05x19 - The Hold Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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05x19 - The Hold Out

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Well, we're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece
of the pie ♪

♪ Fish don't fry
in the kitchen ♪

♪ Beans don't burn
on the grill ♪

♪ Took a whole lot of tryin' ♪

That hill ♪
get up
♪ just to

♪ Now we're up
in the big leagues ♪

♪ Gettin' our turn at bat ♪

♪ As long as we live ♪

♪ It's you and me, baby ♪

♪ There ain't
nothin' wrong with that ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To a deluxe apartment ♪

♪ In the sky ♪

♪ We're movin' on up ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ To the east side ♪

♪ Movin' on up ♪

♪ We finally got a piece
of the pie ♪♪


You learned this
in your first-aid class?

Yeah. If your arm
was broken,

You can make
an emergency splint
with this magazine.

Wouldn't it be easier
with a phone book?

A phone book?
Yeah. To call a doctor.

what's goin' on?

Florence is pretending
she has a broken arm.

She's been doing that
since we hired her.

I hope you never
get a broken mouth.
Magazines aren't that big.

Could you go
into the kitchen?

If you're staying here,
I'd love to.

How's my lovely,
charming bride

I'm fine.
Why are you so happy?

I'm always happy
when I'm about to make
lots of money.

That's right.
Tomorrow I'll be
the proud owner

Of six cleaning stores.

Oh, george,
that's wonderful.

Wait a minute.
Did you say six
cleaning stores?


You already own
seven stores.

How can you make money
with one less?

Because I'm selling
my store in queens

For double
what it's worth.


Right. We're meeting
today to close the deal.

Leroy's over there

The manager's on vacation,
and leroy's filling in.

That was your first store,
your good luck charm.

It's still
giving me good luck.
I'm gonna make a k*lling.

That store has so much
sentimental value.

I remember the day
you opened it.

I picked you up
and carried you

And put me down behind
the cash register.

Where I worked
for two years.

I remember the time
that dude asked if you
cleaned rabbit fur.

You said, "not if
it's still on the rabbit."

That store is so
full of memories.

I hate to see you
sell it.

It's an offer
I can't refuse.

You mean the mafia's
buying it?

[Telephone rings]

Some company
called wymack.


Hey, leroy,
what's happening?

Mr. Jefferson,
I need help.


Lots of people
came here.

Can't you handle it?

There's lots of them!

Are you helping them?

No, sir.
They're outside.

Do they have dirty clothes
with them?

Some do.

Let them in, dummy.


Have them line up.

Line up.
Yes, sir.

And then what?

Take their clothes
from them.

Some of them are women.

Take their clothes, too!

They won't like that.

don't like to wait.

These ain't customers.
They're picketers.

Who are they striking?

They ain't hit
nobody yet.

But they look
pretty mad.

I'll be right there.

Be right back, weezy.

Where are you going?

To teach leroy
about business.

There he is!

How can you
do this to us?

I was born
in this


[Speaking spanish]

She said
she's mad.

You speak spanish?

but that's mad
in any language.

Get out
or I'll call
the police.

Call the police,

Getting arrested
might help our cause.

What cause?

You know why we're here,

Don't play dumb.

He ain't playin'.


What I meant was...

Go wait on
some customers.

There ain't no

That's because
nobody's waiting on them.

Are you going to
sell your store?

None of your business!

If you sell,
we won't have
anyplace to live.

You don't live here.

They'll get
the whole block.

Wymack, shorty.

Stop calling me

Ok, sonny.

You don't know
what's happening.

Wymack wants
every building on this block.

They want to build
expensive apartments.

We've got to move.

I should punch them
in the nose.

[Yelling in spanish]

What can I do?

I'm one little guy.

You're the last one.

Everyone else
has agreed to sell.

If you sell,
it's over.

I'm the last one?

You're the only thing
standing in wymack's way.

Ain't that somethin'?

Excuse me.

I'll take that.

I don't want it cleaned.

It could use it.

I'm looking for
mr. Jefferson.

I'm gerald woodley.

Mr. Woodley
from wymack.

Great-looking coat.

How you doing?
I'm george jefferson.

Let's discuss
the deal?

You're selling?

You can't trust short people.

I never said
I was selling.

You said
the offer was good.

So you were planning
on selling.

That was before
I met you.

Don't con us, shorty.

It's the truth.

I'll prove it
to you.

Tell these folks.

Did you make
a financial proposal to me

For the sale of this property
to wymack corporation?

Of course
I did.

Did I accept it?

You said...

Did I accept it?

No, but...
Then I don't accept it.

You're all right.

We were wrong about you.

! Usted es un hombre
muy bueno!


merci beaucoup.

Ok. Let's go.

I can hardly wait
to tell the good news

To mom and dad.

That was clever,
mr. Jefferson,

Telling those people
you weren't selling.

Of course.
It's the truth.

You're not selling?

Not at your price.

The other owners
are selling.

I'm smarter
than they are.

Your price
just went up.


I offered you double

What your store
is worth.


I have the power
to offer

Three times
what it's worth.

When you get
more power,
come see me.

We'll talk business.

♪ We're in the money ♪

♪ We're in the money ♪

♪ Bop-bop-bop-bop ♪

I was thinking about dinner.

What were you
thinking of making?

I was thinking about
what you could make.


I've got a taste for something
out of the ordinary.

Something exotic
and oriental.

How about
lobster cantonese?

That sounds great!

Call ming lo's
for a delivery.

Forget it, florence.

Ok, I'll call them.

[Doorbell rings]

Forget the phone.
Answer the door.

I do all the work
around here.

Louise, have you seen
page in the globe?


The saddest
dear abby letter
I ever read.

"Dear abby,

"My husband cleans his shoes
with my electric toothbrush.

What should I do?"

Tell him to use
fluoride shoe polish.

I mean this story
about george's store.

Was that in
dear abby's column?

People are being
thrown out
of their homes.

What people?
How is george involved?

The wymack corporation
will build luxury apartments

On that block.

No wonder
they offered him
so much.

I'm sure george
knew nothing
about this scheme.

Mr. Jefferson is
making a deal right now.

I'd better call him
and tell him about wymack.

♪ We're in the money ♪

I was about to
call you.

I saved us a dime.

Did you accept
wymack's offer?



You heard about
the people
in the neighborhood?

Wymack is forcing people
who live there now to move.

The pickets told me.

They changed
your mind?

After talking to those people,

Wymack can't make me
accept that crummy offer.

Oh, george,
you're wonderful!

We're proud of you.

Ain't no big thing.

Don't be so modest.

When you go to the store,
those people will say,

"There's that wonderful man
who saved our homes."

I can't believe this!

Read it out loud.

"George jefferson
of jefferson's cleaners

"Has become a local hero.

"By resisting the pressure
from wymack corporation,

"He is alone responsible
for holding off

The destruction
of the neighborhood."

A front-page story!

The editor
is a friend.

Since when?

Since I gave him
a year's free cleaning.

Newspapers always
look for scoops.

For you, they need a shovel.

Couldn't you buy
more papers?

The man asked me if I was lining
a birdcage for an ostrich.

You're holding your ground

In spite of the money
wymack offered you.

George jefferson
turning down money!

That's like a moth
turning down wool sweaters.

Florence, you don't know
how generous I really am.

I've been judging you
by the size of my paycheck.

These battles
with corporations
can drag on and on.

Publicity will
bring them to their knees.

Then you could look them
in the eye.

Some people hold out
to drive up the price.


[Telephone rings]

I'll get it.


Leroy! What?


Property owners association?

Want me?

Oh, ok.

Ok. I'll be right there.

What's wrong, george?

The other owners are angry
because I ain't selling.

Being a hero
is a full-time job!

You said he'd be here
in minutes.

He won't show.

He's probably yellow.

Mr. Jefferson
is black.

What's going on?

Man, I'm glad
you're here.

I'll handle this.

We've waited
an hour.

Should have had
your suits cleaned.

You're already
taking us
to the cleaners.

I own the supermarket.

We got three of
your shopping carts.

I haul dirty clothes
around in them.

I'll handle this.

I own
the apartment building
on the corner.

We represent
the property owners.

You don't represent me.

Why aren't you
with us?

There's money
in this.


You're lousing
it up.
I'm not.

What are you doing?

It's called
being a hero.

Ain't you read
the paper?

Explain that article.

It's a smart
business move.

How is that smart?

Holding out
for bigger profits.

what's your game?

Monopoly. And I'm
holding boardwalk.

Wymack will have to
pay for it.

I don't mean
play money.

What do we do
in the meantime?

We'll all make money.

Only I'll make more,

Which is fair
since I'm smarter than you are.

I've got work to do.

but remember this.

While you're
holding up boardwalk,

None of us can pass go.

♪ We're in the money ♪

Mr. Jefferson,
I don't understand.

Ain't you never
played monopoly?

The paper says
you're not selling.

Don't believe
the paper.

You're taking
wymack's offer?


Then you're not selling?
Of course I'm selling!

What about this article?

The bigger hero I am,
the more wymack pays.

Oh, I get it.

I think.

Didn't anybody
ever hold out
on you before?

Mary lou parker.

She held out
all through high school.

I'm talkin'
about money.

So am i.

I have one of the city's
richest corporations

Right where I want them.

In the palm of my hand.

They've raised the offer twice.

Are you sure
this will work?

Before this week is out,

A man from wymack
will come here

And make me rich.

Mr. Woodley will
come back here?


I bet you a dollar.

You got yourself
a bet.

George, guess who
called the house.

Sterling james!

Who's sterling james?

Sterling james
is the newscaster.

He's coming here
to interview you.

I'll be on television
like kojak!

And daffy duck!

When wymack sees me
on television,

They'll know
who they're dealing with.

Jefferson and wymack.

It's like david and goliath.

Wymack is bigger
than goliath.

They also got
more money.


He means big corporations
can afford big legal staffs.

George isn't
afraid of that.

You never know
what might happen.

You're afraid
of losing?

You know how business is.
It's dog eat dog.

My dog eats liver.

You're saying
wymack could win?

Anything can happen.

But if they do,

I put up a good fight.

You're right,

And I'm proud to be
in your corner.

I'm looking for
mr. Jefferson.

That's me.

Sterling james,

Surely you
recognize me.

I only watch
channel .

I'm on channel .

I mean,
I only watch

When I'm not
watching you.

This is my wife,



This is leroy.

May I interview
you and your wife?

Us? Really?
What a surprise!

I guess
we have time.

Come over here.

Make sure you get
my good side.

All right.
I think we're ready.

This is
sterling james

In a small store
in queens.

It's not
that small.

I'm speaking with
george jefferson,

Who has refused
to sell his store to
a large corporation.

How does it feel
to be a hero?

It's not different
from any other hero.

Take reggie jackson...

They're going to name
a candy bar after you?

Do you doubt
your husband

Will be able
to hold out against
wymack's pot of gold?

Not for...

Not for a moment!

Hit it strong,

My husband wouldn't sell
for a million dollars!

Not that strong.

The wymack corporation
offered my husband

Lots of money to sell out.

The pressure
is terrible!

How's he
handling it?

Oh, he's laughing
at their offer.

The offer
is laughable.

Mrs. Jefferson,
you're proof

That behind every
successful man

There's a woman.

Please share
your feelings

During this
mighty struggle.

Mr. Jefferson.

Not now!
We're on television!

Here's your dollar.

We bet a dollar
mr. Woodley
would come back.

Mr. Jefferson.

Excuse me.

That must be
an important

That's mr. Woodley
from wymack.

I'm leroy crawford.

I'm appearing
in our church play.

I don't want
everybody to know
what I'm doing!

This is mr. Woodley

From the company
mr. Jefferson is fighting.

What are your feelings
about this?

He has no feelings.

Oh, but I do.

I'm gerald woodley,
representative of
the wymack corporation.

We are devoted to
progress and humanity.

Those are my
exact feelings.

Some people think wymack
is a powerful corporation

That can
roll over anybody.

I know when
I've been licked.

Sorry, weez.

When mr. Jefferson
told us about
the residents' plight,

We knew we were wrong.


Say what?

Wymack is no longer


There you have it.

George jefferson
has done it!

He's won.

This man has beaten
the corporation.


I'll accept your offer.


Too late.


The publicity isn't good
for the company's image.


Sorry we couldn't
do business.

And don't you
ever come back!

I'm so proud of you.

Mr. Jefferson,
you are a real hero.

Do you have anything
to say

To the millions
of people watching?

Oh, yeah.
I sure do.

I'd like to announce

A great jefferson cleaners
hold-out sale

At seven convenient locations
throughout the city.

One in manhattan...

I'm leroy crawford.
I'm appearing in...

One in harlem

At our redecorated store.

Come out.

the jeffersons was videotaped
in front of a studio audience.
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