08x07 - Florence Did It Different: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Jeffersons". Aired: January 18, 1975 – July 2, 1985.*
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Spinoff series from "All in the Family" is about literal upward mobility of couple George and Louise Jefferson who move into a swanky high-rise building.
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08x07 - Florence Did It Different: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

We finally got
a piece of the pie

Fish don't fry
in the kitchen

Beans don't burn
on the grill

Took a whole
lot of tryin'

Now we're up
in the big leagues

As long as we live
it's you and me, baby

Ain't nothin'
wrong with that

To a deluxe apartment
in the sky

We finally got
a piece of the pie

So, you want
your old job back, huh?

Isn't that nice, George?

Oh, yeah. Nice. Nice.

Thanks. But it may take me
a couple of days
to get my bearings back.

You know that fire
really shook me up.

Well, then, you should
take a little time off
to forget about it.

You know, clear your mind,
take it easy.

Join the Army.

I'll pass,
Mr. Jefferson.

I think I'm just gonna
lay down.

Sure will be nice to see
my old room again.

I mean...

Why don't you tell us
some more about the fire?

Yeah, how was it?
Hot, huh?

I thought
y'all just told me to
forget about the fire.

Well, what better way
to forget than
by talking about it.

Well, there ain't
much to tell.

The hotel caught fire,
burned to the ground

and I barely got out
with my life.


Well if it'll make you
feel any better,

I could run back over there
and stand in a hotspot.

Oh, no, Florence.

We're glad
you didn't get hurt.

It's just that, uh, we...

Well, that is, we, uh...

I know. You both
wanted to see me
make it on my own.

But don't worry,
another chance
will come along.

I believe the Lord has
a plan for everyone.

I guess mine is
just marked "Top Secret."

Top Secret!

Florence, you are hilarious.
Too bad you gotta run.

Look. I wanna say
something to you two.

Straight from the heart.

I owe you both a lot.

You do?

Sure. If you hadn't
kept my old job open,

I wouldn't have
no place to go.


I know I'm embarrassing you,

but you're here
when I need you,

and for the first time
I feel like...

...part of the family.

Who's that?

Your sister.

My what?

Uh, Florence?
There's someone
I would like you to meet.

Uh, Carmen!

Call me when
it's over, Weez.

George, you step back here.

Yes, Mrs. Jefferson?

Uh, Carmen Cepeda,

this is Florence Johnston,
our maid.

Florence Johnston,
this is Carmen Cepeda,

our maid.


Ah, so you're Florence.

The lazy one!


Uh, George. Now that
they have met,

isn't there something
you would like to say
to Florence arid Carmen?


I mean yep.


so you two finally got
a chance to meet, huh?

Good, good.
That's real nice.

Back to you, Weezy.

Thank you, George.

What George is
trying to say is,

we feel just terrible
about this situation.

Ah! And what a situation
it is!

We jumped out of
the frying pan
right into a pickle.

So, if there's anything
I can do Florence,

please just...
Oh, no, Mrs. Jefferson.
I'll be okay.

Look, I had my chance

and I can't expect you
to hold my job open

Congratulations, Carmen.

Florence, wait a minute.
Where are you going?

Oh, I've got some friends
over in Queens.

I'll just stay with them
until I get another job.

Florence, wait.

George, just don't
stand there.
Say something.

Look, Florence, you take
the number five bus,

get a transfer...

No. This job
belongs to Florence!

She is a legend.

Why, taking a job away
from her would be like
breaking apart your house.

And I refuse
to let Mr. Jefferson
be housebroken!

Here, Florence.

I'm the one that should
find another job.

Good, then it's all settled.
Florence, get me some coffee.

No, y'all hired Carmen
to be your maid,

and I ain't taking
another woman's job.

Good, then it's all settled.
Carmen. Get me some coffee.

No, I will not
hear of it.

Florence is the maid.

I don't think it's settled.

Then you get me
some coffee.

Look, I don't know nothing
about being a maid.

As a matter-of-fact,
I'm terrible.

And, I'm awful.

I'm pitiful.
I'm dreadful.

George, will you please
do something?

I am. I'm agreeing.


All right, all right,
look you two.

There's only one solution
to this problem.

And as man of the house,
the decision is all mine.

And remember,
the decision of the man
is final.

And what has
"the man" decided?

The man has decided he's...

...going to
the bathroom.

George, get out here!

George, get out here!

Okay, well, where were we?

Look, I'll go pack
right now.

Oh, no, Carmen.
This is all our fault

and until we can figure out
what to do,
we'll just keep you both on.


Yes. And with pay.

Say what?

Weezy, have you gone crazy?

Forget it, George.
I have made my decision

and as the woman
of the house,
now it's really final!

Well, Just don't stand there.
One of you go get me
some coffee.

You can go, Florence.

Oh no, Carmen,
don't be silly.
Go on ahead.

No, I insist.

No, this is your job,
too, honey.

No really, I think
you should go.

Look, I don't give a damn
which one of you goes

but bring me
some coffee.

If you're going to use
that tone of voice...

Get It yourself!
Get It yourself!

What are you doing?

Reading the want ads
for another job.

I'm afraid finding
another job
ain't quite that easy.

You're telling me.

Look, all these jobs
want experience.

Why can't they just
give you a job
for being poor.

For that,
I have experience.

Carmen, you know
you don't have to
do this.

No, no, Florence,
this is the only way.
Believe me.

Sooner or later
I'll find something
I'm right for.


I found it, look!

"Earn while you learn.

"We are desperate.
No experience necessary."

Just one question.

What's an
Air Traffic Controller?

Carmen, this is not
going to work.

You're just not qualified
for most of the jobs
in there.

Here's one.

"Wanted! Girls.
Girls. Girls!"

Now, I know I'm qualified
for that one.

It sounds suspicious to me.

Hmm! Especially the part
where it says, "Bring your
own snake."

What am I going to do?

Give me the paper and
I'll get the new job.

You have a snake?

No, Carmen. I mean that

I am the one that needs to
go out and find a new job.

No, no, Florence.
This will never work.

This is your home.

Mrs. Jefferson will never
let you go without a fight.

Well, unfortunately,
Mrs. Jefferson is not
the one I fight with.

Okay, if that's
what it takes.

If what's what
what takes?

Nothing, just leave it
to me.

Why don't you
take the paper
into your bedroom.

But I...
And don't lose it.

I got a feeling
I may be needing it.

Uh, Mr. Jefferson?
I ain't got time to
talk now, Florence.

I got a meeting
to go to.

Oh. Is that
supposed to be
cologne you're wearing?

Yeah. You like it?

What's it called,
"Evening In A Freight Car?"

Very funny. I've had
this cologne for years.

You've had
that hair for years

but I don't see you
holding onto that.

Just leave me alone, okay?

What's the matter with you?

Ain't you even going to
get mad?

Ain't you got
no guts?

You been playing
in the medicine cabinet?

You know I've
looked up to you
for seven years.

I admit I had to sit
on the floor to do it,

but I still
looked up to you.


Where's your backbone?
Don't they make them
in your size?

Watch it, Florence!

And this thing
with two maids is
totally ridiculous.

You ain't even
got the guts
to let one go.

You know, it's a good thing
they don't let men like you
in the Navy these days

or they'd have to sing,
Anchors Away, My Wimps.

You keep the Navy
out of this.

Aw, what are you
gonna do, go crying
to your wife?

"Weezy, Florence is
making fun of the Navy."

You're a sick woman,
you know that?

I gotta get to work.

Why bother? You're a lousy
dry cleaner anyway.

Get out!

Get out?Get out!

You can talk
about my height.

You can talk
about my bald spot.

You can even
talk about my wife.

But when you call
my dry cleaning lousy,

you have just went
where angels fear to tread!

I don't believe it.
That was
my weakest shot.

For real?

Thank you.

You're welcome!

I don't believe it.

I just don't
believe it, Florence.

Why in the world
would you insult
George like that?

Because he was there.

Tell me, Florence.

Because Carmen
was out of a job,
that's why.

And it would be
real hard for her
to find another one.

And what about you?

Hmm. I'm thinking about
changing careers anyway.

All I need is a snake.

Okay, but when
George gets home,

we're all sitting down
and talking this thing out.

No! Ms. Jefferson,
that's why I sent
Carmen to the market.

She don't even know
I'm doing this.

But I think...
You know the only reason
she's in this country

is to make a better life
for herself right?

Well, I guess...

Do you know she told me
she's been out to see
The Statue of Liberty

four times
since she's been here?


sh**t, I been here
all my life

and I ain't been out there
but one time

and that was
on a school field trip.

And the only reason
I went then was because
Alvin Chapman went.

Who's Alvin Chapman?

Child, he was
the class clown.

He used to
dress like the statue,
paint his face green,

and then ask
all the immigrants
where his mama was.

Florence, is there
a point to this?

Well, ain't it obvious,
Ms. Jefferson?

Carmen believes America
is the land of opportunity,

and she found
her opportunity
working here with y'all.

Now, I can't take
that away from her.

So when she comes back
you just tell her good luck

and If she needs me,
I'll either be in Queens

or at The Statue of Liberty
apologizing for Alvin.

Florence, I think
that's the nicest,

most considerate thing
you've ever done.

What do you mean?
I'm always considerate.

Get that for me,
will you?

Okay. But I'm
still not giving up

until we've look at
all the possibilities.

Oh, hello, Ralph.
Hello, Mrs. Jefferson,

Well, Florence,
it took some time

but I managed to
bring all your luggage
up in just one trip,

all the while ignoring
my own painful, throbbing,

back problems.

Thanks, Ralph. But I'm afraid
you're going to have to
take them all back down.

Yes, Ralph.

No, Ralph.

Ralph, please take
the luggage back down.

Yes, ma'am.

Set them down, Ralph.

Yes, ma'am.

Pick them up, Ralph.

Ralph, set them down.




I am a human being!
Count my legs!

I have feelings!

And for years
I have tolled like
a common drudge

but does anyone say,
"Nice job, Ralph?",
"Atta boy, Ralph?"

or "I want my kids
to grow up like you,

No! It's, "Pick 'em up,
put 'em down, bring 'em out,
take 'em in."

Well I have had it!
It's over, finished, done!

I'm sorry, Ralph.
I never thought
you felt this way.

Yeah, I guess we all
owe you an apology.

Believe me,
it won't happen again.

Honestly, Ralph,

you have our word.

Well, okay.

Mrs. Jefferson!
Guess what,
I got a new job.

Yeah. A new job!

Oh, Ralph, I'm going
to need you to take
down my luggage.

Enough! I am
a human being!

Count my legs!

Oh, Lord.
Ralph, we...

Let me tell you
something, young lady.

If you think I'm going
to let you walk over me

like so many

then, you are
sadly mistaken.

You are outrageously
out of line.

I give you $ .

Call me when you're ready.

Nice day!

you got a new job?

Yeah. It was the most
amazing thing.

See, there I was
at the market about to
pick up some yelly...


Yeah, yelly, yelly.

You know, "It must be yelly
because yam don't
shake like that?"

Anyway, from over in
the next aisle

I heard this lady
telling this sales clerk

that her son had swallowed
a nickel and was choking.

Only she was speaking
in Spanish and he
couldn't understand her.

So I ran over
and translated for her

and he called for help
and they saved
the little boy.

Oh Carmen, that's wonderful.

Yeah, only last
but not least,

the owner of the market
was so impressed
that he hired me as...

Customer Relations Manager."

And that job pays
almost twice as
much as this one!

Honey, every job
pays almost twice
as much as this one.

Anyway, Mrs. Jefferson,
you're not angry

that I told him
I'd take the job,
are you?

Oh, no, Carmen.
As long as you're happy.

Happy? Oh!

I'm more happy
than a clam has
ever been in my life.

It's just like
my grandfather
always told me:

And what does that mean?

"Just because the bread
is turning green,

"it's still no reason
to cut down
all the trees."

What can I tell you?
It meant something
to him.

Well, Florence. I guess
you got your old job back.

May be not.
I made Mr. Jefferson
fire me, remember?

Oh, well. As soon as
he hears the whole story
he'll hire you back.

I don't know,
I said some pretty
strong things to him.

Like what?

Well, I made
fun of his hair.

Oh, but that's nothing.

I made fun of his height.

But you do that
all the time.

And I said he was
a lousy dry cleaner.

You take
the number five bus,

get a transfer, then...

I knew it. You know,
first the hotel fire,
and now this.

If it were raining
good luck outside,

I'd be the only fool
out there with a fork.

You could always try
an apology.


Who knows Mr. Jefferson
might even be forgiving
and understanding about it.


You say it's
the number five bus?

Yep, and get a transfer.

Mrs. Jefferson,
where do you
put the yelly?

On that second shelf,

Right next
to the yuice.

I mean, the juice.

I'll do it.
Oh good.

I gotta start packing.

Get that for me.
Get that for me.

I'll be glad
when this is settled.

Then I can go back
to opening the door

for just one of
my maids.

Oh, George!

Florence made me
so mad this morning
I forgot my house key.

Who's stuff is that?


That woman ain't
gone yet?


I have some good news
and some bad news.


Florence can come back
and work for us.

Yeah? And what's
the good news?

That was the good news.

Carmen found
another job today

so now we've got to hire
Florence back.

No, uh-uh.

Look after the way
she talk to me this morning

I'd just as soon see you
breaking your back scrubbing
the floors.

Why, thank you, George.

She only insulted you
because she wanted you
to fire her.

But she enjoyed it, Weez.
I could see it in her eyes.

George, Florence did
all this for Carmen.

And I think if she
can care that much
for a stranger,

you could care just
a little bit about her.

But she made fun of
the Navy, Weez.

Oh, George!

Okay, okay. But she's
gonna apologize.

I mean really apologize.

Of course she will,
Florence really needs
this job.

You're damned right
she needs this job.
That's why she's gonna...

Wait a minute. She does
need this job, doesn't she?

George, you're smiling.
What's wrong?

Florence needs this job.
This is perfect!

It's more than perfect!

It's going to be
my big chance.

For what?
To make her crawl.

To make her get down
on her hands and knees
and crawl.

Oh, George!

Look, you don't
understand Weezy.

Florence has got
some kind of
power over me.

In the seven years
that I've known her,

I've never once
beaten her at anything.


she doesn't know
we need her now, right?

This may be my last chance
to make her suffer.

Oh thank you God.
I always knew
you liked rich people.

But, George...
But nothing.

Look, either we
hire her back my way

or we don't
hire her back at all.

Now, where is she?

In the kitchen.

But I think this is
the most lowdown,

conniving, sneaky thing
you've ever done.

Thank you for
the compliment, Weezy.

But you're eating
into Florence's squirm time.

Hello, Mr. Jefferson.
Hello, Florence.

Look, Mr. Jefferson,
I want to tell you...
Look, Florence.

This is my ball game.

So whatever you were
gonna say, forget It.


So, the word's out that
you are in need of a job.


I know, look,
the only reason
I'm asking is because

I might be in a position
to do something about it,

that is, depending
upon how badly
you really want it.

And you really want it
badly, don't you?

I know, I know.

So, to get things off
to a good start

why don't you just
do a little light begging

for me and the missus.


Okay. We'll wait till later.

Now, let's just
talk about your duties.

Now, I could be persuaded
to hire you back

if you agree to wash
all the windows

every single day.

Not a chance.

Every other day.

Scrub the counter
once a month.


Now getting back
to the begging.

You thought it slipped
my mind, didn't you?

Not a chance.

Okay, the only way
I'll hire you back

is if you get down
on both knees
and beg me to.

Forget it, Mr. Jefferson.

One knee.

Sitting down?

Then just say please.

Oh, please Florence.

Does it mean
that much to you,
Mr. Jefferson?

Yeah, really.
I'll do anything.

Like a % raise?

You got it.

How about
a month's vacation?

You got that, too.

Let's see...
You want anything,
Mrs. Jefferson?

Is that all?

That's all. You win.

Ha! I did it!

I did it, Weez!

You, jellyfish.

Pick up the pieces, Wees.

If I hadn't seen it
with my own eyes,

I would never
believe it.

How in the world
did you do that?

Well, I always say that
dealing with a man,

is a lot like
dancing with him.

If you let them lead
long enough,

eventually they'll take you
where you want to go.


Florence, welcome home!
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