05x191 - Butterflies of Light: A New Chapter on the Horizon

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x191 - Butterflies of Light: A New Chapter on the Horizon

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Moon: Mamoru, my love...

Sailor Moon: I heard that there will be a game event coming soon.

Sailor Moon: The games are free. There's a game idol and Taiki will appear, too!

Sailor Moon: But I'm not really excited. Mamoru, please cheer me up.

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi

Episode Title: When a light butterfly dances in the air! Foresight of the new wave

Sailor Star Fighter: Could it be...?

Sailor Star Maker: Yes, it's for certain!

Sailor Star Healer: The energy of our Princess?

Sailor Star Healer: It's gone!

Sailor Star Maker: It was weak but it was the energy of our Princess!

Sailor Star Fighter: That means she must be somewhere nearby!

Galaxia: What?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Madam Galaxia?

Galaxia: Am I too sensitive? No, I felt it...

Sailor Tin Nyanko: What is wrong, Madam?

Galaxia: Shut up! Be quiet!

Galaxia: It's the wave of those who are against me! Are they waking up?

Sailor Moon: I didn't know... Seiya's planet was destroyed.

Chibi Chibi: Chibi

Sailor Venus: Hello? Usagi? We're going to the game event!

Sailor Venus: Do you want to come? The games are free!

Sailor Venus: Let's go have some fun! Let's relax and enjoy ourselves!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi?

Sailor Moon: Sorry... but... I don't feel like doing that.

Sailor Venus: Oh, okay... get some rest today.

Sailor Venus: But in case you feel better, please come and join us, okay?

Sailor Mars: What did she say?

Sailor Venus: She doesn't feel like it.

Sailor Jupiter: We could have cheered her up, if she came.

Sailor Mercury: She's been depressed recently, hasn't she?

Luna: That's right. She hasn't been the same since she went to the Three Lights show.

Sailor Jupiter: Three Lights?

Sailor Jupiter: They sure seem to hate Usagi, don't they?

Sailor Star Healer: Bad things have come to us because of you!

Sailor Mercury: Usagi isn't that kind of girl.

Sailor Jupiter: Don't they understand?

Sailor Venus: Is there a way?

Sailor Mars: If they stay away from her, I don't know what she can do.

Sailor Mercury: Actually, the other day, I tried to e-mail Taiki.

Sailor Mercury: I addressed it through the fan club homepage.

Sailor Mars: Really? What did he say?

Sailor Mercury: I asked him to reply but he hasn't answered yet.

Sailor Venus: Ami it sounds like a love letter! Aren't you sneaky?

Sailor Mercury: I didn't mean that.. but I don't think it's right.

Sailor Mercury: They need to understand the situation.

Sailor Jupiter: Yes! You're right, Ami! Let's make an effort to talk things out!

Sailor Mars: That's right!

Sailor Venus: Let's do our best!

Sailor Mercury: Yes!

Sailor Mercury: There's no reply.

Sailor Jupiter: I wonder if a message through the fan club is any good.

Sailor Mars: He probably hasn't read it yet.

Sailor Venus: There must be another way...

Sailor Venus: This is an article on that game event we just saw! Taiki is a guest!

Regular Dialogue: In addition to our game idol, Reiko Kanagawa...

Regular Dialogue: ...we also welcome Kou Taiki of Three Lights as a guest!

Regular Dialogue: Hi, everyone! There are lots of events here today! Let's have fun!

Sailor Star Maker: We have lots of prizes for you as well!

Sailor Venus: Are you ready?

Regular Dialogue: Yes!

Sailor Mercury: I'm think we're heading in the wrong direction...

Sailor Venus: Come on, Ami! This is the right place!

Sailor Mars: Go change your clothes, quick!

Sailor Jupiter: Let's do it together!

Sailor Mars: We're overwhelmed, aren't we?

Sailor Mercury: Although you're in front of us, we can't get near you.

Sailor Venus: Let's grab more attention than everybody else! Absolutely!

Sailor Jupiter: And talk to Taiki!

Sailor Mars: Ami, change quickly!

Sailor Mercury: No! No! No! No! No!

Sailor Jupiter: Prepare yourself!

Regular Dialogue: Participants in the next game, please convene at the entry gate.

Regular Dialogue: Kou Taiki will award a commemorative plate to the winner!

Sailor Mercury: I might be able to handle the games!

Sailor Mercury: The deadly attack is... "Nine Successive att*cks"?

Sailor Jupiter: So, Ami, do you think you can handle it?

Sailor Mercury: I've never played fighting games before...

Sailor Mercury: ...but I think I can remember the commands.

Regular Dialogue: Next person, please!

Sailor Venus: Y... Yes!

Sailor Venus: I can't lose to a junior high kid! I'll show you the skills I learned at Crown's!

Sailor Mars: Damn! I don't like this game!

Sailor Jupiter: Perhaps, it won't be difficult to beat this boy!

Sailor Jupiter: Oh, no! Stop!

Sailor Mercury: Everyone!

Sailor Jupiter: We're finished... Ami, go see Taiki!

Sailor Mercury: Everyone...

Sailor Mercury: Yes! I'll never be beaten!

Regular Dialogue: Here are the two finalists!

Sailor Jupiter: Ami, go for it!

Sailor Mars: You can win, Ami!

Sailor Venus: I'm happy to see that you're serious now!

Sailor Mercury: I'm a bit embarrassed!

Sailor Star Maker: That girl...

Regular Dialogue: Would you tell us your name and say something about yourself?

Sailor Mercury: Ami Mizuno! First year of high school! I came to see Mr. Kou Taiki!

Regular Dialogue: You're a hot Taiki fan! Good luck!

Regular Dialogue: My nickname is Fighting Wolf, Yukihide Oubayashi.

Regular Dialogue: I've never been beaten by a girl, especially an idol chaser!

Regular Dialogue: Things are heating up even before the game starts, aren't they?

Regular Dialogue: Now, let's get started! Please choose your characters!

Regular Dialogue: This is good enough for you!

Sailor Mercury: Then, I'll use this character!

Regular Dialogue: Then, ready? Go!

Regular Dialogue: She's a beginner all right! She can't win with that character!

Sailor Mercury: If I win this, I can see Taiki! I've got to win!

Regular Dialogue: She's doing pretty good!

Sailor Mercury: I have to win! Then I can clear up this misunderstanding!

Regular Dialogue: I have to win!

Sailor Mercury: I have to win! I have to win!

Sailor Mercury: I did it!

Regular Dialogue: She did it! The winner is Miss Ami Mizuno!

Regular Dialogue: Oh... no...

Regular Dialogue: Well done!

Sailor Mercury: Thank you! It was a great game!

Regular Dialogue: Mr. Kou Taiki will now present the commemorative plate to Miss Ami Mizuno.

Sailor Star Maker: Congratulations!

Sailor Mercury: Taiki, I have something to talk to you about.

Sailor Star Maker: What would you like to talk about?

Sailor Mercury: About Usagi.

Sailor Star Maker: About that, I don't have to listen to it. Please leave.

Sailor Mercury: No! I'm not leaving until you listen to what I have to say.

Sailor Star Maker: Do as you wish.

Sailor Mercury: Taiki, please try to understand Usagi.

Sailor Mercury: Bad things don't happen because of her!

Sailor Mercury: She has a sweet heart and makes everyone happy.

Sailor Star Maker: It might be true for you but not for us.

Sailor Star Maker: For example, Seiya is suffering from his injury. Isn't it obvious?

Sailor Mercury: I don't think so.

Sailor Mercury: I don't think that's your honest opinion, Taiki.

Sailor Mercury: I want you to look at Usagi properly.

Sailor Mercury: Usagi gives her warmheartedness to everyone, equally.

Sailor Mercury: You know what, Taiki? I think I understand why Seiya tried to protect Usagi.

Sailor Mercury: If the situation were reversed...

Sailor Mercury: If somebody important to you was in danger, what would you do?

Sailor Mercury: I'm certain you'd do the same.

Regular Dialogue: Sailor Gamer-chan!

Sailor Mercury: Stop right there!

Sailor Lead Crow: Who are you?

Sailor Mercury: You bad guys are playing a trick on everyone's game idol!

Sailor Mercury: Stick your head in some cold water and think about what you've done!

Sailor Lead Crow: I hate water! Take care of her! Sailor Gamer-chan!

Regular Dialogue: Forest Wind Attack!

Regular Dialogue: Stormy Blizzard Attack!

Sailor Mercury: Mercury!

Sailor Mercury: Aqua Rhapsody!

Regular Dialogue: Vanishing b*mb Kick!

Sailor Mercury: Taiki...

Sailor Star Maker: This is best. What happens on this planet is none of our business.

Chibi Chibi: Chibi...

Sailor Moon: A nice scent...

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Moon: Chibi Chibi, what do you have there?

Chibi Chibi: Have!

Sailor Moon: It's a pleasant surprise, I feel relaxed. I wonder why...

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi.

Sailor Moon: Oh, that's right!

Sailor Moon: The game event Minako asked me to go to.

Sailor Moon: Do you want to go?

Regular Dialogue: Did you give up already?

Sailor Mercury: I can't depend on Sailor Moon all the time!

Regular Dialogue: You still want to fight?

Sailor Mercury: It would be like placing the burden on Usagi!

Regular Dialogue: Deadly Attack! Sonic Beam!

Sailor Jupiter: Jupiter!

Sailor Jupiter: Oak Evolution!

Sailor Jupiter: I can handle a real fight!

Sailor Mars: Don't forget about us!

Sailor Venus: Today, I'll fight you with this lovely style!

Sailor Jupiter: Think about my position!

Regular Dialogue: If you just want to play around...

Regular Dialogue: ...my trick should be good enough!

Sailor Star Fighter: So, you just left her?

Sailor Star Fighter: Didn't we lose something?

Sailor Star Fighter: In this circumstance, what would...

Sailor Star Fighter: ...our Princess have said to us?

Sailor Star Fighter: Don't you think that what we're doing is wrong?

Sailor Star Fighter: I... I don't like this!

Sailor Mercury: I'm certain you would do the same.

Sailor Star Maker: You're right. Just like you said... I would!

Sailor Star Healer: Taiki! What are you guys doing?

Sailor Mercury: I won't be beaten!

Regular Dialogue: Unfortunately, this will make it game over!

Sailor Mercury: Never!

Sailor Mercury: Never! I'll never be beaten!

Sailor Mercury: Because this is not a game!

Sailor Star Maker: Star Gentle Uterus!

Sailor Star Healer: We just can't sit and watch!

Sailor Star Maker: We'll finish it now!

Sailor Mercury: Stop!

Sailor Mercury: Don't k*ll her!

Sailor Star Maker: What are you saying, Miss Sweetheart? You're in a dangerous situation!

Sailor Star Maker: Fighter?

Sailor Star Fighter: Those girls haven't given up!

Sailor Star Fighter: They're sacrificing their bodies.

Sailor Star Fighter: They won't back down. They're trying to save people's lives!

Sailor Star Fighter: When the evil hands of Galaxia approached, we left our planet.

Sailor Star Fighter: But was that really right?

Sailor Star Maker: Are you saying that we should have been destroyed with our planet?

Sailor Star Fighter: If we give up, everything leads to the end.

Sailor Moon: Stop right there!

Sailor Star Maker: Sailor Moon...

Sailor Moon: While everyone is playing video games on a limited allowance...

Sailor Moon: I can't forgive you for messing around with them!

Sailor Moon: Agent of love and justice, Pretty Sailor Soldier

Sailor Moon: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!

Sailor Jupiter: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Mercury: You came!

Sailor Star Fighter: Now! Please use your power!

Sailor Moon: Yes!

Sailor Moon: Silver Moon!

Sailor Moon: Crystal Power Kiss!

Regular Dialogue: Beautiful!

Sailor Star Maker: For all of you, Sailor Moon is literally a light of hope.

Sailor Star Maker: A light which doesn't know how to give up?

Sailor Mars: After all, we couldn't win with our costumes, could we?

Sailor Venus: We shouldn't have gotten carried away! I regret it now!

Sailor Star Maker: But I don't think I've accepted all of you, okay?

Sailor Mercury: All right. But I believe that someday, we can understand each other.

Sailor Moon: How's your injury?

Sailor Star Fighter: I'm all right!

Sailor Star Fighter: Thank you, Dumpling!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Moon: Okay! It's time to go home! Momma is worried about us, isn't she?

Chibi Chibi: Isn't she!

Sailor Moon: Come on! Don't pull!

Sailor Star Maker: This scent is of our Princess!

Sailor Star Maker: Why is it coming from these two?

Sailor Venus: Hey, do you know my dream?

Sailor Moon: To become an idol, isn't it?

Sailor Venus: How about yours, Usagi?

Sailor Moon: It's Mamoru, of course!

Sailor Venus: Looking back, I felt so far away. It's time to realize my dream!

Sailor Moon: P... Perhaps, Minako, your idol debut?

Sailor Venus: To all million Minako fans over the country, thank you for waiting!

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! Straight to your dream! Idol Minako is born?

Episode Title: Straight to your dream!

Episode Title: Idol Minako is born?

Sailor Moon: The moonlight carries the message of love.

Sailor Moon:
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