05x17 - Louise's Award

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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05x17 - Louise's Award

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece
of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't burn
on the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

That hill ♪
get up
♪ just to

♪ Now we're up
in the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live ♪

♪ It's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't
nothin' wrong with that ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece
of the pie ♪♪

I got it!
I got it!

What're you
talking about?

The pot o' gold game
at the supermarket.

What did you get?

The back end of a car.

What do you do with that?

If I get the front end,
I win.

You win a car?

No, a year's supply
of car wax.

You don't even
own a car.

When I win one,
it sure will be shiny.

[Doorbell rings]

Would you get that?

I'm so excited,
I can't catch my breath.

I wish you'd
stay that way.

Hi, helen.

I have great news.

Tom turned black?

You're gonna sit
on the dais.

I'm gonna sit
on the what?

At next week's banquet.

Louise is up for
"volunteer of the year" award.


It's between you
and agnes simmons.

That's great.

You deserve it.

Not as much as agnes simmons.

Nobody's done as much work
at the help center as you have.

I've never won
anything in my life.

You won me!

Yeah, the booby prize.

Who decides who gets
the award?

Councilman perry.
The help center's
in his district.

Ain't he up
for reelection?

I think so.

Don't worry.
You'll win.

How can you
be so sure?

I never picked
a loser in my life.

I only hire 'em.

If I win,
it'll be the biggest
thrill of my life.

It will?

Show helen
the new dress you got.

Okay. Come on.


I saw her new dress.

Go in the kitchen.

You haven't seen
the mop in a long time.

Hello, joe?
This is george jefferson.

You know all those big sh*ts
at city hall.

Who's the campaign manager
for councilman perry?

Yeah. Yeah.

Elliot kane.


[Doorbell rings]

Mr. Jefferson?
I'm elliot kane.

Thanks for coming over.

Campaign managers
will go anywhere
for a constituent.

I ain't a constituent.
I'm a democrat.

You said you're interested
in making a political

Councilman perry
is up for reelection.

You're offering
your support.

I'm offering
more than that.

"Support" is
a figure of speech.

I meant
a green figure.

My favorite color!

Mine, too,
after black.

Black is beautiful,
but green is necessary.

I heard that.

Have a seat.

Sit in front
of my wife's picture.

Your wife is lovely.

I fixed it so
she could be at
the movies tonight.

Weezy's not
into politics.

Her interest is
helping people.

She volunteers
at the help center.

The help center?

Councilman perry
is presenting

Their volunteer
of the year award.

My wife
is up for it.

I'm beginning
to see your point.

In politics, one hand
washes the other.

I'm ready
to supply the soap.

Winning an election
requires lots of lather.

How big a bar
do you need?

Big, like soap
on a rope.

I was thinking
of a small bar

Like they have
in motel rooms.

Don't forget,
there are very expensive
television commercials

And big newspaper ads.

What about those
little pamphlets

And small
bumper stickers?

Who pays for those?

I forget,
and so does
councilman perry.

How much would
jar his memory?

He'd remember
a $ , contribution.

What would he think
of $ ?

Not much.

$ ?

$ ?

$ ?

I mean, fine!

Who do I make
the check out to?

To cash.

Is that legal?


Councilman perry
already has this year's
quota of contributions.

We'll put yours
into next year's w*r chest.

Make sure he knows

That this check came
from louise jefferson's husband.

[Doorbell rings]

He'll remember.


Come back later.

I live here,

I'd like
to forget.

Where's weezy?

Mrs. Willis
invited her upstairs.


I'm elliot kane.

Drop in again

I'll drop back
anytime for $ .

Forget that.
I mean, don't forget it.

Don't worry.
Your wife is covered.

What's he
talking about?

Oh, he sells insurance.

I just bought weezy
$ worth.


You lookin'
for something?

I'm trying to fit
under the sofa.

You can fit.

Just don't take
your mouth with you.

Just help me find
my cuff link.

Did you look
under the bar?

It ain't there.

Did you look under
the dining room table?

It ain't here, either.

Then it must be
on the desk

Where I left it
this morning.

Hi, allan.

What's so funny?

That's the first time

I've seen a zebra
dressed like a penguin.

You look fine, allan.

Thanks, florence.
So do you.

That dress
is a knockout.

I knocked myself out
saving up for it.

Here comes
the volunteer
of the year!

I know you'll win.

How do you know?

I work with her
at the help center.

She deserves it.

That's why she'll win.

I never seen
nobody work harder.

Florence spends her time
watching other people work.

[Doorbell rings]

Let me get it.
This is a special night.

Hi, florence.

Do you like
my new dress?

It's beautiful!

I'll take
a picture.

Save the film
for the banquet.

I'm getting used to
this camera

By sh**ting
any old thing.

Well, thanks a lot.

I didn't mean that.

Hi, honey!
My, you look nice.

Look at you!

Hi, son.

Hi, dad.
That's an expensive camera.

It was a gift from
a literary agent.

Ok, florence.
The settings
are right.

Louise, we're so proud
of you.

Helen, you walked
in front of
the camera.

Tom, get everybody
in the picture.

That's a good idea.

Stand over here.
The light's better.

I saved six months
for my dress.

Allan, move
to your left.

Louise, is your
acceptance speech

Well, just in case.

Let's hear it.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm not sure I'm worthy
of this award,

But I'm sure of one thing.

You're not getting it back.

I'll take your picture
when you accept
your award.

I wish I could be sure
as all of you.

Ain't no way
you'll lose.

How can you
be so certain?

you're the best.

I got a surprise
for you.

Wait right here.

Everybody ready?
George, wait!

I'm beginning to believe
I will win.

All right,

[Doorbell rings]

would you...

I ain't missin' out
on the picture.

You're just in time
for the picture.

look at me.


Pretend you're
watching louise

Accept the award
from councilman perry.

Is that who's
presenting it?

Do you know him?

No, but I bumped into
his campaign manager
last week.

His name was
elliot kane.

I thought he was
an insurance salesman.

An insurance salesman?

When I came home,

Elliot kane was leaving here
with $ .

George gave
councilman perry's
campaign manager $ ?

He bought insurance
from him.

He did, did he?

Why that dirty little...

mr. Kane seemed
quite pleasant.

I'm talking
about george.

He bought
insurance, all right.

For $ ,
he made sure I'd win.

Here are flowers
for my award-winning wife.

you spoil everything!

What's wrong
with her?

Did the flowers
smell bad?

It ain't the flowers
that smell.

Louise knows
about the bribe.

How'd she find out?

You admit it!

Louise will win.

How much
did you pay?

Why do you care?
It wasn't your money.

How could
this happen?

How could
mr. Jefferson do this?

I mean my camera.
The shutter's stuck.

I'm not going.
Please unzip me.

We'll be late
for the banquet.

I'm not going.

But you're
the winner!

Some winner.

Take your hands
off my wife's zipper.

There's no reason
not to go.

There are reasons.

They're all in
councilman perry's

Lots of people
made contributions.

They don't have wives
up for awards.

Do you expect her
to accept that award?

I expect you
to get out of my bedroom.

This is my bedroom, too!

Please unzip my dress.

George, cut it out!

I'm taking you
to the banquet!

Could you
argue later?

I got all
dressed up
for tonight.

Weezy, you spoiled
the whole evening

For our wonderful maid.

You're the one
who paid the bribe.

I fixed my camera!
Could I take a picture?

Louise is getting

Excuse me!

Don't move, willis.
I want you to stay.

I didn't buy this dress
to wear in no bedroom.

Then wear it
in the living room.

I'll undress
in the bathroom.

You can't.

Why not?

Bentley has to use
the bathroom, right?


Why did you
bribe that man?

I just made
a contribution.

What's the difference
between the two?

What's the difference?

Willis got this camera
as a bribe from an agent.

It was a gift!

Just like the gift
I gave to perry.

Oh, all you men
are just alike.

The agent who
gave me this camera
is a woman.


A very old woman.

May I come out?


You got to go!

That award's
a big honor.

Too big to win
on my own?

You said you had
confidence in me

And faith
in my ability.

I just helped it out
with a little charity.

you're impossible!

Does anyone think louise
doesn't deserve that award

More than agnes simmons?

I contributed to a cause
we all believe in.

I'm not going.

Then I'll go get the award.

You might as well
get your money's worth.

Excuse me,
councilman perry.
Sorry I'm late.

Me, too, mr...

George jefferson.
Louise jefferson's

Of course!

Your wife's doing
a wonderful job.

Louise is like me.

She likes
to contribute
to a good cause.

Where is mrs. Jefferson?

She's not feeling good.

I hope it's
nothing serious.

She had trouble
swallowing something.

She'll feel
much better

After the award
ceremonies, right?

I don't know.
I'm not a doctor.

That's a good one!

Excuse me.
We're ready to begin
the ceremony.

meet george jefferson.

This is bill davis,
my campaign manager.

Nice to meet you,
mr. Jefferson.

You must be running
a big campaign,

Using two
campaign managers.


Mr. Davis
and elliot kane?

He's not with me

He was a crook.

He was pocketing money
he collected for
my campaign.

He told people
to make their checks out
to cash.

Would you believe

That some people
were foolish enough
to do it?


What are you
doing here?

You'll find out.

And now to present
the volunteer of the year award,

Councilman edward perry.

We need to talk.


I'm here to present an award
to one of two women...

Agnes simmons

And louise jefferson,
who's ill.

My wife got better.

Mrs. Jefferson
is here!


After considering both
candidates' qualifications...



The long hours
of volunteer service...

The $ .

It is my pleasure

To present the volunteer
of the year award to...

It ain't my fault.

Louise jefferson!

You won!

Of course I won.

You really won.

I'm giving the award
to agnes simmons.


Thank you,
but I really can't
accept this award...

My wife can't
accept this award

Because she's too choked up
to talk,

So I'll talk for her.


That's all right, darling.

First, I'd like to say

About that great statesman,
councilman robert perry.

That's edward!


edward robert perry.

Many of you think
campaign favors
can be bought.

That is not true
with honest ed perry.


Let me talk, louise.

I'd also like
to congratulate

Councilman perry's
new campaign manager,

Honest bill davis,
who I never met
before tonight, have i?

Honest bill has worked
for honest ed

For the past month,

Which is when councilman perry
fired his old campaign manager,

Some turkey
named elliot kane.

Am I right?

That's right.

To receive the award
my wife should get...

Because she deserves it

And not because of
a contribution he never got...

Is my wife, louise.

Nice try, george.

You won the award
fair and square.

That doesn't excuse
what you tried to do.

And one more thing.

My fellow americans,

I believe in my country.

I believe that love

Is what made it
the great nation it is today.

A man wanting
to make his wife happy

Is what this great nation
is built on.

It's the american way!

Even when a man
does something wrong

Trying to make
his wife happy,

She should understand
that he only did it
because he loves her.

If she can't understand,

The man should say
he's sorry.


He's sorry that his wife
does not understand.

That is what keeps
america free!

Thank you,
mr. Jefferson.

Your wife would
like to say something.

My husband
tried to make this

One of the happiest nights
of my life.

And it is.

However, I want
to share this award

With agnes simmons,
who deserves it as much as I do.

And I'd like to thank
my husband.

He's shown me
there's more than one way

To say, "I love you."

the jeffersons was videotaped
in front of a studio audience.
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