01x16 - Going Home, Going Home

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Highway to Heaven". Aired: September 19, 1984 – August 4, 1989.*
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Jonathan Smith is a "probationary" angel sent to Earth to help people in need.
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01x16 - Going Home, Going Home

Post by bunniefuu »

We had better find a place to spend the night.

l can hardly see a thing.

Are you stupid?

You`re an obnoxious little brat.

What`s your name?

Mark Gordon.

l tell you this part of the world hasn`t changed much.

Changed from what?

From what it was like when l was a kid.

l thought you were from Oakland?

What do you know about Oklahoma?

l spend some time here when l was a kid.

on my grandpa`s ranch.

Boy, it`s hardly changed at all.

Oh great, just terrific! More car trouble since l`ve know you.

lt goes with the territory.

l don`t suppose you could.

just sort of you know lay a little power on it?

Save some time and effort.

l`m an angel, not the Auto club Terrific.

Could you lend a wing?

lt would be my pleasure! We`d better find a place to spend the night.

There`s no street lights.

l can hardly see a thing.

There should be a little town up here somewhere.

Twin Rivers.

lt`s the closest place to my grandpa`s ranch.

Do you want to stop in and see some old friends?


Grandpa died when l was a kid.

There`s nobody left around here.

lt might be fun for you to stop by the old ranch?

l doubt if there`s anything left.

Probably sub

-divided into condo`s or something like that.

l think that`s what really k*lled him, you know.

Losing the place.

Even back then.

He wanted something to hand down to his grandkids and looked to me.

He didn`t make it?


l don`t think l would have made much of the farmer, anyhow.

lt was during World w*r ll Dad was in the Army, my mum took sick They sent me out here to spend some time with my grandpa.

l haven`t thought about him in a long time.

Sounds like you two were pretty close.

Nah, not really.

Not back then.

He died not knowing how much he really meant to me.

One hell of an old man.

Mark! What is the problem?

My friend went off the road.

He`s hurt bad.

We got to get him to a hospital.

lt`s nearly 50 miles away.

We got a doctor in Twin Rivers.

l`ll give you a hand.

Hey doc! Doc wake

-up! What is all the ruckus?

There`s been a car accident, he`s pretty bad.

Well get him in here.

Put him down right here.

Wait in the front room.

There`s hardly enough space in here for me.

Alright, doc.

What happened?

This fellow and his friend were in a car accident.

Doc`s taking a look now.

l`ll put some coffee on.

Oh don`t go to the bother.

No bother.

None of the Flora.

l`ve got to get back to the house.

This young man looks like he could use some.

l got to be going.

Good luck to you and your friend.

l can`t thank you enough.

- For what?

For stopping on the road and bringing us here.

You aren`t from around here, are you?

- No l`m not.

Round here folks do for one another.

Good luck.


Here is some biscuits left over from dinner.

And if you weren`t so stubborn, l`d heat them up for you.

Thank you Maj.

You take care.

You had anything to eat?

- l`m fine, thank you.

l`ll get that coffee for you.

ls he going to be alright Doc?

lt`s hard to tell.

Nothing broken.

He has a concussion.

Head injuries are tricky.

Can l see him?

- Oh sure.

He`s drifting in and out of consciousness, they do that sometimes.


Mark, can you hear me?

Please try to listen to me if you can.

You gotta fight this thing, buddy.

Got to fight it.

lt`s not your time to die.

Not your time.

Son, l`d say that was in God`s hands right now, Not yours, or mine.

You`d better let me check you out too.

You`re a little shaken up yourself.

No, l`m alright .

That won`t be necessary l`ll say what`s necessary and what isn`t.

That`s funny.


You don`t have any heartbeat.

l know that can`t be so, you`d be dead as a doornail, but l couldn`t hear anything.

You probably have a bad connection.

Try it again.

Well l be darned! l hear it now.

lt`s the strongest heart l`ve ever heard in my life! You seem fit.

You`re welcome to sleep on the couch if you like.

We won`t know anything about your friend for quite a while.

l`ll stay here with him if that`s all right with you.

Well suit yourself.

l smell some coffee brewing if you`d like some.

lf you need me, just holler.

Thanks Doctor.


Grandad! Mark?



l`m right here, buddy.

l smell breakfast.

Welcome back.

lt`s the most remarkable thing l`ve ever seen in my life.

You mean how quick he recovered ?

No, how much he ate for breakfast! l can`t thank you enough for what you did for him.

Didn`t do a thing.

Beats me the way he recovered like he did.

l`d take it easy if l were you.

Oh, l will.

ls there a place around here where we can rent a room?

lf you want to pay there are a couple of rooming houses.

lf you don`t there`s the Simms place.

They`ll give you lodging in exchange for work.

They still call it that?

- Call it what?

The Simms place.

lt`s the only thing they`ve called it as far as l can remember.

Why don`t we try that?

l`d like to see the old place again.

- You got it.

Doc, thanks a lot for what you did.

l`m glad everything worked out the way it did.

Mam, thank you for the breakfast.

lt was a pleasure.

You take care now.

Remember, try not to overdo! l won`t let him.

l can`t get over it.

- What`s that?

Still called the ranch the Simms place.

lt used to be my Granddad`s.

Carl Fred Simms.

Probably call the place what they always called it.

Yeah, you`re probably right.

l cannot believe this place has not changed since l was a kid! Look at these cars.

They`re old, alright.

l`m surprised people haven`t sold them.

They`re worth a lot of money nowadays.

l bet they are.

Do you hear that?


The music.

Even it hasn`t changed.

lt must be one of those `oldies but goodies` stations.


Nice, but spooky.

Come on, we`ve got a long walk ahead of us.

The old Boony Bridge.

How does it look?

Any different?

Like l walked away from it 5 minutes ago.

lt`s been almost 40 years.

l spent some time here.

Doing what, fishing?

- No.

Playing hooky.

l used to tell my granddad l was going to school.

l`d come down here and mope around all day, wishing l was back in Oakland.

Boy l loved this spot.

Hey, are you all right?

Yeah, l got a little dizzy there for a minute.

Are you sure?

- l`m fine.

Hey, take a look.

Looks like somebody stole your spot.

Yeah, looks like it.

Hi there.

What do you want?

l`m not supposed to talk to hobos.


You look like bums.

Got a real sweetheart here.

You know l used to hang around here.

l used to play hooky here.

l ain`t playing hooky.

- Nobody said you were.

We`re just looking for work.

We heard there was some at the Simms place.

lf you go down there you`d better not tell my granddad about playing hooky.

or l`ll tell the Sheriff you tried to hurt me.

Nobody is going to rat on you.

What`s your grandpa`s name, anyway?

What are you stupid?

You`re about the most obnoxious little brat l`ve met in my life.

Why are we stupid?

Because you said you were looking for the Simms place.

Why do you think they call it that?

Because that`s Grandad`s name Mr Simms.

What`s your name?

What is to you?

So l don`t have to call you ``hey you``.

What`s your name?


Mark Gordon.

Jonathan, what`s happening?

That kid was me when l was nine years old.

That`s right.

Same sweet disposition and all.

How can that be?

Remember what you told me back in the car about how your grandfather died before you got to tell him how you felt about him?


You`re getting a second chance, Mark.

You`re getting a chance in this life to get that little boy to tell his grandfather how much he really loved him.

You knew all along?

- No.

l didn`t know until l met the boy.

Then l knew.

ls this a dream?

Does it feel like a dream?

- No.

Then it isn`t.



- Yeah.

Could we have a word with you, sir?

What can l do for you?



Oh nothing, you remind me of my grandad, that is all.

l do, do l?

- Yes, sir.

You sound like you`re trying to self

-soap me, so l figure you`re out here looking for a handout.

lf that`s the case you`re barking up the wrong tree.

Now get off my land before l get the law on you.

Judas Priest! First two bums, and now another.

Only this one wears his Sunday school suit.

Now l know where you got your disposition from.

Hello, Carl Fred.

- Well, Mr Stone.

What brings you out here today?

You plan to give me a hand with the chores?

No, no.

l have some unpleasant news for you.

l never knew you to bring any other kind.

The Bank has refused to make you another loan.

- Why?

You know why.

Your well`s dried up.

You can`t farm without water.

That`s l why need the loan! To dig a well.

There`s no guarantee you`d find water.

l`m sorry.

You make a payment.

48 hours, or we take possession.

Land is nothing to you but dollars and cents, is it?

Farming`s a business.

lf you can`t cut it then you lose.

By the way My daughter and son


-law are looking for a place.

Sell this place to me before the bank takes possession, You`ll make youself $1 000.

$1 ,000?

This land has been in my family over a hundred years.

lt`s more than you`ll get in 2 days, which is nothing.

besides you You got your grandson to think of.

How you gonna take care of him after you lose this place?

l`ll give you `til noon tomorrow to think about it.

Good day to you Carl Fred.

What you buzzards hanging around here for?

Thought l told you to hit the road! We`re not looking for a handout.

We`re hoping to find some work.

You deaf?

You heard me talking to that loan shark.

l can`t pay no wages.

We weren`t asking for any.

Room and board would be enough.

You have to dig a well, we could help.

Show`s what you know.

l dug ten dry wells in the last six months on this property.

Came up empty.

How we going to find the right spot?

And then dig a hole by hand in 48 hours?

l`ve done my share of divining.

That`s hogwash! Maybe it is but it`s worth a try.

Waste of time.

You say this land has been in your family for 1 00 years?


it sure has.

What business is it of yours?

You must have kin buried here.

wife maybeparentsgrandparents?

Doesn`t seem right to give up without a fight.

You seem to know how folks feel about land.

Like l said, you remind me of my grandpa.

He had a spread a lot like this.

They tried to take away from him too but he fought for it.

Did he win?

My granddad always said winning was for prize fighters.

Life wasn`t a game.

lt was a journey, ending in the same place for everybody.

What was important was family and what you did along the way.

He said that, did he?

Well now l don`t know what we can get done in two days.

But you`re welcome to stay on.

l will show you where you can sleep.


You can`t tell him who you are.

He`s my grandad, l want to tell him l love him.

He was your grandfather.

He is that little boy`s grandfather now.

lt`s up to him to do the telling.

With this food which we are about to receive oh Lord, make us truly grateful.


Alright, dig in.

Smells good.

Mark, how was school today?


There`s something l wanna talk to you about.

l have a choice to make and you`re part of it.

l`ve have to lay out a mortgage payment or lose the ranch.

lf we can hit water in 2 days which l reckon is near impossible, l`ll make the payment.

l don`t know if l`ll make the one after that, but l`ll make this one.

Or l can sell right now and pick up 1000 bucks.

What will happen to me if you sell this place?

Where will we live?

Take you back to Oakland, l reckon.

1000 bucks ought to see us through `til we`re back on our feet.

You mean l can go back to Oakland?

You know l wanted to give this land to your Uncle but he got k*lled in Sicily.

A little grave and a cross is the only land he`d got.

l was hoping to hang on long enough to give it to you.


l hate this place.

l wanna to go home.

This hole is just a bunch of ignorant clod

-hopper oakies.

They sent me here to punish me because my mum got sick.

No, that`s hogwash! No it isn`t.

l hate this place, hate it! Mark! l guess that settles that.

You only fight for something when it is worth fighting for.

You fellows can help me start packing up tomorrow morning.


How did you know where l was?

Well like l said, l know an awful lot about you.

Mark, listen to me.

l know you blame yourself for your mother getting sick.

You two had a fight and you got real mad at her.

And you wished she was dead.

You never said that to anybody, you know you just wished for it.

Next day she got sick and was taken to hospital.

l never told anyone that.

Yeah, l know.

lt`s an awful load for a boy to carry around.

Especially when it`s not true.

lt is true.

l told Carter she was dead.

She got sick and Mark.

Your mother didn`t get sick because of anything you wished.

And l tell you something else she`s going to get better.

And your dad is going to come back from the w*r safe and sound.

Are you sure?

- Yeah.

Tell me everything that`s going to happen.

l can`t.

All l can tell you is that everything is going to be okay.

l``ll tell you what`s important Right now your grandfather love`s you an awful lot.

No he doesn`t.

All he cares about is this dumb ranch.

You, this land, this workthey`re all tied up together in his head.

That`s way it is with adults sometimes.

They work real hard so that they can have somthing to hand down to their grandkids.

Because much they love them so much.

And they love the land so much.

You broke your Grandad`s heart tonight.

l know you didn`t mean to, but you did.

Come on, he is a like a rock.

He don`t feel bad because of everything l say.

Why, because he didn`t cry?

Put on his act?

What act?

- Being strong.

You think no matter what comes along, he can handle it, right?

Not true.

He gets scared like everyone else.

He just doesn`t let on.

My dad`s never scared.

Oh yes he is.

Believe me, l know.

Do you know what your grandad`s most scared of?


That the family will be forgotten.

Your roots.

That old man in there he`s got stories he can tell you that would knock your ears off.

How come he never told them?

Because you never asked to hear them.

That old man is a book, son.

All grandparents are.

They`re like magic books that are filled up with who you are, where you come from.

Why your eyes are like rampant jakes and why you`ve got a temper just like your great grandpa, Carl.

And when those old people die the books are lost for ever.

He needs you, Mark.

He needs something that only one person in the world can give him.

That`s you.

But l don`t have anything.

What can l give him?

Your love.

lt`s your love, Mark.

l`ll see you tomorrow.

Well Carl Fred, l`m a busy man.

What`s your answer?

Tell him the answers no, granddad.

Mark, you`re supposed to be in school.

l was playing hookie.

l saw him drive over the bridge.

Tell him the answer`s no.

Now see here little boy! Children should be seen and not heard.

Cute, real cute.

We can bring in that well, Grandad, l know we can! lf you turn down my offer now you will be throwing away $1 000.

This land`s been in my grandad`s family for 1 00 years.

You can take that $1 000 and go and get stuffed! Tell him to get off our land, Grandad.

Somebody ought to teach this boy some manners.

You`re absolutely right, Mr Stone.

Mark, you have no rights to be telling Mr Stone what l should have the pleasure of telling him.

Get off our land, stone heart, stone head!

- Get off our land.

You`ll regret this, Simms.

Not as much as you`ll regret losing your upper plate lf l don`t see your backside moving towards that empty car.

You really told him, Grandad! Yeah, we both told him, huh?

Are you ready for me to start divining?


- We`ll start right here.

l told you it was hogwash.

- Give me a minute.

Hogwash, huh?

Oh yeah! Look at it! Look at it, Grandad! Mark! Get the barn door! Alright.

That`s the spot.

ln the barn?

- Well yeah, in the barn! l don`t pick the spot l just follow the wand.

This ground looks awful hard.

lt sure is.

Maybe we outta go down to the bank and take Stone`s offer.

lt`s probably a smart thing to do.

Grandad, is our family known for being smart?

Nice folks, decent, but l can`t recall any geniuses offhand.

Well let`s not do the smart thing.

Mark, l`m beginning to like you a whole lot.

Come on, let`s get tools and dig us a well.

Time to start shoring and set up the rig.



l was talking to my grandson.

Hey boy, will you toss down the canteen?

Right, Grandad.

Here you go.


Check if Jonathan has got the lumber loaded.

Sure thing.

lt`s thirsty work.

Sure is, take a break.

Don`t you worry about me, young fella.

l`m used to hard work.

Feel that hand.


-ahead, feel it.

You don`t get hands like that crocheting doilies.

You sure don`t Grandad.

Don`t you go making fun of me.

Oh l wasn`t you remind me so much of my own Grandad.

He must`ve been a stubborn ass! Come on, let`s get busy with these boards.

You`re not asleep?

You put in a heck of a day.

The body`s tired but the head`s not.

l don`t know if l`m doing the right thing.

l know l got all worked up about it but that`s just stubborn me.

You`ve earnt the right to be stubborn.

l`m going to miss that boy We`re gonna hit that water, you wait and see.

Even if we do he isn`t going to stay here.

And l don`t blame him.

He doesn`t have the same feelings as l do, about the land.

Or about me.

l`m sure he does.


He really pitched in today.

l was proud of him.

You remind me of What is it?

What`s wrong?

l don`t knowpushpushing.

What`s wrong?

- lt`s your grandad.

l`m going for the doctor.


What`s wrong with him?

lt`s his heart, son.

l did it.

No you didn`t, son.

Yes l did.

Your friend told me he knew everything.

He said l broke his heart.

l got to make it right.

We`re going to hit it, grandad.

You`ll be alright then.

Please, please! Mark?

The doctor`s with your grandfather.

You`d better come home now.

No, l have to hit water.

l have to.

You better come now, son.

No, no, no! lt`s here.

lt`s here grandad! We did it, we did it! How`s my Grandad?

You better go in now.


You gotta be alright.

We hit water.

They can`t take our land now.


He can`t hear you, Mark.

He can`t hear either one of us.




Oh Grandad.

Look at you.

l thought l told you to wash up before you came into the house.

l hit water.

They can`t take our land away.

What l`d give to see the look on old Stone`s face.

You will Grandad.

This old boy has burnt his clock out.

There, there now.

Don`t cry.

You`re going to be alright.

l`ve had my time.

lt was good.

Just think, you`re going to go back to the big city now.

That`s what you want isn`t it?

No, l want to stay with you.

l love you, Grandad.

You do?

l love you more than anything.

What do you know l`ll be darned.

l love you too boy.

l know.

l know.





l`m right here, buddy.

l smell breakfast.

Welcome back.

lt`s the most remarkable thing l`ve ever seen.

How quick he recovered?

No, how much he can eat! They bought your car back this morning.

Seems you didn`t do much damage after all.

l can`t thank you enough for everything.

Didn`t do a thing.

Beats me the way he recovered like that.

lt`s a miracle.

Something like that.

Goodbye, mam.

How are you doing, you alright?

A little weak, otherwise l`m fine.

l`d like to take one last look at the old place if you don`t mind.


Hey Jonathan, stop the car.


l thought you were somebody else.

Aren`t you supposed to be at school?

What business is it of yours?

None None at all.
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