05x170 - Night of Destiny: The Sailor Guardians’ Ordeals

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x170 - Night of Destiny: The Sailor Guardians’ Ordeals

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Moon: Stop it!

Neherenia: Useless!

Neherenia: Because of my curse, this man's heart is in the grip of nightmares.

Neherenia: He can no longer hear your voice.

Neherenia: By dawn, this man's heart will be completely under my control.

Neherenia: Can you reach me before that time comes, Sailor Moon?

Chibi Moon: Wha... what's this?!

Sailor Mars: Chibi-Usa-chan!

Sailor Saturn: Chibi-Usa-chan!

Artemis: Time paradox?

Sailor Pluto: The future...

Sailor Pluto: Small Lady's future is going through some great changes.

Luna: What do you mean?

Sailor Pluto: If the Prince isn't released from Nehelenia's control...

Sailor Pluto: ...the Prince and Princess of the future will never meet,

Sailor Pluto: and Small Lady will never be born.

Sailor Mars: The future is changing...

Sailor Venus: That's impossible!

Sailor Mercury: So, that's why Chibi-Usa-chan's body was disappearing?

Sailor Pluto: Perhaps, it's a sign.

Sailor Pluto: I should have noticed it earlier.

Sailor Pluto: I had no way of knowing that the space-time disturbance

Sailor Pluto: that I've been feeling was of such great importance.

Sailor Jupiter: Nehelenia's curse is that powerful?

Sailor Uranus: Wait!

Sailor Uranus: It's a trap.

Sailor Neptune: You're the one Nehelenia wants.

Sailor Pluto: We will make certain to save the Prince.

Sailor Pluto: So you and Small Lady should stay here!

Sailor Moon: I can't do that!

Luna: Usagi-chan...

Sailor Moon: I can't... A future without Mamo-chan...

Sailor Moon: Chibi-Usa disappearing...

Sailor Moon: I can't just wait here...

Sailor Moon: I must go!

Sailor Moon: I must help Mamo-chan!

Diana: Eternal Sailor Moon is...

Artemis: Her energy is out of control!

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan...

Sailor Mars: Usagi! Don't!

Sailor Venus: She's gone...

Sailor Jupiter: No way! She really went to where Mamoru-san is?

Sailor Neptune: Just by herself?

Sailor Uranus: Like this, she'll fall even further into Nehelenia's trap.

Sailor Mars: Usagi, you idiot!

Sailor Saturn: Why don't we follow her?

Sailor Uranus: Hotaru.

Sailor Saturn: We have our mission,

Sailor Saturn: The most important mission as Sailor Soldiers.

Sailor Jupiter: Our mission?

Sailor Venus: The most important mission as Sailor Soldiers.

Regular Dialogue: Protect the Princess!

Chibi Moon: I'll go too!

Diana: Small Lady!

Chibi Moon: I'm a Sailor Soldier too.

Chibi Moon: Also, I understand how Usagi feels.

Chibi Moon: She wants to save Mamo-chan as soon as possible!

Sailor Pluto: The sun is setting...

Sailor Uranus: By the dawn, our fate will be decided.

Sailor Venus: What? This will be easy! Like studying all night for a test!

Sailor Neptune: We don't know what kind of traps are waiting for us.

Sailor Jupiter: It doesn't matter!

Sailor Mars: We will fight to protect our Prince and Princess,

Sailor Mercury: and to free the people of the city who are trapped in this curse.

Sailor Saturn: Also, we will fight to protect our future.

Chibi Moon: Let's go! Everybody!

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Teleport!

Luna: Do your best, everybody!

Artemis: Usagi and Mamoru...

Diana: Please protect the Princess and Prince!

Sailor Moon: This place...

Neherenia: Welcome, Princess of the White Moon.

Neherenia: You truly are a foolish woman.

Neherenia: You came, even knowing this is a trap.

Neherenia: Do you really love that man so much?

Sailor Moon: Nehelenia!

Neherenia: I will never forget this.

Neherenia: The way you look as you have come to fight for your beloved.

Neherenia: However, miracles don't happen twice!

Sailor Moon: Give Mamo-chan back!

Neherenia: I love those eyes.

Neherenia: It feels wonderful to see your eyes overflowing with hatred and sorrow.

Sailor Moon: Wait!

Sailor Moon: What's this...?

Neherenia: Suffer.

Neherenia: Suffer more and more.

Neherenia: I told you.

Neherenia: If you don't get here by dawn to remove my curse,

Neherenia: this man's heart will be caught in my nightmare forever.

Neherenia: Yes, come to me.

Neherenia: The one you love is here.

Neherenia: They are...!

Chibi Moon: Am I disappearing?

Chibi Moon: No! It's not true!

Chibi Moon: Usagi! Mamo-chan!

Sailor Saturn: It's all right.

Sailor Saturn: Believe in the Prince and Princess.

Chibi Moon: Yes. Thank you...

Neherenia: Damn you! You pursued the Princess of the White Moon to this place!

Neherenia: I won't forgive you!

Neherenia: I'll take everything she loves away!

Sailor Venus: What is that...?

Sailor Venus: It's going to hit us!

Sailor Venus: Watch out!

Sailor Uranus: Don't let go!

Sailor Uranus: If we are separated,

Sailor Uranus: then, more and more, Nehelenia's trap will...!

Sailor Uranus: This place...

Sailor Uranus: Am I alone?

Sailor Uranus: Who is it?

Sailor Uranus: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Mercury: Mamoru-san!

Sailor Uranus: How is it?

Sailor Mercury: They're not here.

Sailor Mercury: I've been scanning with my computer for a while, but...

Sailor Uranus: Is that so?

Sailor Uranus: I'm worried about the others.

Sailor Uranus: Let's cross that hill and get to a higher vantage point.

Sailor Mercury: Right!

Sailor Mercury: Incredible...

Sailor Mercury: She's so fast!

Sailor Mercury: I can't keep up!

Regular Dialogue: Ami-chan, you're leaving already?

Regular Dialogue: Practice basketball with us!

Regular Dialogue: The tournament is coming soon, right?

Regular Dialogue: She can't!

Regular Dialogue: Ami-chan goes to two cram schools everyday,

Regular Dialogue: so she's very busy!

Regular Dialogue: Wow!

Regular Dialogue: Sorry...

Regular Dialogue: See ya later!

Sailor Uranus: What's wrong? Hurry!

Sailor Mercury: R... Right!

Sailor Uranus: Something is different.

Sailor Uranus: Am I matching my pace to hers?

Sailor Uranus: I see. Neptune is always adjusting herself to match with me.

Sailor Uranus: What is this?

Sailor Mercury: Oh no...!

Sailor Mercury: Space must be distorted.

Sailor Uranus: When did that happen?

Sailor Uranus: We have to find a way out as soon as possible.

Sailor Mercury: Wait!

Sailor Mercury: The way we keep aimlessly running around,

Sailor Mercury: I think this may be part of Nehelenia's trap.

Sailor Mercury: Nehelenia's goal may be to tire us out first.

Sailor Uranus: Are you saying we should stand around and wait for something to happen?

Sailor Uranus: We don't have that much time.

Sailor Mercury: But...

Neherenia: That's disappointing.

Neherenia: I was thinking of letting you die here in this maze in loneliness and misery.

Sailor Mercury: Nehelenia!

Sailor Uranus: The queen of darkness herself has arrived?

Sailor Uranus: Too bad, we're not going to be your playthings.

Sailor Mercury: Mercury

Sailor Uranus: Mercury!

Sailor Uranus: Are you okay?

Neherenia: It's useless.

Neherenia: You have become so weak that you cannot even break one strand of my hair.

Sailor Uranus: Shut up!

Sailor Mercury: Wait! You shouldn't attack her!

Sailor Uranus: If I don't attack, she will.

Sailor Uranus: World...

Sailor Uranus: Shaking!

Sailor Mercury: Sailor Uranus!

Neherenia: White Moon people, I will t*rture you to death one by one.

Sailor Mercury: Her power is so much greater than ours.

Sailor Mercury: We can't beat her like this!

Regular Dialogue: Oh, and then...?

Sailor Mercury: Ah, I see!

Sailor Mercury: As for me,

Sailor Mercury: I have my own way of fighting!

Sailor Mercury: And I have the tools to find the answer.

Neherenia: I hate those eyes.

Neherenia: Eyes that won't give up even though she is uncertain.

Neherenia: Do not look at me with those eyes!

Sailor Uranus: What is she doing?

Sailor Uranus: Why won't she fight?

Sailor Uranus: Fight, Sailor Mercury!

Sailor Uranus: Are you a Sailor Soldier?

Sailor Mercury: Not yet.

Sailor Mercury: I don't have all the data yet.

Sailor Uranus: What?

Sailor Mercury: Tighten the defense!

Sailor Mercury: Nice cut!

Sailor Mercury: Pass the ball!

Sailor Mercury: sh**t!

Regular Dialogue: We did it!

Regular Dialogue: Leave it to the genius to come up with the best plays!

Sailor Mercury: This is all I have.

Sailor Mercury: This is the way I'm able to fight!

Sailor Mercury: Uranus!

Sailor Uranus: Hurry up. I can't hold out much longer.

Sailor Mercury: Up there!

Neherenia: What?

Sailor Uranus: World Shaking!

Sailor Uranus: An illusion...

Sailor Uranus: How did you know...

Sailor Mercury: Although it was windy, Nehelenia's hair wasn't moving.

Sailor Mercury: Gathering the data took longer than I thought.

Sailor Uranus: So, you have your own way of fighting, huh?

Sailor Uranus: Although it is different from mine...

Sailor Mercury: But it's the same....

Sailor Mercury: Our desire to save the Princess, Usagi-chan.

Sailor Uranus: That's right.

Neherenia: No one can escape from my nightmare.

Neherenia: I will show you White Moon people the loneliness you gave me.

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan!

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan!

Sailor Mars: Rin, Pyou, Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen!

Sailor Mars: GO!

Sailor Neptune: This way!

Sailor Mars: This way!

Sailor Neptune: What do we do?

Sailor Mars: I'll go your way.

Sailor Neptune: Let's not waste time.

Sailor Mars: If this were Usagi, she would definitely agree with me.

Sailor Neptune: You two must be close, like me and Uranus.

Sailor Mars: Don't put us together like that.

Sailor Mars: Oh well...

Sailor Neptune: Someone is there.

Neherenia: My greatest nightmare...I will show it to you next...

Sailor Mars: What are you talking about?

Sailor Moon: I've got to hurry and save him!

Neherenia: Save? Who are you going to save?

Sailor Moon: What do you mean?

Sailor Moon: I'm going to save that person... that person...

Sailor Moon: that person...who is he?

Neherenia: You can't remember.

Neherenia: Forget about him.

Neherenia: Forget everything, and sleep in the eternal dream!

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! For Love! Endless Fight in Hell

Sailor Moon: The moonlight is the message of love.

Sailor Moon:
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