05x193 - The Stolen Silver Crystal: Princess Kakyu Appears

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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05x193 - The Stolen Silver Crystal: Princess Kakyu Appears

Post by bunniefuu »

Sailor Moon: Mamoru, my love, it's time for our school festival!

Sailor Moon: Our class is organizing a coffee shop!

Sailor Moon: We're proud of Makoto's special cake!

Sailor Moon: Attracted by the aroma, Seiya and the others come to visit...

Sailor Moon: ...but something is wrong. What's happening to us?

Sailor Moon: Mamoru, it's the season for our festival at Tenth High School.

Sailor Moon: The school festival brings a different atmosphere.

Sailor Moon: Everyone is smiling and happy!

Sailor Moon: Our class has decided to organize a coffee shop.

Sailor Moon: Perfect!

Sailor Venus: Hi, everyone!

Sailor Moon: Oh! Is it ready?

Sailor Venus: Tada! How do you like it? Good?

Sailor Jupiter: It's still being stitched, but it should look like this!

Sailor Moon: Looks cute!

Sailor Venus: The outfit looks fabulous because the model is good!

Sailor Venus: I knew it! I should be Miss Tenth High, right?

Sailor Moon: I look cute with this as well, don't I?

Sailor Venus: Hey!

Sailor Moon: But it's big around the waist.

Sailor Jupiter: Oh! I used Minako for the measurements.

Sailor Venus: You're trying to provoke me, aren't you?

Sailor Jupiter: A school festival is exciting, isn't it?

Sailor Jupiter: We get to stay together this late!

Sailor Venus: That's why it's a festival!

Sailor Jupiter: Right!

Sailor Moon: Besides that, I like the atmosphere since...

Sailor Moon: everyone's mind is united as one!

Sailor Moon: I believe it's important for everyone to work together.

Sailor Jupiter: Usagi!

Sailor Venus: They're still singing.

Sailor Jupiter: I hope they can come to see us.

Sailor Lead Crow: She still kept this picture? How nice of her.

Sailor Lead Crow: If I'd known this was the last time, I would have smiled a bit.

Sailor Lead Crow: Please wait for me, Siren. I will find the real Star Seed!

Sailor Lead Crow: What's this?

Galaxia: I feel it. The birth of lights.

Galaxia: Even if I collect thousands of Star Seeds...

Galaxia: I can't control the galaxy as long as that person exists!

Galaxia: I have to perish the birth of lights quickly!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Madam Galaxia!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Did you call me?

Galaxia: What happened to the real Star Seed?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Y... Yes, I've narrowed it down to some but...

Galaxia: In other words, you haven't found it yet?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Well... I mean...

Sailor Lead Crow: Let me handle it!

Sailor Lead Crow: I finally found the host of the real Star Seed!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Don't tell us lies!

Galaxia: Shut up!

Galaxia: Do you swear by that?

Sailor Lead Crow: I swear on my life!

Galaxia: I won't tolerate failure!

Sailor Lead Crow: Yes.

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Wait! You look confident, don't you?

Sailor Lead Crow: You and I are different!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: What do you mean?

Sailor Lead Crow: You can't understand!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: What?

Sailor Lead Crow: Because you don't have one...

Sailor Lead Crow: someone called a rival!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: What are you talking about?

Sailor Lead Crow: As I said, you can't understand! Bye!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Someone?

Sailor Star Healer: Why don't you finish it?

Sailor Star Fighter: Damn!

Sailor Star Fighter: It's like we're being teased! We sang, sang and sang!

Sailor Star Fighter: Our message should have reached her!

Sailor Star Fighter: Why hasn't our Princess appeared? Why?

Sailor Star Healer: Where are you going?

Sailor Star Fighter: To cool down!

Sailor Star Healer: Seiya!

Sailor Star Maker: It's true that our Princess is near.

Sailor Star Healer: I felt it, too!

Sailor Star Healer: The scent of our Princess, from that little girl!

Sailor Star Maker: Are you saying that the girl has a clue?

Sailor Star Healer: If so, it should be easy.

Sailor Star Fighter: This town is filled with our song.

Sailor Star Fighter: Why doesn't it reach her?

Sailor Star Fighter: I must be stupid.

Sailor Moon: What? A butterfly?

Sailor Moon: What was that?

Sailor Moon: Who's there?

Sailor Star Fighter: Hi!

Sailor Moon: Seiya! Just a second! I'll be right down!

Sailor Star Fighter: That's all right!

Sailor Star Fighter: I'm happy just to see your face.

Sailor Moon: You're weird, aren't you?

Sailor Moon: Guys are called a Peeping Tom...

Sailor Moon: when you come to see a pretty girl's room at night!

Sailor Star Fighter: Talkative as always!

Sailor Star Fighter: Nice to see you! Bye!

Sailor Moon: Seiya!

Sailor Moon: Next Sunday, we're having a school festival!

Sailor Moon: I know you're busy, but if you can visit us...

Sailor Moon: it'll make everyone happy!

Sailor Star Fighter: What's our class doing?

Sailor Moon: A coffee shop!

Sailor Star Fighter: That's mediocre!

Sailor Moon: I don't think so! Look at our outfits!

Sailor Moon: Tada! Isn't it pretty!

Sailor Moon: Mako-chan's cake is unforgettably good!

Chibi Chibi: Chi... bi...

Sailor Moon: Sorry, did I wake you?

Sailor Star Fighter: I'll go...

Sailor Star Fighter: ...to the festival.

Sailor Moon: Really?

Sailor Star Fighter: Good night!

Sailor Moon: Good night!

Sailor Star Fighter: That scent was...

Sailor Venus: Thank you for waiting!

Sailor Mars: You look pretty nice in that outfit, don't you?

Sailor Venus: Oh, definitely!

Sailor Mercury: This cake is good too, you seem to have a good reputation!

Sailor Mars: There's a lot of customers!

Sailor Venus: Well, half of them may be here to see Three Lights.

Sailor Mars: I don't think they'll come.

Sailor Moon: That's not necessarily true!

Sailor Jupiter: Seiya is coming?

Sailor Venus: No way!

Sailor Moon: He promised!

Sailor Mercury: Did you see him?

Sailor Mars: When?

Sailor Moon: It's a secret!

Regular Dialogue: Unbelievable!

Sailor Star Fighter: Hi!

Regular Dialogue: Seiya-kun!

Sailor Moon: Thanks for coming!

Sailor Moon: I just wanted to try some of that cake that Dumpling recommended.

Sailor Jupiter: Oh, my! I ran out!

Sailor Star Fighter: Really?

Sailor Jupiter: I'll make some right away!

Sailor Mars: I'll help!

Sailor Moon: Seiya.

Sailor Moon: Since you're here, do you want to be a waiter for a while?

Sailor Star Fighter: No, I'm a little reluctant!

Chibi Chibi: A butterfly! A butterfly!

Sailor Star Maker: May we have that?

Sailor Mars: Looks nice and yellow!

Sailor Jupiter: Do you think Seiya will like it?

Sailor Mars: Of course!

Sailor Jupiter: They're here, too!

Chibi Chibi: No!

Sailor Star Healer: No doubt! That's our Princess' incense-burner!

Sailor Star Maker: Now, please hand it to me!

Chibi Chibi: No! No!

Sailor Mars: Chibi Chibi-chan!

Sailor Jupiter: How terrible! Rei-chan, call everyone!

Sailor Star Healer: Now, hand it to me!

Chibi Chibi: No!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi?

Sailor Jupiter: Are you okay, Chibi Chibi-chan?

Chibi Chibi: Chibi!

Sailor Jupiter: Don't worry!

Sailor Jupiter: What do you want?

Sailor Star Healer: Don't interfere!

Sailor Star Maker: We don't have to tell you.

Sailor Jupiter: I don't want to listen to those who bully little girls!

Sailor Star Healer: I think it's wrong to segregate girls from kids.

Sailor Jupiter: What?

Sailor Star Healer: Or, are you saying...

Sailor Star Healer: "Don't be too serious, because I'm a girl?"

Sailor Jupiter: Why you!

Sailor Star Healer: I'll say it again.

Sailor Star Healer: We're not going to let you interfere!

Sailor Star Fighter: You!

Sailor Moon: Mako-chan!

Sailor Star Fighter: What are you doing?

Sailor Star Healer: What are you doing here, Seiya?

Sailor Star Maker: I hope you didn't come to see her!

Sailor Star Fighter: Is it wrong?

Sailor Star Maker: What happened?

Sailor Star Healer: It's because of her!

Sailor Star Fighter: She's irrelevant!

Sailor Star Healer: Stop manipulating Seiya!

Sailor Mars: What?

Sailor Moon: Why are we talking like this?

Sailor Moon: I believe we can work together.

Sailor Moon: We can understand each other if we talk openly.

Sailor Star Maker: We had better leave. Seiya, I have something to tell you!

Sailor Moon: Wait, you two!

Sailor Star Maker: This is our problem! It's none of your business!

Sailor Star Fighter: Sorry, Dumpling.

Sailor Venus: What were they trying to do?

Sailor Mercury: I can't imagine that they tried to attack Chibi Chibi.

Sailor Jupiter: Damn, what are they thinking?

Sailor Moon: Stop, everyone!

Sailor Mars: Usagi!

Sailor Moon: Seiya, Taiki and Yaten... they're not bad people!

Sailor Moon: Because they sing such beautiful songs...

Sailor Moon: they can't be bad people.

Sailor Lead Crow: I found you at last!

Sailor Mars: Who are you?

Sailor Lead Crow: This book my rival left me gave me wonderful info!

Sailor Lead Crow: I didn't know that this mediocre young girl has a real Star Seed!

Sailor Lead Crow: No wonder I didn't notice, Miss Usagi Tsukino...

Sailor Lead Crow: ...rather, Sailor Moon!

Sailor Lead Crow: I'll get your Star Seed!

Sailor Jupiter: You know everything, don't you?

Sailor Mercury: Then...

Sailor Mars: We're going to be very serious!

Sailor Venus: Everyone, let's transform!

Sailor Moon: Yes!

Sailor Jupiter: Jupiter Crystal Power!

Sailor Mercury: Mercury Crystal Power!

Sailor Mars: Mars Crystal Power!

Sailor Venus: Venus Crystal Power!

Sailor Moon: Moon Eternal!

Regular Dialogue: Make-Up!

Sailor Star Fighter: Princess?

Sailor Star Maker: Didn't you sense it? The scent of our Princess!

Sailor Star Healer: I noticed it around that little girl! The scent of our Princess!

Sailor Star Fighter: Then, what I felt yesterday at Dumpling's house was...

Sailor Star Maker: That little girl has our Princess' incense-burner.

Sailor Star Fighter: What?

Sailor Star Maker: If we get the burner, we'll know why the Princess hasn't appeared.

Sailor Star Healer: You may be right, but you should have talked to them first!

Sailor Star Healer: I can't wait! Our Princess is near! I just can't...

Sailor Star Fighter: This scent is...!

Sailor Star Maker: Princess!

Sailor Star Healer: Is it an invitation?

Sailor Star Fighter: No way!

Sailor Star Maker: Seiya!

Sailor Star Healer: Wait!

Sailor Lead Crow: It's impossible for you to stop me now!

Sailor Jupiter: Why you!

Sailor Moon: Everyone!

Sailor Lead Crow: If I can get the real Star Seed...

Sailor Lead Crow: Madam Galaxia will be real happy! Ready?

Sailor Star Fighter: Keep away from her!

Sailor Lead Crow: What?

Sailor Star Maker: Was this an invitation from our Princess?

Sailor Mars: Starlights...

Sailor Star Healer: Anyway, we'll finish anything that interrupts us!

Sailor Lead Crow: I know of you, too! You're those idols, right?

Sailor Star Fighter: How do you know that?

Sailor Lead Crow: Don't move!

Sailor Star Maker: That's...!

Sailor Lead Crow: If you've been wandering around the galaxy, you must know what this is!

Sailor Lead Crow: This is a black hole! If you fall into it, you won't come back alive!

Sailor Lead Crow: A dimensional rift!

Sailor Lead Crow: If I let it loose, it'll easily swallow up this school.

Sailor Lead Crow: Since there's a festival going on, I wonder how many people are here!

Sailor Star Fighter: If you do that, you'll die as well!

Sailor Lead Crow: In any case, I won't live unless...

Sailor Lead Crow: I return with a real Star Seed!

Sailor Moon: Chibi Chibi! Go to a safe place!

Sailor Lead Crow: Now, surrender your Star Seed!

Sailor Lead Crow: Now!

Sailor Moon: Okay.

Sailor Venus: No!

Sailor Mercury: Usagi!

Sailor Mars: Usagi!

Sailor Jupiter: Please, don't!

Sailor Star Fighter: Stop!

Sailor Star Maker: Fighter!

Sailor Moon: Don't come closer!

Sailor Moon: I can't involve innocent people.

Sailor Star Fighter: Sailor Moon!

Sailor Moon: Here!

Sailor Lead Crow: All right, good girl!

Sailor Star Fighter: Stop!

Sailor Lead Crow: This is...

Sailor Lead Crow: ...great!

Sailor Lead Crow: I've never seen such a beautiful Star Seed!

Sailor Lead Crow: Siren, you were right!

Sailor Lead Crow: I have it!

Sailor Lead Crow: Damn!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: I see! This is what you meant!

Sailor Lead Crow: Damn you!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: I thought I could be your friend, but too bad!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: I'll take the real Star Seed to Madam Galaxia...

Sailor Tin Nyanko: ...so please don't worry!

Sailor Lead Crow: Am I going to die like this? Me?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Good-bye!

Sailor Lead Crow: Sorry, Siren!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: It looks like the end if I don't take the Star Seed now!

Sailor Star Fighter: Star Serious Laser!

Sailor Star Fighter: What?

Sailor Star Maker: No good! As long as that black hole exists...

Sailor Jupiter: I won't let it happen!

Sailor Mercury: That's right! I'm going to protect her!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi

Chibi Chibi: No!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Go away!

Chibi Chibi: No!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi!

Chibi Chibi: Chibi Chibi!

Sailor Mars: Usagi!

Sailor Mercury: Usagi!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Oh, no! The supreme Star Seed is gone!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: This is a good time to go.

Sailor Star Maker: Stop!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: What?

Sailor Star Healer: You destroyed the only clue to our Princess!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Stop talking about incomprehensible things!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: By the way, you guys had better get away!

Sailor Tin Nyanko: That crazy run won't stop!

Sailor Star Maker: This energy...

Sailor Star Fighter: Perhaps...

Sailor Tin Nyanko: Who is that girl?

Sailor Tin Nyanko: She erased the black hole!

Sailor Mercury: Usagi!

Sailor Mars: Usagi!

Sailor Star Fighter: This wave... This is it!

Sailor Star Fighter: Princess!

Sailor Moon: Princess?

Sailor Moon: Is this the lady they've been looking for?

Sailor Moon: Minako-chan, what's this?

Sailor Venus: Tear gas, emergency alarm, stun-g*n and a set of talismans!

Sailor Moon: Don't be so serious!

Sailor Venus: They may be disguised as a older woman taking out trash...

Sailor Venus: ...a fast-noodle shop worker or even a policeman!

Sailor Moon: You're over-analyzing! Well, anyway, thank you for the gifts!

Sailor Venus: You're calm, aren't you?

Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars! Holy w*r in the galaxy! Sailor Wars Legend.

Sailor Moon: The moonlight carries the message of love.

SearchE: You have always been shining so brightly.

SearchE: Your smiling face is just like a tiny star.

SearchE: I have been treasuring it.

SearchE: Eternal starlight.

SearchE: On that day I could not come and protect you.

SearchE: I just held my tears of regret inside.
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