05x185 - Taiki's Song Filled with Passion and Faith

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x185 - Taiki's Song Filled with Passion and Faith

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Moon: My dear love, Mamo-chan.

Sailor Moon: Ami-chan's friend, Misa-chan, is a big fan of Taiki-san.

Sailor Moon: But she's suffering from an illness that is hard to cure.

Sailor Moon: So, Taiki-san and I went to visit her, but he seems to have a problem too.

Sailor Moon: What should I do?

Sailor Star Maker: Our princess, can you hear it?

Sailor Star Maker: Our message!

Regular Dialogue: Why don't you take a short break?

Regular Dialogue: Yes.

Regular Dialogue: Thank you.

Regular Dialogue: Yes?

Sailor Mercury: Hi, Misa-chan!

Regular Dialogue: Oh, hi Ami!

Regular Dialogue: Thank you for coming so often.

Sailor Mercury: Oh? More Three-Lights?

Sailor Mars: Is Misa-chan suffering from a serious illness?

Sailor Mercury: Yes. Her condition is so serious that no doctors in Japan can cure it.

Sailor Mercury: That's why a prominent doctor from America is coming to perform surgery.

Sailor Moon: Tell me, who's Misa-chan?

Sailor Jupiter: Oh, she's a patient at the hospital where Ami-chan's mother works.

Sailor Venus: She's a big fan of Three-Lights, isn't she?

Sailor Moon: Oh...

Sailor Mercury: Misa-chan is scared to have surgery.

Sailor Mercury: She doesn't believe that she'll survive the surgery.

Sailor Mercury: So, I wanted to encourage her by giving her a present but...

Sailor Mercury: I don't know what's best.

Sailor Moon: Hey, Misa-chan is a fan of Three-Lights, right?

Sailor Moon: Then I know the ultimate present!

Sailor Mercury: What?

Regular Dialogue: Seiya, you're cool!

Regular Dialogue: Yaten, you're cute!

Regular Dialogue: Taiki, please look at me!

Regular Dialogue: Excuse me, could I get your autograph?

Sailor Star Maker: Sorry, but this is my private time...

Sailor Star Maker: Could you please be more considerate about these sort of things?

Sailor Star Fighter: Well, that seems to be about it!

Sailor Star Healer: Okay.

Sailor Star Fighter: Damn it! They're just terrible!

Sailor Star Maker: All of them! They're just interested in our looks.

Sailor Star Maker: They're the kind of people who keep shouting in our concerts!

Sailor Star Maker: Most likely, they only listen to half our songs.

Sailor Star Healer: Taiki, aren't you in a bad mood today? Did something happen?

Sailor Star Maker: No, not at all.

Sailor Star Maker: Isn't there anyone who feels and understand our message?

Sailor Moon: Here I am!

Sailor Star Maker: Tsukino-san?

Sailor Moon: Hello! Oh? You're all together!

Sailor Moon: Would you like to help me a little bit after school? Please?

Sailor Star Maker: P... Please, won't you reconsider this?

Regular Dialogue: Yes?

Sailor Mercury: Good afternoon.

Sailor Moon: Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm Usagi!

Regular Dialogue: Good afternoon.

Sailor Mercury: Today, I've invited some very nice people to visit you, Misa-chan!

Sailor Moon: Please close your eyes for just a second!

Sailor Moon: Alright! You can open your eyes now!

Sailor Star Maker: Good afternoon, Misa-chan.

Sailor Star Maker: Thank you for always watching us!

Regular Dialogue: Thank you... for coming to see me...

Regular Dialogue: I shook hands with Taiki-san!

Sailor Mercury: Good for you, Misa-chan! It was Usagi who invited him here!

Sailor Moon: Well, actually, I was trying to get a set of three, but the other two got away.

Sailor Moon: Since this is such a great oppurtunity, would you give Misa-chan an autograph?

Sailor Star Maker: Actually, I don't feel comfortable about that...

Sailor Moon: Or should I take a picture of the two of you?

Sailor Star Maker: Tsukino-san, would you stop that, please?

Sailor Moon: Let's see... That's it!

Sailor Moon: Would you like to to sing a song for her, Taiki-san?

Sailor Star Maker: Please stop it!

Sailor Star Maker: Sorry, but I came here as Taiki Kou, an individual.

Sailor Star Maker: I would like to excuse myself.

Regular Dialogue: I'm happy already, just to see Taiki-san.

Sailor Mercury: Oh, I have an idea! This is a great chance to show your drawing to Taiki-san.

Regular Dialogue: N... No!

Sailor Moon: Oh? What? What kind of drawing?

Sailor Mercury: To be honest, she hasn't shown it to me at all!

Regular Dialogue: No, not yet! I'm not finished yet!

Sailor Star Maker: Then, will you show me after you've recovered from your operation?

Sailor Star Maker: I have to confess that I'm a bit fussy about drawings, okay?

Sailor Moon: Taiki-san, please forgive me for asking too much from you.

Sailor Star Maker: I thought you were different from other fans.

Sailor Star Maker: It's unfortunate.

Sailor Star Maker: Princess, why don't you respond?

Sailor Star Maker: Haven't our voices reached you?

Regular Dialogue: Have a nice day!

Regular Dialogue: Have a nice day!

Regular Dialogue: Have a nice day!

Sailor Star Fighter: Hey, Taiki!

Sailor Star Fighter: What's up with you today? You sang off-key and the wrong lines.

Sailor Star Fighter: You made mistakes! What happened?

Sailor Star Maker: Sorry. I guess I'm exhausted.

Sailor Star Fighter: Take it easy! Tomorrow is the concert!

Regular Dialogue: I can't draw, Taiki-san...

Regular Dialogue: Misa-chan!

Sailor Star Fighter: What did you just say?

Sailor Star Healer: Hold it, Seiya! Stop!

Sailor Star Fighter: What do you mean you want to cancel tonight's concert?

Sailor Star Fighter: We're singing for our princess, aren't we? We can't just cancel!

Sailor Star Maker: I'm not well today.

Sailor Star Maker: Even if I sing, our message won't reach our princess!

Sailor Star Fighter: Don't talk like that!

Sailor Star Fighter: It's tiresome but we believe and continue to sing, right?

Sailor Star Healer: That's right! Wishing that it reaches our princess!

Sailor Star Maker: Anyway, please excuse me for today.

Sailor Star Fighter: Taiki!

Sailor Star Maker: Princess...

Sailor Star Maker: Why won't you appear?

Sailor Star Maker: Where are you?

Sailor Moon: Taiki-san!

Sailor Moon: Misa-chan... Misa-chan... she's gotten worse!

Sailor Star Maker: Misa-chan!

Sailor Star Maker: What?

Regular Dialogue: I can't finish the drawing anymore...

Sailor Star Maker: T... This...

Sailor Star Maker: This is our princess!

Regular Dialogue: Whenever listening to a Three-Lights' song...

Regular Dialogue: I could see this woman in my head.

Regular Dialogue: My heart... my heart is full of warmth!

Sailor Star Maker: By listening to our songs, you can see her... this lady, right?

Regular Dialogue: But not lately...

Regular Dialogue: I can't see her... so I can't draw her anymore.

Sailor Star Fighter: We believe and continue to sing, right?

Sailor Star Healer: That's right! Wishing that it reaches our princess!

Sailor Star Maker: Seiya and Yaten were correct...

Sailor Star Maker: At least, our song reached this girl!

Sailor Star Maker: Despite that, I was always doubtful.

Regular Dialogue: I'm scared...

Regular Dialogue: I'll die!

Sailor Star Maker: Listen! To believe that the surgery will be successful...

Sailor Star Maker: ...and you'll recover is the most important thing for you!

Sailor Star Maker: Believing, wishing and making every effort... that's what you can do!

Regular Dialogue: Excuse me! We're going to perform an emergency operation!

Sailor Star Maker: Get better, Misa-chan!

Sailor Star Maker: From now on, when you hear our songs, you'll see her!

Sailor Moon: Taiki-san, where are you going?

Sailor Star Maker: I have my own mission!

Sailor Star Fighter: Everyone, please listen! The fact is, Taiki...

Sailor Star Fighter: ...takes long when using the washroom!

Sailor Star Maker: Couldn't you have said something more witty? You'll hurt my image!

Sailor Star Fighter: It's your own fault!

Sailor Star Fighter: All right! Let's go!

Sailor Star Maker: Misa-chan, tonight, I'll sing for you!

Sailor Star Maker: Hang in there!

Sailor Mercury: What happened?

Regular Dialogue: The doctor hasn't arrived yet!

Sailor Aluminum Siren: We're expecting you, doctor!

Regular Dialogue: I'm so sorry. The traffic was so bad that I'm late!

Sailor Aluminum Siren: Doctor, this is a shortcut to the operating room!

Sailor Moon: That voice was...!

Sailor Moon: Yes!

Sailor Mercury: Usagi, let's transform!

Sailor Moon: Moon Eternal! Make-Up!

Sailor Mercury: Mercury Crystal Power! Make-Up!

Sailor Aluminum Siren: Oh?

Sailor Aluminum Siren: Too bad! It's a blank again!

Sailor Mercury: Stop right there!

Sailor Aluminum Siren: Who's there?

Sailor Mercury: I can't forgive someone who att*cks a doctor at a holy hospital!

Sailor Mercury: Agent of love and intelligence, Pretty Sailor Soldier, Sailor Mercury...

Sailor Moon: ...and Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: In the name of the moon, we'll punish you!

Sailor Aluminum Siren: Oh! So, Sailor Doctor-san, please have fun with these two!

Regular Dialogue: I'll give you a shot!

Sailor Moon: Looks weird!

Sailor Aluminum Siren: Well then, excuse me!

Sailor Moon: Wait!

Regular Dialogue: You're sick, so I'll give you a shot!

Sailor Moon: Where am I sick?

Regular Dialogue: You're sick everywhere!

Regular Dialogue: Now, let me give you a shot!

Sailor Moon: I hate needles!

Regular Dialogue: Let me give you a shot!

Sailor Moon: Help me, Mercury-chan!

Regular Dialogue: Let me give you a shot!

Sailor Mercury: Pull yourself together, Sailor Moon!

Sailor Mercury: Mercury

Sailor Mercury: Aqua Rhapsody

Sailor Mercury: Now, Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: Leave it to me!

Sailor Moon: Starlight Honeymoon...

Sailor Moon: Therapy Kiss!

Regular Dialogue: BEAUTIFUL!

Regular Dialogue: Scalpel!

Sailor Moon: Please God! Save Misa-chan!

Sailor Moon: She made it!

Regular Dialogue: Thank you so much!

Regular Dialogue: She did well for being so small!

Regular Dialogue: It was her will that made this difficult surgery a success.

Regular Dialogue: It's true that I performed the surgery, but the most important...

Regular Dialogue: ...factor is the patient's own power to overcome the illness and recover!

Sailor Moon: Misa-chan gave her all because of your encouragement!

Sailor Star Maker: No. It was her that encouraged me.

Sailor Star Maker: Thanks to Misa-chan, I can recover!

Sailor Star Fighter: Hey, Taiki! Misa-chan wants to talk with you!

Sailor Moon: Come on! Go to your little girlfriend!

Regular Dialogue: That picture... is done... Would you see it next time?

Sailor Star Maker: Sure.

Sailor Moon: Where's Chibi Chibi? Oh? A sweet!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi.

Sailor Moon: What? You want to treat me? Thank you!

Sailor Moon: By the way, where did you get it?

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi.

Sailor Moon: Perhaps, a world of sweets?

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi. Like a waste of time... idiot.

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! Chibi Chibi's mystery? The Big Noisy Chase

Sailor Moon: The moonlight carries the message of love.

Sailor Moon:
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