05x172 - Moon Power of Love: The Nightmare Ends

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x172 - Moon Power of Love: The Nightmare Ends

Post by bunniefuu »

Chibi Moon: Mamo-chan! Snap out of it, Mamo-chan!

Neherenia: It's useless! No matter how many times you call out to him, he will not awaken.

Neherenia: You cannot free him from the curse without removing the piece of mirror deep in his eye!

Chibi Moon: No...

Neherenia: There isn't even anything I can do for him now.

Neherenia: Do you girls think that you could get here by yourselves?

Neherenia: You are the final pieces I need to torment the White Moon Princess!

Chibi Moon: Mamo-chan... Wake up! Mamo-chan!

Chibi Moon: Your dream...is to always be together with Usagi, right?!

Chibi Moon: Mamo-chan... Please!

Sailor Pluto: The future is changing!

Sailor Saturn: Chibi Moon...

Artemis: Big trouble...! The people in the city...!

Diana: What happened?

Artemis: It's probably the same people who were attracted to the mirrors' energy...

Artemis: ...but they ended up becoming trapped in the mirrors!

Artemis: Nehelenia's curse must have caused all of this!

Diana: Oh, no!

Luna: Will they make it by dawn?

Artemis: Believe in them! In Usagi and the others!

Luna: Usagi-chan...

Chibi Moon: Wake up! Please, Mamo-chan!

Neherenia: You must hate me. Do you hate me enough to want to k*ll me?

Neherenia: But even if you k*ll me, the curse will still be binding.

Neherenia: Those captured in the nightmare will live in it for eternity!

Neherenia: How wonderful!

Chibi Moon: Mamo-chan! Listen to me!

Chibi Moon: If this goes on, I...

Chibi Moon: I'll disappear!

Chibi Moon: I'll disappear, so...!

Chibi Moon: Mamo-chan...

Sailor Saturn: Silent Wall!

Sailor Saturn: Chibi Moon! Call out to him more!

Chibi Moon: Mamo-chan! Mamo-chan!

Sailor Saturn: What is going on?

Neherenia: I will take everything that the White Moon Princess loves...

Neherenia: ...her lover, friends and all the creatures on Earth!

Neherenia: She will know the bitterness I feel for being sealed in the deep darkness!

Sailor Saturn: It is your bitterness that has sealed you!

Sailor Saturn: There is no other way...

Sailor Saturn: By eliminating you who is responsible for this present calamity, I will bring an end to it all.

Sailor Saturn: In the name of Sailor Saturn, I will release the power of destruction!

Neherenia: Words of a desperate little girl! Do you think I am ignorant?

Neherenia: The power of destruction is a double-edged sword! If you use it, you shall die as well!

Neherenia: Do it, if you wish!

Sailor Saturn: That is the mission which I have accepted!

Neherenia: Foolish! Do you intend to die along with me?

Neherenia: It would be pointless! Do you want to waste your own life?

Sailor Saturn: I believe in our Princess.

Neherenia: What?

Sailor Saturn: The Princess is the light of our hope. I cannot let you put that light out!

Neherenia: Those eyes, again!

Neherenia: Damn! So irritating!

Neherenia: Stop! Don't look at me with those eyes!

Sailor Jupiter: Everyone loves Usagi-chan! Don't you have any friends like her?

Neherenia: Damn! Shut up!

Sailor Saturn: Princess, somehow... Please save our future and Chibi-Usa-chan!

Sailor Saturn: Silence Glaive Surprise!

Chibi Moon: Don't do it, Saturn!

Sailor Saturn: Chibi Moon!

Chibi Moon: Don't use the power! You'll die...

Sailor Saturn: But...

Chibi Moon: The one who told me to believe in the future of our Prince and Princess was you, Saturn.

Chibi Moon: It'll be fine. They won't be defeated by something like this...

Sailor Saturn: Chibi Moon!

Neherenia: I thought you would be easy to take care of...

Neherenia: I should have sealed you in a mirror along with the rest of your comrades.

Neherenia: My revenge on your Princess has just begun.

Neherenia: You can watch from inside this mirror reserved just for you.

Neherenia: I will show you all... I will show you how helpless your Princess is!

Sailor Moon: Nehelenia!

Neherenia: Welcome, White Moon Princess. I applaud you for reaching my palace!

Neherenia: However, you arrived a little too late.

Sailor Moon: Late?

Neherenia: Those who fell under my curse are now completely trapped in my nightmare!

Neherenia: Soon, it will be dawn. After then, they will never awaken.

Sailor Moon: Chibi-Usa!

Chibi Moon: Usagi...

Sailor Moon: Chibi-Usa! Why?

Chibi Moon: Usagi...

Sailor Moon: Chibi-Usa! Hang in there!

Chibi Moon: Usagi... I couldn't save Mamo-chan.

Sailor Moon: Chibi-Usa...

Chibi Moon: I'm okay because I believe in you...

Chibi Moon: Your chest is warm...

Sailor Moon: Chibi-Usa! Chibi-Usa!

Sailor Moon: No!

Sailor Moon: No! Chibi-Usa!

Neherenia: How pitiful! That girl, the fruit of your love has disappeared, as well.

Neherenia: Feel sorrow! Grieve! This nightmare will continue...for all eternity!

Sailor Moon: What did Chibi-Usa do?

Sailor Moon: What did she ever do to you?

Neherenia: Such lovely eyes! Do you hate me?

Neherenia: Then, hate me more! Do you know what's behind you?

Sailor Moon: Everyone!

Neherenia: All the comrades that followed you fell into my trap!

Neherenia: Now, you are the only one left!

Sailor Moon: Why do you do such terrible things?

Neherenia: Everything I've done is for revenge upon you!

Neherenia: To make you feel the same solitude as I did...

Neherenia: How is it? Hard? Painful?

Neherenia: From the past to the present and even in the future...

Neherenia: ...you have been loved and nurtured by many people. I can't stand it!

Neherenia: Before I got that mirror, I was in solitude...

Regular Dialogue: Our beautiful Queen, Nehelenia-sama!

Neherenia: ...despite high respect from my followers...

Neherenia: ...no one shared my happiness and sorrow...

Neherenia: I endured solitude all that time.

Neherenia: But the mirror saved me from solitude!

Neherenia: The mirror promised me everlasting beauty.

Neherenia: Without any friends...

Neherenia: ...without those who I love...

Neherenia: ...I was my own friend.

Neherenia: I was the one whom I loved!

Neherenia: The one who talked and shared happiness with me was myself, forever!

Neherenia: I was released from loneliness! I won over solitude!

Neherenia: So, I have to be beautiful forever...

Neherenia: ...to prevent myself from going back to the solitude...

Neherenia: To do so, I needed the mirror of dreams... as you need friends...

Neherenia: Nevertheless! The White Moon Princess sealed me!

Neherenia: Into the cold and deep darkness!

Neherenia: After losing the mirror, I only had myself in the loneliness...

Neherenia: Can't you understand?

Neherenia: I'll make you crawl like a bug!

Neherenia: At last, my revenge will be complete!

Neherenia: This long-lasting grudge and hatred shall be complete!

Neherenia: Die, suffering in agony!

Neherenia: Stop! Stop looking at me with those sympathetic eyes!

Neherenia: Stop it!

Neherenia: Damn you! I said stop it!

Neherenia: Stop!

Neherenia: Stop!

Neherenia: Stop!

Neherenia: Stop!

Neherenia: Don't look at me with those sympathetic eyes!

Neherenia: You should hate me! Curse me! Detest me!

Sailor Moon: If I were you.. I couldn't live alone.

Sailor Moon: I couldn't have endured solitude like you did...

Neherenia: Damn it! Don't talk like you know everything!

Neherenia: You can never know my solitude!

Sailor Moon: You might be right... But even if you keep doing this.. nothing will change!

Neherenia: What?

Sailor Moon: You must only take revenge on me.

Sailor Moon: Give back my friends, please!

Sailor Moon: It will be fine, my friends will understand you...

Sailor Moon: They will become your friends. Now, take revenge on me.

Neherenia: Damn you!

Neherenia: Then...as you wish...

Neherenia: Impossible... Does this mean my curse is broken?

Neherenia: This is...

Sailor Moon: Everyone

Sailor Moon: Mamo-chan

Sailor Moon: Chibi-Usa

Sailor Mars: We understand...

Sailor Jupiter: You can still make it...

Sailor Venus: Before the dawn...

Sailor Moon: If we unite our power, then surely...

Sailor Moon: ...surely, she can start over again!

Neherenia: What's going on?

Neherenia: Damn you!

Sailor Mercury: Don't be scared...

Sailor Uranus: You're not alone now...

Sailor Neptune: Anyone's heart would become cold after being alone for so long...

Sailor Mars: Please, open your heart...

Sailor Pluto: You can atone for your sins...surely...

Sailor Venus: Please have courage...

Sailor Jupiter: Believe in yourself...

Sailor Saturn: and...believe in us...

Chibi Moon: Believe in Usagi, my Mama...

Sailor Moon: You can feel it, can't you? Everyone's hearts...

Sailor Moon: The powerful energy that we've gathered for you!

Sailor Moon: Please remember your real dream when you were a child!

Neherenia: My real dream...

Neherenia: It's warm...

Neherenia: That's right... I was looking for my friends...

Neherenia: I wanted friends who could truly understand me...

Neherenia: Can I start over again?

Neherenia: Was I sleeping?

Regular Dialogue: Yes. Just for a moment. You must be tired, my Queen.

Regular Dialogue: Please rest in your room.

Neherenia: Yes.

Neherenia: Um... Can someone sing me a nursery rhyme?

Regular Dialogue: Yes, it would be my pleasure!

Tuxedo Mask: It's over. No...It's the beginning for her.

Sailor Moon: You're right.

Chibi Moon: I hope she will be happy.

Sailor Moon: Yes.

Sailor Moon: Oh, right... Jupiter!

Sailor Jupiter: What is it?

Sailor Moon: Here you are!

Sailor Jupiter: It's my...

Sailor Moon: Thank you.

Luna: Usagi and the others seem to have made it, didn't they?

Artemis: A dream is only for the night. In the morning, a new day begins!

Luna: Right...

Sailor Venus: They are the most popular idol group "Three Lights"!

Sailor Venus: Usagi-chan, let's go and see them!

Sailor Moon: Minako-chan, no time for that! A new enemy has shown up!

Sailor Venus: Already? And, not only that, she's a Sailor Soldier!

Sailor Venus: And the other three shadows are also Sailor Soldiers?

Sailor Moon: What is happening?

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! A Farewell and an Encounter! The Fated Stars' Changing

Sailor Moon: The moonlight carries the message of love.
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