08x02 - The Separation: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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08x02 - The Separation: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, we're movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

Movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

We finally got
a piece of the pie

Fish don't fry
in the kitchen

Beans don't burn
on the grill

Took a whole lot of tryin'

Just to get up that hill

Now we're up
in the big leagues

Gettin' our turn at bat

As long as we live,
it's you and me, baby

There ain't nothin' wrong
with that

We're movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

Movin' on up
Movin' on up

To the East Side
Movin' on up

We finally got
a piece of the pie

Louise, we have got to
stop this worrying!

Who's worrying?
I'm not worrying.

What's there to
worry about?

Oh, good heavens.
What is the matter
with me?

The same thing that's
the matter with me.

It's been a week since
Lionel and Jenny separated!

This morning I was so upset,
I scrambled the pancakes,

burnt Tom and kissed
the toast goodbye.

You are absolutely
right, Helen.

We've got to
snap out of this!

That is it, Louise.

We have got to put
the children's problems
out of our minds!

You're right.

Ah, Mrs. J, I'm making
fudge today,

and I was wondering if
I might borrow some walnuts.

Certainly. There's some
on the kitchen counter.

My goodness! I had no idea
they meant so much to you.

Oh, no. I'm sorry,
Mr. Bentley.

I'm just upset
because Lionel and
Jenny are still separated.

Yeah. And it's just
terrible, Mr. Bentley.

Ah, yes. When the
road of young romance
develops potholes,

we all feel the bumps
in our shock absorber.

But I hate to see
the two of you feeling
like this. I wonder...

Perhaps a little
round of happy thoughts
would cheer you up.

Happy thoughts?

Oh, yes. Happy thoughts is a
marvelous game that has

seen me through
many a tragedy,

including the last two
episodes of The Young
and The Restless.

Well, I'm willing to try
anything, Mr. Bentley.
How do you play this game?

Well, you see, first of
all you have to make your
mind a total blank.

I'm very good
at that part.

George will be so
sorry he missed a
chance at that one.


Hmm. Yes, now.

Is your mind a blank?

All right, now,

think of something that makes
you very happy, you see,

and then tell it to
the other person.

Why don't you go first,
Mrs. Willis?

Oh, a beautiful rose.

A summer breeze.

Uh, cotton candy.

A roaring fireplace.

Yes, now you've got the
hang of it, you see.

Just continue on and
I'll help myself to the nuts.

Oh, a wink.

A kiss!
A hug.

A wedding!



Oh, no! Mrs. J,
Mrs. Willis, remember!

A beautiful rose,
a summer breeze,

a baby's smile.

What the hell's
going on here?

What happened to them?
Oh. I've been
cheering them up.

Oh, nice job. Now would
you like to cheer me up?

I'd love to, Mr. J. How?
Get out.

But first, I want to
see a big cheery smile!

George, did you
see Lionel?
Yeah, I saw him, Weezy.

He's staying at a
friend's house. Boy,
you should see that place.

Empty pizza boxes,
empty beer cans,
cigarette butts

everywhere you look!

Then he's ready to
go back to Jenny?

Are you kidding?
He loves it!

Let's face it, Weezy,
what man wouldn't?

Did you have any luck getting
Lionel to see that marriage
counselor friend of yours?

Dr. Foster? He wouldn't
even talk about it.

Aw, I couldn't get
Jenny to budge, either.

Well, at least they
agree on something.

Well, I've got to be going.

Don't forget to come up later
to practice for tomorrow
night's square dance.

Maybe that will help
to cheer us up.

Tom's looking
forward to it.

Nothing brightens my day
like dancing around a fat man.

Why does Lionel have
to be so stubborn?

He's your son, Weezy!

George, we've got
to do something.

Now, if Lionel would
only agree to see that
marriage counselor,

then maybe Jenny may
give it a try, too.

Forget it, Weezy.
All he wants to
do is play poker.

When in hell did Lionel
start playing poker?

I don't know when
he started playing
that boring game.

You ain't lying.
Poker, sh**t.

Hey, wait a minute.
Poker, huh? Okay.

If it takes poker...
You know me!


This is George Jefferson.
I'd like to speak to
Dr. Foster, please.

It's an emergency.
George, what are you up to?

Hi, Doc! How are you? Yeah.

The emergency? Well, uh, see,
I'm organizing a little poker
game over here tonight,

and I just wanted to know
if you'd like to come.

What do you mean,
I dragged you away
from your patients?

It ain't like you're
no real doctor.

Hey, okay.
Don't be so touchy!

You want to play or not?
You do? Great, then be
here at : .

One down, one to go.

Pop, I'm tired of poker.
I've been playing every
night this week.

Well, tonight you're
gonna play again!

Well, look, you did remember
to invite some other players?

Look, Lionel.
You think I'm stupid?

I know how to play poker.
Who ever heard of playing
poker with only two people?

Three people!
Now we're talking poker.

Hi, George.
Hi, Ed.

This is my son, Lionel.
Lionel, Ed Foster.
Hello. Good to meet you.

All right.

So this is it, Dad?
Now don't you think we
could use some other players?

Look, Lionel, if poker
was intended for a lot
of people to play,

they would have
cards in the deck.

Who's this?

Ah, Mr. J, Do you take
your fudge with nuts?

No, I'd rather
eat it alone.

LIONEL: Hey, Mr. Bentley.

Hi, Lionel.
Harry Bentley,
this is Ed... Foster?

Yeah, right.
Oh, I'm happy
to meet you.

Good to meet you.

So, you here to
play the game?
No, he ain't.

Well, I might be
talked into it.

What game are
you playing?
Russian roulette.

I hate to run, but...
No, come on, wait. He's just
kidding. We're playing poker!

Yeah, and we could
always use another player.

Oh, well.
If you insist.

You know, I've always fancied
myself a bit of a gambler.

You sure are, Bentley.
You keep coming over here.

Ah. First deal's yours.
Oh, thank you.

But I have to warn you.
I'm a bit of a poker purist.

None of that fancy
stuff for me.

So let's just say that queens,
nines, black threes and the
jack of diamonds are wild.

Why don't you just make
the whole deck wild, Bentley?

Seems extreme, Mr. J,
but if you say so, all right.

Yeah, look. Why don't
I just deal first?

Let's make it seven-card stud.


Ante up.

Something wrong, George?
Oh, no, no. It's nothing.
I just miss my wife.

I just feel like
I deserted her
to play poker.

Well, it's nice
that you and your
wife are so close.

Well, that's the way married
couples are supposed to be.
Right, Lionel?

Pop, it's your bet.

I bet one.
Ah, it's too rich
for my blood.

Isn't life like
a poker game?

Oh, how profound, Mr. J.

I mean, just look at this
king and queen, side by side,

just like a married couple.

Don't they look
happy together?

Well, if you'll look closely
at the king, Mr. J, he doesn't
look all that happy. You see?

He's holding an
ax to his head.

Why don't you swallow
your chips, Bentley?

Just poker. Okay, Pop?

I will raise you five.

And I will see you.

Say, Ed, what would you
say to a man who's having
trouble with his marriage?

Pop, would you play cards and
stop boring the man with other
people's marital problems?

This ain't boring him!

He could listen to
this stuff all day!

I do! I'm a
marriage counselor.

A marriage what?
Well, what an
amazing coincidence.

I mean, here you are,
a marriage counselor, and...

And Lionel here is
having marital problems.

Is it my bet?

Pop, I told you I didn't want
to see a marriage counselor!

Well, damn it, Lionel,
I couldn't do no better.

I tried everything I could.

sh**t. You've got a
beautiful marriage and
you're about to blow it.

I figured at least if
you talked to Ed,

he could help you
solve the problem.

Ah, I see you're going
to be busy, Mr. J,

so I'll just throw myself out.

Hold it, wait up.
I'm going too.
Hold it, everybody. Freeze!

Except you, Bentley.
You can go.

Now look, Lionel.

Now you've been
married for three years.

At least take three
minutes to try to save it!

Okay, Pop. If it'll
make you feel better.

Counsel me.
Well, tell me about
your situation.

No, no. You know
so much, you tell me.

Look, Lionel. Do you
really want to leave
your wife and baby?

I can't live with her
the way it is now.

But do you want to leave?

Well, no. But we decided on a
separation because we
just weren't getting along!

Dumb reason.

We figured it was
better to separate than
to fight all the time.

Uh. Look,
I've heard enough.

Doc, why don't you just tell
him he's crazy and send him
on back home to his wife.

Pop, this was your idea.

Okay, okay! Look,
I'm just trying to
start a conversation.

Okay. I'll leave
you two alone.

Alone. Like you left
your wife and baby.

Look, Lionel, uh...

Sooner or later,
every relationship
runs into a ripple.

Yeah, well,
you get used to Pop.


No, I'm, uh,
talking about your marriage.

Oh, yeah.

Well, it's run
into more than a ripple.

My marriage has hit
a major tidal wave.

Well, sometimes you really
have to work hard
to save a marriage.

Have you tried
talking it out?

Oh, yeah, but every time
I come home from work,

all Jenny wants to
talk about is the baby.

She don't even care
about me anymore.

Hmm. You mean you're
feeling sort of left out?

Well, sometimes what happens
to a couple is that

they begin to think more
about themselves than
they think about each other.

Oh, you got Jenny
pegged there.

Hey man, you really know
what you're talking about!

No, I'm talking
about you, too.

What? Oh, man,
you don't know what
you're talking about.

Look, you have to
give a little, too.
Yeah, well, I know.

Lionel, believe me.
I understand what
you're going through.

Yeah, right.
Sure you do.
Besides, it's my profession!

I went through the same
thing with my wife.

Yeah? Did it work out?

Well, in a way.
We got divorced.

Are you crazy?
What kind of marriage
counselor are you?

George, sometimes,
the best...
Ah, shut up!

No, Pop. The man is
only being honest!
Anybody could be honest!

This bum's supposed to be
trying to save your marriage.

But, George, I wasn't
finished yet!
Oh, you wanna bet?

Here. Bye.

What kind of marriage
counselor is that?
Pop, he made a lot of sense.

Of course he did.
That's why I called him.
He's the best in the business.

What're you gonna do?
Go back to Jenny?

I think it's over
for me and Jenny, Pop.

What the...

Ha! Ooh! Oh, Lionel.

Oh, it's you.
What a relief!

I mean, um, hello.

Is everything okay?
Yes! Why would you ask?

Well, do you usually
stand around with a
candlestick in your hand?

Oh. Well, I thought you
promised to call before
you came over here.

I did call!
There was no answer.

Oh, I was dropping Jessica
off at the babysitter's.

Look, I have a lot of
housecleaning to do.

Well, you mind if I pick up
a couple of things?
Help yourself.

Don't forget your
poker chips.

Mmm-mmm! What is that smell?

I'm cooking lamb chops.

Lamb chops? Hey,
you know I didn't get
a chance to eat today?


Yeah, well, your lamb
chops usually are.

All right?
Aw, okay.

Oh, come on. I'll put on
another lamb chop for you.

So what do you think?
About what?

About our separation.

I think it's a good
idea, don't you?




I mean, I'd say we're
handling this pretty well.
Wouldn't you?



Oh! Lionel, Lionel.
There's a fire! It's a fire!

Okay, okay, okay.

No, it's not okay.
It's a fire! Shouldn't
we be doing something?

Okay, Jenny. Don't panic.
I know what to do.

What are you
going to do?

Would you just let
me handle this?

No, wait, wait, wait.
You don't put water
on a grease fire!

I know that!

Shouldn't we
be doing something?

Did I say that already?
Yeah, I did say that already!

Our apartment is
burning down.

This is no time
to panic, okay?

What are you...

Uh, instead of lamb chops,
how about a bologna sandwich?

Yeah, sounds
good to me.

I didn't really want
lamb chops anyway.

Jenny, what happened to us?

We stopped talking.

Yeah, but when? Why?

When you started
playing poker.

Oh, no. I started
playing poker when
we stopped talking.

Oh, well, look, Lionel.
I don't know.

Do you want mustard?
Yeah, sure.

Jenny? You know,
it seemed like

every time I wanted
to be with you,

you were with
the baby.
Jessica needs me!

Well, so do I!

Uh, Lionel,

you're, um...

You're not jealous
of Jessica, are you?
What? No!

Well, yeah. I guess I am.

You are?
Look, okay, I'm sorry.

I'm ashamed but I am, okay?

Oh, Lionel.

Oh, Lionel,

I guess I never
thought about that.

Oh, well, it's not your fault.
I mean, it's nobody's fault.

We just need time
to be together.

I'd like that.
Now, what are we gonna do?

Well, at least
we're talking about it.
That's a start.

Okay, well...

it's just that, well,

Jessica, she...

You know,
she's so little and...

And she needs me.

And when you come home, I...

Lionel, I just don't have
the energy I used to.

Hey, well,
I can understand that,

I mean, I have days
like that, too.

Well, then,
you understand what I mean?


Hey, hey,
what if every so often,

whether we're going
anywhere or not,

we just leave Jessica
with your folks
or my folks,

or whoever, just so we
have time to be alone!


Yeah, now that's
a good idea.

I mean,
it is a start

and, well, maybe we'll
get a chance to...

Get to know
each other again, huh?

Oh, yeah.


I can't think of anything
else I'd rather do with my
life than spend it with you.

And I'm willing to
work hard at it.

I'm willing to
work at it, too.

You know I still love you.

Oh, I still love you.

Look, Weezy.

I don't mind square dancing,
but I ain't wearing this.

But, George, all the men
are gonna wear hats.

All right, I'll wear a hat,

but if it's gonna be
on my head,

it's gonna be one
that I want to wear.

Not this junk.

Hi, Louise.
Hi, Louise.

What's wrong?

Someone hold up
the stagecoach?

Oh, we still can't get
Lionel and Jenny
off our minds.


Well, George and I decided,
at least for tonight,

to put everything
out of our heads.

That's easy for George.

Well, I'm ready.
How do I look?

Fine, George, but you're
all wrong from the neck up.

He usually is.

Come on. Let's get into
the spirit of the evening

and get Lionel and
Jenny out of our heads.

Sure, but if I can get my
hands on those two kids...

I thought we agreed
to forget about them.

How can I forget about them
when they're wrecking my
granddaughter's life?

Oh, George. Worrying
won't solve anything.

Besides, she's my
granddaughter too.
Don't remind me.

You're right! Why should
we worry? It's not our fault.

Yeah! We know
who's responsible.


Oh, this is no time
to be blaming anyone.

All right, so, Jenny
may be a bit demanding.

And Lionel may be
a little pig-headed.

Pig-headed? Lionel ain't no
more pigheaded than I am.

You heard Lionel.

Jenny wouldn't even
let him play poker!

Yeah! And he don't
even like poker.

Oh, face it, George.
This whole thing is
your son's fault!

Oh, yeah? Well, I think it's
your daughter's fault!

Oh, yeah? Well, I think
it's Lionel's fault!

It's Jenny's fault.


Lionel! Jenny!

You stay away from that...
That woman!


And you stay away
from that... That man!

What is going on here?

Ask him!
Ask her!

Look, we don't want to know.
We just stopped by
to tell you that

we're back together again.

Oh, that's wonderful!

Oh, they're back together!

Hey, Willis.
I always told you
you had a beautiful daughter.

Oh, thanks, George. You know,
I've always thought that
Lionel is a heck of a guy.

So now everything will
be like it was before?

Oh, come on, Weezy.
We want them to be happy.


No, Pop's right. We've still
got some problems to work out.

Yeah, nobody said it
was gonna be easy,
but we're gonna do it.

That's the best news
I've heard all day.
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