10x35 - The Master's Herald

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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10x35 - The Master's Herald

Post by bunniefuu »














i don't believe it

i had the rangers right where i wanted

them they had no zords they were

powerless you two failed me what but

mandolo it wasn't our fault animus came

back and rescued them

real duke orgs would never have let that

happen you two are useless you disgust


get out of my sight

it's not like that at all

sorry about this

just go hold on

i am surrounded by incompetence

show yourself

i am here my lord


the famous ninja

finally a juke org worthy of serving me

i come with a brilliant plan for you

master mandlock

that animus brat really messed things up

for us this time and now mandela's mad

at us and not just a little matt i'm

talking really really mad at us what are

we gonna do



i have a way for you to redeem

yourselves with mandaloc really

how by bringing him the princess the


you mean go to the animarium and capture


no way look here new guy they've got

these huge zords that'll just slice and

dice anyone that goes into that place

worry not i know a way to get us in

undetected since you put it that way

let's go at once

i don't know about this what

hmm good point uh how do we know we can

trust you that's all right i can do it

by myself i was just trying to do you a

favor did you hear that he's doing us a


no wait

count us in yes we're in


this side



there's someone on the animarium



are you all right

these are the famous power rangers

interesting outfits

that's them

nice teddy bear

how did you get in here with these ninja

outfits we can go anywhere undetected


what are you doing

you're trespassing get out of here

i will leave but you have not seen the

last of me

how do they do that i don't know you

better keep a closer eye out from now on

you ruined only druggie's puns

i'm sorry i didn't know the sacred water

was gonna hurt me you don't know

anything get out of my sight you're




master mandela

might i suggest that she still may be of

use to you


you know toxica

anybody could have made that mistake

try telling that to mandaloc

he hates me

he'll never trust me again

that's not true he still believes in you

and is even willing to give you another



i'll do whatever he says

then come along

why do you think the orcs were after the


i don't know

but if they can get in once they can get

in again

a new org let's go

princess sheila

you better hide in the pond while we're

gone you'll be safe there


hello rangers this can't be we've

already destroyed these orcs they've

somehow come back to life



what my fighting fins are going right



princess shayla where are you

princess shaler are you here

you've come to protect me



well now that i don't have to hide in

the pond anymore let's see how the

others are doing

they can strike us but we can't touch

them there's got to be something we can


merrick they need your help

i'll be okay here you should go


okay you're right



something over there


way to go merrick

how can you be

two places

at once


he's the orc that tried to capture the

princess he's also responsible for

creating the illusion of the five orgs

you fools you all came to me just as i

had planned for you to do

now you see me

now you don't why would he want us to

come here rangers what is the princess

there's an org on the animarium

oh no they've got princess shayla the

org attack was just a distraction let's

go get her come on right



merrick you've come to protect me

oh get away from me

make me

you can fight

don't underestimate me

i'm not just a princess i'm a guardian

of the earth

all right let's see what you can do

everything is working perfectly




but my heart remains pure

why do you want to capture me

i don't know


what do you mean

do you do whatever you're asked

mandela is my master i will do anything

for him



you have no will of your own

that's the difference

between you and the power rangers

you just follow orders without thinking

for yourself

they choose to fight for the earth

that's why they will always win


now who's the winner miss goody goody


can survive the sacred water



anikage was right

if you cut off your horn the sacred

water can't hurt you but

this is my only horn do not worry we are

duke orbs our horns grow bad you knew

that didn't you uh


i knew that then let me help you

remember you're doing this for mandela

this is just the horn i would give

anything for my master

can't you see

the others are just using you be quiet i

trust them with my life


i can't believe you att*cked us

we're on your side

a ninja will do anything to fulfill his


that's it then i'm out of here

well rangers you are tougher than you


i can't believe how far he'll go

and we'll never lose to something so

heartless so ruthless that it will even

attack its own kind


it's a decoy

he fooled us again just another ninja


where'd he go he doesn't matter we have

to save the princess yeah let's go

come on toxico where are you

don't worry boss she'll be here any

minute i i made it

she's here i mean yeah she's here

yeah good job old girl i didn't mean old

old but you know what you did it

are you okay

whoa you're horn

joshua where's your horn

don't worry about it

they said i'll grow back

i will

landlock is that true you must be joking


but onikage said it would

i have no idea what you're talking about





you know i was kidding about the old

girl thing right come on tasca wake up

i can't believe you're so heartless to

use your own friends like that

don't make me laugh she's no friend of

mine what

well we're orgs right i mean i thought

we were on the same team silence


you didn't mean that

did you

oh you're still alive



stop right there

release the princess

immediately that's not going to happen

then you leave us no choice jungle





oh no

what i don't believe it i finally found

a good use for your


what have they done

mandela destroyed toxico

how could he you are proving to be the

best juke org i have ever met now take

care of the rangers for me at once

take the princess back now


jinjax i said now

here's my luck

right away

come on princess

princess stop

she's gone now and out of your reach

what and as for you

you were about to become nothing more

than a little problem


i don't believe it he didn't need

tucson's magic to grow stalking summoner

falcon sword descent





!sis stare


where'd he go

the wind

and orgs here

goodbye rangers

i can't see him but i know he's nearby


there he is


all right i did it luna wolf ranger

you're always interrupting my plans your

plans don't interest me just tell me

where the princess is you'll never find



come back

next time on power rangers wild force

you've set the perfect track

prepare to fight the dark side the

shadow rangers


and you will stay for eternity

you have to fight me alone

for the princess

rangers i've lost you

master orc has returned next time on

power rangers wild horse




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