01x14 - Plane Death

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Highway to Heaven". Aired: September 19, 1984 – August 4, 1989.*
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Jonathan Smith is a "probationary" angel sent to Earth to help people in need.
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01x14 - Plane Death

Post by bunniefuu »

Charlies gone he`s missing it`s been five days now.

Hold on what do you mean missing?

He just disappeared no call no note.

Now we`re going to go see your friends.

Right! We`re going to see your friends.

Just like in the bible right! An eye for an eye You don`t have to go Johnathan.

You don`t have to be there.


Now we`re all going to take a little ride and find your friend.

Hey, guess what?

My best friend from Oakland dropped me a line he`s working out of town about 200 miles south of here, a town called Deter.

l sure would like to see him.

- Why don`t we don`t go see him?

Your kidding?

What about our next assignment?

Well l haven`t got one yet.

That would be great.

We were on the police force together.

Charlie Down you`ll love this guy.

Well come on, what are we waiting for?

Let`s go and see him.



Sarah, it`s me Mark Gordon.

Come on now l know it`s been a long time.

Where is that bum you are married too?

Oh Mark.

Honey, what`s wrong?

l thought for a minute when l heard the car?

Charlie`s gone.


missing it`s been 5 days now.

What do you mean missing?

He just disappeared, no note no call hey wouldn`t do that to Robbie and me, l know some things happened to him.

All right, take it easy now.

What about the police what did they say?

Well the sheriff looked, so did some of the neighbours in town nothing.

He`s been walking alone detail border drug enforcement.

God, what happened to him happened?

Mum l finished my homework can l go log cutting a while?

Um, yeah you be back before dark OK?

- l will.

He doesn`t know, l told him Charlie had to go away for a while.

l don`t want to say anything until l know?

- l understand.


- look at me, just leaving you standing around out here.

This is my friend, Jonathan.

Mrs Down.

Please come on in, Ok What about Charlie is he?

l don`t know.

l`ll be right back l wish there was some way l could help you.

l`m as much in the dark about this as you are.

Anybody see him or talk to him the day he disappeared.

Nobody that l talked to, that`s just about everybody.

No sign of him, no sign of his car.

How extensive was the search?

l`ll show you on the map.

We covered this entire area here, surrounded in red.

My son and some of his buddies went back up here in these canyons here on their bikes, no sign He can`t have just disappeared.

l`m going to be honest with you l think he took off.

What are you talking about?

Well l didn`t push it with his missus about how they`re getting along l mean.


lt wouln`t be the first husband to just pull up stakes.

You know, marriage goes sour, afraid of the alimony, bingo they`re gone.

No, not Charlie.

OK, suit yourself that`s my guess.

Besides some of the people in town said they`ve seen him hooting it up quite a bit recently.

And not fun drinking but serious forget your troubles kind of drinking.

Not Charlie.

- That`s right.

l`ve got work to do, like l said l wish l could help you folks.

But if l don`t see you again you boys take care of yourselves.

He`s lying.

What about?

About Charlie`s drinking.

How`d you know it`s been a long time since you have seen him.

And he couldn`t drink if he wanted to drink.

Like allergic you know, one sip and he was sick all night.

Are you sure?

Yeah l`m sure.

Come on let`s take a walk.

Hey what do you want?

Give me some of that hot applie pie and some coffee.

Nothing for me.

Excuse me for staring but we don`t see too many hippies in this part of the country.




-haired one here, And you.

What did you do forget to shave?

Hey boys.

Hiippies are quiet Quiet and polite, that`s nice.

Ain`t that nice boys You know what?

Nice folks like you deserve to be treated nice and that`s the truth.

Here`s your pie and coffee.

Thanks a lot.

Er that`s hot, let me cool it off for you.

All right that`s it.

- The hippy is mad.

You see that, you try and do a favour for a stranger and he goes and gets mad.

Well how mad are you?

Are you with me?

No l didn`t order anything.

Oh thanks a lot.

What are you doing Bubba?

You messing wth strangers again?

Just having some fun Jack.

Well what`s fun to you, ain`t fun to the folks so sit down My name is Jack Harm my dad is the sheriff, l apologise for my friend.

He is a little goody he doesn`t mean nothing by it.

We just talked to your father Jack.

Oh yeah, about what?

About a friend of mine Charlie Down.

Oh yeah, Me and the boys put a lot of hours looking for him didn`t come up with nothing.

Yeah so your father told us.

lf you leave your phone number.

l`ll have Charlie call you as soon as he comes back.

Maybe a while though, my guess is he is down in Mexico right about now with so young senorita.

You knew him pretty well huh?

Well no not real well but.


Well l knew him really well and l know he`s not with any senorita.

Oh yeah, where do you think he is?

l don`t know and l`m sure going to find out What do l owe you?

Nothing forget it, it`s on the house.

We`ll see you around.

See you around.

Thanks a lot.

For what?

Backing me up in that cafe.

Oh come on their were six of them.

What do you care you got the stuff.

He`s not going to give me the stuffjust punch out some idiot over a wet piece of pie.

Doesn`t that ever bother you?


Taking all my lip, come on tell me the truth doesn`t it ever really bother you?

Yeah, yeah sometimes it bothers me.

Good that makes me feel better.

Where do you want to start looking first?

l don`t know l thought you could tell me Wish l could but this isn`t my kind of assignment.

Afraid you`re on your own this time.

How well do you know that sheriff?

l`ve spoken to him a few times, he always seems nice enough, why?

l don`t know, something he said to me today about Charlie`s drinking.


Charlie couln`t drink you know that.

He was the only sober one at his bachelor party.

He was so embarrassed that night.

Do you remember when l bought the belly dancer in?

Yes right in front of his face, he didn`t know where to look.

What`s that noise?

Model planes, you live around here long enough you get used to it.

lt`s the number one hobby.

Loud arn`t they?

Well some of them are almost big enough to get into.

Jack Harm the sheriffs boy had a bomber.

The first time l ever saw it l thought we were being att*cked.

They fly them at night?

Day or night you name it.

Want some more coffee: Yeah, sounds good.

l`ll be right back.

Can l help you?

Garson Road, at your service.

Fine, fine Boy, model aeroplanes or something aren`t they Yep, lots of hours of work there, but it`s healthy, therapeutic.

Yeah, l bet it is.

You a builder?

No, no l` just thinking about it.

Well these radio control units must be expensive.

Well some are and some aren`t How high they run?

You name it into 1 000s Jack Harm has quite a plane l hear?

Oh yeah, a beauty Must be top




Yeah sure is.

Well how do fellas around here get that kind of money?

l wouldn`t know.

You don`t need to spend a fortune.

Let me show you this little Argh no, never mind.

l think l`ll pass, l don`t think l have the patience anyhow.

Thanks again.

Say eh, what does Jack Harm do for a living?

l really don`t know Well a town this size you think everybody would know what everybody did.

We are small town folk, we don`t poke into other people`s business.

Oh thanks again.

Jack, he`s asking about the planes.

lt looks like a good spot, we ought to find something around here.

Yeah, l hope so.

Hey, Robbie come here.

Take a look at this.

What do you think?

Hey nice one.

Rose quartz that would look nice on the shelf once it`s cleaned up.

You sure know a lot about rocks.

Yeah my dad taught me a lot.

l can see that.

Let me ask you something did dad ever talk to you about his work at all?

No, not really he didn`t want me following in his footsteps.

lt`s a lousy job but it`s all he knew.

Hey he`s going to retire in a few years when he`s going to open a rock shop.

At least we were going to.


Morning Where`s that friend of yours?

l don`t know.

Well a friend of mind has just come from down south across the border.

Said he thought he saw Charlie down there.

l wanted to tell him.

My dad?

Yeah your daddy.

What do you mean he thought he saw him.

While he was riding along on his bike when Charlie`s car passed him.

He was pretty sure it was him.

l just wanted to save your friend the trouble searching for nothing.

That`s very kind of you.

Hey, that`s what small town folks are all about huh.

Yeah, l suppose.

Yeah, will you take care now.

Come back and see us real soon huh.

l will, l`ll do that.

Let me go and get my stuff we`ve got to go and tell mum.

Looks like a hurricane all of a sudden, l`ve never seen anything like it.

Yeah sure is.

Come on let`s go.

Go ahead.

l look a little more.

Be sure to tell your mum their not positive about your dad.

They just thought they saw him.

He said he was pretty sure Yeah.


You go on l`ll see you at the house.


Hey Jonathan, we`ve got to go and talk to Bubba and find out where he saw Charlie.

l can`t believe that by scaring the wits out of us, you have known for a while.

What`s wrong?

Come on what`s wrong.

l found Charlie`s car.

What are you talking about?


- Two miles from here That`s impossible this whole area has been searched.

They buried him, Mark.

How`d you know it`s his car?

He wanted me to find it, he wants me in on this one now.

Come on.

Hey looking for my dad?

Yeah, you know where he is?

Sure do, fishing, he takes two weeks off this time every year.

He was going to pass this year until he heart Bubba spotted old Charlie.

There`s no reason to stick around now.

Who`s in charge when he`s gone?

Nobody, no need, we`re a small town we`ve got no trouble here.

That`s the nice thing about small towns you know.


You take care.

Hey do you know the nice thing about a small town?

There`s only one place to get a Backhoe.

Hey, excuse me.

-Wonder if you could help us?

That all depends We like to rent this Backhoe here.

What for?

That`s kind of a secret.

Yeah well it ain`t running, l mean there`s not much call for machinery around here And l ain`t got around to fixing her up.


Maybe l`ll just take a look at it, look l`d have tried that.

lt needs a whole overhaul.

Why don`t you let him look he`s got a way with machines.

Hey what do you know, it started up right away.

How much to rent it for the day?

Look, l can`t rent it to you guys.

l just can`t let it to strangers walk off with an expensive piece of equipment.

How would you like to go with us?

One way or another we`re taking this Backhoe.

Yeah, Ok Go ahead but have it back today because l have it rented out for the rest of the month.

We`ll only need it for the day.

He`s not in there.

Do you think there`s still a chance?

l don`t know.

Charlie`s car.

Found a little way from here, somebody buried it.


No sign of him.

Sarah l want you to drive Robbie in to Coaler you`ll be safe there.

What about the Sheriff?


The Sheriff`s gone, l` m not sure we can trust him anyhow.

Well this can`t run, it will run and believe me.

Alright Robbie come on When you get there l want you to call Charlie`s superior tell him we found the car.

But shouldn`t you call from here.

All we`ve got is the car so far.

Please do what l tell you.

l didn`t know what to do Jack, l couldn`t stop them.

What`d you say to them?

- Nothing l swear.

Then how did they find my car?

l don`t know, l swear l didn`t say nothing.

What are we going to do Jack?

Shut up.

Alright Arnie.

You got us into this.

Your going to get us out.

What l`ve got us into, you shot the guy.

You k*lled him.

You screwed up Don`t worry you said all the planes are in perfect shape.

Well if that plane didn`t go down we`d all still be in clover.

l did my best Jack.

lt`s not good enough Arnie Now you listen.

Me and the boys are going to be down at Sids tonight.

Just kicking back having a few beers with the folks.

Do you know where you`re going to be?

Getting rid of everybody in that house.

No Jack, l can`t do that.

Oh yes you can Arnie, and you will.

Don`t worry about it, it will look like some lunatic on the loose.

They may even think old Charlie did it.

l told my dad Bubba saw him.

Old Charlie finally went crazy.

Look Jack, you can`t do that.

There`s a kid in the house.

So you want to die Arnie?

Right now?


l mean what a waste Arnie.

All that money we`ve been saving up and you won`t be around to spend any of it.

What a waste Arnie.

What do you say?

That`s my boy.

Evening, Arnie.

Oh my God.

Where`s Charlie l said: Where`s Charlie?

l don`t know.

l swear to God l`ll k*ll you.

That`s enough.

Now Arnie l want you to tell me where he is.

l don`t know Oh yes you do Arnie.

You`re going to tell us aren`t you Arnie?

lt was Jack.

Jack Harm.

He rode him down on his bike and shot him.


Plane, he found the cocaine in the model aeroplane.

You show us where Hold it.

Couldn`t get them Charlie.

l swear to you l`m going to get them all.

Now where going to go and see your friends, right lt`s going to be just like in the bible right, an eye for an eye You don`t have to go Jonathan, you don`t have to be there.



Get in the truck you`re going to drive.

l said get in the truck.

Say hello to Bud for me will you.

Good night, Sid.

- Good night, Al.

Hey Al don`t go, we got an hour till closing.

l`ve got work tomorrow Jack, some of us do you know.

Hey get it, Bubba Where`s Arnie, he should have been back by now.

How the hell should l know?

We should have gone with him, he`s a wimp Do l do all the thinking around here.

What if he blew it?

What if those two guys get him?

Yeah, what if?

He`s got the g*n, so what if he talks.

They`ve got nothing on us.

He owns the Backhoe and he`s got the g*n.

We help those guys out.

Only this time we find the body.

Good citizens, that`s us, l tell you how good.

l took little Arnie`s share of the money and stuck it in his dresser drawer.

They`re going to wonder where a gas station attendant got a hold of $40,000 in cash.

So just relax, have another beer.

Hey Sid, can we have another round here.

Well look the city hippie is back.

Come on in friend have yourself a sh**t it will warm you up.

Charlie was a good man, Jack.

He was a good husband and a good father.

Yeah, so?

What`s that to me, l always got along with him Then why did you k*ll him?

Come on what are you talking about?

You know what l`m talking about, l`m talking about k*lling a man for money.

The money you have buried under the floor of the shed behind the general store.

You`re out of your mind.

l am.

What are you going to say to the Fed`s when they find out your good old boys have $ 583,000 in cash.

Minus the 40,000 you put in Arnie`s dress drawer.

Who the hell are you?

Somebody who knows the truth.

Oh yeah.

lt`s not going to do you much good, see we`re all part of it, all of us.

Even including old Sid there.

Boys A little ride and go and find your friend.


Jack shot him, he`s the one, he shot him.

Shut up.

And you were right about the money too.

l`ll show you where the stuff is, twelve pounds of it pure.

lt was all Jack`s fault We`d be rich he said.

lt is in the t*nk under the gas station.

Shut up.

No l`m not going to burn for you, You`re the one that k*lled Charlie.

l`ll show you, where the hell is he, where`d you go?

Dad, what are you doing back?

lt was you?

You and all the rest of your friends, my son l`m leaving here, you don`t try and stop me Why, why?

For money, for money old man Do you think l want to spend the rest of my life in this two bit town?

Fishing for a vacation in the stream, there is a world out there and l`m going to see it You let me go, l swear to God l`ll k*ll you.

Dear God, dear God, l don`t know you You`re not my son.

Raise your hands or we will fire.

We are agents of the federal government Throw down any weapons in your possession.

The town is surrounded.

Stop and raise your hands.

All right come on let`s go Come on.

lt`s over Mark.

Thanks for not letting me.

l don`t think you would have.

Yeah, l think l would have Goodbye Mark, goodbye Robbie, Jonathan?

Would you be bad if l broke a promise to my dad?

lt depends on what the promise was?

He never wanted me to be a cop, or anything like that.

l want to be, l want to stop people from doing stuff that kills other people.

l do not want other kids to feel the way l do.

l think your dad would understand that.

l know he would.

Thank you Jonathan.

Will there ever be a time in this country when they put dr*gs away for ever?

lf they`re not, there may not be a country to wonder about
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