01x10 - Help Wanted: Angel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Highway to Heaven". Aired: September 19, 1984 – August 4, 1989.*
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Jonathan Smith is a "probationary" angel sent to Earth to help people in need.
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01x10 - Help Wanted: Angel

Post by bunniefuu »

Think this Joey knows about you?

Only one way to find out.

Where did you say you were from?

Galilee What your name Hadayag.


What does that mean?

lt means the fisherman.

Peter the fisherman from Galilee?

Who was sent out to fish for mens souls?

That`s me.

Boy oh boy oh boy oh boy.

What`s wrong?

Listen to this this guy kills his old woman, wounds another guy and then kills policeman.

Gets out of prison after six and a half years.

Says he`s sorry, he found God.

Maybe telling the truth.

Oh come on Jonathan are you telling me God wants a guy like this around?

whatever happened to an eye for an eye?

l say if he`s really found God lets get him up there as soon as possible let God decides whether he`s sorry or not.

Where are we going anyway?

Just up ahead.

Do you know the assignment?

No not yet he is being pretty vague about this one.

We`ll get a place for tonight, l should know something by morning.

Mark don`t you like the sound of the ocean?

Yeah sure.


Oh that`s cute! Good morning.

- Good morning, Martin.

Can l pick up my mail?

No mail sorry.

But you didn`t even check.

Martin l promise you if you have have got anything it would have been any event.

l don`t need to check, no mail.

Sam`s right Martin, stop wasting your money.

Nobody buys that stuff from you.

They want kid pictures, dirty words with naked people, come play cards.

l`ve got work to do.

Martin come on, be sociable.

l tell you Jake l`ve got work to do.

Hey old man Put me in one of your movies l want to be a star.

Eric Estrada ain`t nothing compared to me.

So you want to make something of yourself?

well you won`t do it sh**ting pool.

Yeah, well it beats writing a bunch of stuff that stinks.

Does it?

Martin read some to me.

lt`s pretty.

Lucky you Martin, you got a ret*rd for a groupie.

No Joey, l got a man named Joey for a friend.

Come on, Joey.

You and your friend go make a movie.

You can play cheat or something.

Did you get any offers in the mail Martin about your movie?

No, no no offers.

You`re still going to use me in your movie Martin like you promised?

Why sure Joey, l wouldn`t do a movie without you.

You want to talk about movies Martin?

l saw this real scary one.

They don`t understand.

l want to make a movie that will touch people.

Make them see how lonely we are how lonely we all are.

Help them reach out to one another.

And stop the loneliness.

Stop the fear.

That would be a nice movie.

What if this big old rich guy came by in this truck, and he had all his movie stuff and he said here that`s a nice movie l`ll help you make it.

What if?


- Oh Joey, Joey, Joey.

l`m too old and too tired to play what if today.

l need such a big big rich old guy.

What show business folks called an angel.

But they don`t grow on trees Joey.

An angel.

Yeah, well l`ve got work to do l`ll see you later Joey.

See you later alligator.

You`re supposed to say in a while crocodile.

Oh well in a while crocodile.

See you later alligator.

No wonder half the kids today are deaf how can they listen to that stuff?


Do you ever listen to the words of one of those songs, l mean they don`t make any sense.

l bet your parents say the same things about the music you listen to when you were a kid.

Are you kidding in my day we had songs that meant something, words that make you feel yeah you`re right l agree, Hit songs like Mairzy Doats and Dozy Doats and Liddle Lamzy Divey That`s cute.

You would think of that one.

What are we doing around here anyway?

Not sure, just so we`re supposed to be here that`s all.

l`ve got a funny feeling about this one.

What you mean a funny feeling?

l just don`t know.

Hey, look at this.

Do you think this Joey knows about you?

There`s only one way to find out.

- Excuse me.

You`re excused.

l wonder if you could tell me where l might find Joey?

What Joey?

who Joey?

l don`t know the poster just said Joey.

The only Joey here is the guy over there with the broom.

Thank you very much.

Good morning.

- Good morning Martin.

ls there any mail for me today?

- Nothing today sorry.

Well could you maybe just check please.

Okay Martin l`ll check.

So you`re the Joey that put up the poster?

Because you wanted an angel?

Are you an angel?

lf l said yes would you believe me?

Are you a liar?

- No.

Then l believe you.

Excuse please kind ladies and gentlemen.

Who can tell me where is Joey from this poster?

My name is Joey.

You are Joey from poster?

Yeah, Joe Small.

Who was looking for angel?


That`s me, the angel.

Martin! Martin! Martin see what l mean?

This is the angel.

l made this poster and here`s the angel.

Joey, Joey calm down.

What angel?

What are you talking about?

l tell you, l am Petros Hadayag.

Martin Lamb, glad to know you Mr Martin Lamm?


The Martin Lamm?

A Martin Lamm.

l don`t know any other Martin Lamm A Martin Lamm, who has written a script for a beautiful movie called ``The Magician of Venice``?

You know my script?

Know your script?

l love your script.

What about this angel?

Excuse me, sir Mr?

Jonathan Smith.

Nice name Jonathan, smart cookie eh?

Like early bird gets the worm eh?

Well Petros Hadayag saw worm first.

Better luck next time no offence.

No, no hard feelings, like you said you saw the worm first.

Smart cookie, you`ll go far l can tell.

So, Martin.

Cards on the table.

What actors you have?

They`ll be all the people in the neighbourhood, it`s all about them anyway.

l got a part too.

right Martin?

You sure do Joey.

Wait, wait we make movie with amateurs, with neighbours?

Well it`s all about them.

1 0 Commandments was all about Moses but they got Charlton Heston.

Hey wait a minute everyone`s an amateur until they get their first break.

ls true.

Here you`ll have a chance to discover a star.

Saving money and helping people at the same time.

You sound pretty sure of your britches there.

What makes you so sure they do it?

What makes you so sure they can`t?

All they need is a chance.

l like you, l like this boy.

Ok we give them a chance.

Great, now all we need is the director.

He will direct, l like this boy.

That`s very kind of you but l`m not a director.

Wonderful because l`m not a producer, actors are not actors.


So how can we lose?

What you say?

All right l`ll give it a try.

Gentlemen we`re going to make movie.

So, Martin my good friend, you do not mind if l make changes in final script eh?

Will be same story but here and there there a little changes, may be different ending.

Well the sea captain and the lady will get married in the end won`t they?

Of course of course that what makes the story so beautiful.

So Martin you do not mind eh?

You`re the producer.

Wonderful only in America eh?


You hear beautiful music Jonathan, what you think?

l`m sorry l wasn`t paying attention.

Not good my boy, but l pay attention for you.

l tell you what, that woman what is her name Martin?




Stella means star, that what we make her.

She will play beautiful pure maiden who waits for her lost love.

You want the barfly to play a pure woman eh?

No my good friend You look with your eyes but you do not see.

You got to look with your heart.

l think your heart needs glasses.

l mean that woman has been around.

Say that again?

l said that woman`s been around.

Yes, yes yes his noble chin.

Quiet l am creating, noble chin, strong Greek profile.

Are you talking about me?

Yes of course, no one has ever told you before?

Well my mother always Mother was right.

There`s no doubt.

Only you can play part of sea captain, the lost lover.

Wait a minute l`m no actor.

l tell you if you do not play this part l do not make this movie.

What do you say?

Well you know if you`re going to put it like that.

lf you wouldn`t make the movie without me l wouldn`t want to let everybody down.

Wonderful it`s settled.

Martin, l like movies.

Martin, what about me?

You said l could play something too.

Not something Joey.

The title role.

The magician.

You mean it?

l sure do Joey.

We couldn`t make this picture without you.

l`m going to be in the movies! l`m going to be in the movies! l`m going to be in the movies! Hey you guys l`m going to be in the movie! hey fellas l`m going to be in the movies! All l know this place is a rat hole, and l don`t want any part of what you`re doing.

lt doesn`t have to be a rat hole.

This is our home.

Were not rats.

l don`t even know what l`m talking to you for, you ret*rd.

Chewey that hurts my feelings.

Who cares, you ret*rd?

You call me a name so you don`t have to see me.

You just see me as the name you call me.

You can`t even see ME.

Hey l see you and all the rest of them just fine man.

You see everything ugly.

So, so you make things ugly.

But you can`t do that to me Chewey, cause l`m nice.

That`s what the magic is.

The way you see things.

Yeah well what else can l call you that would make you anything but a ret*rd.

You could call me friend.

All right cut it.

All right that`s a print.

Fellas that`s a terrific scene.


That was magic.

Hey Joey, you memorised all those lines, man.

l didn`t think you could do it You didn`t miss one l didn`t memorise any words.

Come on, you must have.

You got all the words right l was up all night memorising them.

l didn`t memorise anything.

Jonathan just said look at you and tell you the truth, that`s all it is.

Yeah, but he got it word for word.

That`s weird.

l mean that`s weird man.

l just told the truth.

Yeah guess you did.

All right that`s lunch.

First thing this afternoon we`ll start working on the scene with Stella and Mark.

Hey, Joey.

You want to go and have lunch with me over at Albie`s?


- Yeah you.

They got great chilli dogs.

You want to have lunch with me?


Hey, as actors got to stick together don`t we friend?

Yeah, yeah we do friend.

l`m not afraid of death.

l`ve known what it is to live.

And l`ve known what it is to love.

Besides, everyone dies sometime.

Everyone and everything.

Love doesn`t die.

lt goes on like the sea that brought you back to me my own true love.

What sloop.

l can`t say this.

l mean who talks like that?

My own true love.

l don`t know, it would be awfully nice if someone did.

Yeah l can`t talk like that.

Hey Jonathan, this whole thing is a mistake, l can`t do this.

Come on Mark, you`re not giving yourself a chance.

Look, l`m going to talk to Martin for a few minutes.

Just relax and take it easy.

Listen, l`ve got an idea.

This is pretty hard stuff to say to a stranger and l got the night off.

What you say you and me go to the beach talk, sing some old songs, roast some hotdogs maybe?

l haven`t had roasted hotdogs on the beach since l was a kid.

lt`s like riding a bike.

Once you learn how, you don`t lose the knack.

What do you say?

A couple of laughs.

- You`re not on the diet are you?

Are you kidding?

l bet you like chilli.

Chilli l love chilli.

Well great because that`s the only thing l know how to make.

What do you say?

l say look how heartburn here we come.

l just can`t get over the way that scene went this morning it was beautiful.

Oh why shouldn`t it be Martin you wrote the script.

And did you see the way Chewey and Joey got along, magic pure magic.

lt`s the people that are magic, you and l know that.

Hey look over there.

l wonder if it could be?




Well l know it sounds a little far


Everything has been happening just the way l wrote it.

Wouldn`t it be wonderful if those two were to.


No that would be more than magic.

no no.

Well, take care l`ll see you in the morning.

All right Martin.

l don`t know when l`ve had this much fun just sitting around doing nothing.

When l was a kid trying to make it in pictures we used to come here all the time.

The old Pacific Ocean Park used to be here.

We`d ride the Ferris wheels, roast hotdogs.

Did you ever make any movies?

Oh yeah l did a bit part here and there.

Got a lot of fancy promises from a lot of fast talking directors.

But nothing ever worked out the way they promised.

Were you ever married?

Well l got a lot of promises about that too but.


They didn`t work out either.

The only ring l ever got was the brass ring off the merry


-round at Santa Monica Pier.

How about you?

Did you ever marry?



l guess l never let myself take the time.

Too scared you know.

l sometimes wonder what it might be like, you know, having a kid.

l had one, l wish l could have raised her.

But l made the right decision.

l did what l thought was best for her.

She was adopted by a real nice family.

She`s married now, has kids of her own.

She sends me pictures.

They are beautiful kids.

They should be, they both got a beautiful grandmother.

Thank you.

You know You`re kind of beautiful yourself.

Are you getting cold?

Do you want to go back?


lt`s nice being here with you Mark.

Yeah, it`s nice being here with you.

Good morning.

Hi, how are you doing?

You`re up early.

l`m a little worried about my friend Mark He didn`t come home last night.

Not to worry, see right down there on the beach is Mark`s and Stella too.

They`ve been there all night.

They laugh, they sing like kids eh.

Have you been up all night too?

Now l don`t need much sleep and, besides l love the smell of the sea air.

Reminds me of when l was a fisherman.

So, Mark and Stella are going to get together, just like in the script.

Remarkable eh?

Well life is like that sometimes.

Where did you say you were from?


Your name, Hadayag.

What does it mean?


Hebrew name.

As Jonathan.

ln Hebrew is Yonathan.

Means 'God gave` Maybe God gave all these people here.


But your name, Hadayag.

What does that mean?

lt means a fisherman.

Peter the fisherman from Galilee, who was sent out to fish for men`s souls.

That`s me.

You don`t recognize me, eh?

Angel`s earthly form has nothing to do with what he looks like in heaven where only the soul is seen.

You look frightened Johnny.

l`ve never met one of the biggies before.

There`s no reason to be afraid.

Peter, have l done something wrong?

- No.

Then why are you here if l`m here?

Because Johnny, we thought you might need some help on this one.

You see you are right, everything in this script is coming to pass.

But you have not seen the final act yet.

Does it have to be?

Can`t we change it.

No, it is written.

Has been written.

l was not the author.

We both know that.

The play must go on, like life.

Until the final act.

Hey there Kimosabe lt was a nice scene you did back there.

Oh well had a good director l guess.

That was the reason huh.

Good old Jonathan, can`t fool an angel l guess.

l guess not.

Jonathan, you know l love you l love you like a brother.

l want you to know that nothing in my life has ever been as good for me as these last few months, you know.

Hanging around with you.


helping people l got to trust for the first time in my life you know.

Yeah, l know.

l guess what l`m trying to tell you is this might be the last time l`m working with you.

Why is that?

The fact is l`m thinking about asking Stella to marry me.

l`ve got a good feeling she`s going to say yes.

Well Mark, don`t you think you`re kind of rushing into this You just met her You don`t know anything about her listen, l know she`s had quite a past if that`s what you`re talking about.

l`ve been around the block a time or two myself.

l mean l`m no angel, that`s you not me.

Look l`m just asking you to go a little slower that`s all.

l`ve gone slow my whole life all it`s ever got me is alone.

l thought you`d be rooting for me like a friend.

Mark everything l`m saying to you is out of friendship.

Maybe it`s something you just don`t understand, you`re an angel.

You don`t need to eat, you don`t need to sleep.

You don`t need a woman to love or share your life with.

lf you were my friend you would say 'Mark l am happy for you`.

Why don`t you say that?

l`ll see you around.

The door is open, come on.


- Oh come on l can`t it`s closed.

We`ll get into trouble.

- Who cares?

Oh look at it Too bad it is closed.

l haven`t been on this merry


-round for a long, long time.

What makes you think it`s closed?

Well see for yourself.

lt`s just close for people who don`t know the magic words.

And l guess you know the magic words?

Sure, l know the magic words but it`s going to cost you a kiss to hear them oh yeah?

You don`t drive such a hard bargain.

Okay, okay what are the magic words?

Fifty bucks.


Badam! Oh you are the sweetest most romantic man.

After you my dear.

Why don`t you try the rings?

l don`t think they have one.

- Oh yeah they do.

Right here.

Oh Mark! That`s is mister, one ride.

We will be out of here in a minute.

Say, if you ever need another ride, give me a call.

That one isn`t made of brass.

This isn`t a promise that will ever be broken.

l love you Stella, l want to marry you lf you`ll have me.

lf l`ll have you, if Oh Mark, l have waited to so long for l will, l do Oh baby, l`m going to make you so happy.

you already have, you already have.

Guess we get those blood tests and everything now, huh?

Oh l want you to wear your Capt uniform, you look so handsome in it.

And you wear that dress with all the lace and everything.

Yes, and Jonathan can be your best man.

Then l guess somebody else will have to do that.

- But why is your best friend?

Friends are supposed to respect your decisions and stand by you.

He doesn`t think marrying me such a great idea huh?

lt doesn`t matter what he thinks, not any more.

Hey what happened to you?

You are supposed to work at the pier at 2 o`clock.

What happened?

l`ll tell you what happened.

She dumped me.

l asked her to marry me and buy her a ring.

l take blood tests, everything and she dumps me.

She leaves me a note.

- What did the note say?

The note says she`s run off with a an old flame, goodbye, adios.

- ls that all it said?

No no nosaid she`s sorry that it worked out like that, but at least we had a few laughs.

She`s still laughing.

- l don`t think she`s laughing, Well aren`t you going to say l told you so.


That will teach me to listen to an angel next time.

Boy, what a chump l am.

- l don`t think you`re a chump.

Oh yeah, what would you call it?

lf you haven`t filled me up with all that trust garbage, l wouldn`t have opened myself up for the first time in my life.

Boy l`d like to find her and tell her what l think of her.

She`s at the beach where we shot the other day.

What`s the use?

lt`s over.


Can`t make somebody love you.

She does love you.

Then why did she run off?


That`s something you are going to have to ask her.

- How did you find out where l was?

Never mind.

Why did you leave?

- You should have just left it.

- You shouldn`t have come here.

Why did you leave?

- l told you in the note, l never Now that wasn`t true, now tell me why you left?

Why are you pushing this?

ls it too big a blow to your fat ego to think l might have run off with somebody?

Why couldn`t you just leave it at that?

Because l love you.

Mark, l love you.

Oh, God.

Then why did you leave?

- l didn`t want to hurt you l went to take a blood test.

l`m going to die, Mark.

lsn`t that a crock?

l`m dying.

You`re what?

l`m dying Oh my God.

lt`s why you left?


l thought it would be easier if you hated me.

Stella You had a test, right?

That`s just one doctor.

Those guys can be wrong.

They`re not gods.

All right, you get me appointment with God and ask for a second opinion.

You listen to me Stella, l`ve got a friend, my friend is connected.

He is the best.

Stella we can beat this thing.


- At least let me try.

You do love me?

More than anything in the world.

Then trust me.

l`ll be back.

You knew all along didn`t you?

l`ve known for quite a while.

Well you`ve got to change it.

You can`t let this happen.

l told her l have a friend.

l have a friend who is connected.

You`ve got to make her well.

Mark, l can`t.

You know that`s not up to me.

- You`re lying to me you`re lying.

lt`s you, you don`t want to be alone again.

You`re doing this so l will stay with you.

You know that`s not true.

Why does she have to die?

Who does it serve.




l don`t know.

l don`t know why some people live as long as they do and others are taken when they are.

But l do know up until the time you met Stella, you never knew the joy of giving and loving so completly.

That`s inside you now, its alive inside you.

lt will be forever.

And up until Stella met you she never knew anything but broken promises and now she has a man willing to share the rest of his life with her.

No matter how long that life is.

Whether it`s measured in years or weeks or days.

Because you love each other.

Not even death can take that away from you.

Time is precious my friend.

Go to her.

You saw your friend?


Mark when it`s over l want to be cremated and l`d like my ashes scattered in the ocean.

l don`t have anyone else l can ask.

So would you do that for me?

Stella, l wanna marry you.

What are you talking about?

l`m talking about love, l`m talking about being with the person you love.

But l`m dying, can`t you understand that?

But you`re alive now, so am l.

We can`t spend what time we have on this earth worrying about what`s going to be.

You wanted to marry once didn`t you?

- Yes.

Then nothing has changed.

Marry me Stella, please.

Okay, you talked me into it.

Will the best man give the groom the ring.

Place the ring on her finger.

Mark, do you take this woman Stella, as your lawful wedded wife?

To have and to hold.


To love honour and cherish or better for worse?

ln sickness and in health till death do you part?

l do.

Stella do you take this man Mark as your lawful wedded husband?

To have and to hold to love honour and cherish or better for worse You can skip the rest.

l do.

Then by the powers invested in me.

l pronounce you man and wife.

You may kiss the bride.

Hi, wife.

Hi, husband.

Mark and Stella had seven weeks together and my friend kept his promise and scattered her ashes over the ocean.

There was no eulogy.

He said only these simple words til we meet again.
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