01x24 - Thoroughbreds: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Highway to Heaven". Aired: September 19, 1984 – August 4, 1989.*
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Jonathan Smith is a "probationary" angel sent to Earth to help people in need.
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01x24 - Thoroughbreds: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

He`s calming down a bit.

l never saw anything like that in my life.

l speak a little horse, he speaks a little human we understand each other.

Hey what`s wrong?

l guess good breeding doesn`t count for much after all.

Rich kid needs a lesson.

l`m against teachers hitting students.

Look leave me alone.


l don`t like this Jonathan.

l just don`t like it.

What don`t you like?

You don`t even know what the assignment is.

l don`t know what the assignment is, but l know what the job is going to be and that`s what l don`t like.

Look at this country.

The rolling hills, the pastures.

And horses.

That`s the thing, horses.

What`s the matter with horses?

l thought you grew up on a ranch when you were a kid.

l did.

That`s why l know what l`m talking about.

They`re K*llers, Jonathan, vicious, mean spirited K*llers.

Mark, that`s nonsense and you know it.

Horses don`t like me.

That`s because you don`t like them.

lf there`s one thing a horse has got, it`s good instincts.

They stink all right.

There`s nothing good about that.

And flies and telling you horses come with flies.

We`re going to turn up here.

Why don`t people ever need help in Hawaii?

Now look at that.

You going to tell me that`s not beautiful?

The girl is beautiful, but the horse is a fly factory.

- How`re you doing?

- Fine.

That`s a beautiful horse.

- Yes, Bucephalus is a fine horse.

The makings of a great champion.

We`re looking for a Mr MacGill, he`s the trainer here.

Yes, he`s my father.

Are you in the market for a horse?

No, actually in the market for a job.

Oh, l think you`re wasting your time.

We have all the help we need right now.

Can`t hurt to try.

You never know.

All right, let me put this horse up and we`ll find my dad.

- Thank you.

You`re quite a rider.

You ever compete?

Just minor league stuff.

You would have fooled me.

lt didn`t look like minor league stuff back there.


Getting to the nationals it takes more than a good rider.

You need a great horse.

Those can run a couple hundred thousand dollars you can`t exactly squeeze that out of the trainer`s salary.

What about the horse you were riding you said he has the makings of a champion?

He does, he`s not mine though.

He belongs to Garth Armstrong Jnr, the owner`s son.

They shipped him over here from Europe for the Munchkin.

The Munchkin?

That`s what he was the last time l saw him about eight years ago.

He comes up to my shoulders.

Anyway, he went away to school in Europe.

They shipped his horse here ahead of time, so we could work with him.

My name is Lizzy by the way Liz MacGill.

Jonathan Smith, my friend Mark Gordon.

Hi daddy.

- Hi yourself.

Daddy, this is Jonathan Smith and Mark Gordon.

They`re looking for work.

l told them we didn`t have anything right now.

That was until about an hour ago, when two of the stable hands quit, that`s why l`m alone with this maniac.

You fellas know anything about horses?

Yeah, a little bit.

Yeah, very little, do you have anything in gardening?

What`s the horse`s name?


All right Hurricane, just stop right there.

l want to talk to you.

My name is Jonathan, you scared of me?

There`s no reason to be scared of me.

l`m a friend of yours, okay?

Now listen, how`d you like it if l got on your back and rode you a little bit?

All right, l`ll do that.

He`s calming down a little bit.

l never saw anything like that in my life.

Just a knack, l guess.

l speak a little horse.

He speaks little human.

l guess we understand each other.

Mr Smith you and your friend just got yourself a job.

- Thank you.

Come on, l`ll show you where you bunk.

Great, just great.

He starting to settle down Mr Armstrong.

He`s looking pretty good, don`t you think?

He ought to.

He cost enough.

He has some bad habits.

Mac l want my son to have a horse that`s going to win him the national.

lf Bucephalus isn`t it, let`s cut our losses and find one that is.

lf there`s a champion in that horse, we`ll bring it out Sir.

That`s what l`m paying you for Mac.

Yes, Sir.

Woah, easy, Bucephalus.

Easy boy.

What kind of an idiot are you?

That`s the dumbest stunt l`ve ever seen in my life.

This is private property, you know.

Who are you anyway?

Come, come my dear, we`ve only just met.

Already we`re having our first tiff.

Hey creep, don`t walk away from me.

This is private property, l`m talking to you.

Hi dad!

- Pretty flashy entrance, wasn`t it son?

Son! lt`s the Munchkin.

That`s the Munchkin?

Oh God.

l guess he grew.

Look, l`m sorry l called you a creep.

l didn`t recognise you.

Why should you recognise me?

Have we met or do you read the society pages under the dryer?

Garth, you remember MacGill`s daughter, Elizabeth?

Lizzy, the Butterball.

Yes, slimmed down.

Yeah, and filling out.

The old Homestead might not be such a bore after all.

Beautiful body, nice legs.

Remember, you`re engaged.

l was talking about the horse, dad.

l`m sorry, did l embarrass you?

No, no.

Bucephalus is a great horse.

How does he handle?

He looks good, but he spoiled rotten.


Yeah, really.

Likes to prance around and show off his breeding but l can handle him.

l`m going to give him a bath.

l`ll walk with you.

You can tell me more about my horse.

Hey, what`s wrong?

Guess good breeding doesn`t count for much after all.

Hey hold on Lizzy, let me explain.

- There`s nothing to explain.

You`re engaged to another girl, and you made a pass at me.

Maybe that`s the height of sophistication in your book, but it`s not in mine.

Lizzy, there are three things l have to do in order to get my trust fund: Finish college, which l just barely managed to do.

Win the Grand Nationals, which l intend to do.

And marry Lane Kensington, which l will be forced to do.

ln a few months.

ln the meantime l thought we could have a good time, that`s all.

You`re disgusting, you know that.

Hey, if my father wants to force me to marry someone, that`s his business.

Where l find happiness, that`s mine.

l feel sorry to you.

Yeah, well don`t lose any sleep over it.

- Don`t worry, l won`t.

Hey there.

- Yes, Sir.

What`s your name?

- Jonathan Smith.

Well Jonathan Smith, what`s the story on Lizzy?

l don`t know what you mean, Sir.

Come, come Smith.

Let`s not be coy.

She got a boyfriend?

What`s her story?

l haven`t worked here very long but l don`t think she does.

All she cares about is riding in the nationals.

She`s going to compete?

All is not lost.

l didn`t say she was going to compete, l said she wanted to.

She told me she couldn`t afford the kind of horse it would take.

- No, l suppose not.

You know, l bet she`d be pretty tough on a horse like Bucephalus there.

Yeah, l bet she would.

Thanks for the information Jonathan.

My feelings exactly.

Looks like that Armstrong boy took quite a shine to you.

Really, l hadn`t noticed.

You`re a lot like your mother Lizzy, rest her soul.

She wasn`t much of a liar either.

l don`t think there`s much to be concerned about where Munchkin and l are concerned.

Well, l hope you`re right Lizzy, for your sake.

Daddy, Garth Armstrong Jnr is the last person on earth l`d think about getting involved with.

That`s just what your mother said to me.

Daddy, what l want is what you had with mother.

l don`t think anybody is going to have that kind of relationship with Garth.

l feel sorry for him more than anything else.

Eat your food before it gets cold.

Yes ma`am.

What do you think?

Kind of cute.

Whose idea was it to gift wrap Bucephalus?

Well, l`ve got a note here that will probably explain all that.

lt`s from Garth.

Dear Butterball, lf you think you`re so hot, you ride Bucephalus in the nationals.

Though corrupting young girls is a hobby of mine, l know your scruples.

Don`t think of it as a gift.

Think of it as a loan.

Just to ensure get some decent competition.


l can`t accept this, can l?

l don`t see why not.

He just said it was a loan.

Jonathan, l`m going to ride in the nationals.

l mean, l`m really going to do it.

l got to go tell my dad.

Daddy`s around here some place with the Armstrongs.

lf you see him, tell him l went out with the officials to walk the course.

Jonathan, you better find out what time the veterinary adviser and the ground official are going to test Bucephalus.


Okay Mark, settle Bucephalus and brush him down, okay?

Couldn`t we do it the other way around?

Let Jonathan take care of the horse?

You`re going to have to get used to him sooner or later.

Besides, Bucephalus is crazy about you.

He`s just pretending, waiting to get me alone.

See you later.

l`ve gotta go see the vet.

Jonathan, l don`t like it in here.

You`ll be fine Mark.

Jonathan! Don`t do that.

l don`t like that.

You stay away from me.

l`m a cop, you know.

l`m an expert in martial arts.

He tried to k*ll me.

He loves when l do that.

Hear that, that`s a horse laugh.

[All competitors to the starting area, please.

All competitors to the starting area]

Hi Butterball.

Hey, you look nervous, relax.

lt comes easy for you, doesn`t it?

- Yes, of course it does.

Lizzy it`s just a game, after all.

Just riding around on four

-legged beasties.

lt`s not important to you at all, is it?

Sure it is, it means l get my trust fund.

Then l don`t have to worry about achieving anything.

l can rest on my laurels on my father`s money.

Somebody ought to give you a swift kick in your laurels.

lt`ll probably never happen.

You`re going to breeze through your whole life.

l hope so.

- Well, l feel sorry to you.

You have everything.

Looks, talent, money.

None of it means anything to you.

- That`s a horrible way to live.

Yeah, it is a burden.

But it`s my cross and l bear it in silence.

What do you say the loser buys the winner a dinner?

lf you lose, you can treat me to a hamburger.

lf l lose, we go to the Tour D`Argent in Paris.

My hamburger against a trip to Paris?

Yeah, or Rome or London.

[Next rider is Lizzy MacGill on Bucephalus]

You`re on.

So what about the bet?

Let`s compromise, say the winner buys a pizza.



Four, Three, Two, One]

Beat that if you can Munchkin.

- Watch me sweetheart.

The next rider is Garth Armstrong on Jabbar.

Nice ride, baby.

[Five, Four, Three, Two, One]

Well, hail to the conquering hero.

Where should we go for that pizza?

You kidding?

l`m not going anywhere with you.

What are you talking about?

You won, didn`t you?

You set your goal, then you achieved it.

l thought that`s what it`s all about to you.

How could you just throw a tantrum, walk off without finishing the course?

You saw what happened.

l had a refusal, there was no way l could have won.

l feel the need for a little fresh air.

Finish brushing Bucephalus for me, would you.


- Thank you.

Lizzy l don`t get it.

There was no way l could have won, why knock myself out and nothing?

You could have finished the course like a man instead of a spoilt brat.

Who do you think you`re talking to?

l`m talking to you.

What`s it to her, or to you for that matter?

Hey, it`s nothing to me Garth.

Maybe it means something to her.

For some reason she likes you.

Oh she does, does she?

Well, we`ll see who`s in the winner`s circle when the finals come around.

Oh, and if you want to keep your job my friend, watch your mouth around me.

l thought horses were stupid.

That kid needs needs to get knocked on his butt a time or two.

Mark, l have a feeling he`s going to be.

Hey, give me another one.

- l`ll be right with you.

You want a tip, l want some service.

- l`m waiting on another customer.

l said, l`ll be with you in a minute.

- Hey baby, how`d you like to go to Paris?

How`d you like to go to the hospital?

You talking to me?

That`s right.

- Well, l`m not talking to you.

Come on rich kid, get up.

Hey Garth, old buddy, it`s getting late.

Time to go home.

Stay out of it.

- Garth, l`m trying to be nice.

You stay out of this.

Rich kid needs a lesson.

l know but l`m against teachers hitting students.

- Leave me alone.


What happened?

We had a little accident.

Your jaw hit my hand.

Oh it`s you.

- Yeah, it`s me.

Yeah, well stay away from me.

Hey, you`re in no condition to drive the car.

l said, stay away from me.

Look at this, you gotta get this car serviced.

Come on, it`s a nice night for a walk.

Are you sobering up?

- Yeah, a little bit.

Sorry, l had a pop you back there.

l figured, better me than him.

Yeah guess l was a real jerk back there, wasn`t l?

- Yeah you were.

l always agree with the boss`s son.


- Why, what?

Why do you act like a jerk?

l`m not just talking about tonight.

l know.

You have to be a real rich kid to understand.

Try me.

Well, from the time l was a little kid l was taught how lucky l was because my old man was loaded.


-made millionaire, my father made his first million when he was 20.

Well, how am l going to compete with that?

l could bust my butt and never come close to making that kind of money.

So why try?

So l laugh my way through life and act like a jerk.

Why would anybody expect you to make as much money as your father?

Besides, you don`t measure a man by how much money he makes.

You do in the circle l run in.

l`m going to marry a girl named Lane Her family is loaded too.

That`s why we`re suited.

You see, rich marries rich.

So the families are guaranteed that each generation gets richer.

Do you love her?

Of course not.

lt`s planned breeding.

Like horses.

With one big difference: you have a choice.

l do, huh?

Look at this place.

lt`s beautiful, isn`t it?

lf l do what my dad wants, it will all be mine someday.

Tell me, would you not want to live here?

Without love?


l don`t think you want to either.

Goodnight, Garth.

l don`t wanna know.

l probably weigh a ton.

l went off my diet and pigged out.

l probably gained a ton.

Why can`t ice cream be low cal and lettuce be fattening?

All right, how much did l gain?


- You`re kidding?

No, l`m not kidding.

As a matter of fact, you`ve lost ten pounds.

l did?

That`s great! Lizzy, have you been taking any diet pills?


You`re telling me the truth?


Well, l don`t figure it.

All these years, fighting to keep your riding weight down and then all of a sudden bingo! Let`s not look a gift horse in the mouth.

l guess it`s just nerves thinking about the Nationals.

You could be right.

But let`s keep an eye on that weight.



Oh, it`s you.

You could have saved yourself a trip.

l was just going to bring Bucephalus over to your place.

l had this early doctor`s appointment and l didn`t come to pick up the horse.

l figured after yesterday What `cause you chewed me out?

l deserved it.

You were right.

l acted like a jerk.

You`re admitting it?

- l just did, didn`t l?

Yeah you did.

Well anyway, that`s what l came to tell you.

That you were right.

So see you around.

Hey l owe you and apology.

- For what?

You didn`t do anything.

Yeah, l did.

l misjudged you.

No, you didn`t l`m still a jerk but l`m working on it.

You still owe me a pizza.

That`s right.

Seven o`clock all right?

Seven o`clock is absolutely all right.

All right, there you go, you`re all set.

Jonathan, l don`t like this.

Oh c`mon, you`re never gonna get over your fear of horses until you ride.

l`d just as soon keep the fear, all right?

Trust me, will ya?

l do trust you.

C`mon, get on.

Go on! l got a feeling l`m going to regret this.

Nice horsy.

There you see he hates me.

- No, he doesn`t.

What was that?

He was just saying hello.

Now, don`t worry l used the stuff.

l got the stuff?

No no, the horse has got the stuff.

Cute, Jonathan, cute.

Cute Well Lizzy, you can afford to eat pizza tonight.

- l still think this is a mistake.

Daddy People don`t change overnight.

l`m telling you, Liz it`s an act.

He`s picked up the challenge.

l know young men like him.

And you know me, so stop worrying.

l`m a father.

lt`s my job to worry.

He`s a rich spoiled kid.

He He`s also a person.


And people do change.

Didn`t you always tell me ``don`t judge a book by its cover``?

l wish you didn`t have such a good memory.

Does his fiancee know about this?

Daddy we`re going out for pizza.

Probably gonna spend the evening talking horses.

l won`t be late.

Will you get that worried look off your face?

You all ready?

- Yep, and l`m starved.

Have fun.

But not too much.

You`d better speed up.

You`re running out of time.

l am not.

You`re saying that `cause l`m winning.

That`s true.

Ha, new record, beat that.

No, l can`t.

l surrender.

ls there any pizza left?

But of course.


Don`t look at me like that.

l can afford to eat, my weight`s down.

Oh, that isn`t the look l was giving you.

What then?

l was just thinking how much fun it is to be with someone like you.

Someone like me?

Someone real someone l care about.



What`s uh


My dad warned me.

He said that l was a challenge to you, just another conquest.

l`m just letting you know you`re wasting your time.


Cause l don`t swoon over lines like that.

lt wasn`t a line, and l didn`t expect you to swoon.

l made a mistake and tried to be honest with you, l apologise.

l apologise.

l`m sorry, forget l said that.

That wasn`t fair.

Apology accepted.

Come on, l`m gonna beat you at that game if it`s the last thing l do.


You`re up late, Dad.

- l was reading.

Lane called.

Oh Wanted to know where you were.

There was a dinner party tonight.

Yeah l had some thinking to do.

You were with the MacGill girl, having a pizza l happened to ask one of the boys if they`d seen you.

Yeah l owed her a pizza from the other day.

This is a small town people talk.

Don`t do anything to jeopardise your marriage to Lane.

Oh come on, Dad.

There`s only one thing that could jeopardise that and it`s very unlikely you`ll go broke.

l`ll see you in the morning.

She`s gonna be tough to beat.

Yeah, she always was.


Well, there`s my long lost fiancé.

Lane, what brings you out here?

Well, if the mountain won`t come to Mohammed lt`s been a few days, l missed you.

- Yeah well, l`ve been busy.

l can see that.

What a beautiful horse.

Yeah, Bucephalus.

lsn`t that the MacGill girl?


She`s quite a rider.

ls that all?


- Never mind.

Your father and l were talking about a wedding present and l couldn`t make up my mind until now.

Daddy, you know what l`d love?

That horse.

He`s yours.


You, you`ve never been interested l`m quite a good rider, really.

And since l`m going to be part of this family, l think l should spend more time riding.

lt is all right, isn`t it, daddy?

But l promised Lizzy she could ride the horse in the Nationals, if she makes it.

Well Garth, you`ll just have to find her another horse to ride.

Oh, Liz.

Hi, Mr Armstrong.

Liz do you know Lane Kensington?




Lane has decided she`d like to have Bucephalus as a wedding gift.

We`ll find you another mount.

Well, he`s an awful lot of horse if you`re not an expert rider.

l am, thank you.

As a matter of fact, l`d like to feel him out right now.

Well, ah, you be careful.

l`m always careful with anything that`s mine.


l have some work to do.

Garth! lt was really hard to keep a straight face.

l`ve never seen her with a hair out of place.

Well, she was a vision.

l don`t know what got into that horse but he couldn`t have picked a better time.

Lizzy! You in here?

Well, she was upset.

She might have gone home.

l`ll take care of the horse.


Lizzy! Lizzy, Lizzy.

What happened?

l don`t know l just got dizzy.

Dizzy Lizzy.

- Can you get up?

Yeah, l just feel a little light headed.

- Well, you got your horse back.


Bucephalus looked like he was coming out of a chute.

Lane wants no part of him.

l`m sorry it happened.

- l know.

But l`m still gonna beat you on Saturday.

- You know how l like my pizza.


Lane`s all cleaned up.

She`s waiting for you at the house.

Yeah, l`m coming.

l`ll talk to you later.

Hey, you`re still not too steady on your feet, young lady.

l know.

l`ve been feelin` kinda puny lately.

Why don`t you let me run you over to the doctor?

No, l`ll be fine.

Hey! Don`t be stubborn, even though l know you can`t help it.

All right you talked me into it.

Let`s go.

Lizzy, you`ve dropped another five pounds.

Keep this up, l`m gonna be modeling for Vogue.

l`m gonna run a few tests see if l can track this thing down.

Maybe l just need a few vitamins.

Maybe you just need a few tests taken.

Yes, Sir.

Are you going to have to take blood?

Yes, l`m going to have to take blood.

l hate that.

- The food is divine And you know how l am with desserts especially crepes.

Aren`t you excited, dear?



Aren`t you excited?

About what?

About the honeymoon, silly.

Oh yeah, yeah.

lt`s almost time l`d better get ready.

Good luck.

ls everything all right?

Garth, l`ve never seen him so quiet.

No, he`s all right.

Probably thinking of the competition.


- Hey, Garth we were just going to saddle up Jabaar Oh, great.

Ah, where`s Lizzy?

She`s second stall from the end.


You know what you were talking to me about?

About living in a big house without love?



You were right.


- Hi yourself.

You ready to get beat?

- No way Oh, you`re that sure of yourself.

- Yep.

Well maybe you`d like to up the ante.

l would but l can`t afford it.

Hey, you just said no way you could lose.

l know, but my dad taught me never bet what you can`t afford.

All right, l`ll make it easy on you.

lf you win, l buy the pizza.

lf l win you marry me.

Very funny.

Who`s laughing?

Lizzy l love you.

Ah, if you do marry me, l`ll probably get cut off by my father.

l thought you should know that, but what the hell pizza`s not expensive anyway.

She`s really quite good, isn`t she?

- l wouldn`t know.

Nice ride.

- Thanks Looks like you`re stuck for a pizza.

That`s where you`re wrong, the former Miss MacGill.

l never said it was a bet.

You never said it wasn`t, either [Our last contestant is Garth Armstrong riding Jabaar]

See you at the altar.

He`s crazy, you know that?

Yeah, about you.

[Our winner with no faults and the fastest elapsed time]

[is Garth Armstrong on Jabaar.


Garth! Garth! Garth! Mr Garth`s not here, Sir.

He left about two hours ago.

Oh, he did?

Did he say why he didn`t show up the AWards Banquet?

No, Sir.

He left you a note.

Why, the damn fool?

! Mac, are you here?

Mac! l want you to know something.

This so called marriage between your daughter and my son is not going to do you or her any good do you understand me?

l`ll cut him off without a penny.

Mr Armstrong

- Now you keep out of this! Now, if you know where they`ve gone, l`d advise you to tell me so we can stop this before it even starts.

l`m not gonna have any gold digging daughter of a ranch hand moving into my family.

No! What in God`s name is the matter with him?

l stopped by this evening to give Lizzy and her father the news about her tests.


What are you talking about?

Lizzy has cancer, Mr Armstrong.
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