.

This will
take the chill

Out of your bones.

You got
a bigger glass?

These old bones
are colder than you think.

You and buddy
must go back
a long way.

A long way.

We was tight
back then.

That is,
until george's father passed.

Then buddy
spent his time
at the jefferson's.

He must have been

Buddy didn't let nobody
get near there.

I imagine
mother jefferson

Needed someone to
keep the wolves away.

Buddy kept away
the wolves

So he could have
that little lamb.

Wait a minute.

Buddy and george's mother
were carrying on?

Sure. I thought
everybody knew that.

Not everybody.

Zeke, please don't
mention this to george.

Mention what,

What don't you
want me to know?

Know about? Uh...
It's nothing.

Zeke, what were
you talking about?

Nothin'. Nothin'.

If both of you are
tellin' me it's nothing,
it must be something.

It's not important.

Then why can't you
tell me?


[Doorbell rings]

Because you have to
get the door.

Hi. Hope we're not late.

You're right
on time.

I'd hate to miss
our caroling practice.

[Singing scales]

You need all the practice
you can get.

In college, helen and I
sang in a chorale.

That don't surprise me.
It's the perfect place
for zebras.

Tom, helen, this is zeke,
a friend of
uncle buddy's.

How do you do, zeke?


Louise told us all about
uncle buddy.

He's trying to decide
which bathroom to use.

What were you and zeke
talking about?

Mr. And mrs. Willis,
you're here.

Now we can practice.

Let's get started.

No. Not until
I find out.

Come on, george.

Which carol?

o little town
of bethlehem.

Tell me the truth.
We don't have the words
to that one.

Do you want to
sing along, zeke?

No. I'll stay here
and drink along.

Let's begin with
the twelve days
of christmas.

I'm waiting to hear,

♪ On the first day
of christmas ♪

♪ My true love
gave to me ♪

Weezy, are you
going to tell me?

Mr. Jefferson,
that's your part.


♪ A partridge
in a pear tree ♪

♪ On the second day
of christmas ♪

♪ My true love
gave to me ♪

♪ Two turtle
doves ♪

You going to
tell me?

♪ And a partridge
in a pear tree ♪

♪ On the third day
of christmas ♪

♪ My true love
gave to me ♪

♪ Three
french hens ♪

♪ Two turtle
doves ♪

And a partridge
in a pear tree!

I want
to talk to you.

We'll talk
after this song.

♪ On the fourth day
of christmas ♪

♪ My true love
gave to me ♪

♪ Drummers drummin'
pipers pipin'
lords a-leapin'
ladies dancin' ♪

♪ Maids a-milkin'
swans a-swimmin'
geese a-layin' ♪

♪ Gold rings,
calling birds,
french hens,
turtle doves ♪

♪ And a partridge
in a pear tree ♪♪

Ok, now you
going to tell me?

It's personal.

I'll tell you

Ok, I'll ask zeke.

What were you
talkin' about?

I promised.

Zeke, don't
say a word.

I ain't
sayin' nothing

george's mama.

What about mama?


I have to
check the turkey.

We need
your voices.

Go ahead.
We'll be right back.


Oh, I think
the turkey is done.

I ain't done.

Forget the turkey.

What's the secret
about mama?

Ok, george, but it's
a little embarrassing.


You see,
your mother was...

Such a good cook!


Buddy probably
loved her cooking.

He might not
like mine.

That's all?

It's silly.

That was
a long time ago.

Everything will be
all right.

Thanks, george.
I feel better.

Besides, uncle buddy
was in the army.

He's used to
bad cookin'.

Now that
that's settled,

Let's start
this party.

Hey, buddy!
Did you meet everybody?

Yes, but I'm
your singing.

You didn't interrupt.
Please join us.

You all go ahead.

I got somethin'
to show buddy.

What's up,

Merry christmas.

You shouldn't have.

Sure I should have.

After all you've
done for me, that's
the least I could do.

What a beautiful watch!

It's to replace
the one of yours
I broke as a kid.

sh**t, that old thing
only cost me six bucks.

This watch
is solid gold.

Not as solid
as you.

Thanks, georgie.

That kind
tells you everything.

Right now
it's tellin' me

I either
need glasses
or a longer arm.

It's going to be
like old times.

please carve
the turkey.

That's my job,

The christmases
I spent with you
and your mama,

I always carved.

I'll help.

It ain't often
this old coot

Gets to spend time
with someone as pretty as you.

Could we
continue practicing
while we wait?

Go ahead, bentley.

I'm going to have
a drink with zeke.

Hey, zeke.

Relax, zeke.

You ain't
gettin' nothing
out of me.

Weezy already told me
all about mama.

It ain't
no big deal.

I'm glad you feel
that way.

buddy sure liked
that watch.

I could tell.

He deserves more,
helpin' mama
the way he did.

I wonder why
those two never
got married.

The two of who?

Your mama and buddy.


Most people do that

Who carry on
the way they did.

What do you mean,
"carry on"?

Everybody knew
buddy had it bad
for your mama.

n*gg*r, you crazy.

Maybe crazy,
but I ain't blind.

No, you just
blind drunk.

♪ Silent night ♪

Buddy, I got
a question.

This bird is big.


Nothin' like
that skinny turkey we had

The christmas
after your father died.


I remember
what I wished for

When we broke
the wishbone...

A bigger turkey!

Georgie, those were
the best years
of my life.

That's what I want
to talk about.

What is it?

I want to
clear up somethin'.

Zeke says...

We need your
"fa la's."

You and mrs. J.
Sing the "fa la's"
in deck the halls.

Let's join
the caroling.

you need somebody
to "fa la"?

Turn around,
and "fa la" your nose
right out of here.


where was i?

Zeke said
something was goin' on
between you and mama.

Zeke's a liar, though.

Zeke is a liar,
ain't he?

Georgie, that was
a long time ago.

Then it's true.

You were
my father's best friend.


My name is george.

That's no way
to talk
to buddy.

The hell it ain't!

I should have known.

Listen to me.

I think you are...

George, please!

Excuse me


We really need you
for our caroling.

I don't feel like singing.

Could you hum?


let's go sing.

Go on, weezy.

But, i...

Weezy, go on.

Sing one
in honor of buddy,

i saw mama
kissin' santa claus.

Let me explain about us.

I thought
you cared about me,

But it was mama.

I cared about you.

The hell you did!

Now I know why
you sent me
to movies.

I saw tarzan

I wish
you could understand.

I wish
I understood before.

I'd have thrown
you out,

Like I am now.

You have to
know somethin'.

I know enough.

No, you don't.

Your daddy asked me
to take care of your mother.

You took too much.

I didn't know
mama was that kind
of a woman.

Never talk like that
about your mama.

She was the finest lady
I ever knew.

She did nothin'
to be ashamed of.

I wanted to marry her.

She said no man
could ever replace your daddy.

You can always hate me,
but we have something in common.

We both loved your mama.

Well, merry christmas,

Ok, kids,
we wish you
a merry christmas.

Mrs. J.?

Let's go, zeke.

But I love
this song.

Sing it
on the way home.

can't you stay?

I'm sorry, louise.
I really can't.


I have to
get up for work.

Thank you.

Hold it, buddy.
I forgot to
say something.



Merry christmas.

I'm sorry, buddy.

You don't
have to go, do you?


The chorus
sure needs help.

That sounds good
to me.

Can't you stay?

I'd love to, george.

Call me georgie,
will you?

♪ We wish you
a merry christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry christmas ♪

♪ And a happy new year ♪

♪ Good tidings to you
wherever you are ♪

♪ Good tidings for christmas ♪

♪ And a happy new year ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry christmas ♪

♪ And a happy new year ♪♪

the jeffersons was videotaped
in front of a studio audience.
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